Eppley is so unethical

Deleted member 3259

Deleted member 3259

Sep 22, 2019
Can you really trust someones opinion in whats best for you, if he will put wraparound implants on someone who even a normie can tell would need double jaw surgery? This dude has an education as a maxofac, so he 100% does know when a wraparound wont fix the underlying issue, but still he tells patients to get it. I understand wanting to make money, but this is actually to the point where it's cruel.
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  • JFL
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Can you really trust someones opinion in whats best for you, if he will put wraparound implants on someone who even a normie can tell would need double jaw surgery? This dude has an education as a maxofac, so he 100% does know when a wraparound wont fix the underlying issue, but still he tells patients to get it. I understand wanting to make money, but this is actually to the point where it's cruel.
I think he fucked up where he made a normie into a blockhead with wraparound jaw implant. He should have advised that is a bad idea.
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  • JFL
Reactions: randomguy1235, je3oe, SixFootManlet and 3 others
I think he fucked up where he made a normie into a blockhead with wraparound jaw implant. He should have advised that is a bad idea.
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Reactions: randomguy1235 and Hepatologyscribe
Most people that get custom wraparound jaw implants I’ve noticed over do it in two ways:

1. They make the bigonial width too high, in some cases even higher than the bizygomatic width. That looks disharmonious as fuck.

2. They make the gonions too low (due to making the ramus too tall), in some cases well below the mouth area from frontal profile. This also looks disharmonious as fuck.
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Reactions: Deleted member 11604, DianabolDownie, je3oe and 6 others
I'm debating whether I should just get a bimax or jaw implants. Probably bimax since my jaw is kind of asymmetrical.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2012
I don't recall the thread, but everyone on .me laughed at the dude. Looked like some lego character. Clearly mental problems, Eppley should have not done that.
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  • JFL
Reactions: SixFootManlet, Zeta ascended and Deleted member 4209
I don't recall the thread, but everyone on .me laughed at the dude. Looked like some lego character. Clearly mental problems, Eppley should have not done that.

it was this summer if i remember the one
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
I don't recall the thread, but everyone on .me laughed at the dude. Looked like some lego character. Clearly mental problems, Eppley should have not done that.

I know the guy you’re talking about. He didn’t exactly have a blockhead look. What he had was: a very tall ramus causing his gonions to sit below the mouth area from frontal profile, combined with a tall enough chin such that his gonial angle was high DESPITE his ramus being tall. Generally when the ramus is that tall the gonial angle is low forming a square, blockhead look. But this dude had a really tall ramus and a V shaped angular jaw from frontal profile because of his chin being tall enough. It looked very retarded indeed as that V shaped jaw just sat so low on the face due to the tall as fuck ramus.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, SixFootManlet, Hepatologyscribe and 1 other person
He has great surgical skill, but is a salesperson at heart.

He wants you to buy what he's selling, even at the expense of his own integrity.

Don't forget the time that guy sent blurred pics of Jordan Barrett and Epps came back with like multiple surgery recommendations.

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  • Woah
Reactions: yundanfengqing, randomguy1235, Deleted member 2506 and 5 others
That's what suggested to me. I'm glad I'm getting jaw surgery first.

Someone mentioned that Saiyan's zygos implants were some scam Eppley and him planned together and were fake? I have no idea if that's true though.
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  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, SixFootManlet and Hepatologyscribe
He has great surgical skill, but is a salesperson at heart.

He wants you to buy what he's selling, even at the expense of his own integrity.

Don't forget the time that guy sent blurred pics of Jordan Barrett and Epps came back with like multiple surgery recommendations.

Homie it was me who sent him that lol
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235, BeestungLipsTheory, Deleted member 2012 and 2 others
That's we suggested to me. I'm glad I'm getting jaw surgery first.

Someone mentioned that Saiyan's zygos implants were some scam Eppley and him planned together and were fake? I have no idea if that's true though.

No it wasn’t a scam lmfao
  • +1
Reactions: Hepatologyscribe
Keep barking for him
That's we suggested to me. I'm glad I'm getting jaw surgery first.

Someone mentioned that Saiyan's zygos implants were some scam Eppley and him planned together and were fake? I have no idea if that's true though.
Considering the fact @Saiyan talks trash about Eppley now, it’s probably not true.

Though you can argue that he could only dislike Eppley now because he went back on some agreement they could’ve had—I still think they didn’t plan anything together.

Eppley is great for his willingness to do pretty unprecedented kinds of custom implants—if the patient has a good aesthetic eye and understands facial anatomy, and makes sure they have a good bite and good projection of maxilla and mandible, then he’s definitely a good option for things like implants for cheekbone, browridge, jawline, etc.
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Reactions: Marsiere214, randomguy1235, Gaia262 and 2 others
He's a scumbag
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
I agree and this is starting to become common opinion in online communities (realself is known to remove negative opinions and reviews on eppley).

I can’t talk about my situation as I have lawsuit ongoing but whatever you do DO NOT go to Eppley, it’s all a marketing scam.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214, Deleted member 685, Rift and 3 others
Heavily marketed maxfacs and plastic surgeons are disingenuous sociopathic gaslighters, I have confirmed this myself after dealing with one. They want your money and face to experiment on through whatever means possible including subterfuge and coercion as I experienced. There is a special hell for these evil assholes.
I agree and this is starting to become common opinion in online communities (realself is known to remove negative opinions and reviews on eppley).

I can’t talk about my situation as I have lawsuit ongoing but whatever you do DO NOT go to Eppley, it’s all a marketing scam.
Jesus Christ mate, hope youre okay. Can we talk in pm? We used to chat on lookism back in the day.
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Heavily marketed maxfacs and plastic surgeons are disingenuous sociopathic gaslighters, I have confirmed this myself after dealing with one. They want your money and face to experiment on through whatever means possible including subterfuge and coercion as I experienced. There is a special hell for these evil assholes.

Jesus Christ mate, hope youre okay. Can we talk in pm? We used to chat on lookism back in the day.

Get a grip on reality :feelskek::lul:
Considering the fact @Saiyan talks trash about Eppley now, it’s probably not true.

Though you can argue that he could only dislike Eppley now because he went back on some agreement they could’ve had—I still think they didn’t plan anything together.

Eppley is great for his willingness to do pretty unprecedented kinds of custom implants—if the patient has a good aesthetic eye and understands facial anatomy, and makes sure they have a good bite and good projection of maxilla and mandible, then he’s definitely a good option for things like implants for cheekbone, browridge, jawline, etc.

Probably gonna get all from him tbh. Lower third implants, cheekbone implants (anterior projection only), and browridge implants.
  • +1
Reactions: Golden Glass
Get a grip on reality :feelskek::lul:
My experience, and the numerous horror stories all over the net (albeit heavily suppressed) of run ins with these pricks. I've talked privately with a few, it is the same story every time. Anyone who has consulted with many surgeons around the world will tell you the same thing.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4054 and PubertyMaxxer
Most people that get custom wraparound jaw implants I’ve noticed over do it in two ways:

1. They make the bigonial width too high, in some cases even higher than the bizygomatic width. That looks disharmonious as fuck.

2. They make the gonions too low (due to making the ramus too tall), in some cases well below the mouth area from frontal profile. This also looks disharmonious as fuck.
Downloadfile 40

Ideal Jaw in general tbh from front
I also think the reason so many implant results look like shit, is because of how "thick" the combination of bone and implant becomes. For example, someone good looking may have a widish jaw/chin..... but it's not "thick". To recreate that wideness on someone with a narrowish jaw, lots of implant material must be added, giving the appearance of unusually thick bone.
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
Can you really trust someones opinion in whats best for you, if he will put wraparound implants on someone who even a normie can tell would need double jaw surgery? This dude has an education as a maxofac, so he 100% does know when a wraparound wont fix the underlying issue, but still he tells patients to get it. I understand wanting to make money, but this is actually to the point where it's cruel.

I have no idea about Eppley's practice but I'm pretty sure the average "normie" can't tell shit about someone needing orthognathic surgery. You or any braindead PSLer for that matter, but especially you, is completely retarded next to a maxfac trainee, not even an actual practitioner.

There's a reason maxilofacial surgery is one of hardest specialties of medicine. It takes years and huge effort to successfully complete training. If maxfac was all about looking at shitty side photos with the head not being in the Frankfurt plane and having a bunch of retards say "it's over just get LeFort IV" everyone and their mother would become a maxfac or many maxfacs would have some "aesthetics consultant" by their side. Fortunately though that is not the case and will never.

Eppley and EVERY maxfac surgeon knows much better than you at least in terms of treatment plans. Never forget that.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Marsiere214, Mongrelcel, Downey and 7 others
Btw @ArabIncel , whether gonions well below the mouth look bad or not, depends on the rest of the face.
As long as Eppley provides an accurate morph of what the patient would look like, and the patient agrees, I don't see a problem with it.
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235 and Peachy
Btw @ArabIncel , whether gonions well below the mouth look bad or not, depends on the rest of the face.

Tbh I’ve never seen an example where the gonions below the mouth from front looked better. Everyone I’ve seen with gonions below the mouth, when I morphed them with gonions leveled with the mouth, I found them to be better looking. And I’ve done this with many people who are 6 PSL and above. But I may just be biased.
You also need to make sure you’re comparing faces that are at a neutral, or at least the same, forward tilt towards the camera. If you’re looking forward but your chin is titled more downwards, your gonions are going to look higher up, and vice versa.

Tbh I’ve never seen an example where the gonions below the mouth from front looked better. Everyone I’ve seen with gonions below the mouth, when I morphed them with gonions leveled with the mouth, I found them to be better looking. And I’ve done this with many people who are 6 PSL and above. But I may just be biased.
Really it depends on the rest of the face, including the chin.
062FAD41 C4CF 4B1D 90EC E1133AED28C2
81DE3DA3 5290 40D3 8747 BA37AC1F0506

If you think higher gonions for this example looks better, then yeah I think your biased due to you having very low set gonions.
  • +1
Reactions: DianabolDownie and ArabIncel
You also need to make sure you’re comparing faces that are at a neutral, or at least the same, forward tilt towards the camera. If you’re looking forward but your chin is titled more downwards, your gonions are going to look higher up, and vice versa.

Really it depends on the rest of the face, including the chin.
View attachment 280536View attachment 280535
If you think higher gonions for this example looks better, then yeah I think your biased due to you having very low set gonions.
Higher gonions never look better. They should always be under mouth otherwise its subhuman
Higher gonions never look better. They should always be under mouth otherwise its subhuman
In like 9/10 O’Pry pics, his gonions look at about level with his mouth if not slightly higher—would you say his jaw is subhuman?
In like 9/10 O’Pry pics, his gonions look at about level with his mouth if not slightly higher—would you say his jaw is subhuman?
Shit yeah I saw that now lol. Na, okay, subhuman is not the right word. I would probably say that maybe it's more masculine? Because the lower the gonion is, the more square your face shape is.
  • +1
Reactions: Golden Glass
You also need to make sure you’re comparing faces that are at a neutral, or at least the same, forward tilt towards the camera. If you’re looking forward but your chin is titled more downwards, your gonions are going to look higher up, and vice versa.

Really it depends on the rest of the face, including the chin.
View attachment 280536View attachment 280535
If you think higher gonions for this example looks better, then yeah I think your biased due to you having very low set gonions.

Yeah I think he does look better with higher gonions. I suppose I am biased in that case.

BTW, I don’t actually have low set gonions. My gonial angle is low but the gonions themselves really aren’t that low. My ramus isn’t that tall. It’s just the combination of a more or less normal ramus with a short chin that causes my gonial angle to be low. But the gonions themselves are fine, I think.
For instance here are two morphs of me. I didn’t change the position of the gonions (I just made them wider apart and the chin taller — but the gonions are still the same height). They don’t appear that low to me.


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Yeah I think he does look better with higher gonions. I suppose I am biased in that case.

BTW, I don’t actually have low set gonions. My gonial angle is low but the gonions themselves really aren’t that low. My ramus isn’t that tall. It’s just the combination of a more or less normal ramus with a short chin that causes my gonial angle to be low. But the gonions themselves are fine, I think.
For instance here are two morphs of me. I didn’t change the position of the gonions (I just made them wider apart and the chin taller — but the gonions are still the same height). They don’t appear that low to me.

I’m not an IPDcel. My IPD is fine. My zygos are just too wide for my “normal” IPD. Due to that my IPD just looks narrow when really it isn’t all that narrow at all. Oh and guess what? There’s a fix to that: lateral cheekbone reduction osteotomy. That’ll remove this illusion.
For a true IPDcel there is no fix, for me there is, because I’m not a true IPDcel
Nice try
I’m not an IPDcel. My IPD is fine. My zygos are just too wide for my “normal” IPD. Due to that my IPD just looks narrow when really it isn’t all that narrow at all. Oh and guess what? There’s a fix to that: lateral cheekbone reduction osteotomy. That’ll remove this illusion.
For a true IPDcel there is no fix, for me there is, because I’m not a true IPDcel
Nice try

I am kidding calm down. No troll or anything, genuinely think you are quite gl, above average for sure imo
  • +1
Reactions: ArabIncel
Dunno what surgeries to get
my lower third would be decent if I just had a longer rammus
Im worried about implants, they constantly go too far and look uncanny

although a better lower third is not my highest concern
I agree and this is starting to become common opinion in online communities (realself is known to remove negative opinions and reviews on eppley).

I can’t talk about my situation as I have lawsuit ongoing but whatever you do DO NOT go to Eppley, it’s all a marketing scam.

Homie it was me who sent him that lol

lmfao legend
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He's a scumbag

He even doesnt cut thick skin during implants, leading to worse setting and appearance

literally malpractice

and he is a huge narcissist and has an ego from all the lookism retards who come to his office to suck his cock and tell him everyone says hes the best

I'm only going to him for my gay skull and browbone and ramus thats all and only because I am knowledgeable in facial bones and aesthatics
I agree and this is starting to become common opinion in online communities (realself is known to remove negative opinions and reviews on eppley).

I can’t talk about my situation as I have lawsuit ongoing but whatever you do DO NOT go to Eppley, it’s all a marketing scam.
Seriously? That explains your change in attitude towards him.

AFAIK you can still speak out about what he did to you, especially since you can just claim that this forum account isn’t even actually you.

There’s a poor woman on JSF who’s made a lawsuit against Gunson, of all people, after he butchered her—Gunson of Arnett and Gibson fame, the American duo who charge like 100K for double jaw surgery, and are regarded as the best in the country, if not the world. She’s shared her pictures and everything on there, and I’m pretty sure she said her lawyer supported that decision.

Obviously you don’t have to share pics or anything, but like I said, you can state what happened on here and it still wouldn’t be possible for Eppley to link it to you in your lawsuit, unless you’ve demonstrated to him that this account is in fact run by you.
  • +1
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit
He has great surgical skill, but is a salesperson at heart.

He wants you to buy what he's selling, even at the expense of his own integrity.

Don't forget the time that guy sent blurred pics of Jordan Barrett and Epps came back with like multiple surgery recommendations.

lmao do u have link
and he is a huge narcissist and has an ego from all the lookism retards who come to his office to suck his cock and tell him everyone says hes the best
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2506
I agree and this is starting to become common opinion in online communities (realself is known to remove negative opinions and reviews on eppley).

I can’t talk about my situation as I have lawsuit ongoing but whatever you do DO NOT go to Eppley, it’s all a marketing scam.
You had excellent results and even created a lookism thread about how it was the best decision you ever made. What went wrong since then?

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