Ending the looks and status argument.

Status or looks

  • Status

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Looks

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • stfu u 13 year old baby chad

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 22, 2018
I always see you guys arguing over status and looks and the simple answer is status over looks. high school/middle school/college past then unless you have massive status looks will prevail. Looksmaxxers in school just be popular bro and you will get fucked... not by whales by 8/10 stacies. My fat friend, short friend and extremely ugly friend all slay so hard and I've seen it in person but once they get out of school they wont have a high SMV but it won't matter because they will have kids with Stacie. Btw its over unless chad/status god once you leave school. Status wins... looks and frame help you get status but overall status is easier to obtain during school than looksmaxxing will ever be.

Please go and ascend whilst you can.

@Nibba @ZyzzReincarnate @Intel.Imperitive @averageblokecel @Weishaupt
  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
That is what we call the difference between short-term and long-term adaptive mating strategy for women.
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba
Yes, but I would have said money over status.
Nah money you will just get cucked hard and robbed for your earnings, Be first theory goes along with this thread also
Yes, but I would have said money over status but both overlap.
Please reply to my previous comment mathieu
I really want to know the name of the device
you're ignoring me = giving me cortisol spikes
Please reply to my previous comment mathieu
I really want to know the name of the device
you're ignoring me = giving me cortisol spikes

What would I get in exchange? :sneaky:
Nah money you will just get cucked hard and robbed for your earnings, Be first theory goes along with this thread also

That is why it is attractive boyo.
Ugly motherfuckers will get cucked most of the time. If you believe you can subsist on status alone you're dead wrong
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 176 and Never_Began
Looks = status most of the time. A low status Chad in any school or workplace would be very rare.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 176 and Nibba
Looks = status most of the time. Try and find a low status Chad in any school or workplace and they would be very rare
Unless he's an actual retard downie but I have yet to see anyone with trisomy 21 b a chad
stfu baby chad
Post pics, if actually chad
  • +1
Reactions: Hebbe wem
Also in regards for doing any of this LMS solely for women, don't do that lol. @Madness you should looksmax so that you like what you see when you get out of bed every morning. Looksmax for you THEN for women
status > looks > money
Emotionless sex is like fapping trust me, the sex you get by having money and statis is nothing compared to what broke Chad gets
  • +1
Reactions: mikeock
Having looks automatically gives you status.
Looks 50%
Money 25%
Status 25%
Status matters 0%. I thought the #metoo movement proved this to you. Women would rather fuck a good looking Wendy's cook than a billionaire CEO.
Status matters 0%. I thought the #metoo movement proved this to you. Women would rather fuck a good looking Wendy's cook than a billionaire CEO.
little ben shapiro dropping blackpills left and right

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