Easiest Way To Get A LTR



Oct 25, 2018
Go to a bar and talk to people. Bring a friend or two so people know you are tolerable company. Get involved in a political campaign. Bring your dog to the dog park and have conversations. Find a group of people who like your football team and party with them every week (there are five cute single women in my football-party group, and four of them are non-crazy and I would set them up with male friends if any of the guys I knew were looking/single). If your entire existence is very online, what kind of fun are you as a partner anyway?

Also if you are a 4 go for a 4, if you are 5 go for a 5, don't go for over your looks.

This is most legit advice, ussaly being NT and common intrests are all you need.
Explains why so many guys here are GL but can't get a girl.

TLDR: Develop some hobbies or go outside and talk to opposite gender. Don't go to comic con convetions to meet women lol
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you can’t just have one lucky day at the bar and come here and project your observations and missed opportunities that you craft into stories
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just be confident bro

but you are right, won't get a gf by sitting in your basement all day
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Dnr tldr pls?
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you can’t just have one lucky day at the bar and come here and project your observations and missed opportunities that you craft into stories
Legit this is the best advice you can get, yet you don't want to aceept it. Can't help them all I guess.
Dnr tldr pls?
If you don't put the effort in, you won't get the result, simple as that.
Legit this is the best advice you can get, yet you don't want to aceept it. Can't help them all I guess.

If you don't put the effort in, you won't get the result, simple as that.
ironic coming from u. but ur right
shit thread
pretty true, when one meets the minimum looks requirement.
Then, being social. Meeting new people/women regularly. And not being to much high inhib that you dan't flirt/hit on women.
These are important aspects, for a regular man to have if they to an decent extend if he wants an LTR or active-ish sex-life.
Go to a bar and talk to people. Bring a friend or two so people know you are tolerable company. Get involved in a political campaign. Bring your dog to the dog park and have conversations. Find a group of people who like your football team and party with them every week (there are five cute single women in my football-party group, and four of them are non-crazy and I would set them up with male friends if any of the guys I knew were looking/single). If your entire existence is very online, what kind of fun are you as a partner anyway?

Also if you are a 4 go for a 4, if you are 5 go for a 5, don't go for over your looks.

This is most legit advice, ussaly being NT and common intrests are all you need.
Explains why so many guys here are GL but can't get a girl.

TLDR: Develop some hobbies or go outside and talk to opposite gender. Don't go to comic con convetions to meet women lol
just be white and thats it
pretty true, when one meets the minimum looks requirement.
Then, being social. Meeting new people/women regularly. And not being to much high inhib that you dan't flirt/hit on women.
These are important aspects, for a regular man to have if they to an decent extend if he wants an LTR or active-ish sex-life.
Exactly, thanks for understanding. As I keep saying for a year, all men mostly here arent subhumanbut just think they are
just be white and thats it
or Black and date same race? Or Asian and date asian?
good thread from an OG user.
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Dnr kys
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I like you but this is a bad thread imo.
You bassically said go out.
Which is pretty obvious if you want a gf
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land whale max, easiest ngl
Exactly, thanks for understanding. As I keep saying for a year, all men mostly here arent subhuman but just think they are
Is it, because they have high looks standards for women and only want/go for women above their looks league?
Or, maybe because they underestimate their own looks level. ?

Or are they aspie, or high inhib, or garage dwellers, that never leave the house and don't meet people.

So many options, it's hard to say.
Go to a bar and talk to people. -
De paseo por el infierno sexual los hombres que se reunen para insultar a las mujeres

everyone knows this,doesn't work if ugly

Get involved in a political campaign. -

99% males there and the females are overly orbited by males due to ratios

Bring your dog to the dog park and have conversations. -
Prepare to be dogpilled

. Find a group of people who like your football team -
The only people you'll attract talking about sports is middle aged beer gutted losers who pretend to be apart of their favourite team.

If you make another shit thread like this ever again I'll get this guy to torment you to oblivion again

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If you go to a bar to find a relationship 95% you’re gonna bag a whore
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LOL @ peeps getting LTRs from a "bar".

Get them from a University library or some shit.
Are you still a Virgin @FatmanO ?

Sure even Chad won't get girls if he become reclusive but going out to get girls as a sub6 man is a meme. Even if you somehow get a landwhale she's just bored and using you for validation/Money.

Sure even Chad won't get girls if he become reclusive but going out to get girls as a sub6 man is a meme. Even if you somehow get a landwhale she's just bored and using you for validation/Money.
You must not go outside then.
You must not go outside then.
One time at a club I approached a girl, she was my looksmatch or even below, she literally pushed me away.

This is the kind of shit that happens when I "put myself out there"
One time at a club I approached a girl, she was my looksmatch or even below, she literally pushed me away.

This is the kind of shit that happens when I "put myself out there"
Only In Sweden. Or perhaps she had a boyfriend.
What is your slay count again? I wonder because your threads seem to speak from a lot of experience.
What is your slay count again? I wonder because your threads seem to speak from a lot of experience.
Ive went from being invisible to used for validation/backup plan to some women approaching me. Im very kind without expecting anything in return, very altruistic, and NT so that might definitly help tho.
Ive went from being invisible to used for validation/backup plan to some women approaching me. Im very kind without expecting anything in return, very altruistic, and NT so that might definitly help tho.
What is your count?
And live with the paranoia of a guy 1.25 PSL higher showing up (specially if both of you are seen at the same time by your gf) and ruining forever your gf's pure attraction for you? No thanks. If you are not 7.5+ PSL (so there is nobody that can mog you by more than one point) don't bother getting a gf.

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