Dont fall for primerica (shitty pyramid scheme that advertises “financial freedom”)



Sep 27, 2024
So theres this dumbass “heslthcare service” called primerica. I put quotes because it technically is a legit health care company. In fact its one of the bigest health care services in the world yet you dont even know it exists.

From a first glance ud think its some legit company just trying to sell health care as its won multiple awards, owns multiple subcompanies, powerful af, thousands of employees. And thats what theyll tell u at the “interview”

Again i put interview in quotes cause its not even a real interview.

but before we even get to the “interview” whats sketchy about this company off rip is their primary method of recruitment is shit like snapchat, instagram, i seen them on tiktok. Thats already a huge redflag if a company is legit and is in need of workers their going to go on some official shit like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, or Indeed. Shit they might just put posters on their buildings. But their not going to fucking recruit from snapchat. The reason they dont recruit on anything official is because its not even a real fucking job. The “workers” arent even really workers their basically just cult members

During the interview it starts off nice they will ease you in flexing how their one of the most trusted health care services. They try to establish trust cause they know damn well nobody even knows what the fuck it is. They also avoid saying their company name so u dont go search it up. I had to ask the lady like twice for her tk say the name

Also in the interview they dont give a shit what u even say. They will ask “what skills you have” to try to make it sound like a legit interview. You could legit say u run a illegal underground crackhouse and theyll probably let it slide cause at the end of the day its not a real interview.

The person interviewing u will also try to connect on a personal level by telling u some bullshit story. This bitch told me she was working at target and wasnt getting paid enough so she found out about this bullshit company and started making $2,000+ or more each month easily. They like to pretend that ur going to make lots of money but in reality ur just going to get finessed. Basicaly the only way ur going to make money is by h recruiting people to the pyramid scheme and ull tell them to get sales. Ull conduct the same fake interview that was done on u and once they get sales u get a percentage of that money. Also just realize that if you get someone to sign up for the shitty healthcare if they cancel it within a year which most probably will after they realize all the underlying fees and hidden shit in it. All the “thousands” youve made goes straight to the company

On top of that they make you “pay $120 for a background check”. Any company that makes you pay up front for anything at all in order to get hired is a fucking scam. Everything is either going to be 100% free or they might just deduct shit from your first pay check. The only other possibility is equipment for the job like proper shoes but u can get that from walmart not the company.

Also i dont even think the background check is real im pretty sure the only thing their doing is looking up ur personal info so they can see if u have friends and family that u can use to recruit into the pyramid scheme.

This is a cult tactic where theyll want a investment that way ull feel like ur already so deep in u cant leave after u paid rhe $120

What makes it worse is at the end of the interview the interviewer asks u for ur social security number and other shit in order to sign u up. I told her im not giving it over the phone so i just ask her to send me the login link. I open the link and thats when i got to my last straw. The fucking link had some letters behind it like join.primerica/Ahdbdbchnrd or some shit

That means its 100% some referral code so shes just making money off of me signing up. Thats when i looked up the company and realized its a fucking pyramid scheme and then i blocked the bitch

There are many people who have been in primerica working hours and hours and havent made a single dollar. Just work at mcdonalds

They dont even tell u what ur going to do at the job or look for nexessary skills. They just flex that their company is huge and then say some vague shit about how ur going to do “sales”

Also the “orientation” is fake too and just a way to introduce u to the pyramid scheme. They basically make u call ur family members and either make u try to recruit them in the pyramid scheme or try to get them to sign up for the shitty insurance

Also primerica insurance is shitty just use statefarm. They pretend primerica is cheaper but its not it has a lot of hidden shit
That company is still operating? LOL

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