FACEandLMS drops brutal blackpills on those incel idiots



Aug 17, 2018

Glad that guy hasn't got banned yet (surprising tbh), and is there to drop uncomfortable truth bombs on those idiots

"muh women's standards are higher than ever" lol stfu look at those stupid copers coping

It's funny coz you go to his YouTube and these same guys are saying, "Love your videos dood" "Keep making these awesome videos dood"

I'll tell you what I'm ashamed. Ashamed at what the incel community has become compared to 5 years ago, brainless coping shitheads, I have to bow my head in disappointment sometimes
Standards arnt high. The community is too lazy and not willing to learn anything outside of their own fantasy world
That forum is pure shit tbh
Standards arnt high. The community is too lazy and not willing to learn anything outside of their own fantasy world
ok, so why do foids make it impossible?
ok, so why do foids make it impossible?
Some of us win in life, some of us don’t. Don’t most blackpilled and redpilled people talk about a hierarchy or social ladder.

It’s kinda like how there will always be somebody working at McDonald’s, because somebody has to serve the food and take orders. Just like in real life, how some people’s roles are to slaves to society
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