Ever write anything romantic for a female? - Long Post


Deleted member 6856

May 8, 2020
When I was 13 I wrote a love letter to a girl. I never gave it to her. I ended up tearing it to pieces and throwing it in the school dumpster. This is what happened:

I was 13. I had a crush on this 12yo girl. I fell for the notions that women loved romantic guys that confess their love in silly poems and shit. I definitely must have gotten this idea from movies I was seeing. Romantic movies & such from the 80s. Not realizing the only reason the guy got the girl is because he was fucking Tom Cruise or similar actor. I spent days crafting up the perfect love letter. It had quirky instances that we had together at school. It had a small tidbit of her past that she said she didn't tell a lot of people but I knew. Stuff like that. Real cheesy love letter. I finally finished my love letter at midnight the day before and vowed to give it to her after school on Friday so she could have the whole weekend on her decision if she wanted to be my girlfriend or not. (Little did I realize back then that girls instantly knew if you were fuckable or bf material within 3 seconds)

So today is Friday. I'm pumped up to give her my love letter. I didn't tell anybody but hinted to one of my male classmates that I was going to do something 'cool' after school with a girl. It is after lunch and after lunch we have gym. So we are in gym class and the Coach just let us have a free day meaning we could do whatever we wanted. I'm out on the field playing football with some classmates when I hear this crazy laughter. I ignore it thinking some kids are just cracking jokes. The laughs are getting louder and more crazy. One of the guys I was playing football with says, "Hey, what is everybody laughing at?" I say I don't know and we head on over to investigate. When we get near the boys hallway near the boys bathroom I see my backpack on the ground and think, "Hmmm. That's odd?" then as we get closer I'm listening to this kid named Corbin recite my love letter to a whole bunch of boys. They are all laughing and making jokes and making fun of whoever wrote the love letter. I quickly step over to Corbin and grab my love letter back. He thinks I am white knighting for some random guy but I say that he went into MY BACKPACK and took out MY LOVE LETTER that wasn't for him! It was for a girl! I get teased a bit more then two of his goons rip the love letter away from me. I felt chivalrous and wanted to stick up for mi'lady's honor so I punched Corbin in the stomach as hard as I could. My punch did nothing. Corbin was a really tall and big boy and I was a weak manlet. He wasn't a bully per se but he did enjoy getting into fights. Corbin just laughed the punch off and I don't think he was going to do anything but then a couple of boys started calling him a pussy so he proceeded to beat me up.

After I got beat up he took my backpack and dumped all the contents onto the field and threw my letter on the ground and spit all over it. The only people that saw this were boys but I felt so ashamed and felt I lost my crush's respect forever. I tried to pick up as many things as I could and shoved it in my backpack and ran into the bathroom and cried for the rest of gym class. I was re-reading my love letter over and over again. It felt so perfect in my mind. Even though it had spit and tears all over it I still wanted to give it to her because I thought she was a unicorn and would rush to my aide after knowing I got beat up for her honor. After school everyone waited near the school buses as usual. I saw her and walked over to her. She looked shocked and surprised since I looked a little beat up then made a joke at my expense. Her girlfriends laughed. It was at that moment I knew she wasn't a unicorn. She would have made fun of me just like the boys did. I was so close to handing her over the love letter. It was literally in my hand as we spoke. I quickly ran away and found the nearest school dumpster and tore that stupid shit to shreds and threw it in that fucking smelly can!

I was so lucky she never got to see it. This was back in middle school. In High School I got the same stupid idea but actually did give it to that girl with horrible results. Lesson learned I guess. There is no such thing as a romantic gesture when you are ugly. Everything is creepy. Everything results in failure. And NOBODY will ever love you.
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Romantic chad = ideal lover
Romantic incel = creep
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for the first time ever i will be writing:

dn rd
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Yes, in college I wrote a love poem to a girl, she was living in a dorm with other girls and I would come there often after courses to spend time with them and other classmates. She was like: "OMG! That's so cute. Hey girls, look what he wrote!". And she showed it to the other girls, who started to giggle. Then she said: "Let's put it right here, so I can see it everyday", and stuck it to the fridge door with a fridge magnet. I think the whole dorm saw it eventually, they often threw parties in that room and everybody came.

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