Drugs and Supplements all toxic



Jun 16, 2023
Drugs are industrial chemicals combined in different ways to create a change in bodily conditions. Industrial chemicals have no relationship to nourishment. Nourishment grows, maintains and renews the body every moment that food passes through our digestive tracts. As food passes through, usually in 24 hours, bacteria digest and release nutrients in the food that gives us energy, vitality and bodily stability, that is homeostasis.

Drugs cannot create homeostasis. In fact, they create the opposite. They create disease and suffering. If we were to try and live on medication and supplements without food, we would quickly become ill and die. Even eating ultra-processed foods can quickly make us sick and diseased as proved in the documentary "Supersize Me". In the film, the subject ate nothing but McDonalds "wholesome" food for 30 days. He gained about 30 pounds, diabetic symptoms, depression and anxiety in just 30 days.

ALL supplements are chemically derived even if they are from food sources. In order to isolate a nutrient from food, heat and industrial solvents must be utilized. In "natural" supplements, kerosene, kerosene-derivatives and/or ethyl alcohol are used. Although they are considered natural, they are highly toxic, and to varying degrees damage animal/human cells. Kerosene, ethyl alcohol and other industrial processes are used to dissolve food from which substances will be extracted and negatively alter those substances sought.

Do we think that rinsing it will eliminate the solvents or are they etched into food molecules and sub-particles? What chemicals are formed with the interaction of the solvents and food? Would we soak our food in kerosene or ethyl alcohol for 30 minutes, rinse it for 30-45 seconds and eat it? That is a mild scenario of the industrial process. Laboratories usually soak food for 6-10 hours to dissolve it and rinse for 30-180 seconds.

Then they use various industrial processes to isolate parts of the dissolved food that they will sell as nutrients. All nutrients are complex. Once nutrient-complexes are separated, they no longer function as holistic nutrients, causing accumulation of fragmented nutrient-parts and imbalances. That does not include the kerosene or alcohol contamination within the so-called "nutritional" supplements. Deformed fragment and solvent toxicity accumulates, causing great imbalances on cellular levels.

In order for a company to grow and process foods to isolate and extract so-called concentrated "nutrients", they would have to produce at least 20 supplements to gain a profit. They would have to isolate at least 20 separate "nutrients" that they can package and sell in order to profit.

If, for instance, a company produced only 1 supplement from a specific food that they grew, one bottle or even one pill would cost about $1000 yet still not be truly natural and complete.

Example: Vitamin E​

For example, how many units of vitamin E are in one ear of corn to make one low-dose vitamin E capsule containing 100 I.U.? If the company and lab are very very lucky, they might derived 50 I.U. from one ear of corn, that is only 1/2 capsule. The average cost to grow one ear of corn is 50 cents.

First, let's take a brief look at vitamin E. Vitamin E from food sources is listed as "d-alpha- tocopherol" on food packaging and supplement labels. Synthetic (laboratory-made) vitamin E is listed as "dl-alpha-tocopherol". Some food-sourced vitamin E supplements provide other forms that are vitamin E-related, such as gamma-tocopherol, tocotrienols, and mixed tocopherols. They constitute the vitamin E complex. All of those must be present to utilize vitamin E efficiently to accomplish the many things that our bodies perform with it. Some people take large doses because they believe or hope that doing so will keep them healthy or lower their risk of certain diseases.

The myth is that we have to derive vitamin E from food or supplemental sources. The truth is that our bodies create vitamin E from completely raw natural fats through healthy natural bacterial processing during digestion. If digestion is healthy and uncontaminated, during digestion, our bodies' intestinal bacteria not only fractionate food molecules but redesign them, including the production of vitamin E. Cooking, processing and chemically treating food destroys creative bacteria in our intestines, causing massive deficiencies such as vitamin E. Consequently, absence of vitamin E causes oxidization and other toxic substances that result in symptoms of aging.

Returning to vitamin E manufacturing, the wastes remaining from "natural" supplemental processes are 99.9999% of the corn. Waste is voluminous and very expensive as well as harmful to environments. Therefore to be profitable a company and/or lab making the vitamin must find other uses for all of that waste. Most food manufacturers sell waste as animal feed that will grow inferior and diseased animals for meat, diary and eggs. All animals have grown and been vital on their natural raw diets, disease-free for millions of years. As Hippocrates stated, let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. Processed chemicallized fodder is not a natural diet to any creature.

In "natural" supplement-manufacturing what actually happens is, a well-meaning person representing a company approaches representatives at laboratories and asks for bids or estimates for cost of producing an "all natural" vitamin supplement. The lab wants the work. The representative tells the company representative that they will produce an "all natural" supplement in which they will not add or use any thing that is not a natural substance. Usually, no one knows that ethyl alcohol and kerosene will be used since they are "natural" solvents.

Most supplemental companies do not grow or utilize raw food from which they derive their "natural" supplements. To make products viable and profitable for both parties, the lab goes to food- manufacturers and buys their waste. Food- manufacturers sell their waste (already chemically and industrially processed with thousands of chemicals) to the lab. The lab dissolves the waste without adding new chemicals that are not "natural". They use the "natural" solvents mentioned above: ethyl alcohol, kerosene and/or kerosene derivative. They label their supplements "All Natural". NO SUPPLEMENT IS TRULY NATURAL, ORGANIC AND BIOACTIVE.

Now, let's consider the composition of synthetic vitamin E. It is made by combining industrial chemicals completely unrelated to food. They are as able to create real vitamin E as laboratories are able to build an apple from chemicals. It is impossible and ludicrous to make such claims. It simply cannot be done.

In fact, did you know that most synthetic vitamin E is the byproduct of film-developing chemicals? Film-developing chemicals are extremely toxic. They are expensive to contain and dispose of the waste. Sometime in the 1960's a scientist noticed that petroleum-based film-developing fluid waste looked about 70% like vitamin E. Instead of film- developing companies paying enormous costs of waste disposal, they diversified into processing and selling the toxic waste as vitamin E. Ninety-five percent of supplemental vitamin E consumed in the world is, or is very similar to, toxic film- development waste.
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