Dumb = ALPHA, smart = BETA; evolved = WIMP, unevolved = TOUGH. NATURE 101


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
I think this is water but you know how we correlate how evolved someone is with intelligence? Well, here's essentially what that means...

MORE evolved (smarter, higher inhib, thinks twice, semi-NT, etc.) = higher intellect. Someone who thinks before doing worries about consequences. Harm avoidance is a beta trait but it's also an evolved trait because avoiding harm is what civilized, more evolved animals do -- they try & keep the order. Alphas just want to impose and dominate under any way they find fit -- IQ may matter here, sure, but look at how ruthless and careless some are at obtaining their goals. Now give those most destructive people an IQ test & watch it be low.

LESS evolved (lower inhib, dumber usually, very wired/talkative, usually NT) = lower intellect. Someone who never thinks before doing sees danger more. This is more alpha/lower intelligence usually because (look at blacks and curries for reference) they often destroy communities, become crime-infested, etc. This is why there's that correlation between inceldom, higher IQ, higher inhib, etc. It all goes together. Incels are often average to high IQ, almost never low IQ/low sentience. Meanwhile low IQ thugs can slay plenty while booksmart incels rot.

So the general rule of thumb here is that more "evolved" people lose some animalistic tone but gain rationale; less "evolved" are more animal but less thought-oriented AKA why low-inhib dudes tend to also not be too intellectual/foresight-like. How low-inhib/brute are guys like Einstein, Tesla, etc,? All "historical geniuses" are always average inhib or high inhib. Show me a big brain who's super low inhib/low sentience/doesn't think before speaking ... YOU CAN'T. All you gotta do is observe the people to see all you need to know. Are whites/Asians -- often highest IQs -- low inhib gangbangers/thugmaxxers/etc.? No ... It's 3rd world shitskins, blacks, etc. mostly.

Most of the smartest dudes in history who were our founding fathers hated blacks and considered them to be lower IQ due to their aggressiveness. Many believed that the reason for separating the races is due to their inherent differences that couldn't work together, like a bunch of blacks looting and robbing in hordes probably doesn't go along well with a bunch of whites trying to work/uphold society somewhat.

It is the thought that counts when it comes to determining how rational or evolved one is -- one who blabs/talks a lot/is low-inhib is usually not too smart. One simple way to do this is to consider Mensa/other super high IQ individuals and tell me how many of those are low-inhib swagmonkeys with no filter. The people here on Looksmax who post themselves probably are low-inhib, high alpha, but low IQ.

You are probably aware of this if you have even a smidge of sentience ... It's not hard to see because you can tell it by looking at one; their body language; their face (physiognomy); etc. Spend 5-10 minutes around someone unhinged & you'll know everything of 'em.

It is all a tradeoff in the end ... Higher T = less evolved = lower IQ/poorer decision making is more likely (see: crime & testosterone). You can testmaxx but then you'll low inhib/de-evolvemaxx & be more likely a crime factory; make dumber choices. On the flipside you can evolvemaxx but you must re-wire your mittaz and alter your hormones & experiences to be more fit for an evolved order. You cannot change this much but some can be forced to evolve/de-evolve, but most is innate AKA you will never change much.

We are the result of God, so odds are you're either a natural born monkey or an incel. Monkeys = more ruthless; more alpha; less smart but higher chance at mating/sex/etc. But higher IQ/more evolved/more restricted & held back; thinking; foresight? You are a natural born incel ... Congrats. You are either monkey or incel for the most part ... Or GL & ugly too.
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What would you say this is?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 21863 and Deleted member 20704
Major cope thread.

The entirety of human history has consisted of dumb men getting enslaved, castrated and whipped in to a coral like livestock while their women get bred by the more evolved men.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 21863, Deleted member 21340, Deleted member 17920 and 1 other person
What would you say this is?
View attachment 1923563

Sean O'Pry autist phenotype so definitely more incel, yeah. Looks help the inhibited incel nerds get success but monkeys don't need much in the way of looks to help them. I think this explains the whole thug angle ... Some just "have it" AKA they are natural born monkeys so looks may not matter for them but for those of us with more intellect and inhibition we are more incel-like and thus depend on our looks (or in my case my looks when I was younger as I have grossly become uglier in the last 10 years for sure). So yeah, monkey or incel is the game.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
Major cope thread.

The entirety of human history has consisted of dumb men getting enslaved, castrated and whipped in to a coral like livestock.

Yeah, because brute can succumb to beta enslavers. Who do you think the alphas were? Brute black guys or the low-T whiteys who chained 'em? Brutes are alphas no matter what because they are the most akin to wild animals; the beta enslavers are still beta incels in the end too.

In nature plenty of beta animals find ways to trick the alphas so they can become more powerful ... Humans do it with money/brain mostly but brain is certainly involved in all animals in which the most mighty get put down under by the weaker through some clever tricks/regimes.

The dumb got enslaved because ... WAIT FOR IT ... They are dumb.

Meanwhile nobody would ever tell you that the person who enslaved a 200 lb. negro who looks like he's on roids natty is a low IQ dude. Nobody is going to believe a ruthless, savage, alpha type getting restrained is the result of anything but beta's intelligence over the brute.

People just wanna cope that alpha = better at everything, but life's all about tradeoffs. Chads tend to be dumber; incels tend to be smarter. It is this way because there are always variances/roles people naturally acclimatize toward to make the best of their lives ultimately.

Why do you think good looking peeps are presumed to be dumb? Good looks = alpha/good genes/primal trait so it's assumed to be low IQ. Just look low-inhib guys are presumed to be more fit to reproduce with, all else equal, than a high inhib guy. It's all about what works.

How many low inhib thugs are presumed to be high IQ, the actual alpha/rugged/DOM types that slay? NONE.

How many higher inhib, beta/unassuming/non-threatening peep nerds are presumed to be low IQ? NONE.

Why do you think in school they call the softer, more inhib guys nerds?

Why do you think in school they call the more low inhib, outspoken dudes dumb/fuckboys/etc.?
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Sean O'Pry autist phenotype so definitely more incel, yeah. Looks help the inhibited incel nerds get success but monkeys don't need much in the way of looks to help them. I think this explains the whole thug angle ... Some just "have it" AKA they are natural born monkeys so looks may not matter for them but for those of us with more intellect and inhibition we are more incel-like and thus depend on our looks (or in my case my looks when I was younger as I have grossly become uglier in the last 10 years for sure). So yeah, monkey or incel is the game.
I have the alien skull shape.

Alien looks are ideal.
891705adbaa0ad272d595a0fbaa962f7964dfbeb 00
Yeah, because brute can succumb to beta enslavers. Who do you think the alphas were? Brute black guys or the low-T whiteys who chained 'em? Brutes are alphas no matter what because they are the most akin to wild animals; the beta enslavers are still beta incels in the end too.

In nature plenty of beta animals find ways to trick the alphas so they can become more powerful ... Humans do it with money/brain mostly but brain is certainly involved in all animals in which the most mighty get put down under by the weaker through some clever tricks/regimes.

The dumb got enslaved because ... WAIT FOR IT ... They are dumb.

Meanwhile nobody would ever tell you that the person who enslaved a 200 lb. negro who looks like he's on roids natty is a low IQ dude. Nobody is going to believe a ruthless, savage, alpha type getting restrained is the result of anything but beta's intelligence over the brute.

People just wanna cope that alpha = better at everything, but life's all about tradeoffs. Chads tend to be dumber; incels tend to be smarter.

Cope, blax were betas.

Whites were bigger, more alpha, dominant men. African Americans were pygmies before white men raped them and gave them Northern Euro Chad DNA :chad:
How can you be less evolved than someone shit thread.
Yeah, because brute can succumb to beta enslavers. Who do you think the alphas were? Brute black guys or the low-T whiteys who chained 'em? Brutes are alphas no matter what because they are the most akin to wild animals; the beta enslavers are still beta incels in the end too.

In nature plenty of beta animals find ways to trick the alphas so they can become more powerful ... Humans do it with money/brain mostly but brain is certainly involved in all animals in which the most mighty get put down under by the weaker through some clever tricks/regimes.

The dumb got enslaved because ... WAIT FOR IT ... They are dumb.

Meanwhile nobody would ever tell you that the person who enslaved a 200 lb. negro who looks like he's on roids natty is a low IQ dude. Nobody is going to believe a ruthless, savage, alpha type getting restrained is the result of anything but beta's intelligence over the brute.

People just wanna cope that alpha = better at everything, but life's all about tradeoffs. Chads tend to be dumber; incels tend to be smarter. It is this way because there are always variances/roles people naturally acclimatize toward to make the best of their lives ultimately.

Why do you think good looking peeps are presumed to be dumb? Good looks = alpha/good genes/primal trait so it's assumed to be low IQ. Just look low-inhib guys are presumed to be more fit to reproduce with, all else equal, than a high inhib guy. It's all about what works.

Cope. Good looking people are considered more intelligent and stronger.


Wakandans are the weakest most feminine race. Thats why the popo abuse them.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20704
Cope, blax were betas.

Whites were bigger, more alpha, dominant men. African Americans were pygmies before white men raped them and gave them Northern Euro Chad DNA :chad:

Then why are blacks the ones who are almost never incel, whereas most incels are white guys in any first-world country?

It's not that difficult ... Re-read this thread and see my additional responses and it should all hopefully come together for you all. Just look around -- it takes white Chad to slay but some negro who is uglier than sin can have 60 kids with 90 different women ... ALPHAness beating BETAness. This is where looks come in because they can change the rules of the game & grant the more beta-natured dude success with out needing the nigger alpha traits that grants them the ability and finesse to succeed primitively/primally. RE-READ this thread.
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Then why are blacks the ones who are almost never incel, whereas most incels are white guys in any first-world country?

It's not that difficult ... Re-read this thread and see my additional responses and it should all hopefully come together for you all.

Oh man this must be this poor fucker's first time using the internet.

Blacks are more incel than whites nowadays and are more likely to be gay/transsexual to boot. Meaning much of that sex that they do have involves them getting fucked up the ass.

Oh man this must be this poor fucker's first time using the internet.

Blacks are more incel than whites nowadays and are more likely to be gay/transsexual to boot. Meaning much of that sex that they do have involves them getting fucked up the ass.


Keep dreaming ... Yeah, lots of higher T and more primitive dudes in the wild can be faggots/engage in faggotry but that's besides the point.

Saying a black incel or blackcel is an oxymoron ... Almost like a femcel. I have never seen a genuine blackcel IRL -- most get sex before 12 while many white guys need to be PSL 6+ to have sex in their late teens/20s due to the stark contrast in the alpha vs. beta traits & looks factors.

The difference MUST be alphaness, IQ and sentience/inhibition/etc. because....

MOST Blacks are subhuman & dumb but are never considered incels, while many White boys are considered smarter but are more incel-ish. Looks may come in to play but at the times when the looks can't stand out then it comes down to primitiveness which blacks always win at.
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Keep dreaming ... Yeah, lots of higher T and more primitive dudes in the wild can be faggots/engage in faggotry but that's besides the point.

Saying a black incel or blackcel is an oxymoron ... Almost like a femcel. I have never seen a genuine blackcel IRL --

Of course you haven't, you live in a white suburb and you never see blacks, period.

Blacks are less primitive from a purely biological standpoint.

most get sex before 12 while many white guys need to be PSL 6+ to have sex in their late teens/20s due to the stark contrast in the alpha vs. beta traits & looks factors.

Major cope. White men are far more desired by women than blacks.

Hard to look alpha when your entire race was enslaved for 300 years and women still see blacks on the side of the road screaming for their mama in handcuffs... Over 2 million black men served in America's McPrison's daily.

The difference MUST be alphaness, IQ and sentience/inhibition/etc. because....

MOST Blacks are subhuman & dumb but are never considered incels

Because most Americans are living far away from blacks like you yourself do, having no knowledge of how beta blacks actually are.

, while many White boys are considered smarter but are more incel-ish. Looks may come in to play but at the times when the looks can't stand out then it comes down to primitiveness which blacks always win at.

Cope. Blacks got whipped, beaten and castrated for 300 years by whites. Sounds awful primitive.

Are you still coping, you kaffir motherfucker?









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  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface and Deleted member 20704

Are you still coping, you kaffir motherfucker?










More proof of blacks being primitive you tard. Look at the contrast between the whitecel enslaving and the blackalphas there.

Why do you think BBC porn became a thing? Because blacks are SEXUAL more, otherwise it'd be BAC (big Asian cock) or etc.

Blacks INNATELY obviously tend to be more sexual; primitive; more capable of utilizing their masculine wiles; etc.

Why else would we have BBC theory, NT theory, etc.? The biggest promoters of this -- in stark effects toward poverty/etc. -- ARE BLACKS. Blacks are the ones who are known to be poor, ugly, stupid, etc. yet STILL SOMEHOW have 600 baby mamas and etc.

I am not coping here ... I knew some blacks in school and even the most mundane looking dudes still tend to be not be incel.

Meanwhile how many school shooting blackcels do you know? Why are most vanmaxxed killers whiteys, not blacks? Come on now...

BETAS can OUT SMART alphas ... That is the case with the weak, soyish whites imprisoning and using logistics/technicalities to punish the more primitive alphas. All it takes is looking at blacks to know if they are primitive or not ... And if you aren't blind it's obvious.
More proof of blacks being primitive you tard. Look at the contrast between the whitecel enslaving and the blackalphas there.

Why do you think BBC porn became a thing? Because blacks are SEXUAL more, otherwise it'd be BAC (big Asian cock) or etc.

Blacks INNATELY obviously tend to be more sexual; primitive; more capable of utilizing their masculine wiles; etc.

Why else would we have BBC theory, NT theory, etc.? The biggest promoters of this -- in stark effects toward poverty/etc. -- ARE BLACKS. Blacks are the ones who are known to be poor, ugly, stupid, etc. yet STILL SOMEHOW have 600 baby mamas and etc.

I am not coping here ... I knew some blacks in school and even the most mundane looking dudes still tend to be not be incel.

Meanwhile how many school shooting blackcels do you know? Why are most vanmaxxed killers whiteys, not blacks? Come on now...

BETAS can OUT SMART alphas ... That is the case with the weak, soyish whites imprisoning and using logistics/technicalities to punish the more primitive alphas. All it takes is looking at blacks to know if they are primitive or not ... And if you aren't blind it's obvious.

You cant use logistics to put someone in handcuffs you stupid coping femcel faggot. Blacks are innately less masculine and more matriarchal. Dark skinned races typically are.

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