Everyday a clue that it's over

Deleted member 795

Deleted member 795

Jan 8, 2019
Really tired about the fact i don't get laid, that i write on instagram to a girl that i know since long time.
We told to each other how life is going and about jobs. Then i said "well, it was a pleasure talking to you. If you wanna we talk again or meet, let me know."

Seen without response.
Now, this girl is not that ugly but she's not even a beauty. But still wanna ghost me. Really, finding "love" is pretty much impossible nowadays if you are not a chad.
People say i've not problems in looks (even here)... but something is wrong anyway.

jesus christ, i tried with a fatty one weeks ago and the ending was the same.
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He's the one previously redpilled guy that actually observes the real world and draws conclusions from that instead of blindly listening on one single idea for the rest of his life (e.g. Redpill)
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I fucking hate being ugly. My heart has broken year after year. I’m sorry for you man. You’ll find someone someday.

That’s why we’re here. Because ‘love’ is not earned through self sacrifice or kindness, but rather the shape of your bones.
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He's the one previously redpilled guy that actually observes the real world and draws conclusions from that instead of blindly listening on one single idea for the rest of his life (e.g. Redpill)
The dude is not so average looking anyway.
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Anyway he's really good looking. Not a chad, but if he's a normie... well, shit
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Really tired about the fact i don't get laid, that i write on instagram to a girl that i know since long time.
We told to each other how life is going and about jobs. Then i said "well, it was a pleasure talking to you. If you wanna we talk again or meet, let me know."

Seen without response.
Now, this girl is not that ugly but she's not even a beauty. But still wanna ghost me. Really, finding "love" is pretty much impossible nowadays if you are not a chad.
People say i've not problems in looks (even here)... but something is wrong anyway.

jesus christ, i tried with a fatty one weeks ago and the ending was the same.
JFL at trying to find love. That is a teenage delusion that that was normal generations ago and from there you moved on and continued to learn about the world and continued to grow into a man.
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JFL at trying to find love. That is a teenage delusion that that was normal generations ago and from there you moved on and continued to learn about the world and continued to grow into a man.

that's why i wrote "love"
Read as pussy, validation, etc.
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"well, it was a pleasure talking to you. If you wanna we talk again or meet, let me know."
Lesson: stop being overly polite to girls.
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Man if you only knew how girls work.... some dudes are clueless. There is a reason why they think differently.

Imagine this, If you had a million dollars would you shop at Versace or would you go to the dollar store.

You dont fucking chase girls man........ there is allot more things i see that dudes do that i just know doesnt work. i studied psychology all year last year. included allot of female and male nature and behavior and why certain things happen as they do now. but most of it is all basic shit.
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Lesson: stop being overly polite to girls.
I'm polite to everyone.
there's no correlation in being polite and getting laid, just the satisfaction to say "fuck you" in the case she's not interested, but it's nothing.

You dont fucking chase girls man........

Girls won't come to me
I'm polite to everyone.
there's no correlation in being polite and getting laid, just the satisfaction to say "fuck you" in the case she's not interested, but it's nothing.

Girls won't come to me

You failed to grasp the concept, What ever man do what ever the fuck you wanna do because it clearly works right..? Exactly.
You gotta put yourself out there, you gotta hustle, you gotta approach and be more direct
You gotta..
Who am I kidding:feelsrope::feelsrope:
A fuckin jawline. Everything we needed to have a happy life
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You can buy Insta followers to fraud your social value. Thinking if it would work..
That’s why we’re here. Because ‘love’ is not earned through self sacrifice or kindness, but rather the shape of your bones.

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i just don't understand tf you are saying, no troll

already tried :feelsbadman:

You are as clueless as the next beta male, But i will spare you just once, by explaining it in more detail most beta males are a waste of time they dont want to understand female nature anyway.

Then i said "well, it was a pleasure talking to you. If you wanna we talk again or meet, let me know."

Seen without response.

Girls want what they cant have, that what i meant with shopping at a dollar store or Gucci store. If you have a million to spend what would you buy? what you couldnt get before right. its just not girls its in all of us. I want something i want i cant get right now.

You pretty much presented your self to her on a plate ''here im free take me im available, Im free anyday of the week i have no shit going on in my life, when can i see you '' why the fuck would i want that........ Think about that. does that sound like i got shit going on in my life?

why drive a fiat if i can drive a Ferrari. present your self higher value, To her you are another low value male. Get your shit together.
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You are as clueless as the next beta male, But i will spare you just once, by explaining it in more detail most beta males are a waste of time they dont want to understand female nature anyway.

Girls want what they cant have, that what i meant with shopping at a dollar store or Gucci store. If you have a million to spend what would you buy? what you couldnt get before right. its just not girls its in all of us. I want something i want i cant get right now.

You pretty much presented your self to her on a plate ''here im free take me im available, Im free anyday of the week i have no shit going on in my life, when can i see you '' why the fuck would i want that........ Think about that. does that sound like i got shit going on in my life?

why drive a fiat if i can drive a Ferrari. present your self higher value, To her you are another low value male. Get your shit together.

Ignoring girls>Being an expressive little cuck who shares his life story
(Chad only)
Ignoring girls>Being an expressive little cuck who shares his life story
(Chad only)

hey man, everyone is different i do what works for me, but certain principles apply to everyone, Yes only chad can live like this ask @dogtown he can confirm he has seen me. if you want a voucher
hey man, everyone is different i do what works for me, but certain principles apply to everyone, Yes only chad can live like this ask @dogtown he can confirm he has seen me. if you want a voucher

Are u chad?
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You are as clueless as the next beta male, But i will spare you just once, by explaining it in more detail most beta males are a waste of time they dont want to understand female nature anyway.

Girls want what they cant have, that what i meant with shopping at a dollar store or Gucci store. If you have a million to spend what would you buy? what you couldnt get before right. its just not girls its in all of us. I want something i want i cant get right now.

You pretty much presented your self to her on a plate ''here im free take me im available, Im free anyday of the week i have no shit going on in my life, when can i see you '' why the fuck would i want that........ Think about that. does that sound like i got shit going on in my life?

why drive a fiat if i can drive a Ferrari. present your self higher value, To her you are another low value male. Get your shit together.

dude you just wrote weird, without comma and points lol. "What ever man do what ever the fuck you wanna do because it clearly works right..? Exactly. " i didn't understand the sense of this, but i caught what you meant lol
It's not that i didn't know this. This is old shit.

And i just reacted to one of her story, then she started to ask me about life, parents, etc. lol
The old rule that "you have to ignore girls" is shit. You have to DO NOT being a cuck, boring stalker, etc. but this is another story.
dude you just wrote weird, without comma and points lol. "What ever man do what ever the fuck you wanna do because it clearly works right..? Exactly. " i didn't understand the sense of this, but i caught what you meant lol
It's not that i didn't know this. This is old shit.

And i just reacted to one of her story, then she started to ask me about life, parents, etc. lol
The old rule that "you have to ignore girls" is shit. You have to DO NOT being a cuck, boring stalker, etc. but this is another story.

lol never said ''ignore girls'' Just leave it yeah, again you dont understand. you will understand one day just keep fucking up since thats what you like to do.
It's the same, dude.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It's just the face...
It's the same, dude.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It's just the face...

if your that ugly i cant help you you need to be atleast average, my advice probably wont work for you then as great but still be high value,
Girls usually want attention from me i just dont give it to them.
anroedcel where r u i miss u
foids don't want some beta simp that tells them it's been nice talking to them jfl. Granted it would work if Chad, but saying such things can only failo you
foids don't want some beta simp that tells them it's been nice talking to them jfl. Granted it would work if Chad, but saying such things can only failo you
yeah sure, that's the problem
Post face and height

Because it’s probably your face and height.
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Because ‘love’ is not earned through self sacrifice or kindness, but rather the shape of your bones.
fuck that's brutal

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