Foid blows her face off because Chad pumps and dumps her. So she gets a face transplant and descends several PSL levels instantly! [Brutal]



I always fail in this life
Oct 17, 2019

This slut blew her face off in an attempt to rope due to depression from Chad leaving her. She instead survived due to a face transplant. Now she looks like a 70 year old fart.


Over for her. But, luckily for her, she’s a female so she can get dick no matter what. A lot of guys would fuck that creature. If that was a man, he’d be better off jumping through the hospital window to his death after the transplant and finishing what he started.
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and still has more smv than this whole forum combined
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  • Hmm...
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  • Hmm...
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lol what a stupid whore! Hashtag #deserved!
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lol what a stupid whore! Hashtag #deserved!
An easy way to fuck that abomination is to print out her old face and glue that shit to her skull as you fuck her so you can feel like you’re fucking a normal person.
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From infinite SMV to unlimited SMV
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This slut blew her face off in an attempt to rope due to depression from Chad leaving her. She instead survived due to a face transplant. Now she looks like a 70 year old fart.


Over for her. But, luckily for her, she’s a female so she can get dick no matter what. A lot of guys would fuck that creature. If that was a man, he’d be better off jumping through the hospital window to his death after the transplant and finishing what he started.

I thought the whole pump and dump narrative was just op larping, but if you actually watch the video you realize that's exactly what happened. Got broken up with (she wasn't the one who did the dumping, so you know it's chad) and decided to end things because there's no point in living if you're dating average dudes.
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in an attempt to rope due to depression from Chad leaving her
Can you imagine you're so good looking that you can cause this kind of reaction in women who you pump and dump, who you cum and go?

This was filmed in 2018, she exploded her face at 18-years-old, and she's 28-years-old today. She said that she "wants to get married and start a family", but imagine you're married to that. Sorry to say it, but no man above 3PSL gonna put a ring on it. A woman's attractiveness is that she has (albeit, women are attractive from like a 3/10 and can use makeup).

She's going to have to live with that shit face for the rest of her life. Any hope she had of getting another Chad is probably out of the window. Imagine you're an above average looking, prime-aged (18yo) foid. What concoction of hormones would have convinced her that the correct course of action is to flush all that privilege down the toilet?

Brutal. She exploded her maxilla so hard that in the recreations of her injuries, the ethmoid bone is visible. At that point, you'd have wished that the gun's barrel was angled just a little lower so it also blows a hole through the front of your brain and kills you.

Quotes from Katie's mother
It was hard. I grieved her old face to be honest

I can't find any followup on this story. Makes sense, why would you ever put that face on the internet? No doubt she deleted her Instagram account.

And a lot of forum members would smash her...
You gotta do what you gotta do. No shame in it amen.
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Can you imagine you're so good looking that you can cause this kind of reaction in women who you pump and dump, who you cum and go?

This was filmed in 2018, she exploded her face at 18-years-old, and she's 28-years-old today. She said that she "wants to get married and start a family", but imagine you're married to that. Sorry to say it, but no man above 3PSL gonna put a ring on it. A woman's attractiveness is that she has (albeit, women are attractive from like a 3/10 and can use makeup).

She's going to have to live with that shit face for the rest of her life. Any hope she had of getting another Chad is probably out of the window. Imagine you're an above average looking, prime-aged (18yo) foid. What concoction of hormones would have convinced her that the correct course of action is to flush all that privilege down the toilet?

Brutal. She exploded her maxilla so hard that in the recreations of her injuries, the ethmoid bone is visible. At that point, you'd have wished that the gun's barrel was angled just a little lower so it also blows a hole through the front of your brain and kills you.

Quotes from Katie's mother

I can't find any followup on this story. Makes sense, why would you ever put that face on the internet? No doubt she deleted her Instagram account.

You gotta do what you gotta do. No shame in it amen.
The most surprising thing is a women doing this. She had endless options before. Could have easily found another chad. Instead she opted for for suicide.
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The most surprising thing is a women doing this. She had endless options before. Could have easily found another chad. Instead she opted for for suicide.
imagine rolling life on easy mode and still blowing your fucking face off at the first inconvinience jfl
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  • JFL
Reactions: <6PSLcel, Vermilioncore and AscensionMan98
Can you imagine you're so good looking that you can cause this kind of reaction in women who you pump and dump, who you cum and go?

This was filmed in 2018, she exploded her face at 18-years-old, and she's 28-years-old today. She said that she "wants to get married and start a family", but imagine you're married to that. Sorry to say it, but no man above 3PSL gonna put a ring on it. A woman's attractiveness is that she has (albeit, women are attractive from like a 3/10 and can use makeup).

She's going to have to live with that shit face for the rest of her life. Any hope she had of getting another Chad is probably out of the window. Imagine you're an above average looking, prime-aged (18yo) foid. What concoction of hormones would have convinced her that the correct course of action is to flush all that privilege down the toilet?

Brutal. She exploded her maxilla so hard that in the recreations of her injuries, the ethmoid bone is visible. At that point, you'd have wished that the gun's barrel was angled just a little lower so it also blows a hole through the front of your brain and kills you.

Quotes from Katie's mother

I can't find any followup on this story. Makes sense, why would you ever put that face on the internet? No doubt she deleted her Instagram account.

You gotta do what you gotta do. No shame in it amen.
Can't see the face if you hit from behind
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I thought the whole pump and dump narrative was just op larping, but if you actually watch the video you realize that's exactly what happened. Got broken up with (she wasn't the one who did the dumping, so you know it's chad) and decided to end things because there's no point in living if you're dating average dudes.
@lasackro said it well. For women average guys is like having a pizza w bird shit as a topping
Can't see the face if you hit from behind
But if she turns around to give me a sultry look I’ll be scared to see that creature. It’ll be like fucking Freddy Krueger from behind
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Genes are the same
hahaha there are motherfucking fucking face transplants but no fix for acne scars

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