Ferocious brag thread slayer tales - trigger warning



May 3, 2024
Post your most brutal brags / validating experiences ITT

No holding back, no humbleness ect


- Girl I got with at a festival (who had a boyfriend) came back to mine and told me I was the best looking guy she had ever met
- Manage to slay the hottest girl on my uni course within 2 hours of meeting her (her bf was a pro cricket player too)
- Caught girls taking pics of me when walking down the beach with my physique out
- Caught hot blonde jb taking a pic of me on the bus
- Left the bar with an Ivy league whore within 5 minutes of entering the venue. When I asked why she wanted to leave so early she said it was because I was so GL
- Got cold approached on Instagram by girl with 400k followers
- Asked on date by Tik tok star (350k followers) / actress
- Pulled some girl in front of another girl I had gotten with a few mins prior. She got mad and asked me to leave with her straight away. Was fucking her in the sea 10 mins later
- Standing on the road corner once, a bus pulls around and a girl at the back made a shocked face when she saw me standing there. She quickly turned around to get her friend's attention then pointed at me through the window as the bus was driving past
- Matched girl on Tinder who added me a group chat with her friend and asked me to come round for a threesome. They started posting nudes of themselves in the chat too in an attempt to convince me
- Made a girl cry when I rejected her
- Rejected a girl and she followed me all night to the point of standing outside the toilets waiting for me to come out (in club)
- Being cold approached countless times in clubs without even making eye contact, just so the girl could grope my arms and chest
- Walking through a bar to get a drink before some girl stopped me dead in my tracks and said "you are so attractive" then walked past
- Standing in line at a festival, some guy in front of me got his friend's attention and said "Look how GL this guy is"
- Cucked some guy who had been in a relationship for 7 years after 3 days of knowing the girl

None of this matters now. I'm a perma rotter friendless statusless loser who spends his days wasting away on PSL forums writing cuckold stories, making youtube videos and playing PS5:Comfy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep and USERΝAME
- I was in a club in Budapest with my gf and was cold approached by a Stacylite who tried hitting on me right in front of my gf with no shame. Happened again 10 mins later by another girl, it was weird as fuck, it was obvious the girl I was with was my gf yet they didn't give a shit. My gf then went to the toilet and came out to find another middle aged woman trying to drag me out by my arm to the dancefloor.

- NYE when I was skiing for a uni trip. The countdown began and at the last second some girl grabbed me for a makeout, then we walked straight out to go back to her room. I hadn't even said a word to her.

- In a hostel, me and a few lads I had befriended in there met a group of Aussie girls. I started speaking to one and after 10 mins of talking to her, I asked if she wanted to go outside for a cig. The bus was supposed to be leaving in about 20 mins so I told her I was gonna go upstairs to put my beers away so they dont get robbed. She followed me up there. I ended up fucking her on my top bunk literally 15 mins after I had met her. Then all of a sudden her friends and my friends walked in on us. Her friends were in shock. The guys were asking how I manged to fuck her so quick. And it was funny one of the guys that was asking me quesitons was a 6'2 gymcelled Australian Chad.

- I cold approached some girl in the smoking area of a club and managed to pull her within a few mins without having any prior contact inside the venue. I heard some incel that was standing against the fence asked his other friend "How did he do that?":lul:

- Stacy I was seeing who mogged me face and height, became obsessed with me, fuck knows why. She walked to my house for 30 mins in a thunderstorm just to get fucked. She was an exchange student from Switzerland and after she went back she wouldn't stop messaging me and after about a year she offered to pay for flights and a hotel so she could come see me again.

- The last girl I slayed before my LTR was some girl I matched on Tinder and then I recognized her on a night out. She was with her housemates (one blonde and two lads). As the club was closing, she asked if I wanted to join them in the uber back to theirs. But this girl was drunk as fuck. When we got to their house, the girl I had matched went upstairs to be sick ect I was left downstairs with the blonde and the other two lads. They asked if I wanted to smoke weed with them and whipped out some joints. After smoking for a bit, the two lads said they were going to bed and I was left with the blonde. She then said to me "If girls name isn't feeling well, you're more than welcome to stay in my room". I went to check and the other girl was fine so I ended up staying round and fucking her. But then around 2 weeks later when we went out clubbing, I saw the blonde girl in the line and she was with another lad. She smiled at me and I started talking to the guy she was with. And he told me he was her boyfriend

Antonio banderas antonio 1

I wish I had stayed with her tbh she was probably hotter than the other girl. And she ended up acting weird in the morning too when she woke up next to a manlet med jock :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep and ambi

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