First SARMs cycle: RAD-140 and MK-677 or LGD-4033


Deleted member 3328

Sep 28, 2019
SARMs I have available:
  • RAD-140 (10mg/ml) - 50ml
  • MK-677 (25mg/ml) - 50ml
  • LGD-4033 (10mg/ml) - 2x50ml = 100ml
I was planning on doing RAD-140 and MK-677. I realized that if I took 10mg of RAD and 25 mg of MK every day it would last me for 7 weeks which I believe is too short of a cycle. I also read on Reddit that stacking isn't a good idea on a first cycle.

I am now thinking about doing a LGD-4033 cycle instead as I have (2x50ml). I would take 10mg for the first 2 weeks and then I would take 15mg for the rest of the cycle (8 weeks). The cycle would last 10 weeks which is perfect.

I could take RAD 5mg and MK 12.5mg for 2 weeks and then RAD 10mg and MK 25mg for the rest of the cycle (6 weeks). The cycle would be 8 weeks long.

What is the better option?
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keep an eye on your test levels boyo.
good luck tho.
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SARMs are not that good. For that money you would have got much more testosterone. Well best out of it RAD140 10mg ed and MK 25mg ed
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SARMs are not that good. For that money you would have got much more testosterone. Well best out of it RAD140 10mg ed and MK 25mg ed
Testosterone can have horrible side effects though

If I were to do testosterone I would just do tren instead
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rad140 8mg and mk677 12.5mg (10mg MK677 increases GH by 79% and 50mg MK677 increases GH by 82%, so 10mg is more cost effective)
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Testosterone can have horrible side effects though

If I were to do testosterone I would just do tren instead
lol testosterone side effects are nothing compared to tren
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rad140 8mg and mk677 12.5mg (10mg MK677 increases GH by 79% and 50mg MK677 increases GH by 82%, so 10mg is more cost effective)
Thank you bro

What do you think about doing:
5mg RAD-140 and 12.5mg MK-677 for 2 weeks and after that 10mg of RAD-140 and 25mg of MK-677 for 6 weeks.

Cycle would be 8 weeks long
Thank you bro

What do you think about doing:
5mg RAD-140 and 12.5mg MK-677 for 2 weeks and after that 10mg of RAD-140 and 25mg of MK-677 for 6 weeks.

Cycle would be 8 weeks long

I edited my comment after seeing that you dont have enough, 8mg for 8weeks is 45.6ml which would be better
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I edited my comment after seeing that you dont have enough, 8mg for 8weeks is 45.6ml which would be better
is this a heightmaxxing or roid stack?
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mah boyo gonna be swole af
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Testosterone can have horrible side effects though

If I were to do testosterone I would just do tren instead
Low dose testosterone hasn‘t that bad side effects. Tren also has the most side effects while a tren only cycle is dumb asf you always stack test in a cycle.
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What do you think is the better option?
I'm doing a 6 week rad cycle at 25mg followed by a 6 week cardarine cycle. 24 weeks total

Will be training hard & using BCAAs, EAAs,bCreatine, 200 cal surplus on rad and 4-500 cal deficit on cardarine

currently 18-19% bf at 60kg & want to reach 10-12%bf at 65-70kg

Pretty much gave up on height now so I'm just focused on softmaxing

Need to darken hair, eyebrows, skin, Imoprove collagen, thicken hair & attempt to hide/fix some falios and I'm done. (beta skull shape at the back but luckily still some forward growth, slightly narrow mouth & light hair are main failios imo)
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Make sure to use Cardarine when you come off to keep cortisol low and use something to get your test levels back. I used nothing and am having a bad pct because of it
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I'm doing a 6 week rad cycle at 25mg followed by a 6 week cardarine cycle. 24 weeks total

Will be training hard & using BCAAs, EAAs,bCreatine, 200 cal surplus on rad and 4-500 cal deficit on cardarine

currently 18-19% bf at 60kg & want to reach 10-12%bf at 65-70kg

Pretty much gave up on height now so I'm just focused on softmaxing

Need to darken hair, eyebrows, skin, Imoprove collagen, thicken hair & attempt to hide/fix some falios and I'm done. (beta skull shape at the back but luckily still some forward growth, slightly narrow mouth & light hair are main failios imo)
25mg of RAD sounds like a lot to me. But it's my first SARMs cycle so I wouldn't know.
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Get a pct.
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I thought it's not necessary for Sarms...
What would you recommend?

A set PCT isn't "necessary" for anything, it's internet dogma for no other reason that steroid forums are full of idiots who all parrot each other. Whether you need certain compounds post cycle is multifactoral. If you didn't use anything with the potential to be residually estrogenic (which would continue to suppress the HPTA even after withdrawal of the anabolic) and you didn't experience any significant testicular atrophy, you don't need anything post cycle and would probably feel better not taking anything.
A set PCT isn't "necessary" for anything, it's internet dogma for no other reason that steroid forums are full of idiots who all parrot each other. Whether you need certain compounds post cycle is multifactoral. If you didn't use anything with the potential to be residually estrogenic (which would continue to suppress the HPTA even after withdrawal of the anabolic) and you didn't experience any significant testicular atrophy, you don't need anything post cycle and would probably feel better not taking anything.
It is necessary. Again autistic nerds who don't even lift spewing the shit they read on the internet. Plz stfu.
It is necessary. Again autistic nerds who don't even lift spewing the shit they read on the internet. Plz stfu.

I have way more first hand experience than you do
mk677 is sold with other sarms but it's not a sarm itself
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  • JFL
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Lol they're piss weak jfl. A 10 week 300 mgs test cycle can pack on 10 lbs of muscle.
8 months ago I though sarms can make you gain 10 pounds in 2 months
  • JFL
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I do. Juiced all through my 20s. Cycled for a few years, then basically stayed on constantly till I was 30. Then came off. Tried nearly every compound and way of doing shit, alone and in combination, with tons of bloodwork. When I think back it's honestly nuts how much stuff I tried. If you put aside the arrogance, you could actually learn something
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I do. Juiced all through my 20s. Cycled for a few years, then basically stayed on constantly till I was 30. Then came off. Tried nearly every compound and way of doing shit, alone and in combination, with tons of bloodwork. When I think back it's honestly nuts how much stuff I tried. If you put aside the arrogance, you could actually learn something
Did your natural test production come back or are you on trt ?
Did your natural test production come back or are you on trt ?

It came back without too much difficulty (mid 600s last time I checked, which is more or less where I was during periods of being off in my mid 20s), but I took a fair bit of HCG sporadically during my entire blast/cruise phase which probably helped. Also did a more typical pct protocol when I came off for good since I'd been on for so long. (2000ius hcg every few days alongside clomid, tapering into an AI)
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It came back without too much difficulty (mid 600s last time I checked, which is more or less where I was during periods of being off in my mid 20s), but I took a fair bit of HCG sporadically during my entire blast/cruise phase which probably helped. Also did a more typical pct protocol when I came off for good since I'd been on for so long. (2000ius hcg every few days alongside clomid, tapering into an AI)
Did you keep some of the size ? I am curious to know because it's said that once the luscle reaches a certain size a good amount of it can be sustained naturally. I am thinking about bulking to 220 lbs then coming off completely.
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Did you keep some of the size ? I am curious to know because it's said that once the luscle reaches a certain size a good amount of it can be sustained naturally. I am thinking about bulking to 220 lbs then coming off completely.

No. I felt fine, but my physique went to shit despite my best efforts, just like it did when I first cycled at 20. Excluding people that have great genetics and looked phenomenal before they ever touched anything, I'm quite certain the people who look great and claim they used to juice but are now natty are merely still on. If you want to transition to something sustainable in terms of health but maintain what you've built, I'd strongly recommend going the TRT route. For whatever reason, the difference in physique maintenance between exogenous TRT with total T levels in the high normal range, and natty with TT levels in a similar range, is profound.
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No. I felt fine, but my physique went to shit despite my best efforts, just like it did when I first cycled at 20. Excluding people that have great genetics and looked phenomenal before they ever touched anything, I'm quite certain the people who look great and claim they used to juice but are now natty are merely still on. If you want to transition to something sustainable in terms of health but maintain what you've built, I'd strongly recommend going the TRT route. For whatever reason, the difference in physique maintenance between exogenous TRT with total T levels in the high normal range, and natty with TT levels in a similar range, is profound.
Yeah i noticed that. The average endogenous test prodyction is 50 mgs a week. It's poverty lol. What i am concerned about is fertility. I want to be able to have kids. I am thinking of getting and staying on for good (blast and cruise) come off a'd use a fertility protocol (clomid/hcg/hmg) when i want to have a kid but i am afraid that by staying on for years i become infertile when i want to hab've a kid.
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Yeah i noticed that. The average endogenous test prodyction is 50 mgs a week. It's poverty lol. What i am concerned about is fertility. I want to be able to have kids. I am thinking of getting and staying on for good (blast and cruise) come off a'd use a fertility protocol (clomid/hcg/hmg) when i want to have a kid but i am afraid that by staying on for years i become infertile when i want to hab've a kid.

I suspect a protocol that aggressive would almost always restore sperm production enough to have kids. While I was powerlifting at a black iron gym, everyone there would openly talk about drug use. Everyone stayed on year round, and a lot of them were knocking up their wives. Some dropped the dose and used HCG, some did retarded stuff that shouldn't work at all like clomid only while still running 2grams/week, and somehow it all worked lol. Though I doubt the clomid alone while still blasting would work for most if their wife isn't cheating on them lol
  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
I suspect a protocol that aggressive would almost always restore sperm production enough to have kids. While I was powerlifting at a black iron gym, everyone there would openly talk about drug use. Everyone stayed on year round, and a lot of them were knocking up their wives. Some dropped the dose and used HCG, some did retarded stuff that shouldn't work at all like clomid only while still running 2grams/week, and somehow it all worked lol. Though I doubt the clomid alone while still blasting would work for most if their wife isn't cheating on them lol
I am really in love with bodybuilding and i have good genetics. I am going to stay always on tbh and do the fertility protocol when i want a child. Why did u come off ?
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I am really in love with bodybuilding and i have good genetics. I am going to stay always on tbh and do the fertility protocol when i want a child. Why did u come off ?

My original intention was to just come off for 6months or so while I had implant revision surgery, but I was botched beyond comprehension, had to have a couple more surgeries, and just haven't gotten around to starting back up. When I do start again I'll likely stick with a doc prescribed TRT dose of test (some good clinics near me), and occasionally add a moderate dose of another compound. At least that's what I tell myself

Edit: I also came off because I developed obstructive sleep apnea, and wanted to see if it went away when I came off and my neck size decreased
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My original intention was to just come off for 6months or so while I had implant revision surgery, but I was botched beyond comprehension, had to have a couple more surgeries, and just haven't gotten around to starting back up. When I do start again I'll likely stick with a doc prescribed TRT dose of test (some good clinics near me), and occasionally add a moderate dose of another compound. At least that's what I tell myself

Edit: I also came off because I developed obstructive sleep apnea, and wanted to see if it went away when I came off and my neck size decreased
Height and weight when you juiced ?
Height and weight when you juiced ?

5'11, stayed around 205 at 8-10% ish (got up to 220 a few times while experimenting with higher doses and/or GH, but always felt horrible when I got too big). Very average genetics for muscularity, but decently aesthetic.
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5'11, stayed around 205 at 8-10% ish (got up to 220 a few times while experimenting with higher doses and/or GH, but always felt horrible when I got too big). Very average genetics for muscularity, but decently aesthetic.
And how are your health markers ? (heart health/kidneys etc)
And how are your health markers ? (heart health/kidneys etc)

All my tests are ok. I had an echo and ECG done this year both of which were within normal limits, though I suspect they might not have been while blasting higher doses just based on how I felt. I also took an ace inhibitor ramipril as it's cardioprotective and probably helps prevent androgen induced ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis (a few studies on this in mice with nandrolone). There's no question steroids exert a damaging effect on organs, probably in a dose dependent manner. Those who blast away non stop and think they're not doing any damage are kidding themselves. That said, I'd do it again lol
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All my tests are ok. I had an echo and ECG done this year both of which were within normal limits, though I suspect they might not have been while blasting higher doses just based on how I felt. I also took an ace inhibitor ramipril as it's cardioprotective and probably helps prevent androgen induced ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis (a few studies on this in mice with nandrolone). There's no question steroids exert a damaging effect on organs, probably in a dose dependent manner. Those who blast away non stop and think they're not doing any damage are kidding themselves. That said, I'd do it again lol
Yeah mate the gains and the look is addictive. But i'll play it extra safe. Blasting with 300 mgs of test e a'd maybe some nandrolone and cruising on 125 mgs of test. A low dose goes a long way if u work hard and kess side effects.
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Yeah mate the gains and the look is addictive. But i'll play it extra safe. Blasting with 300 mgs of test e a'd maybe some nandrolone and cruising on 125 mgs of test. A low dose goes a long way if u work hard and kess side effects.

I agree 100%
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lol testosterone side effects are nothing compared to tren
Isn't test worse when it comes down to gyno though? I know tren is very toxic on the liver/kidneys but gyno scares me more tbh, especially since tren is usually taken in lower dosages for a limited period while test is blasted in high dosages throughout the cycle.
Shit like tren and anadrol and 2 g of fucking test and blasting insulin and gh is what kills people

Tren is poison, I'll never touch it again. I actually think Anadrol can be ok in reasonable doses (50mg/day) in conjunction with very low dose test and nothing else. There's also a lot of pharm grade Anadrol available, which is always a plus. I also managed to get my hands on 3 bottles of pharm grade Upsher Smith Anavar back in the day, which was fun.
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Tren is poison, I'll never touch it again. I actually think Anadrol can be ok in reasonable doses (50mg/day) in conjunction with very low dose test and nothing else. There's also a lot of pharm grade Anadrol available, which is always a plus. I also managed to get my hands on 3 bottles of pharm grade Upsher Smith Anavar back in the day, which was fun.
I'll stick to test atm. I just want that 200 lbs shredded "aesthetic" look. Not wanting to be a monster or anything.
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Isn't test worse when it comes down to gyno though? I know tren is very toxic on the liver/kidneys but gyno scares me more tbh, especially since tren is usually taken in lower dosages for a limited period while test is blasted in high dosages throughout the cycle.

If you've very concerned with gyno run a full dose of a non-steroidal AI like arimidex or letrozole throughout the cycle (and into pct), or even go old school and run Nolvadex throughout the cycle. I actually got gyno on my first cycle ever running aromasin during and clomid post cycle. Further testing over years with different brands of aromasin showed that for ME, it just didn't lower estradiol effectively even at 25mg/day
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If you've very concerned with gyno run a full dose of a non-steroidal AI like arimidex or letrozole throughout the cycle (and into pct), or even go old school and run Nolvadex throughout the cycle. I actually got gyno on my first cycle ever running aromasin during and clomid post cycle. Further testing over years with different brands of aromasin showed that for ME, it just didn't lower estradiol effectively even at 25mg/day
Gyno is highly genetic more than anything
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Gyno is highly genetic more than anything

Absolutely. And if he's looking to play it safe and avoid aromatizing compounds altogether, there are many healthier choices than tren. Winstrol, primobolan and even masteron come to mind. But I'm pretty biased against Tren because it made me feel like death each time I tried it
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