Evolution more like you're a retard if you believe evil illusion

Sorry Jim but this ain't it
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Here we cope
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554F247D F30E 4D3E 972D 5903CA69441A

No jim you gotta think
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not even a milisecond.
Looks are everything.

Bobson looks like a lowIQcel, is a lowIQcel.
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  • JFL
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Don't know whether illusion or not but evolution is cucked. We were better off in the wild being hunters
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  • Woah
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We were never fucking hunters
Like come on all of sudden white people are just germanic tirbes originating from Africa BOLLOX whites the first colour not fucking blacks just pure BOLLOX
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These videos are full of contradictions. The argument for evolution is way stronger & has been proven countless times. We've literally seen examples of different species evolving and going extinct. (btw I watched 4/6)
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These videos are full of contradictions. The argument for evolution is way stronger & has been proven countless times. We've literally seen examples of different species evolving and going extinct. (btw I watched 4/6)
Aww shut up you sound so generic
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We were never fucking hunters
They want to believe that they were alpha strong cavemen it's just pathetic
You put them off with the videos, you have to ease into these topics.
Note that the hostility you are receiving is directly proportional to the break in worldview perception it is causing
Also known as blackpill nausea ironically
didnt ask you inbred potato head subhuman low iq autist
Paki boy paki boy that somthing you won't be cause even they have more appeal than somalian
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Another banger thread from Jimson
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You put them off with the videos, you have to ease into these topics.
Note that the hostility you are receiving is directly proportional to the break in worldview perception it is causing
Also known as blackpill nausea ironically
Fuck em lost causes anyway
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
Fuck em lost causes anyway
Doesn't the hate that you contend with burn you up on impact?
I tried the soapbox contrarian life but I did not have the constitution for it.
Now I am more a recluse observer, feverishly studying the human condition and yet failing to see what is right in front of me, in a famously Neitzchean fashion.
Doesn't the hate that you contend with burn you up on impact?
I tried the soapbox contrarian life but I did not have the constitution for it.
Now I am more a recluse observer, feverishly studying the human condition and yet failing to see what is right in front of me, in a famously Neitzchean fashion.
I don't try and act smart or talk smart I jus5 get on with life I give the information and the fucks don't want to believe then fuck them
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
Evolution is legit we evolved from apes who turned into blacks, and then some whites came as well.
You are a fucking retard if you believe those videos.
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I don't try and act smart or talk smart I jus5 get on with life I give the information and the fucks don't want to believe then fuck them
Very well. Good day to you
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Reactions: Jimsonbobson505
Peng jawline Peng eyes only thing bad is that I'm bloated
your eyes are disgusting and downward tilted not to mention your gross negative hooding, keep coping
youre ugly
  • JFL
Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer
your eyes are disgusting and downward tilted not to mention your gross negative hooding, keep coping
youre ugly
Most British people are ugly, so he has warped standards of whats good looking.
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Reactions: Vidyacoper
Most British people are ugly, so he has warped standards of whats good looking.
well i live in the uk and not many are as gross looking as him
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Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer
Ignore?? Ignore? Bruh look this up, denying evolutionary theory is the same as denying Maxwell's unification of electricity and magnetism, witch predicts how electromagnetic waves move through space and it's one of the pillars of modern science and communications.

Besides, there are countless channels like Aron Ra, King Crocoduck, Don Exodus, Thunderf00t, Potholer54 etc that debunk and utterly destroy your retarded beliefs.

You are truly beyond retarded, look up TalkOrigins on google, they have a index of creationist claims and as usual, none of them survive any test whatsoever.

You are worse than blue pilled cucks, you enjoy the products of science and technology, but when it comes the time you just ignore the ones that contradict your opinions, SPOILER!!! - it doesn't work like that!!

Go back to some African shithole to see what your religion has done, witch was absolutely nothing.

Kill yourself faggot.
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Reactions: Ocelot and Deleted member 4430
Oh no you insulted their cult now they will get really aggressive and angry that you have a different opinion.
How do you even explain the blackpill without assuming evolution is true? All attractive features with the exception of blue eyes and big dicks are the result of natural selection.
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Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer and EasternRightWinger15

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