Evolution is not real.



Sep 19, 2022
The only people I see that believe in evolution are individuals whose mind exist at a level at which they actually could be derived from literal animals. They lack so much depth and nuance it's not weird they see the similarities between themselves and animals.

Individuals with deep introspection and philosophical depth rarely tend to believe in evolution. Innovators and seekers know it was pre-built.
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Darwin was a Lucifer worshiper
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The only people I see that believe in evolution are individuals whose mind exist at a level at which they actually could be derived from literal animals. They lack so much depth and nuance it's not weird they see the similarities between themselves and animals.

Individuals with deep introspection and philosophical depth rarely tend to believe in evolution. Innovators and seekers know it was pre-built.
many great minds believed that nature created humans, dating back to ancient Hindus and Greeks lmao..it's kinda same as evolution formed us.. evolution is just a mechanism explaining the premise that nature forms life
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many great minds believed that nature created humans dating back to ancient Hindus and Greeks lmao..it's kinda same as evolution formed us.. evolution is just a mechanism explaining the premise that nature forms life
Evolution doesn't explain two things (the most important ones btw).
1. You can trace everything back to the first cell hypothetically, but you can't explain where the first cell magically appeared from.
2. How we gained the ability to create societies, culture, philosophy, art, inventions. How we gained deep introspection into our minds.
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Evolution doesn't explain two things (the most important ones btw).
1. You can trace everything back to the first cell hypothetically, but you can't explain where the first cell magically appeared from.
law of entropy is like the god which creates life in the universe you exist because of this shit law which just happens to exist eternally with the universe i.e property of space time frame... what a fucking joke
All of this suffering is a result of the law of entropy. It's like the physical embodiment of the metaphysical concept of Schopenhauer's 'the will''.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, describing entropy growth, has two key implications:
Disorder constantly increases while order declines.
Interestingly, highly organized structures are most effective at generating entropy.
Consider life on Earth. Living organisms generate far more entropy than the equivalent mass of inanimate matter. Humans, in particular, excel in this regard.
However, there's a catch. Intelligence and complexity demand more energy, and some of it dissipates as entropy. Intelligence craves energy use, not entropy creation.

In essence, the universe tends toward creating complex, ordered structures, which paradoxically accelerates total entropy growth.
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law of entropy is like the god which creates life in the universe you exist because of this shit law which just happens to exist eternally with the universe i.e property of space time frame... what a fucking joke
All of this suffering is a result of the law of entropy. It's like the physical embodiment of the metaphysical concept of Schopenhauer's 'the will''.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, describing entropy growth, has two key implications:
Disorder constantly increases while order declines.
Interestingly, highly organized structures are most effective at generating entropy.
Consider life on Earth. Living organisms generate far more entropy than the equivalent mass of inanimate matter. Humans, in particular, excel in this regard.
However, there's a catch. Intelligence and complexity demand more energy, and some of it dissipates as entropy. Intelligence craves energy use, not entropy creation.

In essence, the universe tends toward creating complex, ordered structures, which paradoxically accelerates total entropy growth.
It's not good for procreation to care about art, philosophy, science. Hence why the animals driven by only those desires ignore the rest.
For a being to do something for his own legacy, or even be inclined to want to achieve greatness in a conceptual sense is so seperated from the eat/sleep/fuck cycle other animals live off of that there is no other explanation for that existance than a pre-built man. The concept of a tortured artist has absolutely 0 possibility to exist in a species whose only purpose is to reproduce.
The reason u see guys like tesla and newton making innovations is because their subconscious remembers how to do these things based on past lives loved as an immortal spiritual being within this one specific physical universe
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It's not good for procreation to care about art, philosophy, science. Hence why the animals driven by only those desires ignore the rest.
For a being to do something for his own legacy, or even be inclined to want to achieve greatness in a conceptual sense is so seperated from the eat/sleep/fuck cycle other animals live off of that there is no other explanation for that existance than a pre-built man. The concept of a tortured artist has absolutely 0 possibility to exist in a species whose only purpose is to reproduce.
All of this philosophical and artistic elements are result of intellect which was originally selected because it helped in survival of hunter-gatherer societies of apes(proto-humans)...as time passed and society structure changed it kinda back fired
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The reason u see guys like tesla and newton making innovations is because their subconscious remembers how to do these things based on past lives loved as an immortal spiritual being within this one specific physical universe
Not true, both Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton were INxJs which means they used Ni as their dominant function. This function is the singular function that is capable of reading fundamental patterns while being completely disconnected from the previous findings of other humans. They deep dive into the underlying fundamental existance of the universe and our unconscious no one else has access too.
Peterson easily describes the workings of Carl Jung (also an Ni dom).
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They deep dive into the underlying fundamental existance of the universe and our unconscious no one else has access too.

that’s exactly what I described
that’s exactly what I described
At first yes, then you talked about past lives and went on a bit of a tangent referring to reincarnation which is not something Ni is proven to do since reincarnation is not proven as a concept. I only refer to what has been scientifically backed up surrounding the psychology.
The only people I see that believe in evolution are individuals whose mind exist at a level at which they actually could be derived from literal animals. They lack so much depth and nuance it's not weird they see the similarities between themselves and animals.
Marvelous textbook example of an ad hominem 👏

Individuals with deep introspection and philosophical depth rarely tend to believe in evolution. Innovators and seekers know it was pre-built.
Well, evolution is a fairly recent theory. It’s quite simple too, in terms of the blackpill lets say hypothetically Indians are no longer able to reproduce. What happens you may ask? Well according to evolution they are now extinct.

You can trace everything back to the first cell hypothetically, but you can't explain where the first cell magically appeared from.
There are theories such as abiogenesis but none with as much research and evidence as evolution for example which is considered a fact to most biologist. Also keep in mind, science has been largely undermined throughout human history up until now so don’t except it to explain everything.

How we gained the ability to create societies, culture, philosophy, art, inventions. How we gained deep introspection into our minds.
Our complex brains and natural social behaviors gave rise to these.
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many great minds believed that nature created humans, dating back to ancient Hindus and Greeks lmao..it's kinda same as evolution formed us.. evolution is just a mechanism explaining the premise that nature forms life
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Evolution doesn't explain two things (the most important ones btw).
1. You can trace everything back to the first cell hypothetically, but you can't explain where the first cell magically appeared from.
2. How we gained the ability to create societies, culture, philosophy, art, inventions. How we gained deep introspection into our minds.
Monkey transformation doesn't make sense to me
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haha yeah ok bud

thats why stephen hawking was a full atheist
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Marvelous textbook example of an ad hominem 👏
Partly is an Ad Hominem, partly is an objective observation as well. It's pattern recognition to some extent. I could never genuinely believe in evolution because I have very few things in common with animals that I can associate to. When I find an animal portraying a philosophical insight I could be convinced otherwise but until then it is too unlikely.
Well, evolution is a fairly recent theory. It’s quite simple too, in terms of the blackpill lets say hypothetically Indians are no longer able to reproduce. What happens you may ask? Well according to evolution they are now extinct.
I don't disagree with anything said on this point.
There are theories such as abiogenesis but none with as much research and evidence as evolution for example which is considered a fact to most biologist. Also keep in mind, science has been largely undermined throughout human history up until now so don’t except it to explain everything.
There are too many things science just can't explain and never will be able to. Sometimes you must be realistic and look at things with common sense. What actually happens and what doesn't, does this seem likely etc. We can't even explain a thought but appearently it all started at a singular cell, everything is connected and if it doesn't associate it wasn't meant to be there.
Our complex brains and natural social behaviors gave rise to these.
Show some intermediary minds that bridge between animals and an ascended species in that case. You either have it or you don't.
Its not real and god did the Big bang n stuff
some of you really should have stayed in school.
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Atheists make more money and have 6 iq point lead on theists. Warren Buffett, Bill gates, all atheists.

Research on this topic began with the eminent US psychologist James H. Leuba and his landmark survey of 1914. He found that 58% of 1,000 randomly selected US scientists expressed disbelief or doubt in the existence of God, and that this figure rose to near 70% among the 400 “greater” scientists within his sample1. Leuba repeated his survey in somewhat different form 20 years later, and found that these percentages had increased to 67 and 85, respectively2.

In 1996, we repeated Leuba's 1914 survey and reported our results in Nature3. We found little change from 1914 for American scientists generally, with 60.7% expressing disbelief or doubt. This year, we closely imitated the second phase of Leuba's 1914 survey to gauge belief among “greater” scientists, and find the rate of belief lower than ever — a mere 7% of respondents.

Leuba attributed the higher level of disbelief and doubt among “greater” scientists to their “superior knowledge, understanding, and experience”"

keep coping
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least cringiest philosophy major
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Micro evolution exists, "evolution" in the normal sense is cope.
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Monkey transformation doesn't make sense to me
We are fairly similar to them, especially when you look at our bodies. It’s a harder thing to visualize that all life came from bacteria.

very few things in common with animals that I can associate to.
Well we consume food and water, need sleep, reproduce, die, etc. The term animal has a negative connotation on humans but it is what we are.

When I find an animal portraying a philosophical insight I could be convinced otherwise but until then it is too unlikely.
Our brains are very complex and so are other animals of our size, but our brains have a much bigger neocortex than the other animals which is largely what separates us from them in terms of intelligence which lead us to philosophy. Theoretically an organism much more intellectually advanced than us as inferior in the same way we see other animals.

I don't disagree with anything said on this point.
Haha okay, twas just an example.

There are too many things science just can't explain and never will be able to. Sometimes you must be realistic and look at things with common sense. What actually happens and what doesn't, does this seem likely etc. We can't even explain a thought but appearently it all started at a singular cell, everything is connected and if it doesn't associate it wasn't meant to be there.
Albeit science is convoluted, wouldn’t one deem this quality to be more correlated with what could be true? Since it stands out against the other theories about the universe by going beyond just belief and into conceptualization within the real world; We could see how molecules interact with each other in various ways or how different wavelengths stimulate different colors, it’s honestly just beautiful.

Show some intermediary minds that bridge between animals and an ascended species in that case. You either have it or you don't.
Intelligence it rather more of a spectrum than a fixed point. Not all animals have the same cognitive abilities, and assuming you’re referring to us as the ascended species. I’d say primates are examples of organisms that are in between our intelligence and the intelligence of most other animals. Some are smart enough to use tools but not smart enough to build complex societies like we are capable of.
Why monkeys didn't evolve? @lemonnz
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The only people I see that believe in evolution are individuals whose mind exist at a level at which they actually could be derived from literal animals. They lack so much depth and nuance it's not weird they see the similarities between themselves and animals.

Individuals with deep introspection and philosophical depth rarely tend to believe in evolution. Innovators and seekers know it was pre-built.
Neither is the blackpill then. Lol
God mentions several times in these sacred books the difference between man and animal to differentiate them from each other, I noticed that God insults bad man animals a lot

1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
But the animal man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot know them, because they are judged spiritually.

has never contradicted the black pill, and the animal mechanisms inherent to man, he encourages us to go above.

But for that you would have to look for yourself and I am not here to give you a lesson in religious theology.

It is within your rights to want to die like a pagan animal.
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The only people I see that believe in evolution are individuals whose mind exist at a level at which they actually could be derived from literal animals. They lack so much depth and nuance it's not weird they see the similarities between themselves and animals.

Individuals with deep introspection and philosophical depth rarely tend to believe in evolution. Innovators and seekers know it was pre-built.

idk about evolution but i sure do know women want high t ghight fighting success men
God mentions several times in these sacred books the difference between man and animal to differentiate them from each other, I noticed that God insults bad man animals a lot

1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
But the animal man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot know them, because they are judged spiritually.

has never contradicted the black pill, and the animal mechanisms inherent to man, he encourages us to go above.

But for that you would have to look for yourself and I am not here to give you a lesson in religious theology.

It is within your rights to want to die like a pagan animal.
Spot on.
1. You can trace everything back to the first cell hypothetically, but you can't explain where the first cell magically appeared from.
The scientific consensus is that an array chemical processes occurring simultaneously in just the right pattern and circumstance could be the way abiogenesis occurs. As well as the proposition that there doesn't have to be a hard-line difference between the living and non living - you can have "life-like" chemical structures occur in a pre-life environment.

But also, this doesnt necessarily imply creationism - we could observe planets astronomically before science had come up with an explanation for their emergence. To say they were "pre-built" would've been wrong.

How we gained the ability to create societies, culture, philosophy, art, inventions. How we gained deep introspection into our minds.

The same way subspecies of apes gained differences in character. Or the same way ashkenazi jews gained the highest verbal iq, while east asians the highest visual iq, while coming from the same distant ancestors.

But really you can easily explain this by mutations in genes that code for differing brain structures. After time enough can accumulate to the point where the creation of the things you listed is possible. Those human creations/qualities are also not binary - a primitive form of philosophizing, inventing, art, etc. can exist. We now know that some animals can fashion tools just as humans do, but in a more primitive form. Ants have complex societies that are based on pheromones instead of human speech and language. Add some gene mutations for better brain wiring to apes, among many other differences + a chromosomal mutation, and you get humans. Not an impossible event in the span of many millions of years.
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Facts. Also this Planet is 5783 years old and Will end year 7000

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