Does Vitamin A (betacarotene) close growth plates faster?



Tall Dutch Redpilled Chad
Feb 1, 2020
Heard some people saying that Vit A is the growth plate closing vitamin. Are there any studies on it or is it cope. I need beta carotene for skin but i don't want my growth plates to close earlier.
If it does im gonna rope fuarrrk
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Here we go again
Yes there is a study
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Nah bro it doesnt i have talked to a chemist and countless dermatologists and read all the studies and it doesnt i mean one cancer patient have been on 40 mg isotretinoin for 10 years and he was growing normally
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Height and frame is pure genetics you can't control that stop this cope and accept your height.... if you can't then don't forget to wear your heels.
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  • JFL
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Height and frame is pure genetics you can't control that stop this cope and accept your height.... if you can't then don't forget to wear your heels.
cope, even mainstream science doesn't agree with what you just said...
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  • JFL
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Height and frame is pure genetics you can't control that stop this cope and accept your height.... if you can't then don't forget to wear your heels.

Mk-677 and peptides boyoooo . Aint cope if youre an openplatecel.
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facts bro. it doesnt produce enough hgh to make a significant change

That's true. I believe it was @Extra Chromosome who pointed this out to me. That's why it's commonly paired with peptides for height growth and what not. Personally I think I made a mistake by saying mk-677 wasent a cope, lol.
That's true. I believe it was @Extra Chromosome who pointed this out to me. That's why it's commonly paired with peptides for height growth and what not. Personally I think I made a mistake by saying mk-677 wasent a cope, lol; a mistake on my part. My stack includes peptides ALONG with mk-677. That's why I said it wasent cope.
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That's true. I believe it was @Extra Chromosome who pointed this out to me. That's why it's commonly paired with peptides for height growth and what not. Personally I think I made a mistake by saying mk-677 wasent a cope, lol.
wait what? jfl, mk 677 can be used to get more muscle i guess but height, no.
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wait what? jfl, mk 677 can be used to get more muscle i guess but height, no.

It's commonly paired with peptides like GHRP-2 , CJC-1295 ( w/ and w/o DAC) , and Hexarelin for an even greater increase of hgh. Mk-677 is added on for.... Like an added bonus?? If that makes any sense. So... By itself, sure. It can be regarded as cope.
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I mean think about it really we all grow no matter what this something you can't control because you'll become like your father or your grandpa .

You're most definitely correct by stating that height is determined by genetics; common knowledge, right? However, there have been cases where height growth was.... "boosted" by peptides such as GHRP-2 , Hexarelin, and CJC-1295 ( W/ or W/o DAC) along with mk-677 . So yes, without any sort of outside "help" height WILL be entirely regulated by genetics, but CAN / MAY be boosted by peptides or added growth hormone.
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It's commonly paired with peptides like GHRP-2 , CJC-1295 ( w/ and w/o DAC) , and Hexarelin for an even greater increase of hgh.
I mean think about it really we all grow no matter what this something you can't control because you'll become like your father or your grandpa .
if i would become like my grandpa i would already be 190cm bro. fuck
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It's commonly paired with peptides like GHRP-2 , CJC-1295 ( w/ and w/o DAC) , and Hexarelin for an even greater increase of hgh. Mk-677 is added on for.... Like an added bonus?? If that makes any sense. So... By itself, sure. It can be regarded as cope.
MK677 combined with CJC-1295 DAC and an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor such as galantamine and pyridostigmine would get you some interstitial growth. Just keep in mind that insulin resistance WILL occur after a long period of time whilst running a stack like this, metformin or berberine could be used after the cycle to regain insulin sensitivity.
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