"Don't do roids till you reach your genetic limit and above 25 years old"

Deleted member 1464

Deleted member 1464

Apr 14, 2019
Is this bullshit?

Aware me on the risks
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  • JFL
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Nothing matters in the end
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What kind of body do you want? Post pics
Of course it is, inject since 7

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Yes it's bs
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What kind of body do you want? Post pics
What kind of body i want?

Doesn't matter what I want, its genetics.

In terms of size.... idk, like fake natty status
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ideally start before 25 and after you 17
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I’m thinking of doing clen this summer

anyone have experience with it?
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I’m thinking of doing clen this summer

anyone have experience with it?

Clen lmao

If you're not a profesionnal don't take this shit
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I’ve been lifting for 2 years and I would not drink and I would take it very seriously. I just want a quick way to get ripped so I can looksmax in summer
Clen lmao

If you're not a profesionnal don't take this shit

I wasn’t aware clen was a big deal
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If you're a good responder then it's worth doing at any point
If you're a poor responder then to use a dose that's gonna be worth it in terms of muscle gain will probably bring too many side effects
In this case there's no point in losing hair and ruining your skin to build muscle tissue that you could've put on by training natty for a bit longer.
I’m thinking of doing clen this summer

anyone have experience with it?
It’s not what you think, it’s legit the equivalent of eating 150-200 calories less a day with side effects...
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I’m thinking of doing clen this summer

anyone have experience with it?
clen is very mild. increased heart rate and you get nervous easier, but great for cutting
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It’s not what you think, it’s legit the equivalent of eating 150-200 calories less a day with side effects...
yes but I think you retain more muscle as well
yes but I think you retain more muscle as well
Don’t worry about muscle retention unless you’re dieting down to below 10% bodyfat. Go in a medium deficit, keep protein up and training volume/intensity up... you will have little muscle loss this way.
What they claim is that the danger is your brain keeps developing until you are 25 and roids apparently stop the process. Most people here are a little fucked in the head anyway so I wouldn't worry about it.

I started at 24 and wish I had started a bit earlier. Definitely get at least 2 years of proper training and nutrition in naturally though and get lean before you get juicy.

If you are worried about your hair and are prone to hairloss then forget roids completely. No duta or fina will save it. I'd also say don't start if you don't plan on staying on (blast and cruise). You pretty much lose everything when you come off + your hormones will be even lower than you started. They may or may not get back up there. That means you will feel amazing for a while and then you will be a limp dicked depressed mess who is too anxious to hit the gym. Most people stop training due to the depression after a proper AAS cycle because it takes you so fucking high. Some test and tren literally makes you feel like a god among mortals. Even if you aren't the most handsome fucker you suddenly feel like the shit and keep admiring yourself in the mirror and feel like every chick is checking you out. I find the psychological side the most fascinating.
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Reactions: middayshowers, Deleted member 4614 and Deleted member 1464
If you are worried about your hair and are prone to hairloss then forget roids completely. No duta or fina will save it.
Duta and RU for once cycle will hold ground. I really really doubt I will even notice much recession after just one cycle. Unfortunately normies are retarded and there isn't much anecdotal evidence for this.

You pretty much lose everything when you come off
Pretty sure this is false? You lose the bloat. You don't lose EVERYTHING.

your hormones will be even lower than you started
until 25 no dht blockers
Duta and RU for once cycle will hold ground. I really really doubt I will even notice much recession after just one cycle. Unfortunately normies are retarded and there isn't much anecdotal evidence for this.

Pretty sure this is false? You lose the bloat. You don't lose EVERYTHING.


I've been doing this for 10 years lol. I see what's happening around me. You can keep some of your gains if you don't leave too much time in between cycles and don't stop following a good diet and training regimen during your off time. You also most likely keep what you gained up to your genetic potential. Usually people shrink right the fuck back down because they don't even feel like training without the juice. No pumps, no energy. It will feel worse than training naturally since you got used to being on juice.

What's the deal here with hairloss anyway? Most people don't lose shit. Some are unlucky. If you are unlucky you will notice it during your first cycle. I don't know what RU is but all roids fuck your hair. Including the ones that have nothing to do with DHT. Duta just stops test from turning into dht I think.

Your test might bounce back after a month-two months whatever (depending on how suppressed you are) or it might come back at lets say 70%. Blood tests are the only sure way to know anyway. Also back to holding gains for a sec. During the time you're off the juice and your natty testosterone is close to being nonexistent for a while. It's not doing any favors to holding the gains.
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I think people say this because they are mad they didn't juice earlier themselves
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I think people say this because they are mad they didn't juice earlier themselves
Whats best to inject? Hgh too expensive
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I need clenbuterol
I need clenbuterol
idk if its even that legit
I don't think I'd be able to handle the side effects, specifically insomnia
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idk if its even that legit
I don't think I'd be able to handle the side effects, specifically insomnia
@maxmendietta was taking it, asked if it helped him with losing weight and he said “ye u loose quite more but its more of a booster tbh. you breathe better and you burn way more calories when you arent doing excercise” but ye sides are probably brutal tbh, still eager to try it
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but ye sides are probably brutal tbh, still eager to try it
Me too man, whatever it takes tbh.

Water fasting seems worse than clen
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Of course it is, inject since 7

I remember back when I was 10 when this was big news all over media.

Wonder what these kids are up to now.
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  • JFL
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Yes it's BS. I want the benefits of roiding in college. It's still better to train naturally for at least a year tho.
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Reactions: forwardgrowth and Deleted member 1464
it's gigabullshit. after 25 if u haven't married stacy it's over. best time to get steroids is immediately after you stop growing (height wise)
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Reactions: Zeta ascended and Deleted member 1464
Total bullshit its a meme pushed by balding internet boomers, you should do roids after a few months of working out and dieting consistently. Stay clear from any roid advice outside the looksphere they push retarded cycles and ridiculous dosages for looksmaxxers.
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if you are even considering taking steroids and you don’t already have a decent baseline of muscle mass, strength or training routine established then it’s probably a bad idea. But I guess if you have maxed out your natural potential (which I highly doubt any of you have) and you want to take yourself to the next level in order to compete in a bodybuilding competition or something, then sure go for it! take steroids. Just educate yourself. But seriously, it isn’t necessary unless you wanna look like a freak. for example, i can already bench 280 and deadlift 495 and i’m a lifetime natural, so why would i bother taking steroids? i already look jacked as fuck and I’m happy with my physique. training naturally is underrated because 99% of people are lazy as fuck and don’t even lift, or if they do lift, they do it poorly once a week and then eat potato chips and ice cream
if you are even considering taking steroids and you don’t already have a decent baseline of muscle mass, strength or training routine established then it’s probably a bad idea.
I think people say this because they are mad they didn't juice earlier themselves

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