exposing vulnerability around women



Jul 1, 2020
My friend is going out with a girl and is telling me how she says she likes him because they have things in common.

One of these common things is social anxiety which they talk about with one another.

I told him to never ever divulge to a girl that you are mentally unstable in any manner or say that you experience things such as social anxiety.

I told him there is a limit to what you tell a girl about yourself when it comes to opening up/being vulnerable.

I told him to just agree with things she says but to never say you experience the same, or at least say stuff like "yeah that must be bad" or "I've felt that at times but rarely" etc. and to never go into extended parables about said matter.

He told me to stop browsing reddit redpill stuff and dismissed all of my sane advice.

If I was a bad person I would hope that this noodlefoid cucks him or leaves him so he learns a lesson just so I can say "I told you so".

It's so brutal. Why can't some people just understand?
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Some people have to learn first.
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I’ve been pondering this lately tbh

I think if you’re chad, vulnerability can actually help you, in that it makes foids wanna take care of you sort of. Just a theory though.
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some people just cant comprehend the fact that women arent the innocent angels they think they are (even me sometimes), and will call u silly if you say that showing weakness will make them lose attraction or respect towards you
all u can do is tell them and let them do what they will with the information, if they end up getting cucked afterwards then they deserved it
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  • JFL
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Reactions: horizontallytall, 000, Deleted member 6113 and 12 others
I’ve been pondering this lately tbh

I think if you’re chad, vulnerability can actually help you, in that it makes foids wanna take care of you sort of. Just a theory though.
Yeah I'm not an extremist, I just told him to limit himself when saying these things, don't tell her stuff you'd tell a therapist (jfl) or the stuff he's told me, I even gave him a detailed list of stuff not to talk with her about that he's talked with me about.

some people just cant comprehend the fact that women arent the innocent angels they think they are (even me sometimes), and will call u silly if you say that showing weakness will make them lose attraction or respect towards you
all u can do is tell them and let them do what they will with the information, if they end up getting cucked afterwards then they deserved it
he will rope if he gets cucked
  • JFL
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Reactions: BigBoy, GigaMogger, malignant and 1 other person
My friend is going out with a girl and is telling me how she says she likes him because they have things in common.

One of these common things is social anxiety which they talk about with one another.

I told him to never ever divulge to a girl that you are mentally unstable in any manner or say that you experience things such as social anxiety.

I told him there is a limit to what you tell a girl about yourself when it comes to opening up/being vulnerable.

I told him to just agree with things she says but to never say you experience the same, or at least say stuff like "yeah that must be bad" or "I've felt that at times but rarely" etc. and to never go into extended parables about said matter.

He told me to stop browsing reddit redpill stuff and dismissed all of my sane advice.

If I was a bad person I would hope that this noodlefoid cucks him or leaves him so he learns a lesson just so I can say "I told you so".

It's so brutal. Why can't some people just understand?

chad literally cries before, after and during the time that he's pounding your sister up the ass and she still sucks his dick clean after
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I saw a thread earlier saying normies wont even listen to the most basic black pill advice, and I must say, water is wet
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chad literally cries before, after and during the time that he's pounding your sister up the ass and she still sucks his dick clean after

Chad can be the biggest wimp in the world and still slay cuz... he LOOKS so high T.
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Chad can be the biggest wimp in the world and slay cuz... he LOOKS so high T.

pretty much, looks define personality, anything else is cope.
even as a normal good looking guy you have to try for people to actively think negatively about you no matter what you do, chad basically can't fuck up

inb4 subhman copers: "n-no bro I'm totally good looking.. it's just that like.. I told her I was sad about my dog dying and that turned her off bro.. I s-swear that's it, it's n-not my goblin face bro"
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Your friend is right. Vulnerability is not the same thing as weakness. In fact, showing vulnerability is a sign of strength.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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chad literally cries before, after and during the time that he's pounding your sister up the ass and she still sucks his dick clean after
I don't have a sister

but yes you are right, if chad is emotional girls find it endearing in other news water is wet
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pretty much, looks define personality, anything else is cope.
even as a normal good looking guy you have to try for people to actively think negatively about you no matter what you do, chad basically can't fuck up

inb4 subhman copers: "n-no bro I'm totally good looking.. it's just that like.. I told her I was sad about my dog dying and that turned her off bro.. I s-swear that's it, it's n-not my goblin face bro"
The threshold for a women to hate is so fucking low if you arent good looking. The passive aggressiveness that i had to endure from my sisters and female strangers is immense.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Endocrinemaxxer, Stevensmithgerard and 5 others
The threshold for a women to hate is so fucking low if you arent good looking. The passive aggressiveness that i had to endure from my sisters and female strangers is immense.
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Reactions: sytyl
I’ve been pondering this lately tbh

I think if you’re chad, vulnerability can actually help you, in that it makes foids wanna take care of you sort of. Just a theory though.
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Reactions: Toth's thot and sytyl
My friend is going out with a girl and is telling me how she says she likes him because they have things in common.

One of these common things is social anxiety which they talk about with one another.

I told him to never ever divulge to a girl that you are mentally unstable in any manner or say that you experience things such as social anxiety.

I told him there is a limit to what you tell a girl about yourself when it comes to opening up/being vulnerable.

I told him to just agree with things she says but to never say you experience the same, or at least say stuff like "yeah that must be bad" or "I've felt that at times but rarely" etc. and to never go into extended parables about said matter.

He told me to stop browsing reddit redpill stuff and dismissed all of my sane advice.

If I was a bad person I would hope that this noodlefoid cucks him or leaves him so he learns a lesson just so I can say "I told you so".

It's so brutal. Why can't some people just understand?
There was a Reddit post where a foid talks about how her chad blonde boyfriend was raped when he was young and still cries about it. She says that she thought he's strong because he's tall+ muscular but his past wants her to breakup with him. So i think not even Chad can be vulnerable to women.
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Tbh its too long. Maybe when i am really annoyed (which is really rare)I underestimated how Rude i am. Or maybe im projecting hardcore, but you get some women that just exude a bitchyness to them. Its the type of bitchness that is seen bu every body me included but i try to ignore it to stray away from confrontation.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Chintuck22, BBCFactory and 2 others
Tbh its too long. Maybe when i am really annoyed (which is really rare)I underestimated how Rude i am. Or maybe im projecting hardcore, but you get some women that just exude a bitchyness to them. Its the type of bitchness that is seen bu every body me included but i try to ignore it to stray away from confrontation.
This bitchiness is what you meant by that passive aggressive behaviour?
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Reactions: maxxedfalloutdweller
There was a Reddit post where a foid talks about how her chad blonde boyfriend was raped when he was young and still cries about it. She says that she thought he's strong because he's tall+ muscular but his past wants her to breakup with him. So i think not even Chad can be vulnerable to women.
yeah again I am not extremist in most of my beliefs so I told him to chill with the stuff he tells her

telling a girl you met 2 weeks ago you used to have suicidal thoughts is not a pussy wetting technique and shouldn't be shared with anyone besides tight bros
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Reactions: horizontallytall, HighIQcel, BigBoy and 5 others
Tbh its too long. Maybe when i am really annoyed (which is really rare)I underestimated how Rude i am. Or maybe im projecting hardcore, but you get some women that just exude a bitchyness to them. Its the type of bitchness that is seen bu every body me included but i try to ignore it to stray away from confrontation.
are you ugly or normie? sounds like something someone ugly would experience ngl no offense
There was a Reddit post where a foid talks about how her chad blonde boyfriend was raped when he was young and still cries about it. She says that she thought he's strong because he's tall+ muscular but his past wants her to breakup with him. So i think not even Chad can be vulnerable to women.
>believing anything on reddit
they don't think about it for chad, if the story is in any way true he's not chad
all they know in relation to chad is that they see him and immediately their brain tells them to suck his dick. It's really that simple. He can do whatever from then on
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Reactions: HighIQcel, maxmendietta and Deleted member 1751
yeah again I am not extremist in most of my beliefs so I told him to chill with the stuff he tells her

telling a girl you met 2 weeks ago you used to have suicidal thoughts is not a pussy wetting technique and shouldn't be shared with anyone besides tight bros
If she's your wife, then maybe it's ok
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>believing anything on reddit
they don't think about it for chad, if the story is in any way true he's not chad
all they know in relation to chad is that they see him and immediately their brain tells them to suck his dick. It's really that simple. He can do whatever from then on
Yeah maybe.
This bitchiness is what you meant by that passive aggressive behaviour?
Yes. As a side note to EVERYONE READING THIS if you sense a women being passive agressive Call her out on that shit IMMEDIATELY, dont be a cuck like me and try to tip toe around the issue. A women would never be passive aggressive To another women the way she is to a man. Because women know how rude it is. If a women is passive aggressive to you just know its on the same level as her spitting in your face or cursing at you . THEY KNOW THEY ARE BEING RUDE. No bull shit.
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are you ugly or normie? sounds like something someone ugly would experience ngl no offense
I feel like i am a low tier normie tbh.
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Yes. As a side note to EVERYONE READING THIS if you sense a women being passive agressive Call her out on that shit IMMEDIATELY, dont be a cuck like me and try to tip toe around the issue. A women would never be passive aggressive To another women the way she is to a man. Because women know how rude it is. If a women is passive aggressive to you just know its on the same level as her spitting in your face or cursing at you . THEY KNOW THEY ARE BEING RUDE. No bull shit.
How can you know she's acting that way? I haven't been around much women and most seem nice to me
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How can you know she's acting that way? I haven't been around much women and most seem nice to me
Dude its so fucking obvious i wasnt born yerterday. You can sense it . You dont even have to project to notice it. Have you ever seen someone aggravated answering a list of questions they dont want to? Its kinda like that.
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Dude its so fucking obvious i wasnt born yerterday. You can sense it . You dont even have to project to notice it. Have you ever seen someone aggravated answering a list of questions they dont want to? Its kinda like that.
Wtf? Chill dude. I wasn't challenging you i just wanna know! I was asking what all ways they do that
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Wtf? Chill dude. I wasn't challenging you i just wanna know! I was asking what all ways they do that
Sorry. i just really dont know how you dont never experienced this before. Maybe it’s because you are really attractive. I dont know.
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Reactions: Deleted member 1751
Sorry. i just really dont know how you dont never experienced this before. Maybe it’s because you are really attractive. I dont know.
Damn I'm not attractive. Maybe i haven't interacted with much women. I don't get too close with them that's why . Well it's ok 😂
Damn I'm not attractive. Maybe i haven't interacted with much women. I don't get too close with them that's why . Well it's ok 😂
Tbh 80% of the women interact with are nice, but the rest arent and i feel like if i was more attractive that really wouldnt be the case.
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Reactions: BigBoy, HighIQcel and Deleted member 1751
My friend is going out with a girl and is telling me how she says she likes him because they have things in common.

One of these common things is social anxiety which they talk about with one another.

I told him to never ever divulge to a girl that you are mentally unstable in any manner or say that you experience things such as social anxiety.

I told him there is a limit to what you tell a girl about yourself when it comes to opening up/being vulnerable.

I told him to just agree with things she says but to never say you experience the same, or at least say stuff like "yeah that must be bad" or "I've felt that at times but rarely" etc. and to never go into extended parables about said matter.

He told me to stop browsing reddit redpill stuff and dismissed all of my sane advice.

If I was a bad person I would hope that this noodlefoid cucks him or leaves him so he learns a lesson just so I can say "I told you so".

It's so brutal. Why can't some people just understand?

Bro id agree with u but.... i have a friend whose gf became his gf cuz of them having severe social anxiety and sharing that together or some bs..... his gfs pretty hot so it aint a trashy couple by any means.. shit just works out sometimes
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Ngl I did this too but not to this extreme extent . Girls don’t really care jfl
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Chintuck22, BigBoy and 2 others
Bro id agree with u but.... i have a friend whose gf became his gf cuz of them having severe social anxiety and sharing that together or some bs..... his gfs pretty hot so it aint a trashy couple by any means.. shit just works out sometimes
That can only work in the west right now. In Eastern Europe the guy would have to be a model tier for the girl to accepted that relationship
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Reactions: Toth's thot, BigBoy, NarcyChadlite and 1 other person
My friend is going out with a girl and is telling me how she says she likes him because they have things in common.

One of these common things is social anxiety which they talk about with one another.

I told him to never ever divulge to a girl that you are mentally unstable in any manner or say that you experience things such as social anxiety.

I told him there is a limit to what you tell a girl about yourself when it comes to opening up/being vulnerable.

I told him to just agree with things she says but to never say you experience the same, or at least say stuff like "yeah that must be bad" or "I've felt that at times but rarely" etc. and to never go into extended parables about said matter.

He told me to stop browsing reddit redpill stuff and dismissed all of my sane advice.

If I was a bad person I would hope that this noodlefoid cucks him or leaves him so he learns a lesson just so I can say "I told you so".

It's so brutal. Why can't some people just understand?
You can reveal vulnerability, just be nonchalant about it.

It's insecurity that turns people off not vulnerability.

Like you really think a girl would care if Chad told her he had no friends in hs?

Redpill copers need to wake up
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Chintuck22, BigBoy and 1 other person
There was a Reddit post where a foid talks about how her chad blonde boyfriend was raped when he was young and still cries about it. She says that she thought he's strong because he's tall+ muscular but his past wants her to breakup with him. So i think not even Chad can be vulnerable to women.
Low quality women, JFL at caring what they think
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 1751 and sytyl
It’s all about execution.

Cry about it & drag the shit endlessly & your just bitchmade. Hell if I had a friend who is always complaining I would’ve dropped his ass it’s not just “women”

You can be vulnerable as long as there is preserverance with it. A dude who beats up ppl for a living saying he has social anxiety isn’t really a big deal. He already established other commendable traits. But an average joe crying & moaning is just annoying for anybody let alone your partner
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, CopingCel and sytyl
Your character means absolute jack shit if she wants you. Remember that, always. They just attach to whatever character you have.
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Reactions: CopingCel, HighIQcel and sytyl
Once a woman sees a guy as a wimpy sissy pussy its over, doesnt matter how GL he is. Never show weakness or vulnerabilities around women. Genetic arrogance is key, even if u fraud it

A woman would be MUCH MORE FORGIVING to a gl guy who cheated on her and physically hit or abuser her than she would around a gl guy who cried all night in her arms about how he gets social anxiety and has mental issues due to his shitty childhood
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Reactions: Endocrinemaxxer, Chintuck22, BigBoy and 4 others
I swear this forum is blue pilled as fuck. Dating and relationships are the most primitive things ever. Its LMS, ALWAYS. The furthest blue pilled shit is when she evaluates the risk of monkey branching or may stay with a lower tier guy just because he was first and shes comfortable. All of this personality garbage is horse shit.
  • +1
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Once a woman sees a guy as a wimpy sissy pussy its over, doesnt matter how GL he is. Never show weakness or vulnerabilities around women. Genetic arrogance is key, even if u fraud it

A woman would be MUCH MORE FORGIVING to a gl guy who cheated on her and physically hit or abuser her than she would around a gl guy who cried all night in her arms about how he gets social anxiety and has mental issues due to his shitty childhood
If you say it like " yeh i had a terrible childhood but it's no concern now" then she wont care. If you cry, it's over though probably.
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Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
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I swear this forum is blue pilled as fuck. Dating and relationships are the most primitive things ever. Its LMS, ALWAYS. The furthest blue pilled shit is when she evaluates the risk of monkey branching or may stay with a lower tier guy just because he was first and shes comfortable. All of this personality garbage is horse shit.
Monkey branching is a dumb strategy. As soon as the guy she’s with finds out she monkey branched to be with him, he’s gonna realize she could monkey branch away.

If he’s logical and not a complete simp, he’ll leave her ass. And it’s harder for girls to hide this shit than they think.

Like if they start complaining about other men most of the time, or even say derogatory things about other people out of context, it’s time to dip.

Plenty of normal girls out there, no need to waste your time with low-class bitch who wants a red piller bf JFL
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water: the thread
Women are attracted to vulnerability, but not too much vulnerability
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I don't think it matters
I’m sorry your friend is low t
  • JFL
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Some vulnerability is good, it won't take the attraction away if she's attracted. Being miserable and showing it constantly in general is not good and will do you harm.

Even if she still likes you it's going to lead to some fucked up power imbalances in the relationship unless it's just for sex and in that case it might cockblock you.
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she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him


:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
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