EVERYTHING is connected



5' 13" Pharma HGHcel
Nov 11, 2019
Every single thing is connected. Looks, money, height.
Everything is connected

Jaw line is connected to eye shape
People who breathe through the nose are smarter and better looking than those who breathe through the mouth

Taller people tender to be richer happier more fulfilling life

Those who snore are less intelligent than those who don't snore

Those who get braces still have shit jawlines after braces

People who eat fastfood (soft foods) are uglier

Those who eat more meat are richer, those who are richer eat more meat. Those who eat more meat have better facial development, those who have better facial development are richer. Richer people are taller, richer people are respected more.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 2227, NormieKilla and Norwooder
connects me
Conclusion if you are not rich, tall or attractive it's over. Tall people tend to be more attractive. Attractive people tend to be richer. Richer people tend to be taller.
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Reactions: drakarnat
Conclusion if you are not rich, tall or attractive it's over. Tall people tend to be more attractive. Attractive people tend to be richer. Richer people tend to be taller.

tfw tall, rich but still only 5 PSl
Images 6
You are so fucking stupid for correlating breathing with intelligence lol and half of the shit you said isn’t true
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and Norwooder
You are so fucking stupid for correlating breathing with intelligence lol and half of the shit you said isn’t true
Keep coping. The way you breathe and sleep is just as important as mewing
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
Keep coping. The way you breathe and sleep is just as important as mewing

Yeah nobody has some secret sort of breathing that makes them good looking. We all breathe through our fucking nose. If we feel like we aren’t breathing correctly , we notice it . And as long as you don’t sleep like some retard it doesn’t do shit.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and Norwooder
Yeah nobody has some secret sort of breathing that makes them good looking. We all breathe through our fucking nose. If we feel like we aren’t breathing correctly , we notice it . And as long as you don’t sleep like some retard it doesn’t do shit.
Sleep quality is connected to height and intelligence. Height and intelligence is connected to income. Income is connected to diet. Diet is connected to looks and sleep quality.
  • JFL
Reactions: Norwooder
Sleep quality is connected to height and intelligence. Height and intelligence is connected to income. Income is connected to diet. Diet is connected to looks and sleep quality.
First off give me summary of that video bc I don’t feel like watching it all . I heard him mention a study about snoring effect on gh so maybe it had some effect in height but you gotta be retarded if you can’t see height is 99% genetic . Height is correlated with intelligence more so height of specific features so yeah I agree with that. The wealthier do eat better but this does not sculpt their face into some god like form like a magic drug. Most of this shit is genetic bruh my dads 6” I ate like shit as a kid probably had bad posture on video games a lot probably slept like shit but I’m 6’2 now I have the same shoe size as him same hand size same head size same hairline same maxilla projection . Enviormental is mostly cope but you are right tall And attractive = richer because more dominant and these rich wealthy good looking family’s just grow larger and spread genes
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
First off give me summary of that video bc I don’t feel like watching it all . I heard him mention a study about snoring effect on gh so maybe it had some effect in height but you gotta be retarded if you can’t see height is 99% genetic . Height is correlated with intelligence more so height of specific features so yeah I agree with that. The wealthier do eat better but this does not sculpt their face into some god like form like a magic drug. Most of this shit is genetic bruh my dads 6” I ate like shit as a kid probably had bad posture on video games a lot probably slept like shit but I’m 6’2 now I have the same shoe size as him same hand size same head size same hairline same maxilla projection . Enviormental is mostly cope but you are right tall And attractive = richer because more dominant and these rich wealthy good looking family’s just grow larger and spread genes. And I know anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean shit but a lot of these studies tend to contradict each other and are vague and uncertain.one Nutritionalist study I read was saying not eating can make you taller , so wtf is it then eat or no eat. I’ve read so many studies in height and bone structure and development I still don’t have a clue if any of it is legit .
Deluded retard, u should be culled, thrown in a river. I hope a person like u never purs any youtube vid up or gives anyone advice.
No dude he’s right you slept on your Thomas the train pillow wrong now your retarded 5’6” and poor
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and Norwooder
No dude he’s right you slept on your Thomas the train pillow wrong now your retarded 5’6” and poor
If you snore you have a lower iq due to oxygen delivery efficiency
Here you niggas go arguing about the dumbest shit ever
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Reactions: Norwooder and jefferson

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