EEcels, how depressing is your country?



5’8 mulattocel
Nov 30, 2023
less depressive than our rotten civil war western eu for sure
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  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer, murdah, Lefty Rankin and 1 other person
what makes u think our countries are depressing, besides shitholes like moldova, ukraine and idk, other countries have it solid
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Reactions: murdah and butterworld
Title tbh
In what regard? It's basically India without streetshitters though I have seen people shitting on pavements. Mostly, old, decrepit bums.
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Reactions: watah, murdah, butterworld and 1 other person
In what regard? It's basically India without streetshitters though I have seen people shitting on pavements. Mostly, old, decrepit bums.
poles are dumber and uglier pajeets tbh
  • JFL
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poles are dumber and uglier pajeets tbh
I get perma mogged by slavoids here. Too many ogres roaming around but it is what it is.
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what makes u think our countries are depressing, besides shitholes like moldova, ukraine and idk, other countries have it solid
284D6BEF EAE7 4485 96B9 A1D736D1001E
In what regard? It's basically India without streetshitters though I have seen people shitting on pavements. Mostly, old, decrepit bums.
Give me all the reasons why I wouldn’t want to live there coming from the US
  • JFL
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Reactions: FutureSlayer and mirrormogger
View attachment 3002485

Give me all the reasons why I wouldn’t want to live there coming from the US
It's an inferior version of the USA in every possible regard. You could say that it's rather desolate but it has lost that trait since the government is mass importing browns now. Whenever I go outside I only see pajeets, hohol refugees or zoomalis.
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Reactions: murdah and butterworld
Race aside, pretend I’m a BWC for a second
less career opportunity and chance to get drafted depending on where you live + many have mandatory military service
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>posts a bunch shitty commieblocks
Srspka IQ at its finest.

159cm ofiara klinefeltera/Male feminist, Anti JBW​

nigga is polish tryna argue lmao, end your life, your family would be glad
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159cm ofiara klinefeltera/Male feminist, Anti JBW​

nigga is polish tryna argue lmao, end your life, your family would be glad
Kosovo status?
Would move to russia tbh, takes a long time to get a citizenship though. @St.TikTokcel how long would it take to get a citizenship?
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
Would move to russia tbh, takes a long time to get a citizenship though. @St.TikTokcel how long would it take to get a citizenship?
Dalits from the states are banned and are also marked as the enemies of the state. You'll get shot at the border lul.
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah and butterworld
Would move to russia tbh, takes a long time to get a citizenship though. @St.TikTokcel how long would it take to get a citizenship?
Depending on how black you are it may not be the best idea you could get killed by neo nazis @St.TikTokcel Are blacks common targets for neonazis/radical racists in EE?
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah and St.TikTokcel
Depending on how black you are it may not be the best idea you could get killed by neo nazis @St.TikTokcel Are blacks common targets for neonazis/radical racists in EE?
No lul. Slavcels are probably the most buck-broken gynocentric cucks if anything. They won't do shit. Slavistan is basically SEA for browns/blacks.
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No lul. Slavcels are probably the most buck-broken gynocentric cucks if anything. They won't do shit. Slavistan is basically SEA for browns/blacks.
IMG 0240
  • JFL
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No lul. Slavcels are probably the most buck-broken gynocentric cucks if anything. They won't do shit. Slavistan is basically SEA for browns/blacks.
You really trying to get org blackcels stabbed:feelskek:
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You really trying to get org blackcels stabbed:feelskek:
There are literal threads of blackcels slaying in EE. Get over it.
There are literal threads of blackcels slaying in EE. Get over it.
sure, blacks are slaying in the most patriarchal and racist society in the world:feelskek:
He literally did

It's one of the most gynocentric shitholes JFL.

>Muh racismo
gynocentric shithole how, there’s a feminicide or a beating every day
  • JFL
Reactions: butterworld and St.TikTokcel
It’s only really super shitty in the non-EU countries.

Poor Czech/Polish/Romanian/Greek people aren’t exactly malnourished the way many Indians, Middle Eastern or African people are. They don’t exactly have any hope in life, but they’re not living hand to mouth the way 80% of idk India or 90% of Yemen is.

EU Eastern Europe is only shitty if you compare it to developed countries in Western Europe/east Asia/North America/Gulf countries.
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Reactions: FutureSlayer and butterworld
Very fucking depressing
Poland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia

Do these countries count as EE?
sure, blacks are slaying in the most patriarchal and racist society in the world:feelskek:
EE men being turbo-racist means very little.

Whether any racial group can slay a particular group of women is generally dictated by how racist the women are not the men. EE women are less racist than western women so it’s easier for any non-white to slay there.

Blacks have bbc/rap music halo in EE, so it’s extremely easy for them to get laid.

Also EE is not particularly patriarchal. A patriarchal society is like MENA countries or South Asia. EE women have to deal with drunk wife beaters at worst, they don’t get honor killed or treated as property by their families lol.

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