feeling suicidal after discovering oneitis is a whore/ has a bf



Mar 20, 2020
I just found the vsco of my oneitis of over 2 years who I barely ever talked to, she went to the same private school as me and was the smartest person in the whole year, even though we had several geniuses in our year that were astoundingly bright. She looked very cute, shy and innocent and mostly hung around her group of friends. She was the only girl that I fell in love with "at first glance". She wasn't even conventionally attractive. She looked "nerdy".

Since she was intelligent as fuck, and I really mean to emphasise this, she was extremely high IQ, I assumed that she would be an introvert like me, maybe suffer from similar problems etc so I'd have a chance with her ever.. I didn't follow her on instagram because of high-inhib so I couldn't get a glimpse of what was going on on the other side.

But today I found her vsco and saw what she's really like. She has a million photos of her going outside, to parties, with guys, with friends etc wearing barely any clothes. She even has a boyfriend now, fuck. I'm such a fucking loser, god damn. She's a genius and going out pretty much everyday to parties and whatnot, hanging out etc
while I'm a midwit loser stuck inside my house most the time, one or two online friends that I don't even talk to regularly. I'm such a fucking lonely loser, god damn. I'm a pathetic insect compared to her. She's in medical school now while I'm a fucking NEET.

I seriously feel like ending it now, my mood was going up for the past few weeks but this was a punch in the fucking gut by reality. Fucking hell, I want to cry but I can't even get tears out because I'm so fucking numb.
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all women are whores
even your mother
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Sounds like a problem that isn’t mine.
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if you're sad because of this then my friend this forum's teachings of female nature didn't get to you, maybe now with first hand experience you'll understand but you wouldn't be suicidal now if you knew women are whores to begin with.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Greeicy, Swolepenisman and 5 others
all women are whores
even your mother
if you're sad because of this then my friend this forum's teachings of female nature didn't get to you, maybe now with first hand experience you'll understand but you wouldn't be suicidal now if you knew women are whores to begin with.

Man, I thought she would be different since she wasn't even conventionally attractive. She looked cute, but not hot in any way and I never saw her hanging out with any guys at school. But I was wrong. God damn, even worse is how she is better than me in every single fucking way.

If I don't get into medical school this year I'm gonna kill myself 100%. I have nothing to show for myself.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Catawampus, RAITEIII and 1 other person
Man, I thought she would be different since she wasn't even conventionally attractive. She looked cute, but not hot in any way and I never saw her hanging out with any guys at school. But I was wrong. God damn, even worse is how she is better than me in every single fucking way.

If I don't get into medical school this year I'm gonna kill myself 100%. I have nothing to show for myself.
yeah no matter how innocent they look they're whores and you won't get into med school this year coz muh virus
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yeah no matter how innocent they look they're whores and you won't get into med school this year coz muh virus
That's fucked man, I guess I need to come to terms with that now. It's really fucking with me. It feels like my whole life has been a lie.

And I think the Unis are still gonna go on, just start a bit later than usual.
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It feels like my whole life has been a lie.
yeah now get out there, ascend and slay and feeling something for a foid won't bother you anymore.
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She's probably sad and lonely it just looks like she isn't that's why she needs all that attention and cocks to fill the void
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, chadpreetcel123, Swolepenisman and 3 others
I just found the vsco of my oneitis of over 2 years who I barely ever talked to, she went to the same private school as me and was the smartest person in the whole year, even though we had several geniuses in our year that were astoundingly bright. She looked very cute, shy and innocent and mostly hung around her group of friends. She was the only girl that I fell in love with "at first glance". She wasn't even conventionally attractive. She looked "nerdy".

Since she was intelligent as fuck, and I really mean to emphasise this, she was extremely high IQ, I assumed that she would be an introvert like me, maybe suffer from similar problems etc so I'd have a chance with her ever.. I didn't follow her on instagram because of high-inhib so I couldn't get a glimpse of what was going on on the other side.

But today I found her vsco and saw what she's really like. She has a million photos of her going outside, to parties, with guys, with friends etc wearing barely any clothes. She even has a boyfriend now, fuck. I'm such a fucking loser, god damn. She's a genius and going out pretty much everyday to parties and whatnot, hanging out etc
while I'm a midwit loser stuck inside my house most the time, one or two online friends that I don't even talk to regularly. I'm such a fucking lonely loser, god damn. I'm a pathetic insect compared to her. She's in medical school now while I'm a fucking NEET.

I seriously feel like ending it now, my mood was going up for the past few weeks but this was a punch in the fucking gut by reality. Fucking hell, I want to cry but I can't even get tears out because I'm so fucking numb.
Just be emotionally numb like me bro
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, RamRanchCowboy, idkagoodusername and 1 other person
yeah now get out there, ascend and slay and feeling something for a foid won't bother you anymore.
After this I've lost all my drive to self-improve, it's like I'm working towards something that is not in my reach. Why even try if I'm never going to get it, you know?

Maybe I just need some time to get over this.
She's probably sad and lonely it just looks like she isn't that's why she needs all that attention and cocks to fill the void
I don't think so, she looks really happy and was happy at school as well, even during stressful times like exams, because she barely had to study to get 90+%. She is in medical school and still partying a lot. Sounds like a dream.
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After this I've lost all my drive to self-improve, it's like I'm working towards something that is not in my reach. Why even try if I'm never going to get it, you know?

Maybe I just need some time to get over this.
been there but it was worse, my oneitis actually started talking to me like there's something going on between us then one day puts up a story saying" Don't assume someone likes you, they were just amusing themselves with youwhen they were bored" and then her friend revealed that she already had a boyfriend. Those thots are evil down to their very core. I actually wanted to LTR her and now I won't even spit on her face
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 3 others
if you're sad because of this then my friend this forum's teachings of female nature didn't get to you, maybe now with first hand experience you'll understand but you wouldn't be suicidal now if you knew women are whores to begin with.
My dilema is, would she be a whore if you're 7 psl? Would she be a whore if i had 9 inches? The answer is meant to be NO, which depresses me.
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My dilema is, would she be a whore if you're 7 psl? Would she be a whore if i had 9 inches? The answer is meant to be NO, which depresses me.
she most likely will be, most relationships aren't looksmatched and yet those subhuman foids leave for better.I've lost all hopes of finding a foid that won't, I'll just ascend bang around alot and then arrangedmarriagemaxx
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 3 others
she most likely will be, most relationships aren't looksmatched and yet those subhuman foids leave for better.I've lost all hopes of finding a foid that won't, I'll just ascend bang around alot and then arrangedmarriagemaxx
That story of hers she posted was brutal ngl.

Damn @vexed hang in there with us. They're all whores but of different types.

Since she's not good looking you can feel like u missed on nothing and bang hot foids.
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you are just one step closer to reality
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Catawampus and didntreadlol
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Brandon10, DoctorPMA and 11 others
That story of hers she posted was brutal ngl.
it's coz imma muh manlet I otherwise am looksmatched with her, not truecel tier and not worth roping but what happened with her is what took me to this website and I won't just be looksmatched with her, I'll mog her son and then I'll feel good
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 3 others
yeah now get out there, ascend and slay and feeling something for a foid won't bother you anymore.
Foids in India too are getting degenerate and slutty. I see more girls smoking these days than guys
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 2 others
Foids in India too are getting degenerate and slutty. I see more girls smoking these days than guys
tell me about it, I run a paying guest accommodation and I've over 24 foids living in the same building as me and I'm well aware of all the shit they do. Bottles of vodka and packs of cigs in dustbin isn't rare
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 2 others
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.
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tell me about it, I run a paying guest accommodation and I've over 24 foids living in the same building as me and I'm well aware of all the shit they do. Bottles of vodka and packs of cigs in dustbin isn't rare
😔That's some sad shit tbh. I gave up on love and all that bullshit I wanna ascend and just slay might get eggs of a Gigastacy for my child tbh Marriage ain't worth it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 2 others
it's coz imma muh manlet I otherwise am looksmatched with her, not truecel tier and not worth roping but what happened with her is what took my to this website and I won't just be looksmatched with her, I'll mog her son and then I'll feel good
Damn bro yeah it really gets to you.

My oneitis and me slept for over 3 months and then she started to literally post the dick of her boyfriend on Snatchap and even told me she liked big dicks and that mine was small compared to other sizes .

So well i can mog her facially RIGHT NOW if I'm on a good day but I'm trying to at least gain 2 inches down there to heal my hurt ego jfl.

Your not alone bros. Let's just hang in there :feelswhy:
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 3 others
😔That's some sad shit tbh. I gave up on love and all that bullshit I wanna ascend and just slay might get eggs of a Gigastacy for my child tbh Marriage ain't worth it.
ah btw my oneitis lives here aswell so avoiding her ain't possible imagine the awkwardness lol but yeah ascend and slay that's all that matters
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 2 others
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.
Damn, you're absolutely right man. It's brutal but it's the truth. I need to change.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, didntreadlol, Chadeep and 2 others
I'm trying to at least gain 2 inches down there to heal my hurt ego jfl.
I could help you with that, but you have to be low inhib to get some info out, and you'll have to keep it to yourself or otherwise everyone would ascend down there too.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Swolepenisman, Catawampus and 2 others
this happens every time tbh ... looking at their social media is a hit big to your mood. even introverted women are normies.
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.
i didn't perceive that OP thought she was a whore in the least. it's more that he thought she had a chance with her and thought she was on the same wavelength as him, being introverted and intelligent. intelligent people like to think their unpopularity is due to their inability to relate with other students but this girl is a genius and very socially successful.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, sonicgamer1337, Swolepenisman and 4 others
Damn, you're absolutely right man. It's brutal but it's the truth. I need to change.
The fact that you can acknowledge already bodes well for you my guy. Don't waste any more time than you have to. I'm only telling you this because I bullshitted for so long myself and I wish someone snapped me out of it earlier because I would've been in a better place even sooner if I didn't have to learn the hard way. Decide what you want to do with your life and plan out what you have to accomplish to get to that point. If you need to go to college make it happen, and once you do, make SURE you start socializing from the very jump so that you don't get left in the dust. And only go if you're dedicated to putting in the work because that was my problem. I would've graduated at 21 if I didn't get depressed and start doing nothing. Now I'm 23 and even though I have a good paying job right now, I have to interrupt that so I can go back in the fall to get my degree which is a pain. And I'd probably have like $100k in savings by this point if I didn't get in that hole, from which I could've easily funded genio and almond eye surgery with plenty to spare.

Also, when I was in that rut I got so attached to every girl who gave me the tiniest bit of attention and it was unhealthy as fuck. Now that I actually have shit going on, I don't have the capability to think too much about every girl I get to know. Also, I advise that you start lifting. It's not just about looking better physically. It's about starting a routine with something that gets you in the habit of not being sedentary and committing to something. And that carries over into other aspects of your life. You feel better mentally and you get more disciplined.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Brandon10, DoctorPMA and 6 others
The fact that you can acknowledge already bodes well for you my guy. Don't waste any more time than you have to. I'm only telling you this because I bullshitted for so long myself and I wish someone snapped me out of it earlier because I would've been in a better place even sooner if I didn't have to learn the hard way. Decide what you want to do with your life and plan out what you have to accomplish to get to that point. If you need to go to college make it happen, and once you do, make SURE you start socializing from the very jump so that you don't get left in the dust. And only go if you're dedicated to putting in the work because that was my problem. I would've graduated at 21 if I didn't get depressed and start doing nothing. Now I'm 23 and even though I have a good paying job right now, I have to interrupt that so I can go back in the fall to get my degree which is a pain. And I'd probably have like $100k in savings by this point if I didn't get in that hole, from which I could've easily funded genio and almond eye surgery with plenty to spare.

Also, when I was in that rut I got so attached to every girl who gave me the tiniest bit of attention and it was unhealthy as fuck. Now that I actually have shit going on, I don't have the capability to think too much about every girl I get to know. Also, I advise that you start lifting. It's not just about looking better physically. It's about starting a routine with something that gets you in the habit of not being sedentary and committing to something. And that carries over into other aspects of your life. You feel better mentally and you get more disciplined.
Thanks a lot dude, I needed this. I'll remember you if I ever make it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Catawampus, Chadeep and 2 others
The fact that you can acknowledge already bodes well for you my guy. Don't waste any more time than you have to. I'm only telling you this because I bullshitted for so long myself and I wish someone snapped me out of it earlier because I would've been in a better place even sooner if I didn't have to learn the hard way. Decide what you want to do with your life and plan out what you have to accomplish to get to that point. If you need to go to college make it happen, and once you do, make SURE you start socializing from the very jump so that you don't get left in the dust. And only go if you're dedicated to putting in the work because that was my problem. I would've graduated at 21 if I didn't get depressed and start doing nothing. Now I'm 23 and even though I have a good paying job right now, I have to interrupt that so I can go back in the fall to get my degree which is a pain. And I'd probably have like $100k in savings by this point if I didn't get in that hole, from which I could've easily funded genio and almond eye surgery with plenty to spare.

Also, when I was in that rut I got so attached to every girl who gave me the tiniest bit of attention and it was unhealthy as fuck. Now that I actually have shit going on, I don't have the capability to think too much about every girl I get to know. Also, I advise that you start lifting. It's not just about looking better physically. It's about starting a routine with something that gets you in the habit of not being sedentary and committing to something. And that carries over into other aspects of your life. You feel better mentally and you get more disciplined.
You're writing too much. Dn rd but yh foids aren't whores just because they have fun, they are in any case - and so are men too tbh, or at least me tbh.
The fact that you can acknowledge already bodes well for you my guy. Don't waste any more time than you have to. I'm only telling you this because I bullshitted for so long myself and I wish someone snapped me out of it earlier because I would've been in a better place even sooner if I didn't have to learn the hard way. Decide what you want to do with your life and plan out what you have to accomplish to get to that point. If you need to go to college make it happen, and once you do, make SURE you start socializing from the very jump so that you don't get left in the dust. And only go if you're dedicated to putting in the work because that was my problem. I would've graduated at 21 if I didn't get depressed and start doing nothing. Now I'm 23 and even though I have a good paying job right now, I have to interrupt that so I can go back in the fall to get my degree which is a pain. And I'd probably have like $100k in savings by this point if I didn't get in that hole, from which I could've easily funded genio and almond eye surgery with plenty to spare.

Also, when I was in that rut I got so attached to every girl who gave me the tiniest bit of attention and it was unhealthy as fuck. Now that I actually have shit going on, I don't have the capability to think too much about every girl I get to know. Also, I advise that you start lifting. It's not just about looking better physically. It's about starting a routine with something that gets you in the habit of not being sedentary and committing to something. And that carries over into other aspects of your life. You feel better mentally and you get more disciplined.
Also indeed taking action is key. Rotting is death sentence, executing is ascension
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  • +1
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Why are you sad exactly?
  • +1
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Can't say much that hasn't already been said but this shook me back to my senses over my oneitis. There is no chance she hasn't fucked a bunch of dudes already and goes to parties and gets wasted all the time. I'm just going to focus on myself.
  • +1
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Send pic of her bf
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Chadeep, Swolepenisman and 1 other person
So were you raised by a single mother ? lol at freaking out about a whore being a whore
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, chadpreetcel123, Chadeep and 1 other person
The fact that you can acknowledge already bodes well for you my guy. Don't waste any more time than you have to. I'm only telling you this because I bullshitted for so long myself and I wish someone snapped me out of it earlier because I would've been in a better place even sooner if I didn't have to learn the hard way. Decide what you want to do with your life and plan out what you have to accomplish to get to that point. If you need to go to college make it happen, and once you do, make SURE you start socializing from the very jump so that you don't get left in the dust. And only go if you're dedicated to putting in the work because that was my problem. I would've graduated at 21 if I didn't get depressed and start doing nothing. Now I'm 23 and even though I have a good paying job right now, I have to interrupt that so I can go back in the fall to get my degree which is a pain. And I'd probably have like $100k in savings by this point if I didn't get in that hole, from which I could've easily funded genio and almond eye surgery with plenty to spare.

Also, when I was in that rut I got so attached to every girl who gave me the tiniest bit of attention and it was unhealthy as fuck. Now that I actually have shit going on, I don't have the capability to think too much about every girl I get to know. Also, I advise that you start lifting. It's not just about looking better physically. It's about starting a routine with something that gets you in the habit of not being sedentary and committing to something. And that carries over into other aspects of your life. You feel better mentally and you get more disciplined.
Cope. I have lots of hobbies, large social group and a top 10% salary. And it all means nothing. That stuff only works if you are blue pill and ignorant or already look good enough to attract women.
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i feel you bro i walked in on my old oneitis kissing someone else at a party just lol tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
i feel you bro i walked in on my old oneitis kissing someone else at a party just lol tbh
I’ve been there man. It fucking hurts but that moment will make you a better man trust me. Stop putting any girl on that oneitis pedestal and start working on yourself. Use it as motivation.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and yang
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.
finally, a good poster on this forum that I can agree with.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Morpheus
Everyone else here is going to feed into your bullshit and tell you what you want to hear but not me. I'll tell you what you need to hear because everything else just enables your current situation. You are never going to be happy if you keep up this mindset that any girl who’s having sex or having any kind of fun is a whore. All girls do that because people like to have fun. It is what it is. Either accept it now or keep getting surprised when your oneitis turns out to not be some innocent virgin who enjoys just staying inside, cooking, and watching netflix on weekends.

To me OP this is more of a you problem to be honest. Stop being a pathetic NEET who has so little going on that something like this turns your whole world upside down. No girl is destined to be with you and unless you make changes you’ll keep feeling this way and getting overtly infatuated over girls you don’t know. When you start having an actual life of your own that involves hobbies, education, career, social life, etc, you don't have time to get invested in every girl who gave you a tiny bit of attention or who seems "different" than the rest. And when you start having sex with girls regularly, you stop giving a fuck about who she's had sex with. That's unpopular here, but most people here think emotionally rather than logically and a lot of people here are basement dwellers.

Really solid advice here, sounds exactly like someone with actual IRL experience in regards to interpersonal relationships.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Morpheus
finally, a good poster on this forum that I can agree with.
Really solid advice here, sounds exactly like someone with actual IRL experience in regards to interpersonal relationships.
I’ve been there before so I know where he’s coming from. And I also know what it took for me to turn things around. I think a lot of young easily influenced people on this forum take all the shitposts and negativity to heart and it sucks. We need more people here who are actually about lifestylemaxxing rather than finding comfort in and encouraging other people’s suffering.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and DoctorPMA
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Man, I thought she would be different since she wasn't even conventionally attractive. She looked cute, but not hot in any way and I never saw her hanging out with any guys at school. But I was wrong. God damn, even worse is how she is better than me in every single fucking way.

If I don't get into medical school this year I'm gonna kill myself 100%. I have nothing to show for myself.
Be Pitt or die trying indeed
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