EXPLAIN THIS exception!



Aug 29, 2019

Exceptions that proves the rule.

Regularly. guys post some ugly dude with a hot/better looking woman.
AND, than they say: "explain this". As a way to debunk the common rule of: "women (and men) pair up with people of similar looks levels ranges (matching SMV/looks league)"

The answer to these dudes claiming to debunk the rule, with exceptions is:

"Exceptions exists. AND Exceptions prove the rule (due to being rare/out of norm/noticeable)".

For example. To demonstrate the ludicracy in a clear way:

Rule: "Rural villages are (generally) quiet places".

And than, a local farmer rents his fields for 1 day, to a rock festival, which disturbs the quiet.
And than, some dopehead posts online a video/audio of the noise of the rock festival in that rural erea.
And than says there: "You guys say that rural erea's are quit place. Well, then: "explain this! Rural erea's are NOT quit places, check this video! It's cope to say that rural erea's are quit places.""

Well, this above exception example, shows how the phrase draws attention to the rarity of the exception, and in so doing establishes the general accuracy of the rule.

LIKEWISE, with dudes showing ugly dudes with hot women. As a debunk for general rule of matching. The way they share and phrase it; ALREADY always shows the rarity of the exception, and in so doing establishes the general accuracy of the rule (in this case, matching principle of dating (that people date with their own looks league generally).

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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5634, far336, wateriswet and 14 others
legit thread tbh
  • +1
Reactions: wateriswet and EckhartTollemaxx
It was so satisfying to read, thank you.
Cope, @6ft7Mogger showed me his curry/white Stacy porn catalog
  • JFL
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Status theory is unmarked though, it has no exceptions.

Women only go for men they perceive higher status than them > looks matter a ton for status, but theres other ways of being high status, which could apply to the 'exceptions' in the Looks = Main Part of Attraction theory.

Men want looks in a woman, above all else
Women want status in a man, above all else
  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel and Deleted member 6723
2nd pic they both look subhuman
basic logic.
  • +1
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that kind of marriages i posted are not "that" rare.
High IQ poster

now tell me how to smile and laugh less
legit thread tbh
It was so satisfying to read, thank you.

I was guessing/fearing, this level/type of iq content would fly over many peoples head. But glad to see, it's not the case.

I was aiming, to make a post. That people can link to, when some dopehead posts these kind of posts of: "explein this ugly dude with hot gf"
Like this:

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An exception doesn't prove the rule, but it does prove the tendency. In strict terms any exception disproves a rule, since rules are absolute, and anything that has exceptions is not absolute.
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Reactions: far336, Deleted member 4416, Deleted member 7651 and 1 other person
An exception doesn't prove the rule, but it does prove the tendency. In strict terms any exception disproves a rule, since rules are absolute, and anything that has exceptions is not absolute.
Well said, good correction. And more correct than I stated it.

I should had said: it proves the tendency/average/norm/.... And therefore confirms the common truth of the statement/rule.
An exception doesn't prove the rule, but it does prove the tendency. In strict terms any exception disproves a rule, since rules are absolute, and anything that has exceptions is not absolute.
This tbh

If 10 people jumped but one of them kept flying up would newton s law still be a law?
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman, Deleted member 4416 and thecaste
An exception doesn't prove the rule, but it does prove the tendency. In strict terms any exception disproves a rule, since rules are absolute, and anything that has exceptions is not absolute.
At first something appears as an exception only against the background of a rule. A case is defined as an exception by a set up rule, if it falls within the area it refers to and deviates from it. The exception only confirms the existence of the rule, but not its validity. This leads to the consideration of whether an exception challenges, violates or even overrules a rule and refutes it. The kind of rule is to be considered. A rule in the sense of a strict and exact law (scientific exactness) does not tolerate an exception. A hypothesis (assumption) is falsified (proven false) by establishing an exception. The question is then whether the hypothesis is completely wrong or only partially wrong. If the hypothesis is changed by a restriction (only related to a certain scope, valid only under certain conditions), it may be valid under certain circumstances. Such a thing has happened, for example, with laws of classical physics.
Tldr: Rules are not always absolute, because the term "rule" is not clearly defined.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5634 and eduardkoopman
Status theory is unmarked though, it has no exceptions.

Women only go for men they perceive higher status than them > looks matter a ton for status, but theres other ways of being high status, which could apply to the 'exceptions' in the Looks = Main Part of Attraction theory.

Men want looks in a woman, above all else
Women want status in a man, above all else
Not true, you can bypass status by looks. You can have shit status but can get quality women if you've got looks.
Status is definitely important still.
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Not true, you can bypass status by looks. You can have shit status but can get quality women if you've got looks.
Status is definitely important still.

Good looks=girl now feels your higher status than her=higher status is what attracts her to you

You'll find that really good looking girls, often dont date the best looking men. Its because top tier looking women dont feel inferior or intimidated by a mans good looks, thats mostly beckies. So there has to be another reason the guy is higher status than the girl, and he enforces that superiority=attraction more than good looking guy can achieve, who only has looks going for him.
An exception doesn't prove the rule, but it does prove the tendency. In strict terms any exception disproves a rule, since rules are absolute, and anything that has exceptions is not absolute.

Exactly, thats why I say its status that creates attraction to a woman, that rule hasn't been disproved to me.
first couple is 100% fake second idk, third one guy mogs her facially and he's a celeb, yea height matters but it's not that important for every woman. I see couples where the guy is slighly shorter than the female frequently when I go out for a walk
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Exactly, thats why I say its status that creates attraction to a woman, that rule hasn't been disproved to me.
Status could perhaps be further reduced down to 'power', which is pretty much the most primal and fundamental nature of the masculine. Any expression of power would thus generate sex appeal, be it status, strength, looks, dominance, money, intelligence, rebelliousness/independence, and so on. Which is why focusing solely on looks is quite inane.
Status could perhaps be further reduced down to 'power', which is pretty much the most primal and fundamental nature of the masculine. Any expression of power would thus generate sex appeal, be it status, strength, looks, dominance, money, intelligence, rebelliousness/independence, and so on. Which is why focusing solely on looks is quite inane.

Yeah, status is an indicator of power which is why its attractive. But the power itself isn't whats attractive, its the indicator of that (status), which gets the pussy wet. You can be high status with 0 power, just because you act high status. This is what pimps do, all their power is reliant on women, so what power does he himself actually have? Its his high status behaviour which is appealing to these women, the pussy doesn't care if you have power, only if you act like you do. Its also why Bill Gates has 0 sex appeal, he is like the opposite of a pimp. Looks are genetically hardwired to make you higher status, thats why good looking guys can get away with having 0 game and still turn girls on, but Bill Gates cant, because money is just a cultural invention which pussy doesn't understand, its too new. This female sexual psychology goes deep all the way to when we were monkeys.
they are don't above nw2

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