Everyone is hypergamous in their nature



Too short to do anything
Oct 26, 2018
Men and women are all hypergamous given the choice and if you are in demand.

Except most men have had to settle, because we cannot afford to be hypergamous.

Women can be hypergamous, because they can, they are in demand so they are the choosers.

The reason i say most men, is because most men are not chads.

Chads can afford to date Beckys, then date a Stacy and then date a better Stacy, because they can.

Chads can be hypergamous and trade-up as they are attractive to all women.

All women are attractive to men, meaning we are happy to settle for anything, literally.

It is in all of our nature to want better, then want even better, not just women's nature.
Tfw I thought I was back on .me for a second then.

This site is just an incel limbo NGL.
Tfw I thought I was back on .me for a second then.

This site is just an incel limbo NGL.
Refugee site.
we are all degenerate and should burn in hell

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