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DIY Facial Fat Dissolving: Everything you need to know
Frustrated with your stubborn facial fat that just won’t budge no matter what you do? Fat-dissolving injections could be the solution you’ve been looking for.
“Wait saar, what the hell are fat dissolving injections?”
No worries boyo, in this high-effort thread I will be explaining how fat dissolvers work, the potential risks and dangers of them, my experience with them, how to do the procedure itself, and more.
Disclaimer: I am not recommending anyone to try this procedure, or saying that this procedure is easy or safe to do, if done wrong, you can face very serious side effects, such as nerve damage, tissue necrosis, and worst case scenario, death. I am only making this because I am simply tired of all the retarded greycels reading a random shit guide and doing this whole procedure wrong. I would also take everything I say with a grain of salt and do your own research. The fact you are even considering doing this at home means you need some serious help and should seek therapy first.
Table Of Contents:
A. Fat distribution
B. What are Fat Dissolving Injections?
C. The Risks and Side Effects of Fat Dissolvers
D. Facial Anatomy
E. Marking Injection Points
F. Dosages and Needle lengths
G. Injection Technique
H. Order List
I. Step-by-step protocol
J: Sources
K: Q&A
L: Personal Experience
A. Fat Distribution
What is fat distribution and what is its impact on achieving a leaner face?
Before I explain what fat dissolvers are, I need you to understand what fat distribution is and their role in achieving an aesthetic look.
Fat distribution is how fat spreads across your body. Some people store more fat cells in their belly, others in their hips, thighs, or face. This affects how you look—some might have a round face, others a lean one, even at the same body fat percentage. This is because the person with the leaner face just stores less fat cells in their face overall. (either that or your just a boneless cuck)
This is mainly determined by your genetics, it decides where your body prefers to store and lose fat. That’s why two people with the same weight and body fat percentage can look totally different when it comes to facial leanness.
Many people confuse the size of fat cells with the number of fat cells. When you gain or lose weight, your fat cells expand or shrink, but they don’t disappear. If someone has more fat cells in their face or any other area, that part of their body will naturally store more fat and appear fuller.
However, facial fat changes a lot as you age. When you're young, you usually have more fat in your cheeks, giving a fuller, rounder look. This is because your body naturally stores more subcutaneous fat in the face during this age. As you get older, testosterone shifts fat storage. Many men start losing fat in the face, especially in the cheeks and under the eyes. This can make the face look leaner and more defined. This is why you should wait until you're at least in your twenties before you consider this option.
This is an example of a person who stores less fat cells in their face but with a relatively high body fat percentage
B. What are Fat Dissolving Injections?
How they work
Fat dissolving injections are a minimally invasive non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to reduce localized excess fat deposits through the use of modified bile acids. The main active ingredient used is deoxycholic acid.
Deoxycholic acid functions as a detergent, disrupting cell membranes of the fat cells, leading them to break down and get destroyed over time in the affected area. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the body initiates an inflammatory response. Once destroyed, the body removes the fat cell debris through the lymphatic drainage system, or more specifically, your macrophages. Overtime, this process results in a reduction of fat in the treated area.
Different type of brands
There are several types of fat-dissolving injections, such as Aqualyx, Lipolab, and Lemonbottle. The main difference between them is their active ingredient. Aqualyx uses sodium deoxycholate as their main active ingredient, for Lipolab, phosphatidylcholine, and for Lemonbottle, riboflavin.
Yes, there is a difference in effectiveness between these ingredients. I would stay away from Lemon Bottle, as it doesn’t have any actual ingredient that is supposed to trigger lipolysis, nor is there any clinical studies or evidence that it’s supposed to work. The results are all purely anecdotal. On the other hand, the active ingredients such as phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate used in Lipolab and Aqualyx are proven to work. However, their effectiveness are not the same.
Sodium deoxycholate is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that straight up just kills and dissolves the fat cells, while phosphatidylcholine is a natural emulsifier that aids in releasing more fat from the cell. Although both are effective methods to treat excess fat, sodium deoxycholate works more effectively.
Lipolab does contain a little bit of sodium deoxycholate, but scarcely anything to the point it might as well not even be there. Therefore, aqualyx is a better overall product which will give better results.
However…. Aqualyx is also a lot more expensive and harder to source, especially if you live in the US. It will also make you swell a lot more and longer than you would with lipolab.
TLDR; Aqualyx is the best product out of the three to buy and will give you the best results, however you will also experience worse swelling and it will be significantly harder to get. If you have the money and be able to source a legit aqualyx source, then get it. If you can’t, just get lipolab and do more sessions. Not that big of a deal.
Who is a good candidate
A good candidate for fat dissolving injections is someone who is already relatively lean (sub 20% body fat), but still has stubborn fat pockets they can’t get rid of (such as double chins or chubby cheeks). They must also have good skin elasticity to avoid sagging after fat loss, be in overall good health with no serious medical condition, decent bone mass, over twenty, and have an IQ over 70 who understands the risks and has realistic expectations.
C. The Risks and Side Effects of Fat Dissolvers
Common side effects
Darker urine
Discomfort at the treated area
Picture of a girl swelling after the procedure
Serious side effects
Nerve damage/facial paralysis
Serious infections
Permanent scars
Tissue necrosis
Unintended results
Some photos of fat dissolving gone wrong below:
A girl who got facial paralysis after her esthetician hit a nerve
Guy who injected too much fat dissolver in nose, spread to his eye fat pads
D. Facial Anatomy
Facial nerve anatomy
Before performing facial fat dissolving, you atleast need a basic knowledge and understanding of facial anatomy. Our main concern will be the facial nerve branches, which is where we will be injecting our fat dissolvents.
Detecting facial nerves
Now, there is no viable way you can know exactly where all your facial nerves are, (unless you get an MRI scan, but really bro?) but the chance of actually hitting a nerve is a lot more overestimated than people think. That doesn’t mean you should disregard that risk though. To minimize the chance of this, pinch and lift the area of fat you are going to inject in. This eliminates most of the risk of hitting a facial nerve, as the facial nerves of the main branches are more deep seated then people think it is, and is generally below the subcutaneous layer of fat. (This only applies if you're injecting in the subcutaneous layer by the way, you can’t simply just pinch it and lift it up if you're injecting in the deeper fat pads such as the buccal fat pad.)
And #1 rule, if you feel heavy pain while inserting the needle in, DON’T inject. You shouldn’t feel sharp pain at all, and if you do, theres a chance you might be under a nerve. Just readjust.
To be even more safe, you can aspirate before injecting to make sure you haven’t hit a blood vessel, but this is pretty unnecessary, and hard to do if you're doing it by yourself.
Buccal fat pad
Before I tell you this, I must inform you that the buccal fat pad doesn’t really contribute much to facial leanness, most of it is caused by the subq layer. Even buccal fat removal surgery has minimal results on most people, I doubt fat dissolving injections would do much at all. And trust me, you want to keep your deep-seated fat pads for when you get older, as they are a sign of youth and you will age like shit if you nuke them.
Injecting into the buccal fat pad significantly increases the risk of nerve damage. This is because the fat is deep-seated, and you can’t separate it from the nerves and vessels by pinching it like you would with the subcutaneous layer.
Because of this, some people opt for an intraoral approach. However, this also greatly increases the risk of infection. If you choose to go this route, I recommend fully disinfecting your mouth with chlorhexidine first and taking amoxicillin as a precaution.
Worst case, if the infection spreads to your brain, you can even die. Just take the extra safety measure.
Now back to the main subject
The buccal fat pad is a deep-seated fat pad lying deep and lies under the muscles under your cheek.
Detecting the buccal fat pad is relatively easy, it is adjacent/right next to your upper second molar
This video can also help you determine where your buccal fat pad is.
You can also get a decent grasp on where it might be by using this method, although I wouldn’t rely on it 100%.
Steps to Feel for the Buccal Fat Pad:
Frustrated with your stubborn facial fat that just won’t budge no matter what you do? Fat-dissolving injections could be the solution you’ve been looking for.
“Wait saar, what the hell are fat dissolving injections?”
No worries boyo, in this high-effort thread I will be explaining how fat dissolvers work, the potential risks and dangers of them, my experience with them, how to do the procedure itself, and more.
Disclaimer: I am not recommending anyone to try this procedure, or saying that this procedure is easy or safe to do, if done wrong, you can face very serious side effects, such as nerve damage, tissue necrosis, and worst case scenario, death. I am only making this because I am simply tired of all the retarded greycels reading a random shit guide and doing this whole procedure wrong. I would also take everything I say with a grain of salt and do your own research. The fact you are even considering doing this at home means you need some serious help and should seek therapy first.
Table Of Contents:
A. Fat distribution
B. What are Fat Dissolving Injections?
C. The Risks and Side Effects of Fat Dissolvers
D. Facial Anatomy
E. Marking Injection Points
F. Dosages and Needle lengths
G. Injection Technique
H. Order List
I. Step-by-step protocol
J: Sources
K: Q&A
L: Personal Experience
A. Fat Distribution
What is fat distribution and what is its impact on achieving a leaner face?
Before I explain what fat dissolvers are, I need you to understand what fat distribution is and their role in achieving an aesthetic look.
Fat distribution is how fat spreads across your body. Some people store more fat cells in their belly, others in their hips, thighs, or face. This affects how you look—some might have a round face, others a lean one, even at the same body fat percentage. This is because the person with the leaner face just stores less fat cells in their face overall. (either that or your just a boneless cuck)
This is mainly determined by your genetics, it decides where your body prefers to store and lose fat. That’s why two people with the same weight and body fat percentage can look totally different when it comes to facial leanness.
Many people confuse the size of fat cells with the number of fat cells. When you gain or lose weight, your fat cells expand or shrink, but they don’t disappear. If someone has more fat cells in their face or any other area, that part of their body will naturally store more fat and appear fuller.
However, facial fat changes a lot as you age. When you're young, you usually have more fat in your cheeks, giving a fuller, rounder look. This is because your body naturally stores more subcutaneous fat in the face during this age. As you get older, testosterone shifts fat storage. Many men start losing fat in the face, especially in the cheeks and under the eyes. This can make the face look leaner and more defined. This is why you should wait until you're at least in your twenties before you consider this option.
This is an example of a person who stores less fat cells in their face but with a relatively high body fat percentage
B. What are Fat Dissolving Injections?
How they work
Fat dissolving injections are a minimally invasive non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to reduce localized excess fat deposits through the use of modified bile acids. The main active ingredient used is deoxycholic acid.
Deoxycholic acid functions as a detergent, disrupting cell membranes of the fat cells, leading them to break down and get destroyed over time in the affected area. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the body initiates an inflammatory response. Once destroyed, the body removes the fat cell debris through the lymphatic drainage system, or more specifically, your macrophages. Overtime, this process results in a reduction of fat in the treated area.
Different type of brands
There are several types of fat-dissolving injections, such as Aqualyx, Lipolab, and Lemonbottle. The main difference between them is their active ingredient. Aqualyx uses sodium deoxycholate as their main active ingredient, for Lipolab, phosphatidylcholine, and for Lemonbottle, riboflavin.
Yes, there is a difference in effectiveness between these ingredients. I would stay away from Lemon Bottle, as it doesn’t have any actual ingredient that is supposed to trigger lipolysis, nor is there any clinical studies or evidence that it’s supposed to work. The results are all purely anecdotal. On the other hand, the active ingredients such as phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate used in Lipolab and Aqualyx are proven to work. However, their effectiveness are not the same.
Sodium deoxycholate is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that straight up just kills and dissolves the fat cells, while phosphatidylcholine is a natural emulsifier that aids in releasing more fat from the cell. Although both are effective methods to treat excess fat, sodium deoxycholate works more effectively.
Lipolab does contain a little bit of sodium deoxycholate, but scarcely anything to the point it might as well not even be there. Therefore, aqualyx is a better overall product which will give better results.
However…. Aqualyx is also a lot more expensive and harder to source, especially if you live in the US. It will also make you swell a lot more and longer than you would with lipolab.
TLDR; Aqualyx is the best product out of the three to buy and will give you the best results, however you will also experience worse swelling and it will be significantly harder to get. If you have the money and be able to source a legit aqualyx source, then get it. If you can’t, just get lipolab and do more sessions. Not that big of a deal.
Who is a good candidate
A good candidate for fat dissolving injections is someone who is already relatively lean (sub 20% body fat), but still has stubborn fat pockets they can’t get rid of (such as double chins or chubby cheeks). They must also have good skin elasticity to avoid sagging after fat loss, be in overall good health with no serious medical condition, decent bone mass, over twenty, and have an IQ over 70 who understands the risks and has realistic expectations.
C. The Risks and Side Effects of Fat Dissolvers
Common side effects
Darker urine
Discomfort at the treated area
Picture of a girl swelling after the procedure
Serious side effects
Nerve damage/facial paralysis
Serious infections
Permanent scars
Tissue necrosis
Unintended results
Some photos of fat dissolving gone wrong below:
A girl who got facial paralysis after her esthetician hit a nerve
Guy who injected too much fat dissolver in nose, spread to his eye fat pads

D. Facial Anatomy
Facial nerve anatomy
Before performing facial fat dissolving, you atleast need a basic knowledge and understanding of facial anatomy. Our main concern will be the facial nerve branches, which is where we will be injecting our fat dissolvents.
Detecting facial nerves
Now, there is no viable way you can know exactly where all your facial nerves are, (unless you get an MRI scan, but really bro?) but the chance of actually hitting a nerve is a lot more overestimated than people think. That doesn’t mean you should disregard that risk though. To minimize the chance of this, pinch and lift the area of fat you are going to inject in. This eliminates most of the risk of hitting a facial nerve, as the facial nerves of the main branches are more deep seated then people think it is, and is generally below the subcutaneous layer of fat. (This only applies if you're injecting in the subcutaneous layer by the way, you can’t simply just pinch it and lift it up if you're injecting in the deeper fat pads such as the buccal fat pad.)
And #1 rule, if you feel heavy pain while inserting the needle in, DON’T inject. You shouldn’t feel sharp pain at all, and if you do, theres a chance you might be under a nerve. Just readjust.
To be even more safe, you can aspirate before injecting to make sure you haven’t hit a blood vessel, but this is pretty unnecessary, and hard to do if you're doing it by yourself.
Buccal fat pad
Before I tell you this, I must inform you that the buccal fat pad doesn’t really contribute much to facial leanness, most of it is caused by the subq layer. Even buccal fat removal surgery has minimal results on most people, I doubt fat dissolving injections would do much at all. And trust me, you want to keep your deep-seated fat pads for when you get older, as they are a sign of youth and you will age like shit if you nuke them.
Injecting into the buccal fat pad significantly increases the risk of nerve damage. This is because the fat is deep-seated, and you can’t separate it from the nerves and vessels by pinching it like you would with the subcutaneous layer.
Because of this, some people opt for an intraoral approach. However, this also greatly increases the risk of infection. If you choose to go this route, I recommend fully disinfecting your mouth with chlorhexidine first and taking amoxicillin as a precaution.
Worst case, if the infection spreads to your brain, you can even die. Just take the extra safety measure.
Now back to the main subject
The buccal fat pad is a deep-seated fat pad lying deep and lies under the muscles under your cheek.
Detecting the buccal fat pad is relatively easy, it is adjacent/right next to your upper second molar
This video can also help you determine where your buccal fat pad is.
You can also get a decent grasp on where it might be by using this method, although I wouldn’t rely on it 100%.
Steps to Feel for the Buccal Fat Pad:
- Open your mouth: When you open your mouth, the buccinator muscle (which is the muscle inside your cheek) relaxes, which makes it easier to feel the fat.
- Pinch the skin: Gently pinch the skin on either the left or right side of your cheek with your fingers.
- Locate the fattest part: As you pinch, the buccal fat pad is usually located deeper inside the cheek, under the skin and muscle. The part of your cheek where you feel the most soft, movable fat is likely the buccal fat pad
On average, the buccal fat pad should be around 16mm-25mm deep from the outside, and around 10mm-14mm an inch deep from the inside.
Subcutaneous layer (Cheeks and double chin)
The subQ layer of fat lays right below the skin, and is the main fat pad that contributes to how lean your face looks.
On average, the subcutaneous layer of fat on the face is around 3mm-5mm deep.
Bulbous nasal tip
Again, I don’t recommend injecting in this spot, as it is a lot more risky with more serious side effects, with very minimal to no results for most people.
Anyways, contrary to what most people think, the nose does have a little bit of fat, most of it being located in the subcutaneous tissue on the tip of the nose. That being said, it is possible to use fat dissolving injections on the tip of the nose to reduce the bulbous nasal tip and make it look sharper.
I would recommend you to use a lower dosage the higher you go up.
On average, the subq layer of fat on the tip of the nose should be around 2mm-3mm deep.
E. Marking Injection Points
Why is this necessary?
To ensure symmetrical results and even distribution of the fat dissolver, it's important to mark your face carefully. (Since the fat dissolver is local and only affects the areas it touches) I recommend using an eyebrow pencil or another easily washable tool for adjustments before switching to a skin marker, which is harder to erase.
The distance between each injection point should be around 1-2 cm, adjust according to your anatomy and needs
The marking’s don't have to be perfect, they should just be there to give you a general overview on where you should be injecting, and so you don’t inject in the same spot by accident.
Injection points on the cheeks (SubQ)
For the cheeks, I recommend at least 16-25 injection points per cheek for optimal results, each spaced around 1-2 cm. Use the small ruler that came with your skin marker to measure the distances.
Use these lines to help you determine where to mark your injection sites
This is what mine looked like, as I chose 19 different injection sites.

Ideally it should be 5x5, something like this girl for example
Avoid injecting near the colored area or directly next to the ear, as the risk of nerve damage is significantly higher in these areas. There are more nerves and blood vessels present, and the fat is thinner.

Injection points on the double chin
For the double chin, I recommend around 20-32+ injection points, each spaced around 1-2 cm.
Use this photo to help you determine where to mark your injection sites

This is what a reference on how your markings might look like

This is where most of the fat lays and where you should be marking most of your injection sites, but there’s nothing stopping you from injecting near your ramus, although risk of nerve damage is slightly increased

Injection points on the buccal fat pad
For the buccal fat pad, I recommend 1-2 injection points for each fat pad, spaced around 1 cm each
Make sure you’ve located your buccal fat pad correctly before making the marks
This is an example of how to inject it into your buccal fat pad
clavicular injecting lemon bottle in his BFR
Injection points on the nose
For the nasal tip, i recommend 3-4 injection points, each spaced around 1 cm
Use this photo to help you determine where to make your injection sites
This is a reference on what your markings may look like
Be cautious; The nose has the most risk out of any of the other places, if it goes wrong you can even go blind, or if you use too much by accident it can shoot up to the fat pads in your eye and nuke them, which you do not want. To minimize this risk, I recommend using a lower dosage in general and a lot lower the higher you the injection site is.
F. Dosages and Needle lengths
Cheeks: Maximum of 2 mL of lipolab/aqualyx per cheek
Needle length: 7mm deep at a 45 degree angle
Double Chin: Maximum of 5 mL of lipolab/aqualyx
Needle length: 8mm deep at a 45 degree angle
Buccal Fat Pad: Maximum of 1 mL of lipolab/aqualyx per fat pad
Needle length: 18mm-27mm deep at a 45 degree angle
Nose/nasal tip: Maximum of 0.5 mL of lipolab/aqualyx on the nose (As you go higher, cut your dosage in half)
Needle length: 5mm deep at a 45 degree angle
Dosages per injection point will vary depending on how many injection sites you decide to create. You divide the maximum dosage by how many injection points you have. (You should not be injecting over 0.2 mL per injection point)
Ex: I made 19 different injection sites per cheek, so I divided 2 mL by 19 which is around 0.1 mL per injection point. (If you're using lipolab, you can increase your dosage to try and match aqualyx’s effectiveness, such as upping it to 1.5 mL instead)
(Using different needle lengths than how deep the fat layer is because were injecting at an angle)
G. Injection Technique
- Choose the appropriate needle size based on the treatment area.
- Draw up enough product to ensure you have enough for at least two injection spots. You'll be changing the needle/syringe after every two injections. (If you're unsure about drawing substances, search for a video on how to draw up steroids for guidance.)
Pinch and Lift:
- Pinch and grasp the area of fat where you’ve marked the injection site. This will help separate the subcutaneous (subQ) fat from deeper structures like nerves and blood vessels.
Injection Angle and Consistency:
- Always inject at the same angle (45°) and in the same direction for each injection. Avoid switching from a 45° angle to a 90° angle, or from injecting from one side of the face to the other. This ensures even distribution of the fat dissolver.
Needle Insertion:
- Insert the needle just below the mark to avoid injecting directly over it, as some chemicals from the marker could enter the tissue.
- Keep the needle straight during insertion—do not bend it. If you feel sharp or heavy pain during insertion, STOP immediately and adjust the needle until you can insert it easily without significant pain.
Injecting the Product:
- Slowly and steadily depress the plunger to inject the product until you've used the dosage intended for each injection site.
- Withdraw the needle slowly after the injection.
- Quickly swab the area with a disinfectant or alcohol wipe.
- Change the needle every 2-3 pricks to avoid contamination and ensure precision in the injections.
- Aspirate before injecting (pull back on the plunger to check for blood) to ensure you haven’t hit a blood vessel, although this is generally unnecessary in most cases.
- After injecting, the area may feel a little burning or discomfort. You can apply ice immediately to reduce pain and swelling.
H. Order List
Order List:
- Fat Dissolver, 10 mL of either lipolab, aqualyx, kybella, etc
- A stock of disposable 1 mL syringes with needle lengths depending on what area of fat you're dissolving.
- Alcohol/antiseptic wipes
- Skin marker with ruler
- Arnica cream
- Nitrile gloves
- Amoxicillin 500mg
- Chlorhexidine mouthwash
I. Step-by-step protocol
Precautions before the procedure:
Although a lot of people on this forum who have done this procedure before recommend taking ibuprofen a few days before and after to minimize swelling, this is NOT recommended. You should not use any NSAIDS or blood thinning supplements for at least one week before the treatment and a few days after. This is because these products have a blood thinning effect on the body, which reduces its ability to clot, which can worsen bruising and swelling
You must also avoid any alcohol, caffeine, or any dehydrating effects on the body for at least 72 hours before the treatment. This is because alcohol and caffeine can have a dehydrating effect on the body, decreasing the available fluid for breaking down fat molecules. During this time you should be drinking plenty of water (4L-5L) as well, as hydration is key for this treatment.
During the procedure:
1. Choose a clean environment with a mirror you can look at yourself with during the procedure. This most likely will be your bathroom, just let the window/door open and get some fresh air, quickly disinfect the entire room.
2. I also recommend recording yourself doing this procedure just to look back at and see your before and after
3.Wash your hands thoroughly, put on your gloves if you have them, and make sure your face is clean beforehand. Make sure you have everything you need
4. Mark all the points you will inject in with a marker and ruler
5. Load up all your syringes with dosages enough for 2-3 injection points each (Ex: I injected 0.20 mL each point, so I loaded up all my syringes with 0.40 mL each) This is optional, you can just load them up each time after you inject, but this way just makes it more convenient and easier
6. Inject in all of the designated points, and erase the mark with alcohol wipes after each one. Make sure to use proper injection technique
7. After you have completed all the injections, clean the entire area one last time with your alcohol wipes or other disinfectants and allow it to dry.
8. Finally, apply arnica cream to the treated area to reduce swelling and bruising
Continue to apply arnica cream for a few more days
Drink A LOT of water for the next two weeks. At least a gallon, MINIMUM, everyday, as you will be flushing out the fat cell debris. You should also expect your piss to look darker
Do not wash the area (besides with alcohol) or take a hot shower for at least 12 hours after the treatment
Avoid high intensity exercise after treatment, and avoid eating a high-carb diet
Just skip one day of showering (Which isn’t a concern on .org anyways :jfl
Expect to swell for around 5 days to two weeks, usually the swelling starts fading by around the third to fifth day, and it’s recommended to try and not mess with the swelling process, as this is when the whole lipolysis process is happening. Just stick to arnica cream and drinking a lot of water
J. Sources
Where to buy the fat dissolvers
K. Q&A
Q: How many treatments do I need?
A: It depends on the area and individual response, but most people need 2-6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart.
Q: How long does it take to see results?
A: Initial results may appear in 3-4 weeks, but full results usually take 6-8 weeks after multiple sessions.
Q: Are the results permanent?
A: Yes, once fat cells are destroyed, they don’t return. However, remaining fat cells can still expand if you gain weight.
Q: Do fat-dissolving injections hurt?
A: Mild to moderate pain or a burning sensation is common, especially right after the injection. Some clinics use numbing agents to reduce discomfort.
Q: Can fat-dissolving injections cause lumps?
A: Yes, temporary lumps are common as the body processes the fat. These usually go away within a few weeks, but gentle massage (if advised by a professional) may help.
Q: How long does the swelling last?
A: Swelling is most noticeable in the first 3-5 days but can last up to 2-4 weeks as the fat cells break down.
Q: What if I don’t see results?
A: Some people need more sessions to see noticeable effects. However, fat-dissolving injections work best for small to moderate fat pockets, not large-scale fat loss.
Q: Best fat dissolver brand?
A: Kybella or aqualyx
Q: How risky are each of the fat areas listed
A: Double chin (Barely any risk) > Cheeks (Moderate risk) > Buccal Fat Pad (Moderate-High risk) > Nose (High risk)
Q: How do fat-dissolving injections compare to other fat reduction treatments?
A: Unlike liposuction (which removes fat immediately), injections take time to show results. Compared to coolsculpting, injections can be more precise but may involve more swelling.
Q: Can the treatment cause sagging skin?
A: If you have poor skin elasticity, losing fat in certain areas may lead to loose skin. Some people pair fat-dissolving injections with skin-tightening treatments
L. My personal experience
I was at a relatively low body fat percentage, (14-16%) but my face was relatively chubby. At first I thought it was just a bone issue, but I found out about fat distribution and how some people may just store more fat in their face than other people
So, I opted for fat dissolvers. At first I wanted to use kybella or aqualyx because those are the best out of any of the others, but it was impossible to get a source that was verified and not overpriced! (300$+) So I just went with lipo lab from estaderma because it was a lot easier to get, and it only cost like 60 bucks.
The procedure wasn’t really painful at all, more like mild discomfort in my opinion. I also kept fucking up my injection technique and bend my needle sometimes and I would get temporary bumps. I also took way longer then I should’ve because of my bad injection technique. I got overly paranoid when I would feel the slightest bit of pain and keep readjusting until it felt perfect enough to inject.
Anyways after like 3-4 hours I’m finished with everything. My face is red, I have some bumps, and I have some bruising from all the needles I inserted in my face. Then I just go to sleep praying that I don’t wake up with facial paralysis or skin necrosis.
Fortunately, I woke up perfectly fine with no signs of serious side effects. However, I looked like a literal bunny from the swelling, and had the triple chin of gorlock the destroyer. I did this over a break so I can avoid social contact until the swelling went down, but I still had to hide my swelling from my parents since I did this at 15.
I had an argument with my parents the day before anyways so it was a good excuse to cut contact with them for a little and rot in my room until the swelling is not as noticeable. By the third day, it already started to go down, but it was still noticeable. My parents still saw me a few times but I don’t think they noticed because they weren’t looking directly at me or long enough to notice. On day six the swelling was still noticeable, but it just looked like I was crazy bloated, like I got hit on the face or something. I hung out with a bunch of my friends and only one person told me I looked a little off, but the others barely noticed.
After 6-8 weeks, I checked to see if I saw any noticeable results. Gonna be honest, I barely saw anything. However, I did gain like 15 pounds during that time period, so that might’ve been the reason. Also JFL my parents found out I injected that shit in my face in the end, got my cc taken away. But next time I’ll opt for aqualyx/kybella and just wage slave to buy the overpriced shit.
Thanks for reading!
Take everything from this thread with a grain of salt, do your own research instead following some random incels guide on the internet when it comes to dangerous shit like this
I also know I might have some errors or wrong information, tell me in the replies so i can fix them
Special thanks to @Orc for helping me with a lot of this shit and teaching me quite a bit
@meathead @J99 @Gaygymmaxx @Kelly Oubre Jr @pinterest @tomcaelum @Jonas2k7 @igniteisbad @AverageCurryEnjoyer @protomogger9873 @FoidFumbler @vevcred2_0 @134applesauce456 @fluxxPrecautions before the procedure:
Although a lot of people on this forum who have done this procedure before recommend taking ibuprofen a few days before and after to minimize swelling, this is NOT recommended. You should not use any NSAIDS or blood thinning supplements for at least one week before the treatment and a few days after. This is because these products have a blood thinning effect on the body, which reduces its ability to clot, which can worsen bruising and swelling
You must also avoid any alcohol, caffeine, or any dehydrating effects on the body for at least 72 hours before the treatment. This is because alcohol and caffeine can have a dehydrating effect on the body, decreasing the available fluid for breaking down fat molecules. During this time you should be drinking plenty of water (4L-5L) as well, as hydration is key for this treatment.
During the procedure:
1. Choose a clean environment with a mirror you can look at yourself with during the procedure. This most likely will be your bathroom, just let the window/door open and get some fresh air, quickly disinfect the entire room.
2. I also recommend recording yourself doing this procedure just to look back at and see your before and after
3.Wash your hands thoroughly, put on your gloves if you have them, and make sure your face is clean beforehand. Make sure you have everything you need
4. Mark all the points you will inject in with a marker and ruler
5. Load up all your syringes with dosages enough for 2-3 injection points each (Ex: I injected 0.20 mL each point, so I loaded up all my syringes with 0.40 mL each) This is optional, you can just load them up each time after you inject, but this way just makes it more convenient and easier
6. Inject in all of the designated points, and erase the mark with alcohol wipes after each one. Make sure to use proper injection technique
7. After you have completed all the injections, clean the entire area one last time with your alcohol wipes or other disinfectants and allow it to dry.
8. Finally, apply arnica cream to the treated area to reduce swelling and bruising
Continue to apply arnica cream for a few more days
Drink A LOT of water for the next two weeks. At least a gallon, MINIMUM, everyday, as you will be flushing out the fat cell debris. You should also expect your piss to look darker
Do not wash the area (besides with alcohol) or take a hot shower for at least 12 hours after the treatment
Avoid high intensity exercise after treatment, and avoid eating a high-carb diet
Just skip one day of showering (Which isn’t a concern on .org anyways :jfl
Expect to swell for around 5 days to two weeks, usually the swelling starts fading by around the third to fifth day, and it’s recommended to try and not mess with the swelling process, as this is when the whole lipolysis process is happening. Just stick to arnica cream and drinking a lot of water
J. Sources
Where to buy the fat dissolvers
K. Q&A
Q: How many treatments do I need?
A: It depends on the area and individual response, but most people need 2-6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart.
Q: How long does it take to see results?
A: Initial results may appear in 3-4 weeks, but full results usually take 6-8 weeks after multiple sessions.
Q: Are the results permanent?
A: Yes, once fat cells are destroyed, they don’t return. However, remaining fat cells can still expand if you gain weight.
Q: Do fat-dissolving injections hurt?
A: Mild to moderate pain or a burning sensation is common, especially right after the injection. Some clinics use numbing agents to reduce discomfort.
Q: Can fat-dissolving injections cause lumps?
A: Yes, temporary lumps are common as the body processes the fat. These usually go away within a few weeks, but gentle massage (if advised by a professional) may help.
Q: How long does the swelling last?
A: Swelling is most noticeable in the first 3-5 days but can last up to 2-4 weeks as the fat cells break down.
Q: What if I don’t see results?
A: Some people need more sessions to see noticeable effects. However, fat-dissolving injections work best for small to moderate fat pockets, not large-scale fat loss.
Q: Best fat dissolver brand?
A: Kybella or aqualyx
Q: How risky are each of the fat areas listed
A: Double chin (Barely any risk) > Cheeks (Moderate risk) > Buccal Fat Pad (Moderate-High risk) > Nose (High risk)
Q: How do fat-dissolving injections compare to other fat reduction treatments?
A: Unlike liposuction (which removes fat immediately), injections take time to show results. Compared to coolsculpting, injections can be more precise but may involve more swelling.
Q: Can the treatment cause sagging skin?
A: If you have poor skin elasticity, losing fat in certain areas may lead to loose skin. Some people pair fat-dissolving injections with skin-tightening treatments
L. My personal experience
I was at a relatively low body fat percentage, (14-16%) but my face was relatively chubby. At first I thought it was just a bone issue, but I found out about fat distribution and how some people may just store more fat in their face than other people
So, I opted for fat dissolvers. At first I wanted to use kybella or aqualyx because those are the best out of any of the others, but it was impossible to get a source that was verified and not overpriced! (300$+) So I just went with lipo lab from estaderma because it was a lot easier to get, and it only cost like 60 bucks.
The procedure wasn’t really painful at all, more like mild discomfort in my opinion. I also kept fucking up my injection technique and bend my needle sometimes and I would get temporary bumps. I also took way longer then I should’ve because of my bad injection technique. I got overly paranoid when I would feel the slightest bit of pain and keep readjusting until it felt perfect enough to inject.
Anyways after like 3-4 hours I’m finished with everything. My face is red, I have some bumps, and I have some bruising from all the needles I inserted in my face. Then I just go to sleep praying that I don’t wake up with facial paralysis or skin necrosis.
Fortunately, I woke up perfectly fine with no signs of serious side effects. However, I looked like a literal bunny from the swelling, and had the triple chin of gorlock the destroyer. I did this over a break so I can avoid social contact until the swelling went down, but I still had to hide my swelling from my parents since I did this at 15.
I had an argument with my parents the day before anyways so it was a good excuse to cut contact with them for a little and rot in my room until the swelling is not as noticeable. By the third day, it already started to go down, but it was still noticeable. My parents still saw me a few times but I don’t think they noticed because they weren’t looking directly at me or long enough to notice. On day six the swelling was still noticeable, but it just looked like I was crazy bloated, like I got hit on the face or something. I hung out with a bunch of my friends and only one person told me I looked a little off, but the others barely noticed.
After 6-8 weeks, I checked to see if I saw any noticeable results. Gonna be honest, I barely saw anything. However, I did gain like 15 pounds during that time period, so that might’ve been the reason. Also JFL my parents found out I injected that shit in my face in the end, got my cc taken away. But next time I’ll opt for aqualyx/kybella and just wage slave to buy the overpriced shit.
Thanks for reading!
Take everything from this thread with a grain of salt, do your own research instead following some random incels guide on the internet when it comes to dangerous shit like this
I also know I might have some errors or wrong information, tell me in the replies so i can fix them
Special thanks to @Orc for helping me with a lot of this shit and teaching me quite a bit
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