ESSENTIAL NT rules that helped me survive HS/College



Birdcel Med 7.25 PSL (white girls need their meds)
Apr 4, 2024
I want to start of with the most important tip first: Talking/acting like your half awake 247 (body language, speech, mannerisms)

I’ve heard this tip from Zherka before and this is prob the most underrated advice ever.

Especially since growing up, despite being MTN, I had a pretty nerdy voice + would talk fast (almost in a Michael Sartain kind of way) and noticed that a lot of people (men & women) would have low attention spans when talking to me and wouldn’t really gaf ab what I had to say often.

But then I started analyzing super NT crackers that got all the pussy and realized that pretty much all of them would do the following:

-Talk like their half awake
-Always kept their answers short, brief, and low effort
-Parroted zoomer and nigger slang often
-Only talked about NT topics like sports, hip hop, referenced whatever memes were popular at that moment, etc

And I also noticed having too much knowledge in any subject (outside of sports) and trying to debate with it also comes off as too try hard and non NT. Esp if it’s politics, religion, anime, dating (jfl), etc.

Having mid-surface knowledge in many NT topics is ideal as well as having a neutral popular opinion or (Ideally) an opinion that’s controversial enough to make you look ballsy and low inhib but not controversial enough to make you Non NT. Finding this balance is difficult without years of social calibration and experience being NT tbh.

But for me personally this is the advice that really helped me become NT. And FYI for the niggas have a good looks base, when it comes to your personality type your better off just looksmaxxing to HTN+ and then going the route of just being the guy is a good listener and is genuinely cares/takes interest in ppl. This is by far the easiest path to becoming a “charming dude” and works best when ur HTN+ and gymaxxed since most people will automatically respect you when you’re HTN+ and gymaxxed and you don’t need to worry passing endless shit tests and constantly giving out shit tests to other men to get respect.

You can just be a nice humble dude who provides value and coast well socially with that. Ideal social life tbh, I remember when I was a manlet in high school I had to constantly play the shit test game and jestermaxx to get any respect. A little shit testing a male banter is fun but constant shit testing gets annoying af.

But that’s all I got for now. If any other NT niggas w experience got wisdom or shit to add plz drop it below
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how will this help you enter the kingdom of the almighty god?
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  • JFL
Reactions: h111
whats the point of "fitting in" when you have to conciously think about how you have to act 24/7 and you arent even being yourself
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Reactions: Banderacell, Zukiteru, Sprinkles and 10 others
I want to start of with the most important tip first: Talking/acting like your half awake 247 (body language, speech, mannerisms)

I’ve heard this tip from Zherka before and this is prob the most underrated advice ever.

Especially since growing up, despite being MTN, I had a pretty nerdy voice + would talk fast (almost in a Michael Sartain kind of way) and noticed that a lot of people (men & women) would have low attention spans when talking to me and wouldn’t really gaf ab what I had to say often.

But then I started analyzing super NT crackers that got all the pussy and realized that pretty much all of them would do the following:

-Talk like their half awake
-Always kept their answers short, brief, and low effort
-Parroted zoomer and nigger slang often
-Only talked about NT topics like sports, hip hop, referenced whatever memes were popular at that moment, etc

And I also noticed having too much knowledge in any subject (outside of sports) and trying to debate with it also comes off as too try hard and non NT. Esp if it’s politics, religion, anime, dating (jfl), etc.

Having mid-surface knowledge in many NT topics is ideal as well as having a neutral popular opinion or (Ideally) an opinion that’s controversial enough to make you look ballsy and low inhib but not controversial enough to make you Non NT. Finding this balance is difficult without years of social calibration and experience being NT tbh.

But for me personally this is the advice that really helped me become NT. And FYI for the niggas have a good looks base, when it comes to your personality type your better off just looksmaxxing to HTN+ and then going the route of just being the guy is a good listener and is genuinely cares/takes interest in ppl. This is by far the easiest path to becoming a “charming dude” and works best when ur HTN+ and gymaxxed since most people will automatically respect you when you’re HTN+ and gymaxxed and you don’t need to worry passing endless shit tests and constantly giving out shit tests to other men to get respect.

You can just be a nice humble dude who provides value and coast well socially with that. Ideal social life tbh, I remember when I was a manlet in high school I had to constantly play the shit test game and jestermaxx to get any respect. A little shit testing a male banter is fun but constant shit testing gets annoying af.

But that’s all I got for now. If any other NT niggas w experience got wisdom or shit to add plz drop it below
whats the point of "fitting in" when you have to conciously think about how you have to act 24/7 and you arent even being yourself
The brutal reality is that “being yourself” as a non NT person while also simultaneously being popular and pulling Stacie’s is only a reality for Chads. If ur sub Chad you have no choice but to play the game if you want to see any good results.

A non NT normie trying to be himself will be seen as lame/weird most of the time unfortunately
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Just become a sheep bro! :soy::soy::soy:
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whats the point of "fitting in" when you have to conciously think about how you have to act 24/7 and you arent even being yourself
It gets stressful af
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Reactions: greywind, h111 and goblinamaxxer
holy edginess and delusion.

you even started off well, but it took 2-3 lines for me to realize this is just another "i'm a fucking loser, therefore i'm super sentient and intellectually superior to normie sheep" rant, all while the premise of the thread is "i don't want to be a fucking loser".

trust me, 90% of the people you are shitting on from your imaginary throne made of your frustrations would effortlessly annihilate you in any kind of contest - physical, mental, academic, social, you name it. they just don't have the need to flex and overcompensate, and specially the need to read tutorials on how to communicate, since they know it's looks that shape the hierarchy of the group anyway

so ridiculously generic. there's less variance in "let me school you guys on something" threads here than in an average bar or on reddit.

And I also noticed having too much knowledge in any subject (outside of sports) and trying to debate with it also comes off as too try hard and non NT. Esp if it’s politics, religion, anime, dating (jfl), etc.

demonstrate your knowledge here. i'm all ears. specially interested in your knowledge about politics. unless it breaks down to you parroting memes about evil jews.

can you name 3 branches of government, or explain the origin of right - left wing in political terminology without googling it?

religion, anime

holy cringe

says the incel
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Low cortisol is a Chad trait but you can't really fake it. Normies can smell this shit from miles
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I’ve heard this tip from Zherka

shut your bitch ass 16 yr old indiand ass doofus ass up you fucking donkey

nigguh giving out advices ahahahah

plus nigguh just quoted 'zherka' hahah wtf is going on
you either have it or you don't. Give those tips to a high inhib guy and he'll start stuttering like a retard trying to remember that he has to keep his answers short and brief
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, Pandora, Sprinkles and 3 others
The most important factor is being low stress.
High serotonin is a chad trait.
Looks matter of course.
Being NT and being social and able to make connection is key. Otherwise people will despise you and hate/envy u secretly.

Body language can be fake it till u make it.

Also u can be all that and still won't be taken serious without the physique past 25 years old.
From 30 on u need some kind of job or money.
Till 25 it's all social skills.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, Pandora, Mewton and 1 other person
holy edginess and delusion.

you even started off well, but it took 2-3 lines for me to realize this is just another "i'm a fucking loser, therefore i'm super sentient and intellectually superior to normie sheep" rant, all while the premise of the thread is "i don't want to be a fucking loser".

trust me, 90% of the people you are shitting on from your imaginary throne made of your frustrations would effortlessly annihilate you in any kind of contest - physical, mental, academic, social, you name it. they just don't have the need to flex and overcompensate, and specially the need to read tutorials on how to communicate, since they know it's looks that shape the hierarchy of the group anyway

so ridiculously generic. there's less variance in "let me school you guys on something" threads here than in an average bar or on reddit.

demonstrate your knowledge here. i'm all ears. specially interested in your knowledge about politics. unless it breaks down to you parroting memes about evil jews.

can you name 3 branches of government, or explain the origin of right - left wing in political terminology without googling it?

holy cringe

says the incel
Pot calling the kettle black jfl
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Reactions: Muttcel foid killer
View attachment 3356530

shut your bitch ass 16 yr old indiand ass doofus ass up you fucking donkey

nigguh giving out advices ahahahah

plus nigguh just quoted 'zherka' hahah wtf is going on
I’m 24 buddy. But good to know the anti aging is working and making you think I’m 16
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holy edginess and delusion.

you even started off well, but it took 2-3 lines for me to realize this is just another "i'm a fucking loser, therefore i'm super sentient and intellectually superior to normie sheep" rant, all while the premise of the thread is "i don't want to be a fucking loser".

trust me, 90% of the people you are shitting on from your imaginary throne made of your frustrations would effortlessly annihilate you in any kind of contest - physical, mental, academic, social, you name it. they just don't have the need to flex and overcompensate, and specially the need to read tutorials on how to communicate, since they know it's looks that shape the hierarchy of the group anyway

so ridiculously generic. there's less variance in "let me school you guys on something" threads here than in an average bar or on reddit.

demonstrate your knowledge here. i'm all ears. specially interested in your knowledge about politics. unless it breaks down to you parroting memes about evil jews.

can you name 3 branches of government, or explain the origin of right - left wing in political terminology without googling it?

holy cringe

says the incel
No one reading all that lil niggy


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Low cortisol is a Chad trait but you can't really fake it. Normies can smell this shit from miles
inhib levels can lower over time w practice nigga. Trust
  • +1
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Take a deep breath
hmm from what I’ve seen in school/college NT people are usually the opposite: energetic, sharp and so on. I notice a lot of ppl in uni have that lazy way of speaking though. So I guess it depends
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