Explanations of the low-to-mid-normie paradox? Why do some normies live truecel-tier lives while other normies live slayer-tier lives?



morph king
May 16, 2020
The low-to-mid normie range of the looks scale is fascinating.

In no other section can you find such a stark contrast between different people’s lives.

Almost everyone in the 3/10 tier has an incel-ish life. People treat them poorly because they’re ugly, and they struggle super hard with women.

Almost everyone in the 6/10 tier enjoys benefits of being fairly attractive.

The 4s and 5s are a totally different story. In this range, we find large numbers of incels and normies. Most 4s and 5s don’t have huge problems with getting girlfriends, and most 4s and 5s go out regularly and get invited to social gatherings often. At the same time, a significant portion of the 4s and 5s are struggling to get anything; they’re lonely and involuntarily celibate men.

Some 4s and 5s find that the blackpill explains everything behind their lived experiences. Some 4s and 5s find the blackpill utterly unrelatable.

The answer can’t simply be “autism.” It doesn’t explain why some 4s and 5s are treated poorly for their looks yet some 4s and 5s get to experience what’s pretty much the same as the lifestyle of attractive people.

There’re 4s here who post that bullying made their childhoods utterly miserable. Meanwhile a LTN is in a club right now making out with a Stacy. There’re 4s here who post that people say they’re ugly behind their backs. Meanwhile a LTN is at a social gathering talking about his many exes like it’s no big deal. There’re 4s here who who post that they get rejected in every approach. Meanwhile there’re 4s who never even gave it a thought that looks are important; they never felt that their looks were problems for them.
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Luck pill

Genetic determinism pill

Physiognomy pill (you have normie looks PSL wise but incel physiognomy)

Brain chemistry pill

Environment pill

Take whichever one makes the most sense
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Life events and environment can determine how one socially develops.
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Life events and environment can determine how one socially develops.

Doesn’t explain the differences. There’re 4/10 guys with social skills, confidence, charisma, etc. yet get rejected by literally everyone. There’re 4/10 guys who don’t say much and get invited to parties without having to try.

There’re 4s here who post that people say they’re ugly behind their backs.

Poor social development doesn’t cause people to actually treat you as if you look like a 2/10 or 1/10 truecel.
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The more closer we go to the looks bell curve’s zenit, the more luck is involved. For normies just be there at the right time / wrong time is a very significant thing and it can heavily influence their life experience

The typical example of this would be a LTN being a pretty girl’s first in high school. Later on as she gets more experimence she wouldn’t even touch him with a pole but that doesn’t matter, his life experimence is now boosted

Or if a normie is on the autism spectrum he can easily miss out of obvious advances of girls and end up as a loser

The tails of the bell curve are lot more predictable. Truecels will almost always have the same life experience so do chads
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Reactions: Pikabro, JL~, RecessedChinCel and 6 others
Luck pill

Genetic determinism pill

Physiognomy pill (you have normie looks PSL wise but incel physiognomy)

Brain chemistry pill

Environment pill

Take whichever one makes the most sense
What’s physiognomy
  • +1
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Doesn’t explain the differences. There’re 4/10 guys with social skills, confidence, charisma, etc. yet get rejected by literally everyone. There’re 4/10 guys who don’t say much and get invited to parties without having to try.
The 4/10s who get rejected by literally everyone do not have great social skills, confidence, charisma. I call BS. They are at best average in that regard.
Poor social development doesn’t cause people to actually treat you as if you look like a 2/10 or 1/10 truecel.
No, but it does cause you to struggle to make friends, which can result in little to no social circle.
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What’s physiognomy
How people perceive you and make assumptions based mainly on your looks but also your facial expressions, posture, style hair etc
It is very accurate as you never meet a nerd who is a popular jock etc
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luck and some people have more money and status than others.

what a stupid question lol muh paradox lol
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As someone in that range I've been bullied and have had women below LTB level reject me. I've also had slays and been with women who mogged me significantly. What's the answer? Life is fucking random and shit doesn't have to conform to a perfect fucking storyline. Bad shit happens, good shit happens. Sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug.
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How people perceive you and make assumptions based mainly on your looks but also your facial expressions, posture, style hair etc
It is very accurate as you never meet a nerd who is a popular jock etc
True but the reason you don't meet nerds who are jocks is because you literally need to live a drastically different life to be either one
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Reactions: GetShrekt, Chadeep, thecel and 1 other person
luck and some people have more money and status than others.

what a stupid question lol muh paradox lol

It’s a paradox because they’re treated as if they have different looks. The paradox is not about some LTNs being high-status and others low-status. Low money/status doesn’t lead to people making fun of your ugly face. High money/status doesn’t lead to people bending over backwards to help you have fun.

The normies I know IRL who get treated like Chadlites don’t have very much money. Money has 0 to do with this paradox.

The paradox is about how some LTNs are treated as if they’re truecels (get bullied for being ugly, women repulsed by their faces, etc.) and some LTNs are treated as if they’re attractive (get invited to lots of social gatherings with just ordinary social skills, get free drinks/drugs, people do nice things for them without being asked to).
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True but the reason you don't meet nerds who are jocks is because you literally need to live a drastically different life to be either one
I think you get the point though, in this case I mean people who you look at and know “they are a loser nerd etc” will never surprisingly be a popular guy who hangs with chads

Your looks are who you are bc they both determine and reflect it
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Unironically just game NT
It’s a paradox because they’re treated as if they have different looks. The paradox is not about some LTNs being high-status and others low-status. Low money/status doesn’t lead to people making fun of your ugly face. High money/status doesn’t lead to people bending over backwards to help you have fun.

The normies I know IRL who get treated like Chadlites don’t have very much money. Money has 0 to do with this paradox.

The paradox is about how some LTNs are treated as if they’re truecels (get bullied for being ugly, women repulsed by their faces, etc.) and some LTNs are treated as if they’re attractive (get invited to lots of social gatherings with just ordinary social skills, get free drinks/drugs, people do nice things for them without being asked to).
  • JFL
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As someone in that range I've been bullied and have had women below LTB level reject me. I've also had slays and been with women who mogged me significantly. What's the answer? Life is fucking random and shit doesn't have to conform to a perfect fucking storyline. Bad shit happens, good shit happens. Sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug.

The paradox is about how some people in your looks range seem to always have the lucky shit happen to them, and others in this range seem to always have it unlucky.
The paradox is about how some people in your looks range seem to always have the lucky shit happen to them, and others in this range seem to always have it unlucky.
They don't, people over dramatize their situations for reaction
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  • JFL
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They don't, people over dramatize their situations for reaction

Keep coping.

The reality is that people really do have as much fun as they look like they have. The reality is that incels truly are missing out as much as they believe they’re missing out.
Keep coping.

The reality is that people really do have as much fun as they look like they have. The reality is that incels truly are missing out as much as they believe they’re missing out.
If you're a rotter you literally have no reference point for any of this jfl
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: GetShrekt and thecel
If you're a rotter you literally have no reference point for any of this jfl

What’s considered a rotter? Someone who never goes outside? Rarely goes outside? Or anyone who spends significant time in the blackpill community regardless of how often they go outside?
What’s considered a rotter? Someone who never goes outside? Rarely goes outside? Or anyone who spends significant time in the blackpill community regardless of how often they go outside?

What’s considered a rotter? Someone who never goes outside? Rarely goes outside? Or anyone who spends significant time in the blackpill community regardless of how often they go outside?
  • WTF
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luckpill bro
  • WTF
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buzzword pill
  • Hmm...
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