Facial muscle insertions matter



To learn who cucks you,find out who you cannot mog
Nov 1, 2022
ofc muscle shape differences can change the face like hypertrophied masseters but with muscle insertions they dont change your face at rest only when you smile / frown etc the shspe of the muscles can change your attractivemess significantly , when u have bad insertions you can looj disharmomious, mediocre, troglodytic and ugly , whereas good inserts make your face look harmonious, animated-like and more like a main character , it could halo a mtn to chadlite just because of how interesting you look while talking and making expressions , more research needs to be done on this so we can have examples on whats ideal and not, its not talked about at all and its a pretty huge thing
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my masseters are so big they look like tumors when I clench my jaw.
  • JFL
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my masseters are so big they look like tumors when I clench my jaw.
yeah but do you look good doing any facial expression
I think most people look like shit while they're chewing.
yeah and we should understand why some people dont, but im not talking talking about the masseyers per se muscle insertioms affect you looks more in the eye area , midface and mouth area
ofc muscle shape differences can change the face like hypertrophied masseters but with muscle insertions they dont change your face at rest only when you smile / frown etc the shspe of the muscles can change your attractivemess significantly , when u have bad insertions you can looj disharmomious, mediocre, troglodytic and ugly , whereas good inserts make your face look harmonious, animated-like and more like a main character , it could halo a mtn to chadlite just because of how interesting you look while talking and making expressions , more research needs to be done on this so we can have examples on whats ideal and not, its not talked about at all and its a pretty huge thing
100% right. Muscle shape but also muscle imbalances. Our facial muscles are constantly "fighting" against each other. For example, the Levator Labii muscles are fighting against Depressor Angulari Oris to lift the mouth corners
my masseters are so big they look like tumors when I clench my jaw.
can u pm me a pic of your jaw from front and side. trying to hypertrophy mine,i got low insertions and my massaters are very angular when clenched. did you clench or chew to grow your masseters?
my masseters are so big they look like tumors when I clench my jaw.

empathy in autism works by relating it to your own past experiences, or projecting yourself in a situation, we can't put ourselves in the shoes of someone else directly, it's all through proxy.
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you just pulled this theory from your ass, facial muscle insertions jfl it has nothing to do with disharmonious/weird/ugly face
you just pulled this theory from your ass, facial muscle insertions jfl it has nothing to do with disharmonious/weird/ugly face
yeah the muscles shape your expressi9ns differently
yeah the muscles shape your expressi9ns differently
No, what you describe in OP is just the consequences of cranial dystrophy, leaving you with a weird and as you said disharmonious appearance especially when smiling and talking
No, what you describe in OP is just the consequences of cranial dystrophy, leaving you with a weird and as you said disharmonious appearance especially when smiling and talking
that is a part of why you look bad but you can have perfect skull growth but still look bad due to your muscles making you look bad
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my masseters are so big they look like tumors when I clench my jaw.
And mine too small. If we could do a muscle graft, both of us would be happy
that is a part of why you look bad but you can have perfect skull growth but still look bad due to your muscles making you look bad
you need to post examples to prove this, or otherwise it will stay as an unproven hypothesis
The only time muscles will make your face look bad is mad madsater insertions and you hypertrophy them. My right massater is hypertrophied and it makes my jaw round even though I have straight gonions
you need to post examples to prove this, or otherwise it will stay as an unproven hypothesis
it seema water to me, some peoples frowming muscles look really good and others are incel tiwr, same with smile muscles
it seema water to me, some peoples frowming muscles look really good and others are incel tiwr, same with smile muscles
You should post examples, I think I know what you mean but disagree woth the cause
You should post examples, I think I know what you mean but disagree woth the cause
if you disagree that is so useless because muh craniofacial dystrophy recieves attenton, im saying like when some people frown the eyebrow muscles look different and its more atteactice for others or less attracrice thats it bro your glabella ismt affected by mouthbreathing.

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