Elizabeth Leil



Sep 29, 2023

how tf is this currycel her husband?
That the girl from You?
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Just googled, she's 31. Women at that age get very very desperate as they realize they only have about 3/4 years left before they can't have kids. He's an average-looking rich dentist so it makes sense.
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Just googled, she's 31. Women at that age get very very desperate as they realize they only have about 3/4 years left before they can't have kids. He's an average-looking rich dentist so it makes sense.

Most women can have kids up to 50+ stupid. That is not the reason she is with him lol there are younger women than her with oofies too.

Moron trying to justify why she's with this guy by using muh women at 30 don't value looks anymore. KYS stupid bitch, you don't know shit.

Most of the women with ugly men like this subhuman ARE in fact the younger ones, NOT older ones. Older women 30+ can value looks MORE.

Remember it's the zoomer girls that are "interested" in frail, boneless, girly-boys, whereas women 25+ usually prefer masc. Chads normally.
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why does her chin look so fucking weird
Most women can have kids up to 50+ stupid. That is not the reason she is with him lol there are younger women than her with oofies too.
You're a dumbass kid. You're thinking about men. Womens fertility drops rapidly after 30. Why do you think people call it "the wall"

You're a dumbass kid. You're thinking about men. Womens fertility drops rapidly after 30. Why do you think people call it "the wall"

View attachment 2601999

"The wall" is redpill cope. Many women 30+ fuck around and don't settle cuz muh fertility window, 30-35 isn't THAT old for healthy people.

But you're a retard based on your previous message, so I'm not bothering arguing with you. Just know even younger girls are with guys like this. She isn't with him because the clock is running out. Plenty of young jbs are with sub 6 ethnic faggots too. Are all women infertile too?

Well actually, yeah, many are and even dudes are infertile but you're still absolutely retarded to cringe levels if you believe what you wrote.

You probably are infertile as what sperm of any value sits on an incel site worshipping dead old, mid-tier French actors?
"The wall" is redpill cope. Many women 30+ fuck around and don't settle cuz muh fertility window, 30 isn't THAT old for healthy people.

But you're a retard based on your previous message, so I'm not bothering arguing with you. Just know even younger girls are with guys like this.
So you're basing your argument based off your own anecdotal evidence, right. So you have no valid comeback.
So you're basing your argument based off your own anecdotal evidence, right. So you have no valid comeback.

Anecdotal evidence is all I need when I'm conversing with a dumbass who thinks healthy women at 30 years old are already becoming infertile.

And uses that cope excuse to justify why a good looking woman is with an ugly brown turd, when anyone with half a brain should know the valid reasons why. But you're stupid & don't even have anecdotal evidence, as it takes any kind of foresight or knowledge to have such anyways.
Anecdotal evidence is all I need when I'm conversing with a dumbass who thinks healthy women at 30 years old are already becoming infertile.

And uses that cope excuse to justify why a good looking woman is with an ugly brown turd, when anyone with half a brain should know the valid reasons why. But you're stupid & don't even have anecdotal evidence, as it takes any kind of foresight or knowledge to have such anyways.
It's not my opinion, it's a biological fact. As data shows, women's fertility drops off very fast. Why the fuck do you think women panic at 30 and look to settle down? Lmao you're arguing against basic biology
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It's not my opinion, it's a biological fact. As data shows, women's fertility drops off very fast. Why the fuck do you think women panic at 30 and look to settle down? Lmao you're arguing against basic biology

Women don't suddenly become enamored or attracted to subhuman Indians when they hit 'X' age stupid or a certain fertility level, dipshit.

Ask any old women if they want to fuck or be with subhuman indians or chinks once they're 35+, obviously the answer doesn't change.

Only someone as stupid as a .org member thinks a woman's attraction to a pheno/race/etc. changes entirely over to Indian once she gets older.

LMAO I can't with morons. I'm not replying to the likes of you anymore, so keep believing in your retarded, .org autist theories.
She’s so hot
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