I've noticed too, there's a large variation in the women different guys find most attractive.
Some like big butts, Some like small butts
Some like big boobs, some like small boobs,
some like chubby, some like skinny, some like fit and muscular,
some like short, some like medium height,
some like Asian girls, some like blonds,
some like "sexy" facial types, other's like "cute" facial types,
some like short and stalky, and other's like tall and slender.
We mostly agree on who's ugly (Deformed, bad skin, wrinkles, morbidly obese) but not on who's hot.
Women on the other hand are biologically hardwired to be more of a hivemind, and hardwired to copy mate choice. In humans this exhibits itself by mate copying the type of guy they see women swoon over in visual media.
Across multiple species mate copying is normally something female members of the species do. And it's not just mate copying a specific male partner, but other partners that have those same qualities of the male (often visual). They are more likely to mate copy the type of guy they see "pretty" women date in visual media such as movies and shows. (Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Sex in the City, The hand maid's tale, etc.)
So they all wind up going for the same few guys who have the roughly same range of visual qualities.
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