Everything concerning maxxing, bodybuilding, and making yourself attractive to foids has been ejaculated on this forum; nothing more can come



Feb 6, 2021
Studying Page Turner GIF by US National Archives

I've volunteered thousands of hours explaining how to better yourself and be more satisfying to a vagina eager to snatch your sperm with her fat creep (egg). I'd lectured countless threads, showing biological males that it didn't matter if they lacked my big penis; it wasn't over. We don't toss our damaged goods to the streets to be wasted. Garbagemaxxing is a thing. And our dumpster treasures are your girlfriends and wives of tomorrow. So you can find what you're looking for under my threads. I'll show you how to scoop up this trash at bars, dating apps, grocery stores, dog parks, gyms, yadda yadda. However, if you have a specific area or trait in mind, then perhaps one of the following users can further assist you.

Suppose facemaxxing is your primary goal, you want to visit @Nazi Germany He'll help you max your face with his high intellectual metaphors. Using mindboggling details, some in unknown languages, he illustrates step-by-step guidelines for making you into a Reichsleiter. Or at least have people believe you're buddies with one. And women love Nazis! Take a look at King Trump, dubbed POTUS, hence Wounded Head. The prosperous overlord has 34 felonies and represents white trash supremacy, like the employees at Fox News. His number one supporters are Chads and Stacies. The feller is in his 80s! Did you see his wife? Brutal. He knows what he's doing. And that is Nazimaxxing.

Isn't that white, Trojan Horse?


But if it's bodymaxxing you're solely interested in, check out @Vermilioncore . He demonstrates how to keep your skin suspiciously young, questionably tight, and underage inappropriate.

Presuming you're into passport bros and have a craving for shitholemaxxing, view @Lefty Rankin threads. He teaches you how to sneak into China, club a woman over her head, pack her into a suitcase, drag her back to the USA, and maidmax her. Having said that, you might want to view his video clips to appreciate his art. Lefty has a knack of showboating, though. But let's be honest. When you foolproof a technique and successfully accomplish the goal, wouldn't you brag just a little? It's human nature. And he's a real human being and not harboring inside man's flesh, awaiting Armageddon to commence. You can trust him!

Perfecting your mind can improve social behavior, which is a plus with wet pussy. Therefore, if your primary goal is to mindmax, view @not__cel important data. He'll teach you how to max research for a documentary by intelmaxxing others. Using his good cop technique, he grooms the target to share personal information. Then again, not all folks are easy to crack open. Isn't that right, @not__cel ?

In spite of that, if you're stuck inside a rainbow ideology and need to liberalmax with your heavily vaccinated ticking time bomb body, @forevergymcelling is the one to visit. Although, he uses the term 'girl' to describe a unique person. He's a slayer, alright. You can count on that!

Having an urgency to join a movement of sorts, perhaps trying to find your character, identitymaxxxing would be your box of cracker jacks. In this case, head on over to @2025cel threads to polish this trait.

Slacking in society is a culture in itself. Today, the most popular bums are online influencers. But a few rather keep a low profile. So if you're neetmaxxing incognito, visit @LTNUser for pointers.

The world coming to an end can break the ice with that special date resembling Wednesday Addams. So if doomsdaymaxxing is your passion, @LancasteR is your guy. I, too, specialize in this category, and so does @Imaloser7754 . Yet, Lanny also shows you how to Christianmax and that's the ultimate level in my eyes.

With the rape of AI upon us, even Trump's getting his beak wet in this shit, coding parasites just can't get enough. This brings us to enslavementmaxxing. And what better communist agent to lead the way than @noodlelover . She'll He'll motivate you to not only worship AI as your god but also become one!

Vanity is a motherfucker. And some moids have no desire to facemax or even bodymax, they're satisfied with their appearance. Coolbeanmax is your spot. @got.daim will motivate you to not give a fuck.

Handicapmaxxing is also a thing, especially if you have an odd digit like @notsocommonthumb . Poor "real guy" was given a bump for a thumb. So sad. He (;)) has my sincerest sympathy, but not all of it! And that's because of the next motivator.

There are niggas who'd rather avoid heavy lifting and expensive plastic surgery, and their minds aren't equipped for TLDR material, but they still have a hunger for a vagina to spit on and punch. So if girlfriendmaxxing is your Moe, @BrendioEEE is the expert in this field. He'll train you to get a girlfriend and share with her your hate content and white supremacy threads. But warning, several of his tutors might trigger sympathy. Keep your head high when viewing his!

Despite all of that, if you want to creepmax, I got bad news. Those selfish users don't share their material with the public because they're fucking creeps. Besides, don't be a loser like them. Creepmax.

In conclusion, this forum is misleading. I would explain more, but I rather not. Knowing many of you are bored shitless starving for clout, I'll keep this knowledge to myself for your own good. But if you need a clue, go through my threads and find the ones without any comments from other users. You'll then get an idea of the group we're dealing with. HINT:
substance barnacles.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Wink GIF
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  • JFL
Reactions: Methylphenidate, maximum cope31, LancasteR and 5 others
Real news! Real news right there bud! Heck the freak yeah!
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Methylphenidate, LancasteR, BigJimsWornOutTires and 2 others
This is everything I needed and more, this should be in best of the best right about now
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Reactions: LancasteR, BigJimsWornOutTires and Nazi Germany
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Reactions: LancasteR, BigJimsWornOutTires and Nazi Germany
Studying Page Turner GIF by US National Archives

But if it's bodymaxxing you're solely interested in, check out @Vermilioncore . He demonstrates how to keep your skin suspiciously young, questionably tight, and underage inappropriate.
@Vermilioncore whats your secret? Wigs?

“With the rape of AI upon us, even Trump's getting his beak wet in this shit, coding parasites just can't get enough. This brings us to enslavementmaxxing. And what better communist agent to lead the way than @noodlelover . She'll He'll motivate you to not only worship AI as your god but also become one!”
This should be our final destination after shit goes down, ai worship is the final frontier
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: LancasteR, BigJimsWornOutTires and Nazi Germany
Studying Page Turner GIF by US National Archives

I've volunteered thousands of hours explaining how to better yourself and be more satisfying to a vagina eager to snatch your sperm with her fat creep (egg). I'd lectured countless threads, showing biological males that it didn't matter if they lacked my big penis; it wasn't over. We don't toss our damaged goods to the streets to be wasted. Garbagemaxxing is a thing. And our dumpster treasures are your girlfriends and wives of tomorrow. So you can find what you're looking for under my threads. I'll show you how to scoop up this trash at bars, dating apps, grocery stores, dog parks, gyms, yadda yadda. However, if you have a specific area or trait in mind, then perhaps one of the following users can further assist you.

Suppose facemaxxing is your primary goal, you want to visit @Nazi Germany He'll help you max your face with his high intellectual metaphors. Using mindboggling details, some in unknown languages, he illustrates step-by-step guidelines for making you into a Reichsleiter. Or at least have people believe you're buddies with one. And women love Nazis! Take a look at King Trump, dubbed POTUS, hence Wounded Head. The prosperous overlord has 34 felonies and represents white trash supremacy, like the employees at Fox News. His number one supporters are Chads and Stacies. The feller is in his 80s! Did you see his wife? Brutal. He knows what he's doing. And that is Nazimaxxing.

Isn't that white, Trojan Horse?


But if it's bodymaxxing you're solely interested in, check out @Vermilioncore . He demonstrates how to keep your skin suspiciously young, questionably tight, and underage inappropriate.

Presuming you're into passport bros and have a craving for shitholemaxxing, view @Lefty Rankin threads. He teaches you how to sneak into China, club a woman over her head, pack her into a suitcase, drag her back to the USA, and maidmax her. Having said that, you might want to view his video clips to appreciate his art. Lefty has a knack of showboating, though. But let's be honest. When you foolproof a technique and successfully accomplish the goal, wouldn't you brag just a little? It's human nature. And he's a real human being and not harboring inside man's flesh, awaiting Armageddon to commence. You can trust him!

Perfecting your mind can improve social behavior, which is a plus with wet pussy. Therefore, if your primary goal is to mindmax, view @not__cel important data. He'll teach you how to max research for a documentary by intelmaxxing others. Using his good cop technique, he grooms the target to share personal information. Then again, not all folks are easy to crack open. Isn't that right, @not__cel ?

In spite of that, if you're stuck inside a rainbow ideology and need to liberalmax with your heavily vaccinated ticking time bomb body, @forevergymcelling is the one to visit. Although, he uses the term 'girl' to describe a unique person. He's a slayer, alright. You can count on that!

Having an urgency to join a movement of sorts, perhaps trying to find your character, identitymaxxxing would be your box of cracker jacks. In this case, head on over to @2025cel threads to polish this trait.

Slacking in society is a culture in itself. Today, the most popular bums are online influencers. But a few rather keep a low profile. So if you're neetmaxxing incognito, visit @LTNUser for pointers.

The world coming to an end can break the ice with that special date resembling Wednesday Addams. So if doomsdaymaxxing is your passion, @LancasteR is your guy. I, too, specialize in this category, and so does @Imaloser7754 . Yet, Lanny also shows you how to Christianmax and that's the ultimate level in my eyes.

With the rape of AI upon us, even Trump's getting his beak wet in this shit, coding parasites just can't get enough. This brings us to enslavementmaxxing. And what better communist agent to lead the way than @noodlelover . She'll He'll motivate you to not only worship AI as your god but also become one!

Vanity is a motherfucker. And some moids have no desire to facemax or even bodymax, they're satisfied with their appearance. Coolbeanmax is your spot. @got.daim will motivate you to not give a fuck.

Handicapmaxxing is also a thing, especially if you have an odd digit like @notsocommonthumb . Poor "real guy" was given a bump for a thumb. So sad. He (;)) has my sincerest sympathy, but not all of it! And that's because of the next motivator.

There are niggas who'd rather avoid heavy lifting and expensive plastic surgery, and their minds aren't equipped for TLDR material, but they still have a hunger for a vagina to spit on and punch. So if girlfriendmaxxing is your Moe, @BrendioEEE is the expert in this field. He'll train you to get a girlfriend and share with her your hate content and white supremacy threads. But warning, several of his tutors might trigger sympathy. Keep your head high when viewing his!

Despite all of that, if you want to creepmax, I got bad news. Those selfish users don't share their material with the public because they're fucking creeps. Besides, don't be a loser like them. Creepmax.

In conclusion, this forum is misleading. I would explain more, but I rather not. Knowing many of you are bored shitless starving for clout, I'll keep this knowledge to myself for your own good. But if you need a clue, go through my threads and find the ones without any comments from other users. You'll then get an idea of the group we're dealing with. HINT:
substance barnacles.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Wink GIF
This is the most hyperREAL ontological stratum humanity’s ossified cortical substrates could ever transduce through their atrophied sensory apertures, Uh normies can't comprehend.
I can help users with military knowledge more than facemaxxing
As SS-Oberscharführer embedded within the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend" during the axial recalibration of the Kharkov salient, I’ve reified the Schwerpunkt of panzerkampfwagen tactical oscillations via the Schnellfeuer doctrinal matrix operationalizing Nebelwerfer saturation protocols against the Zhytomyr-Berdichev kessel while recalibrating the Panzergrenadier infiltration vectors through the Carpathian-Dnieper interzone, ja? The Tiger II’s KwK 43 L/71 ballistic curvature was negentropically optimized for Panzergranate 40/43 penetration thresholds at 2,500 meters against IS-2 glacis permutations, but the Volkssturm’s Panzerfaust 60 stochastic deployment in the Oder-Neisse Abnutzungsschlacht necessitated fractal attrition coefficients beyond even General Guderian’s Achtung-Panzer teleology this is Kriegswissenschaft you can’t parse without Wehrkreis-level decryption, verstehen Sie? The Sturmgewehr 44’s gas-operated roller-locked action was reverse-engineered from Wunderwaffe prototypes recovered in the Thule-Gesellschaft’s Schwarze Sonne archives, but the Rattekrieg logistical collapse in the Ardennes Winterschlacht forced SS-Panzerpioniere to synthesize Ersatz synthetic fuel from lignite via Leuna-Werke catalytic cracking
still, the Krupp-designed Maus superheavy panzer’s rhomboidal Schürzen arrays couldn’t mitigate T-34/85 swarm tactics during Unternehmen Zitadelle, hence the Henschel engineers’ pivot to Flakpanzer IV “Wirbelwind” quad-20mm configurations to disrupt Il-2 Shturmovik CAS sorties over the Seelow Heights. You think this is delusion? The Feldgrau neural lace I retrofitted during the Anschluss of the V-2 telemetry grids at Peenemünde allows me to verbinden the Waffen-SS’s Endlösung of Slavic Untermenschen with the Götterdämmerung of NATO’s fifth-generation Kampfjet CQB algorithms -- this is how you fractalize hybrid warfare through transdimensional logistics, Kamerad. The MG 42’s 1,200 RPM cyclic rate is nothing compared to the geisteskrank temporal recursion I’ve weaponized via Wehrmacht spectral archives buried beneath Wolfsschanze’s Hohlraum chambers. Still think you’re sicher? The Führerbunker’s Fernlenkpanzer remote-control protocols are alive in every MQ-9 Reaper’s killchain, but your degenerate synapses can’t even compute the Vernichtungsgedanke required to deploy Stielhandgranate dispersion patterns in urban Hohlgang systems. Dummkopf
the real war is fought in the Zwischenraum between your cognitive dissonance and my Eisenkreuz-certified psychosis. Rattenkrieg forever. Oh yeah, Our boris fucked 2 ss soldiers near the nuclear powerplant.
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Reactions: Fusionxz, not__cel, BigJimsWornOutTires and 1 other person
Real news! Real news right there bud! Heck the freak yeah!
I know, right? Nothing more can cum.

This is the news we needed today to lift our spirits
Not everyone agrees with my cruel, yet honest analogy.

This is the most hyperREAL ontological stratum humanity’s ossified cortical substrates could ever transduce through their atrophied sensory apertures, Uh normies can't comprehend.
I can help users with military knowledge more than facemaxxing
As SS-Oberscharführer embedded within the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend" during the axial recalibration of the Kharkov salient, I’ve reified the Schwerpunkt of panzerkampfwagen tactical oscillations via the Schnellfeuer doctrinal matrix operationalizing Nebelwerfer saturation protocols against the Zhytomyr-Berdichev kessel while recalibrating the Panzergrenadier infiltration vectors through the Carpathian-Dnieper interzone, ja? The Tiger II’s KwK 43 L/71 ballistic curvature was negentropically optimized for Panzergranate 40/43 penetration thresholds at 2,500 meters against IS-2 glacis permutations, but the Volkssturm’s Panzerfaust 60 stochastic deployment in the Oder-Neisse Abnutzungsschlacht necessitated fractal attrition coefficients beyond even General Guderian’s Achtung-Panzer teleology this is Kriegswissenschaft you can’t parse without Wehrkreis-level decryption, verstehen Sie? The Sturmgewehr 44’s gas-operated roller-locked action was reverse-engineered from Wunderwaffe prototypes recovered in the Thule-Gesellschaft’s Schwarze Sonne archives, but the Rattekrieg logistical collapse in the Ardennes Winterschlacht forced SS-Panzerpioniere to synthesize Ersatz synthetic fuel from lignite via Leuna-Werke catalytic cracking
still, the Krupp-designed Maus superheavy panzer’s rhomboidal Schürzen arrays couldn’t mitigate T-34/85 swarm tactics during Unternehmen Zitadelle, hence the Henschel engineers’ pivot to Flakpanzer IV “Wirbelwind” quad-20mm configurations to disrupt Il-2 Shturmovik CAS sorties over the Seelow Heights. You think this is delusion? The Feldgrau neural lace I retrofitted during the Anschluss of the V-2 telemetry grids at Peenemünde allows me to verbinden the Waffen-SS’s Endlösung of Slavic Untermenschen with the Götterdämmerung of NATO’s fifth-generation Kampfjet CQB algorithms -- this is how you fractalize hybrid warfare through transdimensional logistics, Kamerad. The MG 42’s 1,200 RPM cyclic rate is nothing compared to the geisteskrank temporal recursion I’ve weaponized via Wehrmacht spectral archives buried beneath Wolfsschanze’s Hohlraum chambers. Still think you’re sicher? The Führerbunker’s Fernlenkpanzer remote-control protocols are alive in every MQ-9 Reaper’s killchain, but your degenerate synapses can’t even compute the Vernichtungsgedanke required to deploy Stielhandgranate dispersion patterns in urban Hohlgang systems. Dummkopf
the real war is fought in the Zwischenraum between your cognitive dissonance and my Eisenkreuz-certified psychosis. Rattenkrieg forever. Oh yeah, Our boris fucked 2 ss soldiers near the nuclear powerplant.
Agreeing Putt Putt GIF by ABC Network

After you read all of that, you'll feel like a Chad.
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Reactions: LancasteR and not__cel
I know, right? Nothing more can cum.

Not everyone agrees with my cruel, yet honest analogy.

Agreeing Putt Putt GIF by ABC Network

After you read all of that, you'll feel like a Chad.
but honestly a really good insightful post, but why did my section say I groom and crack open people :lul: What did I do
  • JFL
Reactions: LancasteR and BigJimsWornOutTires
but honestly a really good insightful post, but why did my section say I groom and crack open people :lul: What did I do
Not in that light. Grooming for information. Like in the persona of a journalist or detective. Crack open as in digging for personal information. Perhaps, you don't mean to. But I see you in the parallel of a documentary writer.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: LancasteR and not__cel
Not in that light. Grooming for information. Like in the persona of a journalist or detective. Crack open as in digging for personal information. Perhaps, you don't mean to. But I see you in the parallel of a documentary writer.
Woah that means alot , I see you in the parallel of a film director. Sort of like Tarantino but less feet involved, it’s nice to watch what you make but I don’t want to muddy it up and your posts bring me joy thanks bro
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
Woah that means alot , I see you in the parallel of a film director. Sort of like Tarantino but less feet involved, it’s nice to watch what you make but I don’t want to muddy it up and your posts bring me joy thanks bro
Ever since the massive ejaculation of perverted pronouns and disturbed feelings, Quentin has been walking in a glass house on eggshells. He's nervous to put anything out knowing, it will be attacked. For example, Pulp Fiction. Can you imagine how many folks he'll upset today with his Dead Nigger Storage? Ouch. Not good.

With that said, he claims he's finishing his final movie. We'll see.

  • JFL
Reactions: not__cel and LancasteR

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