Even if the west collapses normies won't learn anything



Jan 2, 2019
If there is anything I have learned at this point, it's that people are either consistently intelligent or unintelligent. There are no people who just stay as one or the other and then do a 180 at some point in their lives. Odds are this is probably because personality/behavior is genetic. Even if the west collapses because of feminism/liberalism/whatever, normies won't be able to correctly identity the real causes of the collapse. They will find scapegoats. They will blame something else than women. And then (assuming the west isn't totally destroyed, which it probably will be) they will do it all over again and nothing will be learned.

Honestly the best thing we can hope for is that islam will just burn the entire thing into the ground so that it never resurfaces again. Sure muslims may be low IQ morons, but at least they aren't as cucked.
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Yeah because you white people are too bust blaming minorities and poor people to ever see the truth.
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Yeah because you white people are too bust blaming minorities and poor people to ever see the truth.

Minorities are the single greatest reason other than women/feminism for why the west is going to collapse. Sub-90 IQ foreigners can't function in modern society which means that in the future there will be barely any skilled labor but huge amounts of welfare leaches. It will literally destroy the western economy. Not to mention they are fucking stupid they fall for bullshit like religion in massive numbers and support the total destruction of all western liberties.

Literally the only redeeming quality of minorities is that they don't contain anywhere near as many cucks as whites do. And even then, ricecels are somewhat of an exception thanks to their combo of high IQ and naturally low test.
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Minorities are the single greatest reason other than women/feminism for why the west is going to collapse. Sub-90 IQ foreigners can't function in modern society which means that in the future there will be barely any skilled labor but huge amounts of welfare leaches. It will literally destroy the western economy. Not to mention they are fucking stupid they fall for bullshit like religion in massive numbers and support the total destruction of all western liberties.

Literally the only redeeming quality of minorities is that they don't contain anywhere near as many cucks as whites do. And even then, ricecels are somewhat of an exception thanks to their combo of high IQ and naturally low test.
You're falling for climate change denial, tax cuts for the rich, out sourcing of jobs, a president who wants to spend billions on a wall but not healthcare or education. In another post you mentioned how everything was already written in stone. Well so is your belief that your whiteness makes you moral and intelligent. Also the corporations fight to have illegals here so they can get cheap labor. They also aid this by destabilizing economies of countries that dint kiss our asses. Keep coping you stupid racist fuck.
You're falling for climate change denial, tax cuts for the rich, out sourcing of jobs, a president who wants to spend billions on a wall but not healthcare or education. In another post you mentioned how everything was already written in stone. Well so is your belief that your whiteness makes you moral and intelligent. Also the corporations fight to have illegals here so they can get cheap labor. They also aid this by destabilizing economies of countries that dint kiss our asses. Keep coping you stupid racist fuck.

Intelligence!=morality, although it is negatively correlated with criminality. He's right though, the west will be swallowed up by the rising tide of third worldism. Racial IQ differences are undeniable, sorry bro. If public healthcare and education in the US shut down tomorrow it would probably have a positive impact on humanity and building the wall in full would cost a fraction of a percent of the debt and unfunded liabilities we've accumulated to pay for tens of millions of immigrants healthcare/education/affirmative action job and education placements/etc., not to mention the social costs of destroying the labour market and championing diversity as some sort of cultural panacea.

If you dont like how white people run the world just wait until the west collapses and the asians take over. They have higher IQs than whites but they have much higher in-group preference and zero collective guilt or fear of being seen as racist.
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Intelligence!=morality, although it is negatively correlated with criminality. He's right though, the west will be swallowed up by the rising tide of third worldism. Racial IQ differences are undeniable, sorry bro. If public healthcare and education in the US shut down tomorrow it would probably have a positive impact on humanity and building the wall in full would cost a fraction of a percent of the debt and unfunded liabilities we've accumulated to pay for tens of millions of immigrants healthcare/education/affirmative action job and education placements/etc., not to mention the social costs of destroying the labour market and championing diversity as some sort of cultural panacea.

If you dont like how white people run the world just wait until the west collapses and the asians take over. They have higher IQs than whites but they have much higher in-group preference and zero collective guilt or fear of being seen as racist.

And why are those counties flooding the first world? IMPERIALISM. First world greed has cost your own land. Karma is coming and that's what you know deep down. Keep telling yourself all the lies you want about IQ and god and morality. It won't help in the end. Also if healthcare fell poor whites would be the biggest group to fall.
Minorities are the single greatest reason other than women/feminism for why the west is going to collapse. Sub-90 IQ foreigners can't function in modern society which means that in the future there will be barely any skilled labor but huge amounts of welfare leaches. It will literally destroy the western economy. Not to mention they are fucking stupid they fall for bullshit like religion in massive numbers and support the total destruction of all western liberties.

Literally the only redeeming quality of minorities is that they don't contain anywhere near as many cucks as whites do. And even then, ricecels are somewhat of an exception thanks to their combo of high IQ and naturally low test.
Yep its nothing to do with our love of war and lack of education or innovation. Yep niggers, wet backs, and sand niggers. You solved the crime boss.
And why are those counties flooding the first world? IMPERIALISM. First world greed has cost your own land. Karma is coming and that's what you know deep down. Keep telling yourself all the lies you want about IQ and god and morality. It won't help in the end. Also if healthcare fell poor whites would be the biggest group to fall.

Yep its nothing to do with our love of war and lack of education or innovation. Yep niggers, wet backs, and sand niggers. You solved the crime boss.
Yeah because you white people are too bust blaming minorities and poor people to ever see the truth.
Im sorry that minorties are slaughtering eachother.

Feel better?
If there is anything I have learned at this point, it's that people are either consistently intelligent or unintelligent. There are no people who just stay as one or the other and then do a 180 at some point in their lives. Odds are this is probably because personality/behavior is genetic. Even if the west collapses because of feminism/liberalism/whatever, normies won't be able to correctly identity the real causes of the collapse. They will find scapegoats. They will blame something else than women. And then (assuming the west isn't totally destroyed, which it probably will be) they will do it all over again and nothing will be learned.

Honestly the best thing we can hope for is that islam will just burn the entire thing into the ground so that it never resurfaces again. Sure muslims may be low IQ morons, but at least they aren't as cucked.

The collapse is already happening :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:
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Exactly. No fucking proof to stand on. Fucking bitch.

The reason foreigners leave their own nations to go to the west is because their own nations are shitholes that they don't know how to govern, and to get access to welfare money that the cucked natives are willing to give them. Japan has barely any natural resources and was blasted into bits during world war 2, yet it became one of the most powerful economies in the world post world war 2 thanks to high average IQ and good work ethic.

Ethnics are in massively levels of denial about how inferior their races are (even ricecels to a certain point, since they have intelligence but lack the physical builds of whites). Even the "dumb" working class whites are more intelligent and have higher IQ than most ethnics. I remember reading a study that said only 15% of blacks had an IQ of 100 (considered average by white standards) or higher. That means that merely by being even just an average white, you are already more intelligent than 85-90% of black people.....

And like somebody above pointed out, once Asia (well China) takes over, ethnics can kiss their ass good bye. The Chinese will take notice of what ethnics are doing to the west, and you can be damn sure they will not allow the same thing to happen to them. Already there are rumors they are throwing muslims into concentration camps. The future of the world for ethnics will be brutal. What the nazis failed to do, the Chinese will do instead.
The reason foreigners leave their own nations to go to the west is because their own nations are shitholes that they don't know how to govern, and to get access to welfare money that the cucked natives are willing to give them. Japan has barely any natural resources and was blasted into bits during world war 2, yet it became one of the most powerful economies in the world post world war 2 thanks to high average IQ and good work ethic.

Ethnics are in massively levels of denial about how inferior their races are (even ricecels to a certain point, since they have intelligence but lack the physical builds of whites). Even the "dumb" working class whites are more intelligent and have higher IQ than most ethnics. I remember reading a study that said only 15% of blacks had an IQ of 100 (considered average by white standards) or higher. That means that merely by being even just an average white, you are already more intelligent than 85-90% of black people.....

And like somebody above pointed out, once Asia (well China) takes over, ethnics can kiss their ass good bye. The Chinese will take notice of what ethnics are doing to the west, and you can be damn sure they will not allow the same thing to happen to them. Already there are rumors they are throwing muslims into concentration camps. The future of the world for ethnics will be brutal. What the nazis failed to do, the Chinese will do instead.

What a stupid fuck. Japan was attacked because of what they did. ONE attack isn't that same has hundreds of years of slavery, or genocide, or stealing resources. If you really think the IQ test means anything then you are such a huge coper its not even funny. First world countries destoried other nations now lower class whites like you have to deal with your jobs being taken, your women being taken, birth rates low, fear or brown people, and list goes on and on. They live in gated communites while you'll be killed by the climate change they're caused. You guys are proof of the lack of education in the states. The rich have literally destoried everything anyone has ever loved, now they've convinced you poor whites its not their faults. Just blame the brown people. Still waiting for that imperailism to be debunked.
What a stupid fuck. Japan was attacked because of what they did. ONE attack isn't that same has hundreds of years of slavery, or genocide, or stealing resources. If you really think the IQ test means anything then you are such a huge coper its not even funny. First world countries destoried other nations now lower class whites like you have to deal with your jobs being taken, your women being taken, birth rates low, fear or brown people, and list goes on and on. They live in gated communites while you'll be killed by the climate change they're caused. You guys are proof of the lack of education in the states. The rich have literally destoried everything anyone has ever loved, now they've convinced you poor whites its not their faults. Just blame the brown people. Still waiting for that imperailism to be debunked.
Ethiopia was never colonized. Thats why it looks like Wakanda... oh wait its a shithole like every other african country. They didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings in sub saharan africa before colonization. Youre so retarded its pointless arguing with you though. If you dont believe intelligence is quantifiable you are unintelligent.
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Ethiopia was never colonized. Thats why it looks like Wakanda... oh wait its a shithole like every other african country. They didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings in sub saharan africa before colonization. Youre so retarded its pointless arguing with you though. If you dont believe intelligence is quantifiable you are unintelligent.
So out of all of the countries in Africa, SA, and the middle east you could only give one example like this? I wonder why? Also they had to fight off invasion which means they were constantly at war and using resources. You resources are kind of needed.


Plus every country around them was fucked. Guess you don't think plays a role in things. You can measure IQ but its a lot more than just take a test with maths and other things. You don't think subjects outside of those factor in? Still no proof that imperialism hurt most of the world dipshit.
ONE attack isn't that same has hundreds of years of slavery, or genocide, or stealing resources.

But African tribes enslaved each other for millennia, and before the Anglo came around the Arabs were enslaving them, and before that the Arabs were the slave of everybody around them.
No ethnic group was NEVER enslaved, the Spanish were conquered by the Arabs, the Slavs get their name from being slaves, the Germanics with the Anglo-Saxons were slaves of the Romans and the Romans were slaves to the Greeks and Etruscians and both were slaves to somebody else. Celts don't exist anymore and the old Europeans were genocided by the Indo-Europeans, reduced to a tiny speck of dust in Basque. Before the Spanish came the Native Americans killed and enslaved each other long before the Latins united on that peninsula we call Italy today. Even the Greeks were the baddest motherfuckers once until the Arabs came, and then the Turks took over and made the Arabs and Greeks their bitch and then they collapsed and became the bitch of modern geopolitical leaders.
And the Sea People probably caused the Bronze Age collapse.
Even the Chinese were the Mongol's bitch and it is the other way around now.
But African tribes enslaved each other for millennia, and before the Anglo came around the Arabs were enslaving them, and before that the Arabs were the slave of everybody around them.
No ethnic group was NEVER enslaved, the Spanish were conquered by the Arabs, the Slavs get their name from being slaves, the Germanics with the Anglo-Saxons were slaves of the Romans and the Romans were slaves to the Greeks and Etruscians and both were slaves to somebody else. Celts don't exist anymore and the old Europeans were genocided by the Indo-Europeans, reduced to a tiny speck of dust in Basque. Before the Spanish came the Native Americans killed and enslaved each other long before the Latins united on that peninsula we call Italy today. Even the Greeks were the baddest motherfuckers once until the Arabs came, and then the Turks took over and made the Arabs and Greeks their bitch and then they collapsed and became the bitch of modern geopolitical leaders.
And the Sea People probably caused the Bronze Age collapse.
Even the Chinese were the Mongol's bitch and it is the other way around now.
I know but which one is the most recent?
I know but which one is the most recent?

I believe that you don't understand my implications if you think that being enslaved 'recently' gives someone more of an excuse than being enslaved 2000 years ago.
I believe that you don't understand my implications if you think that being enslaved 'recently' gives someone more of an excuse than being enslaved 2000 years ago.
this dude is 20 IQ lol, no point arguing

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