Don't let your money rot in the bank



Jul 16, 2019
You need some liquidity, but if you have some decent saving and you just have them rotting in the bank you are losing money.

You are wasting time, you should do whatever with that money, anything put them in (idk the name in english but this shit that they pay rentability), invests, long term invests, bussiness, investing in yourself (studies, whatever shit that you can learn) and investing in your looks (only people here know that this is hella important).

Having money rotting is just a bad option. Inflation and money devaluation is real, in 20 years what you can buy with a euro you will need 2.

I see idiots here saying that you shouldn't do anything with your money unless you have 100k... Listen to these idiots and you will spend your old days working like a moron. Literal mediocre mindset, and extremly low T. (You can equally this as "bro why would tou go to gym if you are just 5'9").

I know close people that started at 20 putting their shit tier saving in invests and in bank funds and other bussiness and they retired at 50 with a shit ton of money saving and insane passive earning.

Of course you need to do intelligent decisions with your money, but it isn't that hard to actually do them.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Davidjolski, Stingray, Lorsss and 12 others
Damn your right i will invest my 2.30 dollars in apple
  • JFL
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Just imagine how much money you'd have if you invested a small amount of 10.000 euro's into Google or Apple just 20 years ago.
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  • JFL
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Damn your right i will invest my 2.30 dollars in apple
Don't be autistic, of course you need some significant amount to start in stock investing. Anyways stock isn't the only type of invest.
Just imagine how much money you'd have if you invested a small amount of 10.000 euro's into Google or Apple just 20 years ago.
wish i did it at 4 and got lefort 3 back then or at 10
wish i did it at 4 and got lefort 3 back then or at 10
Ah yes. For my children I will gift them a Lefort 1 at 10, lf2 at 13, and lf3 at 16. For their eighteenth birthday I will gift them an orbital box osteotomy of course
  • JFL
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Thx prime chico bro
  • JFL
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Nice and correct thread bro
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How to actually do this? Zerooo help. Show us how to do this.
You need some liquidity, but if you have some decent saving and you just have them rotting in the bank you are losing money.

You are wasting time, you should do whatever with that money, anything put them in (idk the name in english but this shit that they pay rentability), invests, long term invests, bussiness, investing in yourself (studies, whatever shit that you can learn) and investing in your looks (only people here know that this is hella important).

Having money rotting is just a bad option. Inflation and money devaluation is real, in 20 years what you can buy with a euro you will need 2.

I see idiots here saying that you shouldn't do anything with your money unless you have 100k... Listen to these idiots and you will spend your old days working like a moron. Literal mediocre mindset, and extremly low T. (You can equally this as "bro why would tou go to gym if you are just 5'9").

I know close people that started at 20 putting their shit tier saving in invests and in bank funds and other bussiness and they retired at 50 with a shit ton of money saving and insane passive earning.

Of course you need to do intelligent decisions with your money, but it isn't that hard to actually do them.
The biggest fear of having a large sum in the bank is a financial crisis where all my money could loose all its value overnight

Jfl I first have to make that kind of money
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Read the book The Millionare Fastlane. Most important thing is maximizing you’re income so you can live you’re life however you want, fuck working a dead beat job for 30-40 years and than finally retiring by the time you’re 65 years old and that’s lucky if you’re “stocks/retirement fund” doesn’t get destroyed. This is the mindset many people have, bro just invest in a 401/Roth Ira, etc. You may have to work for somebody else at the beginning but gather as much capital/knowledge you can have to start you’re own business in whatever industry Real Estate, etc. It’s not an easy road and there’s hundreds of variables at stake, but tgis was just a quick sum up. Don’t be a sheep and live like everybody else, making 50-60k and working till they are 65 and finally “retiring” when they are one step away from their deathbed. Time is everything and no matter who you are time will get you.
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I have a lot of money rotting in the bank because I don't buy anything (no car, hobbies...) and I am too lazy to think what to do with it and then do it.
Just do high risk shit and lose what little money u have theory
This is news to me , What exactly do you mean by invest in books , how is that good for me in the future ?
This is news to me , What exactly do you mean by invest in books , how is that good for me in the future ?
Is a way to talk, is inesting in education and knowledge that will give you advantages in the future.
Just do high risk shit and lose what little money u have theory
Half of the invests are less risky than having all the money in a bank account.
Investing as a normie is cope you would have lost it all in the recent market collapse
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You realise money can undergo deflation as well right? That’s starting to happen in some countries for the first time since the 60s
  • +1
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You realise money can undergo deflation as well right? That’s starting to happen in some countries for the first time since the 60s
jews wont let this happen
I have a lot of money rotting in the bank because I don't buy anything (no car, hobbies...) and I am too lazy to think what to do with it and then do it.
send me 500$ buddyboyo
jews wont let this happen
Jews are in freefall at the moment. Corona was not supposed to happen. The ricecels threw a spanner in the works of the Jewish plans.
Jews dominate everyone but rices, they are th final boss level for the kike.
  • JFL
Reactions: Hector and Deleted member 275
Jews are in freefall at the moment. Corona was not supposed to happen. The ricecels threw a spanner in the works of the Jewish plans.
Jews dominate everyone but rices, they are th final boss level for the kike.
We shall dominate the world affair once more brother. The gooks will be dealt with like the nazis and communists. God wills it the goys will bow
  • Ugh..
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I don't need to worry about money rotting in the bank if I don't have money in the first place

banks pay interest brainlet
  • JFL
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You need some liquidity, but if you have some decent saving and you just have them rotting in the bank you are losing money.

You are wasting time, you should do whatever with that money, anything put them in (idk the name in english but this shit that they pay rentability), invests, long term invests, bussiness, investing in yourself (studies, whatever shit that you can learn) and investing in your looks (only people here know that this is hella important).

Having money rotting is just a bad option. Inflation and money devaluation is real, in 20 years what you can buy with a euro you will need 2.

I see idiots here saying that you shouldn't do anything with your money unless you have 100k... Listen to these idiots and you will spend your old days working like a moron. Literal mediocre mindset, and extremly low T. (You can equally this as "bro why would tou go to gym if you are just 5'9").

I know close people that started at 20 putting their shit tier saving in invests and in bank funds and other bussiness and they retired at 50 with a shit ton of money saving and insane passive earning.

Of course you need to do intelligent decisions with your money, but it isn't that hard to actually do them.
Investing is cope for large majority of people

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