Ethnic children will be majority of US youth this year - OVER for mayos



Nov 21, 2019
Major lifefuel for ethnics - ethnic children are projected to be majority of US youth this year. Suifuel for whites.

America: The first second white-majority country to be conquered by Ethnic incels.
  • JFL
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Ethnic invasion
Demographic change correlates with the downfall of the United States
  • JFL
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Yes bro no more old white people ruining the country
  • JFL
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This makes me mad to no end. Ethnics need to go back.
  • JFL
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This makes me mad to no end. Ethnics need to go back.

USA ain't Europe. USA was conquered land to begin with. Ethnics are just doing what whites did 300 years ago.
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White women just wanna ride the cock carousel and don't even want a lot of kids because of their empowering career.
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  • JFL
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There's nothing to celebrate about this. The world will be far worse off without whites, so really it's ethnics that will end up suffering.
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USA ain't Europe. USA was conquered land to begin with. Ethnics are just doing what whites did 300 years ago.
Whites made this into the first world that it is.

Never forget this.
Whites made this into the first world that it is.

You people couldn't even build your own railroads:

You people couldn't even build your own white house:
There's nothing to celebrate about this. The world will be far worse off without whites, so really it's ethnics that will end up suffering.
This is very sad tbh. It's better than them going to Norway or Sweden though, since it was never a fully white country founded only by white people. I once walked into a restaurant in Canada only to find that everyone in there had blue eyes, very pale white skin and blond or brown blond hair. It was like I had walked into Northern Europe or something. The US was like this only a century ago. Then wops and Jews starting swarming in, along with MENA people. Finally, the gigadethnics stream in, completely destroying the Nordic phenotype's presence in the US. I guess I'm part of this. My condolences, white people.
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  • So Sad
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You people couldn't even build your own railroads:

You people couldn't even build your own white house:

Ethnic cope

whites came here and transformed the wasteland into the first world. Sure we used slaves
to do the mindless manual labour work but mindless labour is only productive if the managing
white man knew what he was doing.

Explains how ethnics never built a first world country anyone wants to immigrate to.
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The usa was never a european country to begin with
  • Woah
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A nation that used to be a great super power and a lighthouse of innovation and human dreams will turn into another shithole like Brasil or Mexico becasue of sub 100 IQ ethnics voting for commies. Just like Rhodesia few decades or South Africa nowdays. It already happens in California where house prices are rising up and massive spics flood is one of the reasons. A once strong, ethnocentric nation will fail into a oblivion of rising crime, race violence and racial tensions and economic collapse.

Trump is probably LAST Republican President in American history. Since the year 1990, the Republicans have only won the Popular Vote for President once, Bush in 2004. That is staggering, over a 30-year period, the majority of voters each election cycle have NOT voted for a Republican (with the exception of once).

Democracy is basically a way of simulating a civil war. Both sides do a head count, and the side with more wins and gets to control the government without a messy war that kills people and destroys infrastructure. This works unless one side feels like they're permanently locked out of a democratic victory, but could still win an actual fighting civil war. When that happens you'll see actual fighting.

The reason nothing happened 20 or 30 years ago - nobody ever did anything about it - was that Texas is a corporate vessel. The Texas government does exactly what corporations want, so what we're seeing is the end result of that. Ironically, when latinos take power nationally, they'll impose hardcore etatism and destroy all the companies that did this, so there's a bit of poetic justice.
The usa was never a european country to begin with
No, but it has been in our lifetimes and was in those of our grandparents / great grandparents - and during this time it became the biggest economy on earth and has produced some amazing stuff.

I stand by my comments. White people are simply more civilised, objectively, than any other race, and losing that will make every country around the world worse off.

I've been around the world, and all the best governments are white-run, all the best businesses are white-run, all the best cultural feats (films, the arts) are white-made.
Japan is the only non-white part of the world that comes a close second. China, India, the middle east and the whole of Africa is uncivilised and the latter contributes nothing to the west except misery.

The ethnic teencel posters who celebrate this here don't understand the grave consequences of what will happen - which if you think about it is a common ethnic trait - shortsighted thinking, lack of introspection, lack of foresight - all ethnic traits. Basically just proves my point.
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overly proud and defensive ethnics think this is lifefuel lol

maybe less competition for other whites and some ethnics, but less white Qt's too
+ more El Creaturas
overly proud and defensive ethnics think this is lifefuel lol

maybe less competition for other whites and some ethnics, but less white Qt's too
+ more El Creaturas

White guys can win some competitions all they want but when their own women still don't want to have a family with then, it must be demoralizing.
will make whites even more rare and desired

USA ain't Europe. USA was conquered land to begin with. Ethnics are just doing what whites did 300 years ago.
They’re willingly being encouraged to integrate by the majority of the population

Hardly “conquering” a land, more like being welcomed in bunches with open arms

A little bit different than what the Brits did when they became majority of a land.
will make whites even more rare and desired

Jbw theory is literally declining in the east

Because whites have let women have 100% dominance in society, hyper hypergsmy has kicked up a gear.

Women will only want the top 5% of any race.

Most white guys will be in the same position as an average ethnic. I'm seeing it myself
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Less competition for me

Lifefuel tbh

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