Economic Collapse is inevitable for the US



May 24, 2019
In response to the democratic debates,

The US dollar collapsing is on the verge of collapse. It's funny how the democrats act as if they know anything, when in reality, their policies will bring speed up the doomsday clock(not literally)


22 Trillion dollar debt. Now ofcourse the government can fix this right? They can not, only way to do is inject trillions of dollars, which ofcourse will take years to do, if they wanted to erase the significance of the debt, and even if they manage to accomplish this, it'll still be hyperinflation.

We'll resort to a traditional economy in the after-math, potentially our world will descend into something similar to mad max. As the dollar goes down, real money will return (gold, silver, other precious metals) as they should.

To the idiots relying on their bitcoin for the collapse? Don't make me laugh. Are you seriously telling me people will prefer abstract money over physical, and let's be real after a collapse? Most communication services will be down by then.

good luck to you all.
They won't be able to pay off the national debt, eventually the bubble will pop, US govt will default and all hell will break loose. All the experts who claimed the economy is stronger than ever will be put to shame (an economy based entirely on consumption is doomed to fail anyways).
They won't be able to pay off the national debt, eventually the bubble will pop, US govt will default and all hell will break loose. All the experts who claimed the economy is stronger than ever will be put to shame (an economy based entirely on consumption is doomed to fail anyways).

The economy is doing GOOD, but that won't solve the debt, as it's more of a universal thing, meaning it correlates to everyone as a whole, collective.

Everyone is doing their fair share to collapse the economy. It's funny though how people expect Trump to "destroy." the country while he's prolonging the inevitable collapse.

All depends on what the US will do after the dollar is no longer valuable? Other countries will collapse too, will be a domino effect.. The other continents no longer have the US being police too. War, war and war.

Our world will soon be back to medieval times.
No near term real reason to believe this would happen. LOL at thinking any of the plans proposed by the radical dems would actually be enacted. But I do have 60 Gold Eagles stashed just in case, bought at around $1180/oz. The long term threat they pose if elected is that they will let so many illegal aliens into the Country that it will become a shit hole.
No near term real reason to believe this would happen. LOL at thinking any of the plans proposed by the radical dems would actually be enacted. But I do have 60 Gold Eagles stashed just in case, bought at around $1180/oz. The long term threat they pose if elected is that they will let so many illegal aliens into the Country that it will become a shit hole.

1180/oz is actually really good, gold goes for 1.4k/oz rn, when did u buy it
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I can simplify things for you guys...
The USA will only go downhill because the whites are being replaced by blacks, asians and hispanics.
Bro, i just want that the world burns
collapse plan

broke: investing in crypto currency
joke: burying gold bars in a hole in your back yard
woke: buying out an MTG reserved list card
bespoke: Using all your money to buy skins of moose pemmican with which to barter and pay bride price when mad max world is immanentised
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No near term real reason to believe this would happen. LOL at thinking any of the plans proposed by the radical dems would actually be enacted. But I do have 60 Gold Eagles stashed just in case, bought at around $1180/oz. The long term threat they pose if elected is that they will let so many illegal aliens into the Country that it will become a shit hole.
plenty of real reasons

plans by radical dems have already been enacted. You do know majority of voters are female right? Females are DEMOCRATS. Their "radical." plans have been getting enacted, and will continue to get enacted.
sad shit if its true

might be worse if its not
  • So Sad
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doomer's cope
doomer's cope
There have always been, there will always be, people near the bottom rung of society that cope by thinking there will be a disaster right around the corner to level the playing field. In 1999 there were 100,000s of people, curiously almost all men, that completely believed that the Y2K bug was going to destroy civilization. eventually they will be right, but 1 in 100 odds is not a very good bet.
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead and Demir
There have always been, there will always be, people near the bottom rung of society that cope by thinking there will be a disaster right around the corner to level the playing field. In 1999 there were 100,000s of people, curiously almost all men, that completely believed that the Y2K bug was going to destroy civilization. eventually they will be right, but 1 in 100 odds is not a very good bet.
alright then, explain how the national debt is going to work out
bespoke: Using all your money to buy skins of moose pemmican with which to barter and pay bride price when mad max world is immanentised
Revolt against the modern world.
alright then, explain how the national debt is going to work out
I actually have a well formed, but highly out of the mainstream theory on this. During Trump's second term he is going to incrementally implement the Trillion Dollar coin scenario floated during Obama.
The Treasury will print a trillion dollar coin every few months until the debt is retired.

This will devalue the dollar considerably (I estimate 20-30 percent devaluation), will piss off China and others than hold US Treasuries, but the US will survive. It will then force the US to balance future budgets, because no one will ever Buy significant US Treasuries again, Which will not be that hard given like 65% of the current annual budget imbalance is interest on the existing debt.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
bespoke: Using all your money to buy skins of moose pemmican with which to barter and pay bride price when mad max world is immanentised
high iq
I actually have a well formed, but highly out of the mainstream theory on this. During Trump's second term he is going to incrementally implement the Trillion Dollar coin scenario floated during Obama.
The Treasury will print a trillion dollar coin every few months until the debt is retired.

This will devalue the dollar considerably (I estimate 20-35 devaluation), will piss off China and others than hold US Treasuries, but the US will survive. It will then force the US to balance future budgets, because no one will ever Buy significant US Treasuries again, Which will not be that hard given like 65% of the current annual budget imbalance is interest on the existing debt.
"trillion dollar coin." LOL you can't be serious

you expect a "trillion dollar coin." to put a halt to the national debt that grows faster than the US economy? If this idea was legit, they would have used it already.

there are more things wrong with this idea than the one solution it could potentially bring

let's say it does devalue the dollar? you expect it to devalue it minimally? either way it could still make the economy worse than it already is, we're talking about this GREAT magical coin to clear off the TRILLIONS of dollar debt, so what if it devalues the dollar? there'll still be A COLLAPSE because of the fact that US depends on it's dollar.
"trillion dollar coin." LOL you can't be serious

you expect a "trillion dollar coin." to put a halt to the national debt that grows faster than the US economy? If this idea was legit, they would have used it already.

there are more things wrong with this idea than the one solution it could potentially bring

let's say it does devalue the dollar? you expect it to devalue it minimally? either way it could still make the economy worse than it already is, we're talking about this GREAT magical coin to clear off the TRILLIONS of dollar debt, so what if it devalues the dollar? there'll still be A COLLAPSE because of the fact that US depends on it's dollar.
If you think it is "magical" you don't understand the concept. And it is a very simple concept. It has not been used because of the downsides I mentioned, dah.

either way it could still make the economy worse than it already is,
The US economy is better now then at any time since the 1960s. This is just demonstrative of your degree of disassociation from reality.
I can simplify things for you guys...
The USA will only go downhill because the whites are being replaced by blacks, asians and hispanics.
Cope Asians make the most out of any race in the U.S., currys being in first place
Cope Asians make the most out of any race in the U.S., currys being in first place

Because they're ruthless in business and exploit the white system. When they become the system the place turns to shit.
nah, americans are chads. they'll fix this

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