Fat signals carb intolerance



Sep 11, 2020
Carbs being the culprit for weight gain is an old idea since the atkins diet etc. but I think it goes further than that. Most people who are carrying even small amounts of fat are carb intolerant and don't even know it. Most normies will claim that carbs are essential because it gives energy and it's partly true. But if you're carb intolerant, you need intense bouts of energy expenditure to process carbs, otherwise you just store them as fat.

That's why you see many people who eat relatively healthy without binging or junk food and they still have a belly or bitch tits or whatever. And you see other people who can eat whatever they want and stay lean. You can always attribute this to fast metabolism or macros. But carb intolerance plays a much bigger role. That's why weight loss efforts mostly fail and dieters keep yoyo-ing because they can't cut off carbs.

It's another telltale of subhuman genetics. If you're carrying even a little bit of fat, it means that nature intends to deprive you of even small pleasures like ice cream.

For those who are or were fat and intend to leanmaxxx, carbs are your enemy.
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ci co
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No lol, you're not fat cause of a certain macronutrient, you're fat cause you eat too much.

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Low iq, those who put on fat easily simply have peasant genetics
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Low iq normie responses so far. You can eat virtually as much as you want under atkins diet or even carnivore diet and you won't gain fat, or in extreme cases not as much as under classic regimens.

In diabetes related forums, the word is getting out that they are actually carb intolerant and that doctors are guilty of genocide because they keep telling diabetics that "a certain macronutrient" is inoffensive and it's all about having a "balanced" diet.

Some people cannot process carbs. Deal with it.
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Everyone can process carbs just fine. But yes, some people can process them better, however the main problem these days is not just any type of carbs, it is the simple carbs in things like junk food and soda. You can have 100 carbs worth of soda and not feel full but 100 carbs worth of whole wheat bread will make you feel very full. Obviously eating chips and soda is bad for you while having half a cup of oatmeal is just fine

When they do studies on different peoples tolerance of things like salt, carbs, lactose etc, there are variations, but its not as if some people can eat 300 carbs a day and be fine while others who eat 100 carbs a day will get fat.

You are right that without carbs getting fat would be almost impossible, but again this isnt because some people are carb tolerant and some are carb intolerant. Its the same in all people, fats and proteins are used differently than carbs and are not as quickly or easily stored as fat in your body.

Being fat signals too many carbs. There are fat people everywhere. And interestingly, the northeast asians, who cannot process carbs as efficiently as the middle easterners or europeans, are very rarely fat. If getting fat was about lacking “carb tolerance” then you would expect them to be fat more than whites but the opposite is true. There are many elements to this and its not just about carb tolerance
Carbs being the culprit for weight gain is an old idea since the atkins diet etc. but I think it goes further than that. Most people who are carrying even small amounts of fat are carb intolerant and don't even know it. Most normies will claim that carbs are essential because it gives energy and it's partly true. But if you're carb intolerant, you need intense bouts of energy expenditure to process carbs, otherwise you just store them as fat.

That's why you see many people who eat relatively healthy without binging or junk food and they still have a belly or bitch tits or whatever. And you see other people who can eat whatever they want and stay lean. You can always attribute this to fast metabolism or macros. But carb intolerance plays a much bigger role. That's why weight loss efforts mostly fail and dieters keep yoyo-ing because they can't cut off carbs.

It's another telltale of subhuman genetics. If you're carrying even a little bit of fat, it means that nature intends to deprive you of even small pleasures like ice cream.

For those who are or were fat and intend to leanmaxxx, carbs are your enemy.

Perfect, most people are insulin reistant. all carbohydrates do is spike insulin which causes the body to store fat specifically belly fat. This includes all carbohydrates even the sugar in fruit.

Couple this with a rise in cortisol from sitting at a shit desk job and you have the worst recipe to be fat with virtually no muscle.

You can gym and exercise all you want but if your hormones are out of whack then its completely useless.

Hormone management is everything.
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When they do studies on different peoples tolerance of things like salt, carbs, lactose etc, there are variations, but its not as if some people can eat 300 carbs a day and be fine while others who eat 100 carbs a day will get fat.

Yes, I mean even protein gets turned into glucose through gluconeogenesis. You cannot totally eliminate carbs from your system. But you're right that I should have been less categorical. My point is that severe restriction of carbs (around 50 grams per day or so) is necessary for people who store fat easily and want to stay lean.
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You can gym and exercise all you want but if your hormones are out of whack then its completely useless.

Yep, that's why I regularly see guys at the gym (at least during the former era when gyms were opened) who have been training literally for years and gained minimal amounts of muscle and stayed fat. And some even had a solid workout routine.

You cannot outtrain insulin resistance and hormonal profile.
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My dad lost like 25kg after cutting nearly all carbs despite keeping his caloric intake the same

Some people are indeed carb intolerant
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Giga retarded thread that signals a person who never even bothered to try out the diets in question for long enough before praising them to the high heavens.

I was on keto/zero carb for almost 2 years and I also managed to be my heaviest on that diet. It really isn't difficult to over-eat on any diet. It's just that most newcomers on the diet crave only sugar so they tend to under-eat (since there's no source of sugar for them in the diet), but once your brain adapts it will crave more fat and salt and you're back to square one.

And in case you're wondering why I stopped dieting that way, it's because it's a horrendous way to eat for muscle hypertrophy and hair density. When I noticed how thin my eyebrows have gotten compared to when I was 16, I immediately switched back to a more balanced diet.
I was on keto/zero carb for almost 2 years

I am on a loose carnivore diet since 2016, and I only eat white rice, vegetables and a piece of fruit on workout days. Zero carbs is a bad idea, you need a minimum of carbs to function.

Your case just means that you're among those who can process carbs just fine and don't need to drastically restrict them. My post is destined to those who can't lose weight or gain muscle on a traditional diet because of insulin resistance and its main cause : carb intolerance. And there are plenty of them.

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