🇺🇸 🐶 Efficient Department Of Government > eDog 🐶 🇺🇸



Feb 6, 2021
This is the final thought I'll share about political pornography. This is the last thread-blog-article I'll excrete involving these disturbed people with too much time on their hands.

Americans and the civilians of the Western Power nations earned these manipulators who frolic them for vanity, power, privilege, and creepy population management. They play games with society and see themselves as hysterically witty. eCommerce - eBay - eTrade - eHarmony - and the recent addition: eDog.

These people are determined to have unconditional control over lives separate from theirs. Yet, despite all of those riches, their children are still retarded. They stand no chance of surviving our tomorrow. Therefore, they're making this scheme a priority to safeguard their bloodline and hammer their legacy into history by eliminating intelligent minds and alphas... which are the ones that threaten the survival of their faulty seeds.

See the predicted future of their offspring as a dummy hitting himself in the face as he walks into a room full of conventional people. They discern him with raised eyebrows. A few guys swell their chests and tighten their fists. Ugh, this feller's got their blood pressure skyrocketing! As you can see, he stands no chance. They will mock him. They will bully him. They will tear him apart!

Imagine if you had enough money over lawmakers and Hollywood to assist you in designing a system that'll make the general population hit themselves in the face while eliminating the ones who refuse. The prosperous simpleton of tomorrow will feel superior. On the contrary, the mere sight of autistic behavior would discourage him from being himself. But first things first. If you want to make this omelet right, not only you'll have to crack open some eggs, but you'll need the chickens to shit them out.

Now imagine they match play what the general population fears, which are thugs and rappers. The data of today's youth shows a penchant for these dawgs. Even the girls fear them and drop their draws so they don't get hurt. If you ever saw an interracial couple, the white girl is most likely his victim. And she knows the alphas of her race are too much of a pussy to confront her abuser. This is where these cocky attitudes blossom. And I don't blame her. I, too, would be pissed off. Shit, I might even disown my race, knowing how many cowards occupy it.

Anyway, that report outlines young white males are terrified of dawgs, frightened of black culture. They're so worried about getting their asses kicked, they parade the black males with BBC promotions and buy rap music that usually words out violence against them. For example, many non-black Gen Zoids listen to the rap artist Die Whitey. Some of his lyrics include, "I wanna kill all white people. I wanna slaughter them. I wanna rape their moms. I wanna get their sisters hooked on crack and prostitute them to other niggas. I wanna eat their pets. I wanna rip their white flesh from their fucking bones. I do not like white people, period!"

Love It Thumbs Up GIF by G2 Esports

The white kids try to act niggas and be accepted as white dawgs. Ugh, so sad. Also, they're known to push their girlfriends to the aggressive black bucks, hoping the peace offer would save him from reparation for a little bitch beaten. Ugh, so, so, sad. So wealthy society created their own thug!

Tr¥mp has the most felonies than any "free" American in our nation. And the real Deep State suppresses specific knowledge from private investigative journalists from learning about this truth. Use any search engine and ask, "Who has the most felony convictions in the USA?" Spoiler: You won't get a name. So much for criminals is public knowledge, eh? One of the many benefits of privately owned prisons, indeed. Yet, decades ago, no one questioned why the government sold these contracts to private companies in cahoots with wealthy society. And the folks who investigate such contentious acts, the press, found it in their best interest not to dig too deep.

Did you know? Mainstream media created the practice of conspiracy theory back in the 1970s. This was their bread and butter. In the following decade, talk shows and tabloids exploded, causing unprecedented competition with the origin. By the 2000s, giants like CNN suffered the impact and began losing droves of naive eyes and gullible ears. The female journalists had to suck so many cocks to make ends meet; the networks enacted mandatory extra time off. So their throats could heal. Eventually, they had enough of this fucking shit and campaigned against the product they created by allying with Deep State in exchange for generous investments, lavish gifts, smaller peckers (prevents throat inflammation), judicial privileges, luxurious vacations, and exclusive front-row seats at press conferences.

But in all honesty, I believe what really did it was September 11, 2001. That hymen rupture persuaded them to play ball or be the next feller sitting in the office looking out the window, pondering, "Is that plane headed for me?"

The elite players made TrÖmp not only Thug Life but, poetically, in your face, the Electronic Dog. Of course, the ghetto spells it, DAWG. But the writers in DC couldn't find a legitimate word for the letter W. Let's suppose the government branch is called DAWGE. Department And Wishful Government Efficiency? Not happening. But EDOG was a better fit. Like DEI, thus DIE, they knew not to word it in exact order. It's called using subliminal context while indirectly threatening low-level millionaires and taunting adversaries. Intelligence and military vets understand what I'm saying—DOGE.

DOG (DAWG) also means your best friend, buddy... someone you can trust.

James Franco Flirt GIF

Goodbye Politics, Hello New Beginnings

I'm officially ending their existence inside my head. Instead of writing about the Congress cult, tiny penises, and neckties, I'll write about wildlife, the universe, science fiction, families, love, dating, cooking, and art. Recently, I joined virtual reality as my first step to this eviction. But also, I wanted to see where this technology was and how it would be used during the upcoming war. Ah, yes, people will be frightened, so give them glorious visual wonders and a community to keep them at peace and distracted. Yet, the ones who refuse to comply will have no juice to power the Bug Eyes and Three Doors.

To users on this forum, if you tag me into political threads, or anything to do with the upcoming world war with China, neither will I react nor comment. Despite that, as I wrote countless threads before, I'll write this one final time; it'll include recent events:

  • Big D relocates his command back to the White House

  • The Don pardons the J6ers and a parade follows. (The parade happened as the inmates were released. Cars lined up the street for miles as the freed sacrifices were paraded. People stood along the road waving at the J6ers. Most of this happened after midnight when much of the nation was asleep. For some creepy reason, they withheld this event from the public's eyes. But if you search for it, you might find some clips.)

  • Big Daddy gets Putin and Zelenskyy to shake hands for peace with him at the center of the deal (he might be on his knees jerking both of them off, metaphorically speaking.) No disrespect, Donny.
Village People Dancing GIF by de chinezen

  • China reacts with feelings of scorn, disrespect, and betrayal (North Korea will demand their soldiers back. They are all killed.)

  • "It keeps changing" happens in this period. I speculate either a Mexican/South American or India/Bangladesh conflict will escalate... or something staging the step to the next event... Mongolia?


  • The Great Reset apparatus slithers across the red carpet

  • Electricity/communication/internet problems galore

  • Military conscription

  • [redacted]

  • Draft dodgers are arrested at both borders and publicized and shamed. Americans are directly threatened by Deep State's mainstream media: CNN, Fox News, Reuters, MSNBC, Newsmax, Goonews (Google's press) yadda yadda

  • SOMETHING ELSE happens using the UFO/UAP narrative

  • Journalists drop like flies

  • Blah blah blah, you're on your own at this point

Neither will I comment nor write anything further relating to Armageddon, including World War Three, political porn, laws, censorship, criminals of high status, privacy violations, government, communism, and leadership corruption. Do not expect a reaction from me; you will not get one! And if, by mistake or clickbait, I do enter a thread regarding any of these subjects, I will TLDR to myself and exit. So start calling me the asshole now. Or jerk will do. Don't care, stroke me off, lick my dick, fondle my balls, tongue my ass; I'm closing this door now.

Time Clock GIF by MOODMAN

Several years after he departed from political nonsense, Big Jim kept to his word as the gates of Hell opened upon the earth and the Devil was released to wrecked havoc across the lands. But instead of writing what he said he would, he wrote disturbing, filthy erotica. "She begged him to go deeper into her soaked pussy with his pulsating, throbbing cock. Shoving the tip of her finger into his bussy, she rallied him with this suspicious gay tactic. Filling his hands with her hair, he aggressively pulled her head to his chest as he pounded her swollen lust into a creamy mess of sulfur odor. She shouted, "Potato, Malaytoe-" The ground violently quivered. He stopped rapping his keyboard arsenal.

Inside his Home Depot shed, Big Jim sat on a chair, holding his Monster Energy Lo-Carb product from spilling as an empty cinnamon whiskey bottle fell from a table. Across from him, hanging off the loft, his swastika flag unlatched at a corner and dropped to a dangling bundle. The corners of his mouth buckled. He stood and shouted, "I better not see a flaming sword coming out of the ground!" He took two steps to the door and pushed it open as it creaked.

Trees violently shook—leaves flurried—birds scattered in panic—branches fell—and the area trembled. Suddenly, a few yards away, the ground opened. Fire ejaculated from the crevice as a flaming sword rose. Big Jim grunted as he watched a cluster of smoke from this blaze. It swirled into etched words that read, "Do it." The words dissipated, and new smoke manifested and wrote, "Take the sword." Further creepy messages told him to do it several more times in an autistic fashion. Do it, do it, do it, do it.

"Nope!" Big Jim contested and TLDR. "Don't care. The world can go to Hell as the angels battle the demons and brimstone and gold fall from the sky, crushing people into gory puddles and theYNC splatters. I'm done with this! I'm going back inside and continuing to write about agriculture, landscaping, gardening, inspirational tales, and glassblowing. Likewise, I'm now closing the door to this."

And that he did.

Five years later, the world burned as enormous spaceships with crimson windows filled the sky, and giants came from them, slamming into the ground with massive weight. Meanwhile, Big Jim rested against a stack of pillows as he typed questionable pornographic material. "Deeper, bitch," still pointing the gun at the confused victim, the thug coerced her to push the strap-on dildo into his blown-out bussy." A tremor disturbed him from underneath. "Ugh," he sighed at the disruption. The quakes intensified. "Motherfucker!" annoyed, he closed his writer's block while saying, "This better not be a giant in my backyard; I ain't got time for this bullshit." He crawled to the vinyl door and brought its zipper down. Stepping outside, immediately, he discerned colossal legs and without warning, a giant hand snatched him and brought him up twenty stories bypassing the timberline.

Curly golden hair reaching the ground, the monster furrowed his thin eyebrows at Big Jim, who was exactly twenty feet from his breath of decay and death. Its head was equal in mass to a senior citizen-stomping elephant. He understood this bugaboo was indeed a Nephilim.

"The fuck kind of grown man lives in a fifty dollar tent?" the giant said with his thunderous voice.

"Not doing this!" Big Jim shouted. Lowering his tone, he added, "Put me back down so I can return to writing about novelty cars, candy bead decorations, inventions, new recipes, wine making, clay molding, woodwork, and bird species. Go eat the people and deprive this planet of its valuable resources. Just leave me out of it. But before you go, smell my hair, gently poke my balls, tongue tip my ass, I'm closing the door to this."

The giant cringed and dropped him. As Big Jim fell twenty stories, tumbling through branches of gravity stallers, the titan wiped his hairy hand against his side, as if it were dirty. He crashed into the ground, shattering his legs and hips, and both of his ankles snapped backward. He cried out to the meanie, "Now put me out of my misery, you fucking retard!" But the giant retard didn't hear his tiny voice as he left the scene while cautiously sniffing the alleged soiled hand.

Big Jim struggled in the dirt. His eyes welled with tears. Using the only limbs not broken, he pulled his pathetic, mangled body to his retreat as he whined like a big bitch from the agonizing pain. He slid inside his tent. Scanning the area for his escape-from-reality, he squirmed to his black laptop on his sleeping bag. He flipped the monitor up—the screen lit. He said to himself, "Thankfully, my wrists and hands didn't get a scratch, which means I can keep writing."

"Ugh, there I was," Big Jim began typing. "A broken man with no hope in sight, when suddenly, an annoying feminine voice singing urged for my attention. She sounded like an idiot—a typical woman. I stretched to the window to see. It was a naked black hair skank covered in tattoos. Her saucer plates against her teardrops begged me to give her a rating. Perhaps this one is a two." He quickly struck the latter sentence and reworded, "Not even a fucking one! But those perky nipple steeps are the main attraction. I cried out, "Hey, lady, give me a hand!"

"She rushed to my plea as I wiggled my peace offering as a longer bargaining chip. I spot a tiny hair. Quickly, I tried to pluck it from the carriage—I missed. I tried again—missed. I examined my fingers, making sure my nails were long enough. On the third attempt, carefully, I pinched for the pube... success!

"Ugh, right?" I reacted. Biting the tip of her index finger, a wicked grin followed. Her other hand slid down her ink-wrecked figure to the strip of shame below her pierced, puffy navel. She rubbed her clit, getting that bitch started. I grasped my shaft and tried to reach it with my opened mouth, thus letting her know I couldn't suck it myself. She nodded and dropped to her knees. For the next ten minutes, she slopped my ribbed cock as I fingered her drenched sleasebag that squished loudly. Ugh, this slut was one wet motherfucker. Before I ejaculated an appetizer into her belly, my spirit left my body. However, she was still sucking the post-mortem erection. Ugh, these fucking whores, I tell ya. Doesn't matter the shape, size, or condition of the body, as long as the dick is hard... she's one happy camper."

  • +1
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Reactions: Mumbai Enigma, d3m4g5, Sushifart and 8 others
@Lefty Rankin @LancasteR @Nazi Germany @Vermilioncore @RXnd @PsychoH @2025cel @Lord Shadow @BimaxLaser @War_In_Chiraq @MoggerGaston @OldRooster @romanstock @Ghengis Khan @666PSL @forevergymcelling @MakinItHappen @stoner @SlopMaxxer
  • +1
Reactions: Nazi Germany, RXnd, Underdog9494 and 1 other person
not a single word nigga

will read later
  • +1
Reactions: FoodPoisoning, BigJimsWornOutTires and Underdog9494
I read it all.
How can we prepare though?
What's gonna come?
How will we communicate?
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: FoodPoisoning and BigJimsWornOutTires
High iq
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
Collab with Oliz Payne when
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires and menas
This is the final thought I'll share about political pornography. This is the last thread-blog-article I'll excrete involving these disturbed people with too much time on their hands.

Americans and the civilians of the Western Power nations earned these manipulators who frolic them for vanity, power, privilege, and creepy population management. They play games with society and see themselves as hysterically witty. eCommerce - eBay - eTrade - eHarmony - and the recent addition: eDog.

These people are determined to have unconditional control over lives separate from theirs. Yet, despite all of those riches, their children are still retarded. They stand no chance of surviving our tomorrow. Therefore, they're making this scheme a priority to safeguard their bloodline and hammer their legacy into history by eliminating intelligent minds and alphas... which are the ones that threaten the survival of their faulty seeds.

See the predicted future of their offspring as a dummy hitting himself in the face as he walks into a room full of conventional people. They discern him with raised eyebrows. A few guys swell their chests and tighten their fists. Ugh, this feller's got their blood pressure skyrocketing! As you can see, he stands no chance. They will mock him. They will bully him. They will tear him apart!

Imagine if you had enough money over lawmakers and Hollywood to assist you in designing a system that'll make the general population hit themselves in the face while eliminating the ones who refuse. The prosperous simpleton of tomorrow will feel superior. On the contrary, the mere sight of autistic behavior would discourage him from being himself. But first things first. If you want to make this omelet right, not only you'll have to crack open some eggs, but you'll need the chickens to shit them out.

Now imagine they match play what the general population fears, which are thugs and rappers. The data of today's youth shows a penchant for these dawgs. Even the girls fear them and drop their draws so they don't get hurt. If you ever saw an interracial couple, the white girl is most likely his victim. And she knows the alphas of her race are too much of a pussy to confront her abuser. This is where these cocky attitudes blossom. And I don't blame her. I, too, would be pissed off. Shit, I might even disown my race, knowing how many cowards occupy it.

Anyway, that report outlines young white males are terrified of dawgs, frightened of black culture. They're so worried about getting their asses kicked, they parade the black males with BBC promotions and buy rap music that usually words out violence against them. For example, many non-black Gen Zoids listen to the rap artist Die Whitey. Some of his lyrics include, "I wanna kill all white people. I wanna slaughter them. I wanna rape their moms. I wanna get their sisters hooked on crack and prostitute them to other niggas. I wanna eat their pets. I wanna rip their white flesh from their fucking bones. I do not like white people, period!"

Love It Thumbs Up GIF by G2 Esports

The white kids try to act niggas and be accepted as white dawgs. Ugh, so sad. Also, they're known to push their girlfriends to the aggressive black bucks, hoping the peace offer would save him from reparation for a little bitch beaten. Ugh, so, so, sad. So wealthy society created their own thug!

Tr¥mp has the most felonies than any "free" American in our nation. And the real Deep State suppresses specific knowledge from private investigative journalists from learning about this truth. Use any search engine and ask, "Who has the most felony convictions in the USA?" Spoiler: You won't get a name. So much for criminals is public knowledge, eh? One of the many benefits of privately owned prisons, indeed. Yet, decades ago, no one questioned why the government sold these contracts to private companies in cahoots with wealthy society. And the folks who investigate such contentious acts, the press, found it in their best interest not to dig too deep.

Did you know? Mainstream media created the practice of conspiracy theory back in the 1970s. This was their bread and butter. In the following decade, talk shows and tabloids exploded, causing unprecedented competition with the origin. By the 2000s, giants like CNN suffered the impact and began losing droves of naive eyes and gullible ears. The female journalists had to suck so many cocks to make ends meet; the networks enacted mandatory extra time off. So their throats could heal. Eventually, they had enough of this fucking shit and campaigned against the product they created by allying with Deep State in exchange for generous investments, lavish gifts, smaller peckers (prevents throat inflammation), judicial privileges, luxurious vacations, and exclusive front-row seats at press conferences.

But in all honesty, I believe what really did it was September 11, 2001. That hymen rupture persuaded them to play ball or be the next feller sitting in the office looking out the window, pondering, "Is that plane headed for me?"

The elite players made TrÖmp not only Thug Life but, poetically, in your face, the Electronic Dog. Of course, the ghetto spells it, DAWG. But the writers in DC couldn't find a legitimate word for the letter W. Let's suppose the government branch is called DAWGE. Department And Wishful Government Efficiency? Not happening. But EDOG was a better fit. Like DEI, thus DIE, they knew not to word it in exact order. It's called using subliminal context while indirectly threatening low-level millionaires and taunting adversaries. Intelligence and military vets understand what I'm saying—DOGE.

DOG (DAWG) also means your best friend, buddy... someone you can trust.

James Franco Flirt GIF

Goodbye Politics, Hello New Beginnings

I'm officially ending their existence inside my head. Instead of writing about the Congress cult, tiny penises, and neckties, I'll write about wildlife, the universe, science fiction, families, love, dating, cooking, and art. Recently, I joined virtual reality as my first step to this eviction. But also, I wanted to see where this technology was and how it would be used during the upcoming war. Ah, yes, people will be frightened, so give them glorious visual wonders and a community to keep them at peace and distracted. Yet, the ones who refuse to comply will have no juice to power the Bug Eyes and Three Doors.

To users on this forum, if you tag me into political threads, or anything to do with the upcoming world war with China, neither will I react nor comment. Despite that, as I wrote countless threads before, I'll write this one final time; it'll include recent events:

  • Big D relocates his command back to the White House

  • The Don pardons the J6ers and a parade follows. (The parade happened as the inmates were released. Cars lined up the street for miles as the freed sacrifices were paraded. People stood along the road waving at the J6ers. Most of this happened after midnight when much of the nation was asleep. For some creepy reason, they withheld this event from the public's eyes. But if you search for it, you might find some clips.)

  • Big Daddy gets Putin and Zelenskyy to shake hands for peace with him at the center of the deal (he might be on his knees jerking both of them off, metaphorically speaking.) No disrespect, Donny.
Village People Dancing GIF by de chinezen

  • China reacts with feelings of scorn, disrespect, and betrayal (North Korea will demand their soldiers back. They are all killed.)

  • "It keeps changing" happens in this period. I speculate either a Mexican/South American or India/Bangladesh conflict will escalate... or something staging the step to the next event... Mongolia?


  • The Great Reset apparatus slithers across the red carpet

  • Electricity/communication/internet problems galore

  • Military conscription

  • [redacted]

  • Draft dodgers are arrested at both borders and publicized and shamed. Americans are directly threatened by Deep State's mainstream media: CNN, Fox News, Reuters, MSNBC, Newsmax, Goonews (Google's press) yadda yadda

  • SOMETHING ELSE happens using the UFO/UAP narrative

  • Journalists drop like flies

  • Blah blah blah, you're on your own at this point

Neither will I comment nor write anything further relating to Armageddon, including World War Three, political porn, laws, censorship, criminals of high status, privacy violations, government, communism, and leadership corruption. Do not expect a reaction from me; you will not get one! And if, by mistake or clickbait, I do enter a thread regarding any of these subjects, I will TLDR to myself and exit. So start calling me the asshole now. Or jerk will do. Don't care, stroke me off, lick my dick, fondle my balls, tongue my ass; I'm closing this door now.

Time Clock GIF by MOODMAN

Several years after he departed from political nonsense, Big Jim kept to his word as the gates of Hell opened upon the earth and the Devil was released to wrecked havoc across the lands. But instead of writing what he said he would, he wrote disturbing, filthy erotica. "She begged him to go deeper into her soaked pussy with his pulsating, throbbing cock. Shoving the tip of her finger into his bussy, she rallied him with this suspicious gay tactic. Filling his hands with her hair, he aggressively pulled her head to his chest as he pounded her swollen lust into a creamy mess of sulfur odor. She shouted, "Potato, Malaytoe-" The ground violently quivered. He stopped rapping his keyboard arsenal.

Inside his Home Depot shed, Big Jim sat on a chair, holding his Monster Energy Lo-Carb product from spilling as an empty cinnamon whiskey bottle fell from a table. Across from him, hanging off the loft, his swastika flag unlatched at a corner and dropped to a dangling bundle. The corners of his mouth buckled. He stood and shouted, "I better not see a flaming sword coming out of the ground!" He took two steps to the door and pushed it open as it creaked.

Trees violently shook—leaves flurried—birds scattered in panic—branches fell—and the area trembled. Suddenly, a few yards away, the ground opened. Fire ejaculated from the crevice as a flaming sword rose. Big Jim grunted as he watched a cluster of smoke from this blaze. It swirled into etched words that read, "Do it." The words dissipated, and new smoke manifested and wrote, "Take the sword." Further creepy messages told him to do it several more times in an autistic fashion. Do it, do it, do it, do it.

"Nope!" Big Jim contested and TLDR. "Don't care. The world can go to Hell as the angels battle the demons and brimstone and gold fall from the sky, crushing people into gory puddles and theYNC splatters. I'm done with this! I'm going back inside and continuing to write about agriculture, landscaping, gardening, inspirational tales, and glassblowing. Likewise, I'm now closing the door to this."

And that he did.

Five years later, the world burned as enormous spaceships with crimson windows filled the sky, and giants came from them, slamming into the ground with massive weight. Meanwhile, Big Jim rested against a stack of pillows as he typed questionable pornographic material. "Deeper, bitch," still pointing the gun at the confused victim, the thug coerced her to push the strap-on dildo into his blown-out bussy." A tremor disturbed him from underneath. "Ugh," he sighed at the disruption. The quakes intensified. "Motherfucker!" annoyed, he closed his writer's block while saying, "This better not be a giant in my backyard; I ain't got time for this bullshit." He crawled to the vinyl door and brought its zipper down. Stepping outside, immediately, he discerned colossal legs and without warning, a giant hand snatched him and brought him up twenty stories bypassing the timberline.

Curly golden hair reaching the ground, the monster furrowed his thin eyebrows at Big Jim, who was exactly twenty feet from his breath of decay and death. Its head was equal in mass to a senior citizen-stomping elephant. He understood this bugaboo was indeed a Nephilim.

"The fuck kind of grown man lives in a fifty dollar tent?" the giant said with his thunderous voice.

"Not doing this!" Big Jim shouted. Lowering his tone, he added, "Put me back down so I can return to writing about novelty cars, candy bead decorations, inventions, new recipes, wine making, clay molding, woodwork, and bird species. Go eat the people and deprive this planet of its valuable resources. Just leave me out of it. But before you go, smell my hair, gently poke my balls, tongue tip my ass, I'm closing the door to this."

The giant cringed and dropped him. As Big Jim fell twenty stories, tumbling through branches of gravity stallers, the titan wiped his hairy hand against his side, as if it were dirty. He crashed into the ground, shattering his legs and hips, and both of his ankles snapped backward. He cried out to the meanie, "Now put me out of my misery, you fucking retard!" But the giant retard didn't hear his tiny voice as he left the scene while cautiously sniffing the alleged soiled hand.

Big Jim struggled in the dirt. His eyes welled with tears. Using the only limbs not broken, he pulled his pathetic, mangled body to his retreat as he whined like a big bitch from the agonizing pain. He slid inside his tent. Scanning the area for his escape-from-reality, he squirmed to his black laptop on his sleeping bag. He flipped the monitor up—the screen lit. He said to himself, "Thankfully, my wrists and hands didn't get a scratch, which means I can keep writing."

"Ugh, there I was," Big Jim began typing. "A broken man with no hope in sight, when suddenly, an annoying feminine voice singing urged for my attention. She sounded like an idiot—a typical woman. I stretched to the window to see. It was a naked black hair skank covered in tattoos. Her saucer plates against her teardrops begged me to give her a rating. Perhaps this one is a two." He quickly struck the latter sentence and reworded, "Not even a fucking one! But those perky nipple steeps are the main attraction. I cried out, "Hey, lady, give me a hand!"

"She rushed to my plea as I wiggled my peace offering as a longer bargaining chip. I spot a tiny hair. Quickly, I tried to pluck it from the carriage—I missed. I tried again—missed. I examined my fingers, making sure my nails were long enough. On the third attempt, carefully, I pinched for the pube... success!

"Ugh, right?" I reacted. Biting the tip of her index finger, a wicked grin followed. Her other hand slid down her ink-wrecked figure to the strip of shame below her pierced, puffy navel. She rubbed her clit, getting that bitch started. I grasped my shaft and tried to reach it with my opened mouth, thus letting her know I couldn't suck it myself. She nodded and dropped to her knees. For the next ten minutes, she slopped my ribbed cock as I fingered her drenched sleasebag that squished loudly. Ugh, this slut was one wet motherfucker. Before I ejaculated an appetizer into her belly, my spirit left my body. However, she was still sucking the post-mortem erection. Ugh, these fucking whores, I tell ya. Doesn't matter the shape, size, or condition of the body, as long as the dick is hard... she's one happy camper."

Jfl if you waste your time keeping up with politics. Yea bro trust me ve vill go to war with Chyna! Soon! They're all controlled by the same people. Only thing that matters is how much more money can I make. Nothing ever happens
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
not a single word nigga

will read later
Touche. I accidentally deleted the most important part about my masculinity and what females fall in love with when experiencing The Cervix Tear. For that, my sincere explicit apologies for making this a too long, didn't read masterpiece of skitzo babble.

I read it all.
How can we prepare though?
What's gonna come?
How will we communicate?
Jfl if you waste your time keeping up with politics. Yea bro trust me ve vill go to war with Chyna! Soon! They're all controlled by the same people. Only thing that matters is how much more money can I make. Nothing ever happens
I followed the creeps of our society because I cared about free speech and liberties. But after what Gen Zoids and the black community did (2019-2024,) I lost all respect for people.

Collab with Oliz Payne when
Who that?

Perhaps a Handmaid's Tale dogma would be the best for all people, esp young women. They proved to the world when given power and privilege, their emotions blindside them from the wolves and psychotic male assholism. They underestimated how far a guy would go to take from her. Transgenders aren't about pronouns and just depopulation but a hard, yet feminine slap across women's faces.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Sushifart, trench and RXnd
Boo hoo hoo get over yourselves

This thread triggered several sources yesterday. One of them was my ISP, who happens to provide the electricity as well. Of course, I signed up with them for investigation purposes of American rights.

A few years ago, I had a theory that power companies providing internet service are an apparatus for corruption and could lead to bias against free speech. I speculated agencies with privilege over the power company would force their authority into the vulnerable network. Indeed, I stand corrected.

Yesterday, an hour or so after I posted this, I returned to reply to the geniuses of this forum. Well, on such a sunny, non-breezy day, the electricity went out as I was typing the replies. Of course, I always disconnect the ethernet cable when rebooting. Well, Microsoft had to update my system with their BLUE SCREEN OF DOOM!

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

jack off please GIF

The other source, an online editor, locked me out with a little creepy code ejaculated inside my PC. Not an ordinary cookie, that's for sure. This little fucker can't get wiped off with a cookie cleaner, esp one outdated. The new updates can but, ugh... your program might crash while doing so.

Monday Night Raw Lol GIF by WWE

jack off please GIF
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart
This is the final thought I'll share about political pornography. This is the last thread-blog-article I'll excrete involving these disturbed people with too much time on their hands.

Americans and the civilians of the Western Power nations earned these manipulators who frolic them for vanity, power, privilege, and creepy population management. They play games with society and see themselves as hysterically witty. eCommerce - eBay - eTrade - eHarmony - and the recent addition: eDog.

These people are determined to have unconditional control over lives separate from theirs. Yet, despite all of those riches, their children are still retarded. They stand no chance of surviving our tomorrow. Therefore, they're making this scheme a priority to safeguard their bloodline and hammer their legacy into history by eliminating intelligent minds and alphas... which are the ones that threaten the survival of their faulty seeds.

See the predicted future of their offspring as a dummy hitting himself in the face as he walks into a room full of conventional people. They discern him with raised eyebrows. A few guys swell their chests and tighten their fists. Ugh, this feller's got their blood pressure skyrocketing! As you can see, he stands no chance. They will mock him. They will bully him. They will tear him apart!

Imagine if you had enough money over lawmakers and Hollywood to assist you in designing a system that'll make the general population hit themselves in the face while eliminating the ones who refuse. The prosperous simpleton of tomorrow will feel superior. On the contrary, the mere sight of autistic behavior would discourage him from being himself. But first things first. If you want to make this omelet right, not only you'll have to crack open some eggs, but you'll need the chickens to shit them out.

Now imagine they match play what the general population fears, which are thugs and rappers. The data of today's youth shows a penchant for these dawgs. Even the girls fear them and drop their draws so they don't get hurt. If you ever saw an interracial couple, the white girl is most likely his victim. And she knows the alphas of her race are too much of a pussy to confront her abuser. This is where these cocky attitudes blossom. And I don't blame her. I, too, would be pissed off. Shit, I might even disown my race, knowing how many cowards occupy it.

Anyway, that report outlines young white males are terrified of dawgs, frightened of black culture. They're so worried about getting their asses kicked, they parade the black males with BBC promotions and buy rap music that usually words out violence against them. For example, many non-black Gen Zoids listen to the rap artist Die Whitey. Some of his lyrics include, "I wanna kill all white people. I wanna slaughter them. I wanna rape their moms. I wanna get their sisters hooked on crack and prostitute them to other niggas. I wanna eat their pets. I wanna rip their white flesh from their fucking bones. I do not like white people, period!"

Love It Thumbs Up GIF by G2 Esports

The white kids try to act niggas and be accepted as white dawgs. Ugh, so sad. Also, they're known to push their girlfriends to the aggressive black bucks, hoping the peace offer would save him from reparation for a little bitch beaten. Ugh, so, so, sad. So wealthy society created their own thug!

Tr¥mp has the most felonies than any "free" American in our nation. And the real Deep State suppresses specific knowledge from private investigative journalists from learning about this truth. Use any search engine and ask, "Who has the most felony convictions in the USA?" Spoiler: You won't get a name. So much for criminals is public knowledge, eh? One of the many benefits of privately owned prisons, indeed. Yet, decades ago, no one questioned why the government sold these contracts to private companies in cahoots with wealthy society. And the folks who investigate such contentious acts, the press, found it in their best interest not to dig too deep.

Did you know? Mainstream media created the practice of conspiracy theory back in the 1970s. This was their bread and butter. In the following decade, talk shows and tabloids exploded, causing unprecedented competition with the origin. By the 2000s, giants like CNN suffered the impact and began losing droves of naive eyes and gullible ears. The female journalists had to suck so many cocks to make ends meet; the networks enacted mandatory extra time off. So their throats could heal. Eventually, they had enough of this fucking shit and campaigned against the product they created by allying with Deep State in exchange for generous investments, lavish gifts, smaller peckers (prevents throat inflammation), judicial privileges, luxurious vacations, and exclusive front-row seats at press conferences.

But in all honesty, I believe what really did it was September 11, 2001. That hymen rupture persuaded them to play ball or be the next feller sitting in the office looking out the window, pondering, "Is that plane headed for me?"

The elite players made TrÖmp not only Thug Life but, poetically, in your face, the Electronic Dog. Of course, the ghetto spells it, DAWG. But the writers in DC couldn't find a legitimate word for the letter W. Let's suppose the government branch is called DAWGE. Department And Wishful Government Efficiency? Not happening. But EDOG was a better fit. Like DEI, thus DIE, they knew not to word it in exact order. It's called using subliminal context while indirectly threatening low-level millionaires and taunting adversaries. Intelligence and military vets understand what I'm saying—DOGE.

DOG (DAWG) also means your best friend, buddy... someone you can trust.

James Franco Flirt GIF

Goodbye Politics, Hello New Beginnings

I'm officially ending their existence inside my head. Instead of writing about the Congress cult, tiny penises, and neckties, I'll write about wildlife, the universe, science fiction, families, love, dating, cooking, and art. Recently, I joined virtual reality as my first step to this eviction. But also, I wanted to see where this technology was and how it would be used during the upcoming war. Ah, yes, people will be frightened, so give them glorious visual wonders and a community to keep them at peace and distracted. Yet, the ones who refuse to comply will have no juice to power the Bug Eyes and Three Doors.

To users on this forum, if you tag me into political threads, or anything to do with the upcoming world war with China, neither will I react nor comment. Despite that, as I wrote countless threads before, I'll write this one final time; it'll include recent events:

  • Big D relocates his command back to the White House

  • The Don pardons the J6ers and a parade follows. (The parade happened as the inmates were released. Cars lined up the street for miles as the freed sacrifices were paraded. People stood along the road waving at the J6ers. Most of this happened after midnight when much of the nation was asleep. For some creepy reason, they withheld this event from the public's eyes. But if you search for it, you might find some clips.)

  • Big Daddy gets Putin and Zelenskyy to shake hands for peace with him at the center of the deal (he might be on his knees jerking both of them off, metaphorically speaking.) No disrespect, Donny.
Village People Dancing GIF by de chinezen

  • China reacts with feelings of scorn, disrespect, and betrayal (North Korea will demand their soldiers back. They are all killed.)

  • "It keeps changing" happens in this period. I speculate either a Mexican/South American or India/Bangladesh conflict will escalate... or something staging the step to the next event... Mongolia?


  • The Great Reset apparatus slithers across the red carpet

  • Electricity/communication/internet problems galore

  • Military conscription

  • [redacted]

  • Draft dodgers are arrested at both borders and publicized and shamed. Americans are directly threatened by Deep State's mainstream media: CNN, Fox News, Reuters, MSNBC, Newsmax, Goonews (Google's press) yadda yadda

  • SOMETHING ELSE happens using the UFO/UAP narrative

  • Journalists drop like flies

  • Blah blah blah, you're on your own at this point

Neither will I comment nor write anything further relating to Armageddon, including World War Three, political porn, laws, censorship, criminals of high status, privacy violations, government, communism, and leadership corruption. Do not expect a reaction from me; you will not get one! And if, by mistake or clickbait, I do enter a thread regarding any of these subjects, I will TLDR to myself and exit. So start calling me the asshole now. Or jerk will do. Don't care, stroke me off, lick my dick, fondle my balls, tongue my ass; I'm closing this door now.

Time Clock GIF by MOODMAN

Several years after he departed from political nonsense, Big Jim kept to his word as the gates of Hell opened upon the earth and the Devil was released to wrecked havoc across the lands. But instead of writing what he said he would, he wrote disturbing, filthy erotica. "She begged him to go deeper into her soaked pussy with his pulsating, throbbing cock. Shoving the tip of her finger into his bussy, she rallied him with this suspicious gay tactic. Filling his hands with her hair, he aggressively pulled her head to his chest as he pounded her swollen lust into a creamy mess of sulfur odor. She shouted, "Potato, Malaytoe-" The ground violently quivered. He stopped rapping his keyboard arsenal.

Inside his Home Depot shed, Big Jim sat on a chair, holding his Monster Energy Lo-Carb product from spilling as an empty cinnamon whiskey bottle fell from a table. Across from him, hanging off the loft, his swastika flag unlatched at a corner and dropped to a dangling bundle. The corners of his mouth buckled. He stood and shouted, "I better not see a flaming sword coming out of the ground!" He took two steps to the door and pushed it open as it creaked.

Trees violently shook—leaves flurried—birds scattered in panic—branches fell—and the area trembled. Suddenly, a few yards away, the ground opened. Fire ejaculated from the crevice as a flaming sword rose. Big Jim grunted as he watched a cluster of smoke from this blaze. It swirled into etched words that read, "Do it." The words dissipated, and new smoke manifested and wrote, "Take the sword." Further creepy messages told him to do it several more times in an autistic fashion. Do it, do it, do it, do it.

"Nope!" Big Jim contested and TLDR. "Don't care. The world can go to Hell as the angels battle the demons and brimstone and gold fall from the sky, crushing people into gory puddles and theYNC splatters. I'm done with this! I'm going back inside and continuing to write about agriculture, landscaping, gardening, inspirational tales, and glassblowing. Likewise, I'm now closing the door to this."

And that he did.

Five years later, the world burned as enormous spaceships with crimson windows filled the sky, and giants came from them, slamming into the ground with massive weight. Meanwhile, Big Jim rested against a stack of pillows as he typed questionable pornographic material. "Deeper, bitch," still pointing the gun at the confused victim, the thug coerced her to push the strap-on dildo into his blown-out bussy." A tremor disturbed him from underneath. "Ugh," he sighed at the disruption. The quakes intensified. "Motherfucker!" annoyed, he closed his writer's block while saying, "This better not be a giant in my backyard; I ain't got time for this bullshit." He crawled to the vinyl door and brought its zipper down. Stepping outside, immediately, he discerned colossal legs and without warning, a giant hand snatched him and brought him up twenty stories bypassing the timberline.

Curly golden hair reaching the ground, the monster furrowed his thin eyebrows at Big Jim, who was exactly twenty feet from his breath of decay and death. Its head was equal in mass to a senior citizen-stomping elephant. He understood this bugaboo was indeed a Nephilim.

"The fuck kind of grown man lives in a fifty dollar tent?" the giant said with his thunderous voice.

"Not doing this!" Big Jim shouted. Lowering his tone, he added, "Put me back down so I can return to writing about novelty cars, candy bead decorations, inventions, new recipes, wine making, clay molding, woodwork, and bird species. Go eat the people and deprive this planet of its valuable resources. Just leave me out of it. But before you go, smell my hair, gently poke my balls, tongue tip my ass, I'm closing the door to this."

The giant cringed and dropped him. As Big Jim fell twenty stories, tumbling through branches of gravity stallers, the titan wiped his hairy hand against his side, as if it were dirty. He crashed into the ground, shattering his legs and hips, and both of his ankles snapped backward. He cried out to the meanie, "Now put me out of my misery, you fucking retard!" But the giant retard didn't hear his tiny voice as he left the scene while cautiously sniffing the alleged soiled hand.

Big Jim struggled in the dirt. His eyes welled with tears. Using the only limbs not broken, he pulled his pathetic, mangled body to his retreat as he whined like a big bitch from the agonizing pain. He slid inside his tent. Scanning the area for his escape-from-reality, he squirmed to his black laptop on his sleeping bag. He flipped the monitor up—the screen lit. He said to himself, "Thankfully, my wrists and hands didn't get a scratch, which means I can keep writing."

"Ugh, there I was," Big Jim began typing. "A broken man with no hope in sight, when suddenly, an annoying feminine voice singing urged for my attention. She sounded like an idiot—a typical woman. I stretched to the window to see. It was a naked black hair skank covered in tattoos. Her saucer plates against her teardrops begged me to give her a rating. Perhaps this one is a two." He quickly struck the latter sentence and reworded, "Not even a fucking one! But those perky nipple steeps are the main attraction. I cried out, "Hey, lady, give me a hand!"

"She rushed to my plea as I wiggled my peace offering as a longer bargaining chip. I spot a tiny hair. Quickly, I tried to pluck it from the carriage—I missed. I tried again—missed. I examined my fingers, making sure my nails were long enough. On the third attempt, carefully, I pinched for the pube... success!

"Ugh, right?" I reacted. Biting the tip of her index finger, a wicked grin followed. Her other hand slid down her ink-wrecked figure to the strip of shame below her pierced, puffy navel. She rubbed her clit, getting that bitch started. I grasped my shaft and tried to reach it with my opened mouth, thus letting her know I couldn't suck it myself. She nodded and dropped to her knees. For the next ten minutes, she slopped my ribbed cock as I fingered her drenched sleasebag that squished loudly. Ugh, this slut was one wet motherfucker. Before I ejaculated an appetizer into her belly, my spirit left my body. However, she was still sucking the post-mortem erection. Ugh, these fucking whores, I tell ya. Doesn't matter the shape, size, or condition of the body, as long as the dick is hard... she's one happy camper."

It’s not that they’re unpredictable——it’s that they refuse to be predicted, like a conversation that keeps slipping into a language you don’t speak but feel you should understand, if only you could untangle the way the vowels keep sliding into each other, collapsing into a hum that might be a song or a sigh or the distant rumble of something turning over in its sleep. And yet, they persist, not as a force but as a kind of *suggestion*, a flicker at the corner of your vision that dissolves when you try to look at it directly, leaving only the faint impression of movement, like the shadow of a hand waving from a window you’re not sure was ever there.

It reminds me of that time I tried to describe something that wasn’t really anything, but felt like it could have been everything, if only I’d known how to hold it still long enough to see it clearly.

It also reminds me of
looks like a kazakh Carpet
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
This is the final thought I'll share about political pornography. This is the last thread-blog-article I'll excrete involving these disturbed people with too much time on their hands.

Americans and the civilians of the Western Power nations earned these manipulators who frolic them for vanity, power, privilege, and creepy population management. They play games with society and see themselves as hysterically witty. eCommerce - eBay - eTrade - eHarmony - and the recent addition: eDog.

These people are determined to have unconditional control over lives separate from theirs. Yet, despite all of those riches, their children are still retarded. They stand no chance of surviving our tomorrow. Therefore, they're making this scheme a priority to safeguard their bloodline and hammer their legacy into history by eliminating intelligent minds and alphas... which are the ones that threaten the survival of their faulty seeds.

See the predicted future of their offspring as a dummy hitting himself in the face as he walks into a room full of conventional people. They discern him with raised eyebrows. A few guys swell their chests and tighten their fists. Ugh, this feller's got their blood pressure skyrocketing! As you can see, he stands no chance. They will mock him. They will bully him. They will tear him apart!

Imagine if you had enough money over lawmakers and Hollywood to assist you in designing a system that'll make the general population hit themselves in the face while eliminating the ones who refuse. The prosperous simpleton of tomorrow will feel superior. On the contrary, the mere sight of autistic behavior would discourage him from being himself. But first things first. If you want to make this omelet right, not only you'll have to crack open some eggs, but you'll need the chickens to shit them out.

Now imagine they match play what the general population fears, which are thugs and rappers. The data of today's youth shows a penchant for these dawgs. Even the girls fear them and drop their draws so they don't get hurt. If you ever saw an interracial couple, the white girl is most likely his victim. And she knows the alphas of her race are too much of a pussy to confront her abuser. This is where these cocky attitudes blossom. And I don't blame her. I, too, would be pissed off. Shit, I might even disown my race, knowing how many cowards occupy it.

Anyway, that report outlines young white males are terrified of dawgs, frightened of black culture. They're so worried about getting their asses kicked, they parade the black males with BBC promotions and buy rap music that usually words out violence against them. For example, many non-black Gen Zoids listen to the rap artist Die Whitey. Some of his lyrics include, "I wanna kill all white people. I wanna slaughter them. I wanna rape their moms. I wanna get their sisters hooked on crack and prostitute them to other niggas. I wanna eat their pets. I wanna rip their white flesh from their fucking bones. I do not like white people, period!"

Love It Thumbs Up GIF by G2 Esports

The white kids try to act niggas and be accepted as white dawgs. Ugh, so sad. Also, they're known to push their girlfriends to the aggressive black bucks, hoping the peace offer would save him from reparation for a little bitch beaten. Ugh, so, so, sad. So wealthy society created their own thug!

Tr¥mp has the most felonies than any "free" American in our nation. And the real Deep State suppresses specific knowledge from private investigative journalists from learning about this truth. Use any search engine and ask, "Who has the most felony convictions in the USA?" Spoiler: You won't get a name. So much for criminals is public knowledge, eh? One of the many benefits of privately owned prisons, indeed. Yet, decades ago, no one questioned why the government sold these contracts to private companies in cahoots with wealthy society. And the folks who investigate such contentious acts, the press, found it in their best interest not to dig too deep.

Did you know? Mainstream media created the practice of conspiracy theory back in the 1970s. This was their bread and butter. In the following decade, talk shows and tabloids exploded, causing unprecedented competition with the origin. By the 2000s, giants like CNN suffered the impact and began losing droves of naive eyes and gullible ears. The female journalists had to suck so many cocks to make ends meet; the networks enacted mandatory extra time off. So their throats could heal. Eventually, they had enough of this fucking shit and campaigned against the product they created by allying with Deep State in exchange for generous investments, lavish gifts, smaller peckers (prevents throat inflammation), judicial privileges, luxurious vacations, and exclusive front-row seats at press conferences.

But in all honesty, I believe what really did it was September 11, 2001. That hymen rupture persuaded them to play ball or be the next feller sitting in the office looking out the window, pondering, "Is that plane headed for me?"

The elite players made TrÖmp not only Thug Life but, poetically, in your face, the Electronic Dog. Of course, the ghetto spells it, DAWG. But the writers in DC couldn't find a legitimate word for the letter W. Let's suppose the government branch is called DAWGE. Department And Wishful Government Efficiency? Not happening. But EDOG was a better fit. Like DEI, thus DIE, they knew not to word it in exact order. It's called using subliminal context while indirectly threatening low-level millionaires and taunting adversaries. Intelligence and military vets understand what I'm saying—DOGE.

DOG (DAWG) also means your best friend, buddy... someone you can trust.

James Franco Flirt GIF

Goodbye Politics, Hello New Beginnings

I'm officially ending their existence inside my head. Instead of writing about the Congress cult, tiny penises, and neckties, I'll write about wildlife, the universe, science fiction, families, love, dating, cooking, and art. Recently, I joined virtual reality as my first step to this eviction. But also, I wanted to see where this technology was and how it would be used during the upcoming war. Ah, yes, people will be frightened, so give them glorious visual wonders and a community to keep them at peace and distracted. Yet, the ones who refuse to comply will have no juice to power the Bug Eyes and Three Doors.

To users on this forum, if you tag me into political threads, or anything to do with the upcoming world war with China, neither will I react nor comment. Despite that, as I wrote countless threads before, I'll write this one final time; it'll include recent events:

  • Big D relocates his command back to the White House

  • The Don pardons the J6ers and a parade follows. (The parade happened as the inmates were released. Cars lined up the street for miles as the freed sacrifices were paraded. People stood along the road waving at the J6ers. Most of this happened after midnight when much of the nation was asleep. For some creepy reason, they withheld this event from the public's eyes. But if you search for it, you might find some clips.)

  • Big Daddy gets Putin and Zelenskyy to shake hands for peace with him at the center of the deal (he might be on his knees jerking both of them off, metaphorically speaking.) No disrespect, Donny.
Village People Dancing GIF by de chinezen

  • China reacts with feelings of scorn, disrespect, and betrayal (North Korea will demand their soldiers back. They are all killed.)

  • "It keeps changing" happens in this period. I speculate either a Mexican/South American or India/Bangladesh conflict will escalate... or something staging the step to the next event... Mongolia?


  • The Great Reset apparatus slithers across the red carpet

  • Electricity/communication/internet problems galore

  • Military conscription

  • [redacted]

  • Draft dodgers are arrested at both borders and publicized and shamed. Americans are directly threatened by Deep State's mainstream media: CNN, Fox News, Reuters, MSNBC, Newsmax, Goonews (Google's press) yadda yadda

  • SOMETHING ELSE happens using the UFO/UAP narrative

  • Journalists drop like flies

  • Blah blah blah, you're on your own at this point

Neither will I comment nor write anything further relating to Armageddon, including World War Three, political porn, laws, censorship, criminals of high status, privacy violations, government, communism, and leadership corruption. Do not expect a reaction from me; you will not get one! And if, by mistake or clickbait, I do enter a thread regarding any of these subjects, I will TLDR to myself and exit. So start calling me the asshole now. Or jerk will do. Don't care, stroke me off, lick my dick, fondle my balls, tongue my ass; I'm closing this door now.

Time Clock GIF by MOODMAN

Several years after he departed from political nonsense, Big Jim kept to his word as the gates of Hell opened upon the earth and the Devil was released to wrecked havoc across the lands. But instead of writing what he said he would, he wrote disturbing, filthy erotica. "She begged him to go deeper into her soaked pussy with his pulsating, throbbing cock. Shoving the tip of her finger into his bussy, she rallied him with this suspicious gay tactic. Filling his hands with her hair, he aggressively pulled her head to his chest as he pounded her swollen lust into a creamy mess of sulfur odor. She shouted, "Potato, Malaytoe-" The ground violently quivered. He stopped rapping his keyboard arsenal.

Inside his Home Depot shed, Big Jim sat on a chair, holding his Monster Energy Lo-Carb product from spilling as an empty cinnamon whiskey bottle fell from a table. Across from him, hanging off the loft, his swastika flag unlatched at a corner and dropped to a dangling bundle. The corners of his mouth buckled. He stood and shouted, "I better not see a flaming sword coming out of the ground!" He took two steps to the door and pushed it open as it creaked.

Trees violently shook—leaves flurried—birds scattered in panic—branches fell—and the area trembled. Suddenly, a few yards away, the ground opened. Fire ejaculated from the crevice as a flaming sword rose. Big Jim grunted as he watched a cluster of smoke from this blaze. It swirled into etched words that read, "Do it." The words dissipated, and new smoke manifested and wrote, "Take the sword." Further creepy messages told him to do it several more times in an autistic fashion. Do it, do it, do it, do it.

"Nope!" Big Jim contested and TLDR. "Don't care. The world can go to Hell as the angels battle the demons and brimstone and gold fall from the sky, crushing people into gory puddles and theYNC splatters. I'm done with this! I'm going back inside and continuing to write about agriculture, landscaping, gardening, inspirational tales, and glassblowing. Likewise, I'm now closing the door to this."

And that he did.

Five years later, the world burned as enormous spaceships with crimson windows filled the sky, and giants came from them, slamming into the ground with massive weight. Meanwhile, Big Jim rested against a stack of pillows as he typed questionable pornographic material. "Deeper, bitch," still pointing the gun at the confused victim, the thug coerced her to push the strap-on dildo into his blown-out bussy." A tremor disturbed him from underneath. "Ugh," he sighed at the disruption. The quakes intensified. "Motherfucker!" annoyed, he closed his writer's block while saying, "This better not be a giant in my backyard; I ain't got time for this bullshit." He crawled to the vinyl door and brought its zipper down. Stepping outside, immediately, he discerned colossal legs and without warning, a giant hand snatched him and brought him up twenty stories bypassing the timberline.

Curly golden hair reaching the ground, the monster furrowed his thin eyebrows at Big Jim, who was exactly twenty feet from his breath of decay and death. Its head was equal in mass to a senior citizen-stomping elephant. He understood this bugaboo was indeed a Nephilim.

"The fuck kind of grown man lives in a fifty dollar tent?" the giant said with his thunderous voice.

"Not doing this!" Big Jim shouted. Lowering his tone, he added, "Put me back down so I can return to writing about novelty cars, candy bead decorations, inventions, new recipes, wine making, clay molding, woodwork, and bird species. Go eat the people and deprive this planet of its valuable resources. Just leave me out of it. But before you go, smell my hair, gently poke my balls, tongue tip my ass, I'm closing the door to this."

The giant cringed and dropped him. As Big Jim fell twenty stories, tumbling through branches of gravity stallers, the titan wiped his hairy hand against his side, as if it were dirty. He crashed into the ground, shattering his legs and hips, and both of his ankles snapped backward. He cried out to the meanie, "Now put me out of my misery, you fucking retard!" But the giant retard didn't hear his tiny voice as he left the scene while cautiously sniffing the alleged soiled hand.

Big Jim struggled in the dirt. His eyes welled with tears. Using the only limbs not broken, he pulled his pathetic, mangled body to his retreat as he whined like a big bitch from the agonizing pain. He slid inside his tent. Scanning the area for his escape-from-reality, he squirmed to his black laptop on his sleeping bag. He flipped the monitor up—the screen lit. He said to himself, "Thankfully, my wrists and hands didn't get a scratch, which means I can keep writing."

"Ugh, there I was," Big Jim began typing. "A broken man with no hope in sight, when suddenly, an annoying feminine voice singing urged for my attention. She sounded like an idiot—a typical woman. I stretched to the window to see. It was a naked black hair skank covered in tattoos. Her saucer plates against her teardrops begged me to give her a rating. Perhaps this one is a two." He quickly struck the latter sentence and reworded, "Not even a fucking one! But those perky nipple steeps are the main attraction. I cried out, "Hey, lady, give me a hand!"

"She rushed to my plea as I wiggled my peace offering as a longer bargaining chip. I spot a tiny hair. Quickly, I tried to pluck it from the carriage—I missed. I tried again—missed. I examined my fingers, making sure my nails were long enough. On the third attempt, carefully, I pinched for the pube... success!

"Ugh, right?" I reacted. Biting the tip of her index finger, a wicked grin followed. Her other hand slid down her ink-wrecked figure to the strip of shame below her pierced, puffy navel. She rubbed her clit, getting that bitch started. I grasped my shaft and tried to reach it with my opened mouth, thus letting her know I couldn't suck it myself. She nodded and dropped to her knees. For the next ten minutes, she slopped my ribbed cock as I fingered her drenched sleasebag that squished loudly. Ugh, this slut was one wet motherfucker. Before I ejaculated an appetizer into her belly, my spirit left my body. However, she was still sucking the post-mortem erection. Ugh, these fucking whores, I tell ya. Doesn't matter the shape, size, or condition of the body, as long as the dick is hard... she's one happy camper."

I hate wiggers. I'm not a white supremacists but I say "white power!" all the time at my job where I work with Mexicans, Filipinos, Chinese and Vietnamese. I give the good old Elon Salute as well.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and BigJimsWornOutTires
It’s not that they’re unpredictable——it’s that they refuse to be predicted, like a conversation that keeps slipping into a language you don’t speak but feel you should understand, if only you could untangle the way the vowels keep sliding into each other, collapsing into a hum that might be a song or a sigh or the distant rumble of something turning over in its sleep. And yet, they persist, not as a force but as a kind of *suggestion*, a flicker at the corner of your vision that dissolves when you try to look at it directly, leaving only the faint impression of movement, like the shadow of a hand waving from a window you’re not sure was ever there.

It reminds me of that time I tried to describe something that wasn’t really anything, but felt like it could have been everything, if only I’d known how to hold it still long enough to see it clearly.

It also reminds me of
looks like a kazakh Carpet
Suggesting angels communicated in song and man tried to mimic it by syllable but instead, didn't drag out the hums? A spoken song?

I had visions within dreams of an unknown language I knew by heart. Yet, when I awoke, I couldn't remember one word.

I hate wiggers. I'm not a white supremacists but I say "white power!" all the time at my job where I work with Mexicans, Filipinos, Chinese and Vietnamese. I give the good old Elon Salute as well.
They are a different breed. From my analogy, they're naturally violent and hate everyone including themselves. They're professional liars and have no limitations. This includes religion.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and Lefty Rankin
Suggesting angels communicated in song and man tried to mimic it by syllable but instead, didn't drag out the hums? A spoken song?

I had visions within dreams of an unknown language I knew by heart. Yet, when I awoke, I couldn't remember one word.

They are a different breed. From my analogy, they're naturally violent and hate everyone including themselves. They're professional liars and have no limitations. This includes religion.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: d3m4g5 and BigJimsWornOutTires

That is sad to watch. They're clueless about how much the ones they envy hate their fucking guts. They would drop them like flies and rape their moms and shoot their younger siblings in the head and not have one speck of remorse.
  • +1
Reactions: looksmaxxed and Sushifart
That is sad to watch. They're clueless about how much the ones they envy hate their fucking guts. They would drop them like flies and rape their moms and shoot their younger siblings in the head and not have one speck of remorse.
Look at the neighborhood they live in, lol.
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
Look at the neighborhood they live in, lol.
I know, I endured them while growing up. I had to stop a grown black man from raping my sister when I was seven. I didn't know how to speak human language at that time. So I picked up a brick and tossed it through someone's house window. He heard and drew his pants back on and ran. But what he didn't know, nor did I, no one was home.

These people never change. They're naturally hostile, frugal, spiteful, and dishonest. Yet, they worship us like gods. Creepy. Black women don't grow long hair. However, 9 out of 10 have long hair. Wigs! Or as they sugarcoat them as, weaves. That's how their grandparents pronounced wigs. Triple black pussy creepy!
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Come to Mumbai benchoot
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Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
@Lefty Rankin @LancasteR @Nazi Germany @Vermilioncore @RXnd @PsychoH @2025cel @Lord Shadow @BimaxLaser @War_In_Chiraq @MoggerGaston @OldRooster @romanstock @Ghengis Khan @666PSL @forevergymcelling @MakinItHappen @stoner @SlopMaxxer
i like you
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Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires

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