Everyone Misses This Important Fact About Men



May 12, 2022
Ever notice, how people all over the world are rising up against wokeness? What Elon musk calls the woke mind virus is ;
"The woke mind virus consists of creating very very, divisive identity politics... (that) amplifies racism; amplifies, frankly, sexism; and all of the -isms while claiming to do the opposite"

I agree totally on this, and while relevant, explain the virus is another subject. But on the subject of wokeness, particularly ones involving gender politics. One thing NEVER mentioned, is the actual source of this deception, which is the fact that men and women are not biologically the same, and have different PREPOSITIONS.

The truth is, men have a preposition that is drastically different than a women's, best described as likely favoring logical and rational processes, while, women are more likely to favor a more socio-emotional process which highlights emotions and social dynamics.

This is so extremely important, because this would explain every modern fuck up, including the education system and just WHY women (statistically) succeed more in those environments, as well as the "incel"(average man) population of men who record having less than women in many modern aspects of todays society. This isn't because they are less capable like how the virus would have you believe, but because in this social capitalism we live in, with social media which functions on social processes, this means men are simply less suited to succeed in this world if you host a economy and world on it.

The main issue, is that laws, institutional structures, court systems, and almost every modern support system favor socio-emotional processes. Which is why 80% of the homeless are men, 4x successful suicide rates are men despite the most suicide attempts being women, amongst other things. Even help itself being a danger sign to men, as getting help has the opposite effect of making you look crazy and sick, reducing crucial earning potential elements.

Additionally, this would explain the almost cult like behavior amongst women when women are involved, as well as why homosexual men do not seem to get along with straight men, and tend to typically more outgoing and social than the rest of men. Especially homosexuality, as being gay CAN be explained; with the explanation settling somewhere around genetics and socio-emotional/primary women psychology.

This is why structures such as onlyfans, social media, online dating serve women the most. Disregarding women are wonderful effect for now (a study that shows that the women "image" is naturally more favored than the "mans" image by both women, children and men.), women are simply better/more interested physiologically with communicating amongst each other, One of the biggest
fuckups being how the world has enabled a unfair monetization to this aspect, while also relentlessly piledriving draconian and archaic laws under the guise of equality.

And, since men and women are not equal, someone is getting unfair benefits.
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dnrd fakecel
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Before I go into detail, I would like to state for the record that while I do not call myself a 'Feminist', I do still consider myself an ardent Women's Rights Activist (with a particular interest in women's rights in other countries, FGM, and abortion rights). I just don't associate with the Feminist movement for a number of reasons. I used to, until about a year ago, consider myself a Feminist, but not anymore.

Firstly, the main reason I do not consider myself a Feminist is because of the monopolisation of women's rights activism by the feminist movement. At the moment, there is only one women's rights movement, and that is Feminism. This monopolisation is a serious problem as it results in two things:

  1. People who hold misandristic views that are not in-line with Feminism's core beliefs, label themselves as 'feminists' (because what else are they going to call themselves? There is no other movement to organise under), and abuse the far-reaching nature of the Feminist platform to espouse and propagate anti-male (as well as transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.) views and tendencies. Moreover, these abusers of the platform are rarely, if ever, shut-down by other Feminists, allowing their views to attain a widespread audience and plenty of media attention. While I understand they represent a minority within the movement, it's minority that is allowed to run around unchecked
  2. The lack of other movements makes it harder to criticise and change the more dangerous and extreme elements of the Feminist movement. Without an alternative, how else are people who don't necessarily agree with everything the Feminist movement stands for, and yet remain pro-women's rights, going to provide an alternative approach? If you look through the history of Women's Rights (or indeed any civil rights movement), you will see that there have often been counter/alternative women's rights movements with different beliefs and methodologies, not just Feminism. For example, the Suffragists and the Suffragettes in Britain, the Radical Lesbian movement and the National Organization for Women in the US, to name a few examples. That isn't the case any more; when it comes to campaigning for Women's Rights, it's Feminism or nothing. And when has monopolisation in any sphere of society ever been a good thing (think: one-party states, corporate trusts, etc.)?
Secondly, there is staggering amount of hypocrisy within the modern Feminist movement. If there are two things I really hate more than anything, it's lying and hypocrisy.

For example, Feminists will campaign for better representation in the workplace, but only in areas with high socio-economic prestige. Executive boards, law, academia, STEM fields; and when it comes to professions with are considered dirty, dangerous, poorly-paid, generally low-prestige, such as construction, agriculture, the military, freight, oil-rigs, etc., there is no push for equal representation. In other words, if it's not a nice or cushy job, Feminists are quite happy to let men shoulder the burden (I know there are women in these professions, but they are still overwhelmingly performed by men).

Furthermore, many Feminists have claimed that Feminism helps men too, despite the fact that whenever men's issues are brought up to Feminists (such as male infant circumcision, suicide rates, workplace fatalities, paternity and reproductive rights, law and sentencing disparities, etc.), these issues are silenced with the response of 'Don't bring male issues into a feminist space'.

This hypocrisy would be bad enough if it wasn't for the follow-up issue. I have no problem with Feminism being about women only, that's what it is designed for; but Feminists will tell us to set-up our own system of campaigning for male issues with our own ideology (unlike Men's Lib which applies feminist beliefs), but then attack it for being 'mysogynistic'. Do you want us to fight these issues or not? The hypocrisy makes me choke.

These are just a few of the reasons, there are others, but I don't want to create too long of a discussion. These are the main reasons I no longer call myself a Feminist; but maybe in the future I will again, if they clean up their act, stop with their hypocrisy, and clear out the people who abuse the platform to attack men and distract from the real fight for women's rights. Until then, I cannot bring myself to associate with a movement that does not care for me, and is not willing to accept criticism. As an Atheist, Feminism just feels too much like a religion for exactly the reasons I have discussed: an authoritarian attitude, and an unwillingness to be open-minded.
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This is one of the best and most blatant example of how feminism actually functions. You don't even need data, just your observation skills. Feminism doesn't want equality, or equal representation, they want more. Plain and simple. This is why the argument is about CEO's and the board, and not even about regular office jobs like acct management or sales. They want to not only have the best of the best, due to just being female, but they also want to skip the line, which hurts everyone who gets skipped, both male and female.

Another obvious one that takes zero data is objectification. It's a dead topic now, after being one of the biggest issues for a few years just like 5 years ago. But once OF came on, all that talk died down and them tons and TONS of women, including feminists, used this platform to be objectified for money or even free. This example shows how feminism only argues in the now, not the greater good, and displays even the worst of the worst things to them are perfectly fine as long as women can benefit from it.

Objectification is perfectly fine with feminism is it pays in cash or attention. Feminists didn't have a problem with objectification, they know we all do it to some degree, it's human nature when you see someone hot you wanna bump uglies with. What they were not okay with is men getting joy out of it while they were not getting a bigger benefit. Now that they can benefit more than men there is no need to mention objectification anymore. They got their way, they got more than men. So now it's a dead subject. Had nothing to do with actual objectification, had everything to do with social power and shaming men. This is why the conversation isn't about objectification anymore, but it's not loser men who pay for it. It's all about getting more and/or putting men down, nothing else.

Even look at the abortion topic. In 15 years it went from Family Planning to Abortion, now it's women's health. It systematically excluded men from a conversation they deserve to be in at the very least when it comes to "their life, their choice". It's trying to accomplish something as a benefit ONLY to women and to hamper men by excluding them from a legal argument that absolutely effects them.
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As a man i always treated women as equals as me even before i knew feminism was even a thing. And then reality hit me.
I started to clash with all the censored propagandized information hidden purposely from me about the unfair treatment towards men both social and legal and by individual woman in thigns like relationship dinamics.
And then looking into it founding in shock how feminism consistently and very effectively gaslights them to the point that blocks them to ever being address with its narrative of everything ever in history being mens and masculinities fault and never ever recognizing or thanking for anything postiive men and masculinity has ever done for women.
And this is only getting worse year by year even boys getting treated unfairly and getting taught how their masculinity is toxic while doing nothing whatsoever to also make sure girls treat boys fairly as well as they aritificially give power to girls over boys.
All feminism was, is and will ever be is female supremacy, it has never intented to acheive any sort of real ''equality'' but rather explicitely the ''empowerment of women'' regardless of the detrimental effects their actions have on men or even remotely trying to make sure they dont ''over'' push something to the point that oppresses men (example using quotas in college to achieve ''equality'', yet now 60%+ of people in college are women and the feminist quotas for men to correct this over-quoting are nowhere to be seen)
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I grew up as a male femenist in an old style femenist home, the kind that still believes that women have no rights but aren't man haters or anything problematic, they're just seem to have popped out of a time machine.

When I was eight I had a lot of problems with bullies, the teachers never punished me when I got in a fight because either I wasn't the one who started it or it was just boys being boys. Then two older girls started a fight with me, at this point my father told me two things, don't hit a girl and if in a fight with bigger and more people punch harder. Seeing as they were bigger and two of them, I chose the second choice and got kicked out of the school. That was the first time I realised the different standards between men and women.

The second time I realised femenist ideals aren't any good was how my mother reacts to me. While I was growing and I got bigger than her, the less she could be violent with me and the more she realised I don't care if your a women, you won't get away unscathed if you try and hurt me. So she tried doing passive aggressive things, not making food, driving away and leaving me alone (I lived in the countryside in the hills and I can't walk 12 kilometers in case if an emergency) at the same time I had multiple learning disorders making school harder for me, I can't write without the help of a computer nor can I properly speak so communication is hard and she was often the line I had to communicate with, and recently I had to work at home, she would cut the Internet which created havoc on my work. That's when I realised the idea that women aren't violent is complete bullshit
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I have been a 'Feminist' for as long as I remember. Certainly much before I came across this word. Much much before it was cool to be a Feminist. Not anymore.

I come from, what many would refer to as a "third world country" (ofc for me it's just my country). I have seen and known women who bear the 'burden of patriarchy'. Have you seen a woman being almost slapped by her 13-14 yo son? Perhaps no. And probably that's why the thoughts that occurred to me, didn't came to your mind. Why did she bear him talk to her like that? What did the kid mean when he said "I'll teach you a lesson, let dad come home tonight."? And most troubling of all - why didn't she say anything? Anything! Why did she keep her head hung low - tears rolling down her cheeks? All of this in front of some 15 strangers.

Another instance: In a crowded market where a guy tried to grope a girl standing right next to me. This woman was a few steps behind him. She pulled him away from her and gave him a tight slap and made him apologize to her.

Now this is why I stopped calling myself a Feminist. Do you see your present day Feminists fighting for, or even understanding problems such as these? Do they even know just how deep the roots of Patriarchy are? No. They only want to wear what they want to wear. Feminism, as I understood it, was about women standing their ground like the one in the above incident. It was supposed to empower women. I don't even need to insert a rhetoric here to make you realize how little, of the known Feminism today, works towards that.

The modern day Feminism does more harm to women than anything else. Because it serves as a garb where people become 'activists' for an issue without having the slightest knowledge of the issue itself. So any genuine fight for women also gets snubbed as another crazy Feminist movement.

I have lost all hope with these women who call themselves Feminists. And for the last time
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I considered myself a feminist before I looked into it at all, because why not right? But third-wave feminism is super fucked up in first world countries. I'm pretty certain that being female is a benefit in current society, yet these fat fucking morons go out campaigning that men won't go out with them if they don't shave their armpits or some bullshit. Ergh it makes me so angry, because not only is it an inherently sexist movement (otherwise they'd be egalitarians, right?) it's also a super petty movement seeking to further female social superiority, and it's detracting from the severity of actual issues going on in the world, like the treatment of women in muslim countries which is fucking vile, but won't be addressed because feminism has largely aligned with Islam, which is a sexist religion. Feminism cares about making lower to upper middle class worthless stupid white women feel good about themselves for being ugly or unhygenic or stupid or lazy or hated for being all that shit. So many are happy at how fucked men get by any familial issues like child custody or divorce proceedings, which has driven fathers to suicide.
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No, I don't know...I get that there was a need for it at one point and time. I am proud of the women who fought for us to vote and have basic human rights. But I feel that we have that all now in a western civilization. I do not know anything of real oppression; I just don't.

Women in other countries that are not as fortunate as ours (UK, most of Europe, Americas) to have even basic civil rights. Sex slavery, honor killings, no education, can't drive, forced into a marriage, genital mutilation, Beat to death for having been a victim of rape etc.

It seems like in the United States no one really talks about this at all. The grand stage of modern feminists are all about micro-aggressions; not shaving your armpits, Pay gap, Don't objectify me good sir; now excuse me while I hang my tits out.

I don't care for how modern feminism has become this Misandrist violent movement. They claim that "the Patriarchy" is violent against us women...and this is not the case. They have become militant and violent to men. And what I can not stand more is the little boys that follow in toe with these women being a "good pet" or a "white knight" for them just to get patted on the head. It is fucking cringe inducing.

If it's all supposed to be equal than let it be equal! And when I say this "equal" I mean fair treatment. Men and women are not equal in a lot of ways...we just aren't and to deny that we are is idiocy.
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Feminism: prioritising women so that everyone can be treated equally.
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Ever notice, how people all over the world are rising up against wokeness? What Elon musk calls the woke mind virus is ;

I agree totally on this, and while relevant, explain the virus is another subject. But on the subject of wokeness, particularly ones involving gender politics. One thing NEVER mentioned, is the actual source of this deception, which is the fact that men and women are not biologically the same, and have different PREPOSITIONS.

The truth is, men have a preposition that is drastically different than a women's, best described as likely favoring logical and rational processes, while, women are more likely to favor a more socio-emotional process which highlights emotions and social dynamics.

This is so extremely important, because this would explain every modern fuck up, including the education system and just WHY women (statistically) succeed more in those environments, as well as the "incel"(average man) population of men who record having less than women in many modern aspects of todays society. This isn't because they are less capable like how the virus would have you believe, but because in this social capitalism we live in, with social media which functions on social processes, this means men are simply less suited to succeed in this world if you host a economy and world on it.

The main issue, is that laws, institutional structures, court systems, and almost every modern support system favor socio-emotional processes. Which is why 80% of the homeless are men, 4x successful suicide rates are men despite the most suicide attempts being women, amongst other things. Even help itself being a danger sign to men, as getting help has the opposite effect of making you look crazy and sick, reducing crucial earning potential elements.

Additionally, this would explain the almost cult like behavior amongst women when women are involved, as well as why homosexual men do not seem to get along with straight men, and tend to typically more outgoing and social than the rest of men. Especially homosexuality, as being gay CAN be explained; with the explanation settling somewhere around genetics and socio-emotional/primary women psychology.

This is why structures such as onlyfans, social media, online dating serve women the most. Disregarding women are wonderful effect for now (a study that shows that the women "image" is naturally more favored than the "mans" image by both women, children and men.), women are simply better/more interested physiologically with communicating amongst each other, One of the biggest
fuckups being how the world has enabled a unfair monetization to this aspect, while also relentlessly piledriving draconian and archaic laws under the guise of equality.

And, since men and women are not equal, someone is getting unfair benefits.
every human being is a racist against something or someone. faggots, on the other hand, esp the manipulating pedophiles, hence trannies are lying frauds. they'll lie in your face after you prove he's a fucking liar. and if you're not me, a muscular badass, he'll probably attack you and esp if you're a child.
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every human being is a racist against something or someone. faggots, on the other hand, esp the manipulating pedophiles, hence trannies are lying frauds. they'll lie in your face after you prove he's a fucking liar. and if you're not me, a muscular badass, he'll probably attack you and esp if you're a child.
Racism is actually very natural and easy to explain.

I think one, is familiarity. Your simply going to feel more familiar with people your own skin color, and genetics/Fungai/bacteria are a huge part of that, since traits are passed through genetics and obviously a black guy will have more in common with a black guy from his hometown than someone else.

Of course, to lash out on this familiarity probably means your primary operation resides on a low psychological development level. People who progress (psychologically) should eventually grow out of the effects of unfamiliarity, and start mentally operating with higher phycological development levels, especially those focused on efficiency and interoperability (i will expand on this later). But that goes to say the uncomfortable feeling will never fully fade. It can manifest in other ideals as a person grows. Even directed towards others of the same. As despite everything, people will always be closer and more comfortable around their immediate family than anybody else.

Lastly another element of racism is the lack of understanding about eugenics. People dont know shit honestly. But life gives us case study everywhere. Genetics and human behavior work very similar to plants. With humans, the spectrum of option is far more diverse than a plant seed, but the concept of traits, behavior etc being directly related to the genetic is true. Though, the main element people should understand are the fundamentals, such as Africa and neurodiversity, and what exactly that means. As well as greater variance theory amongst men. Combine just these two studies, and you gain a huge mastery of understanding how humans work, and instead of focusing on the fact that you are different, you focus on how each difference can be utilized. Which is why i said racists, although their instinct is correct, reside in a very low level psychological development level.

In short, its like instead of being the plant, you become the farmer who thinks about the plant traits and utilizes all of them. Its a Kordofan melon vs Citrullus lanatus situation. Both have their purposes to a farmer, even if its just to ensure origin genetic diversity remains in order to cultivate more variety's.
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yeah modern culture is divisive as fuuck
Ever notice, how people all over the world are rising up against wokeness? What Elon musk calls the woke mind virus is ;

I agree totally on this, and while relevant, explain the virus is another subject. But on the subject of wokeness, particularly ones involving gender politics. One thing NEVER mentioned, is the actual source of this deception, which is the fact that men and women are not biologically the same, and have different PREPOSITIONS.

The truth is, men have a preposition that is drastically different than a women's, best described as likely favoring logical and rational processes, while, women are more likely to favor a more socio-emotional process which highlights emotions and social dynamics.

This is so extremely important, because this would explain every modern fuck up, including the education system and just WHY women (statistically) succeed more in those environments, as well as the "incel"(average man) population of men who record having less than women in many modern aspects of todays society. This isn't because they are less capable like how the virus would have you believe, but because in this social capitalism we live in, with social media which functions on social processes, this means men are simply less suited to succeed in this world if you host a economy and world on it.

The main issue, is that laws, institutional structures, court systems, and almost every modern support system favor socio-emotional processes. Which is why 80% of the homeless are men, 4x successful suicide rates are men despite the most suicide attempts being women, amongst other things. Even help itself being a danger sign to men, as getting help has the opposite effect of making you look crazy and sick, reducing crucial earning potential elements.

Additionally, this would explain the almost cult like behavior amongst women when women are involved, as well as why homosexual men do not seem to get along with straight men, and tend to typically more outgoing and social than the rest of men. Especially homosexuality, as being gay CAN be explained; with the explanation settling somewhere around genetics and socio-emotional/primary women psychology.

This is why structures such as onlyfans, social media, online dating serve women the most. Disregarding women are wonderful effect for now (a study that shows that the women "image" is naturally more favored than the "mans" image by both women, children and men.), women are simply better/more interested physiologically with communicating amongst each other, One of the biggest
fuckups being how the world has enabled a unfair monetization to this aspect, while also relentlessly piledriving draconian and archaic laws under the guise of equality.

And, since men and women are not equal, someone is getting unfair benefits.
No one is gonna read all that studycel
The real truth is preposition. Women like her are evil one, because they dont know anything. In order to get good at something, you have to practice it. You dont wake up being real. She basically admits to knowing nothin.

This ties into equality. Equality does not exist. Someone will be getting fair disadvantages- so sociopathic women like her, only cares about HERSELF, thus the extension of womenhood exclusively (i will get back to this) this is why they tend to say things like a "double standard", as if double standards are not a natural thing! This is also why they fail to realize that not supporting mens movements will lead them to having a worst reality. They parade a world without double standards, and with equality.

But, this is objectively a failure minset, as I can be doing more work, and you less, but we get paid the same. How is that fair? So equality is not fairness and women use equality for supremecy not because they are fair and just.

Which goes into my last point, which is solipism. This is the actual reason women are not good leaders. And why wise men from the bible said more men are more righteous then women in specific. And it leads to what CW was saying (abet elementary). Men have a more logical, and anylistical preposition. Women are more socio-emotional. Genetics/chemical/hormones determine behavior and a women is more prone to being selfish and self centered through the elements of her biology. Especially if we consider the element of having a womb, and a child, as she must focus on herself for the childs survival in the womb, which is why its know mothers get far more self absorbed after their kid.

Men by default psycologically are better leaders because of the biological aspect. They are less socio-emotional as well, which means less volatile when handling millions of people, and statistically less prone to being deceived (men are not the majority of consumers GLOBALLY) or rallying to specific social circles. Kamala Bs is a prime example.
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ur right
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Woke mind virus is when you Switch from asian woman porn to asian tranny anal porn
  • JFL
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Women are more suited yet the most succesful people are still men, silar to how the best chefs are men. :feelskek:
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Women are more suited yet the most succesful people are still men, silar to how the best chefs are men. :feelskek:
Id say wrong. I think most men (95%) are in a fucked state.

My rate of who is fucked the most is; blkmen(globally)>indian(lowcaste)>white(american)>arab(religious)

The reason i spent a bunch of time saying women stuff is because i think benefits are being withheld from those who need it the most. I did a lot of research about this and participated in a bunch of real time events.

Women can essentially go anywhere across the world, and the least common denominator of women who the world considered least attractive are black women, and they are fairly safe globally, even in countries where the guys explode. In this case, the women and the black women preposition starting from k12 did as said above, resources were withheld and favorly given, and this has put the men there in a national crisis. Essentially being a people with no global representation except for propaganda that will fuel the average persons natural dislike of differences.

Most guys want sex first from a women. This just means they are more willing to negotiate. Male competition usually means physical elimination. This happens in nature, and the issue is the average of humanity. Most people are simply low fluidity- tribalists. I spoke on this many times.

And power/success is nothing when your resting heart rate is 300 and your power requires you in some way to be universally hated by a bunch of crazy men.

In my eyes this is not success at all. Its a delusion. A selfish one, where your blissfully ignorant to the growing number of skulls you placed your throne on.
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