For immediate release: Some Chemicals and their Effect on insulin sensitivity [dedsrs suifuel] [Heightmaxxers and roidcels gtfih]

Extra Chromosome

Extra Chromosome

Nov 20, 2018
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden, after studying this effect in mice and in human islet cells, hypothesized that melatonin supplementation would produce different effects on insulin and blood sugar regulation in humans depending on whether they carry the G-allele.
all of the subjects were told to take 4 mg of melatonin every night for three months. This is a relatively common dose taken by people to assist with sleep onset, and this amount is readily available over the counter at drugstores in the US. Their baseline melatonin levels were measured at 16-25 pg / ml. The study does not indicate at what time these measurements were drawn, but it seems likely that this was at some point during the day.

At the end of the 3-month regimen, melatonin levels were measured in response to the 4 mg of melatonin. As one would expect based on previous research, peak plasma levels vastly exceeded the normal physiological range in both groups.

However, the risk variant carriers had 76% higher levels than non-carriers: 510 pg / ml versus 289 pg / ml, respectively.
^ People carrying the G-allele are more fucked when taking melatonin. But both carriers and non carriers are fucked
In a study comparing two different doses of melatonin (4 mg versus 0.4 mg), participants who were assigned the 4 mg dose saw their melatonin levels rise 65-fold higher than normal peak levels! And those levels remained elevated (above 50 pg / ml) for approximately ten hours after oral administration. This means that if you took 4 mg of melatonin at midnight, you would still have higher-than-normal levels through the morning – and with that comes the suppression of insulin and disturbed glucose metabolism. One would assume that this effect would be significantly amplified in people with the risk gene variant.
^ solution is mentioned in the article tho.

At physiological levels, testosterone and oestradiol are thought to be involved in maintaining normal insulin sensitivity. However, outside this 'physiological window' these steroids may promote insulin resistance. Considerable research has been carried out on polycystic ovarian syndrome, a common disorder associated with excessive androgen production and insulin resistance.

This article on rats beg to differ.

However, This article on nandrolone agrees with the messed up insulin metabolism.

Yet again, a counter argument.
Over a wide range of doses, including those associated with significant gains in fat-free mass and muscle size, T had no adverse effect on insulin sensitivity, plasma lipids, apolipoproteins, or C-reactive protein. Only the highest dose of T (600 mg/wk) was associated with a reduction in plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-I.
I would take what this ^ article says tho tbh ngl. But I will include roids just in case. Most likely they're fine at sane doses.

The majority of studies have also reported a rise in fasting blood glucose.
As it is also known that even minor reductions in insulin sensitivity may be associated with a clinically significant increase in cardiovascular risk,
dedsrs LDAR

Fasting blood glucose level increased an average of 0.3 mmol/L (5 mg/dL) in the MK-677 group (P = 0.015), and insulin sensitivity decreased
fkn hell.

Aromatase inhibitors:
Aromatase inhibition reduces insulin sensitivity

Anti-psychotics (Most fucked up of all):
metabolic side effects, including obesity and diabetes.

Image result for cage laughing gif

brb on mk677
brb on letrozole
brb on antipsychotics

Just fuck muh shit up. I am guaranteed to be diabetic after this run ngl.

Nature wants to fuck you in the angus if you try to ascend tbh ngl.
Image result for lol gif

tldr: the components above decrease insulin sensitivity which raises your chances of getting diabetes.

ffs for immediate release as I don't want anyone not knowing what could happen dedlysrs.

tagging who may be concerned

@jefferson @CupOfCoffee @Wincel @Madness @axe624 @Bluepill @dodt @kobecel @The Dude Abides
Image result for lol gif

Forgive me mein niggers.

Reaction GIF: crying, sad

Solutions include: fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium,cinnamon, beta glucans, resveratrol, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea.

Ostarine also helps.

Ketogenic diet helps.

Curcumin also helps.

Personally considering hopping on curcumin srs.

This article is also legit.

Report ovER.
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  • +1
  • WTF
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Reactions: Deleted member 6403, Deleted member 7785, Kilimanjaro and 20 others
ded srs??

Its over for aromatase inhibitor users because thats what you usually have to pair with if you are running shit.

it is over.
  • +1
Reactions: Einon, Bluepill and kobecel
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Reactions: Bluepill and Extra Chromosome
I thought it was common knowledge that gh causes insulin desensitization. That’s why body builders stack it with insulin
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1849, randomguy1235, Deleted member 685 and 3 others
Already at high risk of diabetes, it's over.

Solutions include: fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium,cinnamon, beta glucans, resveratrol, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea.

Ostarine also helps.

Ketogenic diet helps.

Curcumin also helps.

Personally considering hopping on curcumin srs.
Getting lean (10-12%) will help insulin sensitivity as well.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome and kobecel
This is why I'm worried about mk 677. Half of my family is prediabetic
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome and kobecel
outside this 'physiological window'

what levels of test are meant?

tbh 200 mg of test will put you in the higher level
and I probably only need a very small dose of AI if any
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
it is over.
Over ded srs
I thought it was common knowledge that gh causes insulin desensitization. That’s why body builders stack it with insulin
Yeah, but I wanted the guide to be for people of all levels of knowledge. Im sure no one thought about mk677 or AIs.
Getting lean (10-12%) will help insulin sensitivity as well.
Image result for jesse crying gif

It does, but not for people taking jew pills. I take the worst jew pill of them all as well jfl.
  • JFL
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over for @Nibba
  • +1
Reactions: fobos and Extra Chromosome
what levels of test are meant?

tbh 200 mg of test will put you in the higher level
and I probably only need a very small dose of AI if any
Superphysiological levels are 1000+ iirc.
tldr: its over
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and Extra Chromosome
Looksmaxing is a shit move for those who plan to live past 30. You want hair? Give up dick or skin. You want gains? Diabetes. Want thick neck? Sleep apnea. Want jaw gains? Here's tmj instead.
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 6403, Deleted member 1973, RAITEIII and 5 others
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Deleted member 1774, ZyzzReincarnate and 2 others

Over ded srs

Yeah, but I wanted the guide to be for people of all levels of knowledge. Im sure no one thought about mk677 or AIs.

Image result for jesse crying gif

It does, but not for people taking jew pills. I take the worst jew pill of them all as well jfl.
I knew, Seth the Spartan is a great drug information source
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Looksmaxing is a shit move for those who plan to live past 30. You want hair? Give up dick or skin. You want gains? Diabetes. Want thick neck? Sleep apnea. Want jaw gains? Here's tmj instead.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, kobecel and fobos
Looksmaxing is a shit move for those who plan to live past 30. You want hair? Give up dick or skin. You want gains? Diabetes. Want thick neck? Sleep apnea. Want jaw gains? Here's tmj instead.
  • +1
Reactions: jefferson, fobos and Extra Chromosome

Even the slightest chance I had for ascension will get me diabeetus

How bad is diabetes really? I often read that it's manageble with meds, insulin and keto but I know so many personal cases where people had to cut off their legs or were on dialysis. Seems worse than cancer.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and Extra Chromosome
Related image

How bad is diabetes really? I often read that it's manageble with meds, insulin and keto but I know so many personal cases where people had to cut off their legs or were on dialysis. Seems worse than caner.
I don't want to go out with insulin vials at the age of 18.
Grandma is diabetic and had shit ton of pills other than insulin.
  • +1
Reactions: fobos and kobecel
I'm literally shaking righ now tbh

inb4 soy cuck
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
ded srs??

Its over for aromatase inhibitor users because thats what you usually have to pair with if you are running shit.

it is over.
Lol don't worry about that. Estrogen improves insulin sensitivity, that's one of the reasons higher estrogen is great for putting on mass. The reason that study showed reduced insulin sensitivity is because when you give a bunch of natties a whole bunch of arimidex they are going to crash their estrogen (which plays an important role in insulin sensitivity).

It's not the AI itself but rather the lowered estrogen.
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife, kobecel and Extra Chromosome
brb on mk677
brb on letrozole
brb on antipsychotics

Just fuck muh shit up. I am guaranteed to be diabetic after this run ngl.

You could take metformin. But then that's just one more drug with more side effects.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
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I don't want to go out with insulin vials at the age of 18.
Grandma is diabetic and had shit ton of pills other than insulin.
Get on metformin?
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and Extra Chromosome
Lol don't worry about that. Estrogen improves insulin sensitivity, that's one of the reasons higher estrogen is great for putting on mass. The reason that study showed reduced insulin sensitivity is because when you give a bunch of natties a whole bunch of arimidex they are going to crash their estrogen (which plays an important role in insulin sensitivity).

It's not the AI itself but rather the lowered estrogen.
Tbh many guys on roids nuke their estrogen as soon they get any symptoms of gyno
  • +1
Reactions: jefferson and Extra Chromosome
What if u just inject and eat zero carb.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Whatever, I'd rather be diabetic than a manlet .
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: MentalistKebab, Deleted member 1973, Vishnuk and 3 others
Everything is cope
But might as well go on a ketogenic diet

I don't really want diabetes
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
so... how to heightmax?
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Whatever, I'd rather be diabetic than a manlet .
That’s implying you’re not a closed platelet and the heightmaxxing actually works
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and Extra Chromosome

^ People carrying the G-allele are more fucked when taking melatonin. But both carriers and non carriers are fucked

^ solution is mentioned in the article tho.



This article on rats beg to differ.

However, This article on nandrolone agrees with the messed up insulin metabolism.

Yet again, a counter argument.

I would take what this ^ article says tho tbh ngl. But I will include roids just in case. Most likely they're fine at sane doses.



dedsrs LDAR


fkn hell.

Aromatase inhibitors:

Anti-psychotics (Most fucked up of all):

Image result for cage laughing gif

brb on mk677
brb on letrozole
brb on antipsychotics

Just fuck muh shit up. I am guaranteed to be diabetic after this run ngl.

Nature wants to fuck you in the angus if you try to ascend tbh ngl.
Image result for lol gif

tldr: the components above decrease insulin sensitivity which raises your chances of getting diabetes.

ffs for immediate release as I don't want anyone not knowing what could happen dedlysrs.

tagging who may be concerned

@jefferson @CupOfCoffee @Wincel @Madness @axe624 @Bluepill @dodt @kobecel @The Dude Abides
Image result for lol gif

Forgive me mein niggers.

Reaction GIF: crying, sad

Solutions include: fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium,cinnamon, beta glucans, resveratrol, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea.

Ostarine also helps.

Ketogenic diet helps.

Curcumin also helps.

Personally considering hopping on curcumin srs.

This article is also legit.

Report ovER.

what age were the participants used in the study tho? Where they all boomers tf? If ur gonna heightmaxx at 15-18 won't ur body react better to whatever symptoms the drugs u take. Still tho diabetes is a good price to pay to get over 5'6
Do peptides affect blood sugar levels
I can't find data. But they are most likely safe.

GHS like mk677 and cjc DAC version are likely to raise resistance tho.
  • +1
Reactions: fobos
Was thinking about this thread and I realized that in the melatonin study, the participants were told to take melatonin every night for 3 months straight. What if you cycled it rather than taking it every night, so let’s say you take it for a week then don’t take it for a week. This would surely affect the outcome no?
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Was thinking about this thread and I realized that in the melatonin study, the participants were told to take melatonin every night for 3 months straight. What if you cycled it rather than taking it every night, so let’s say you take it for a week then don’t take it for a week. This would surely affect the outcome no?
They didn't mention single-dose effects. So can't say really.

However, they talk about better feeding patterns.

One might reasonably speculate, from these findings, that eating when melatonin levels are relatively high – while your pancreatic beta cells are functionally “sleeping” – could result in even more pronounced disturbance of blood glucose regulation.

This may partially explain why late night eating has been found to be associated with high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and why feeding a person a meal at 10:30pm results in prolonged high blood sugar and elevated 24 hr blood glucose levels.

However, this effect may also extend beyond just eating late at night – if you are using melatonin supplements. As we established above, elevated melatonin levels (and consequently inhibited insulin response) that result from melatonin supplementation can linger for ten hours. This could interfere with appropriate insulin response during breakfast the next morning.

This means that if you have the diabetes risk allele, you might consider eating dinner early. And, if you supplement with melatonin, you may want to ensure that you take the supplement a couple of hours after your last meal.
This could help pretty well.
I can't find data. But they are most likely safe.

GHS like mk677 and cjc DAC version are likely to raise resistance tho.
I can't find data. But they are most likely safe.

GHS like mk677 and cjc DAC version are likely to raise resistance tho.
you're telling me that fucking peptides are better? Should I just use an AI till I can afford it at 18?
  • +1
Reactions: Alexanderr
Bruh, there’s several people in my family with diabetes. This actually might increase the chances of me getting it. It’s fucking over. Brutal, brutal fucking world. :woke:
It seems I won’t live to see past 40.
  • JFL
Reactions: ElliotRodgerJr
Shit... i need mk677, i HAVE to grow.

Let's get rid of sugar...

^ People carrying the G-allele are more fucked when taking melatonin. But both carriers and non carriers are fucked

^ solution is mentioned in the article tho.



This article on rats beg to differ.

However, This article on nandrolone agrees with the messed up insulin metabolism.

Yet again, a counter argument.

I would take what this ^ article says tho tbh ngl. But I will include roids just in case. Most likely they're fine at sane doses.



dedsrs LDAR


fkn hell.

Aromatase inhibitors:

Anti-psychotics (Most fucked up of all):

Image result for cage laughing gif

brb on mk677
brb on letrozole
brb on antipsychotics

Just fuck muh shit up. I am guaranteed to be diabetic after this run ngl.

Nature wants to fuck you in the angus if you try to ascend tbh ngl.
Image result for lol gif

tldr: the components above decrease insulin sensitivity which raises your chances of getting diabetes.

ffs for immediate release as I don't want anyone not knowing what could happen dedlysrs.

tagging who may be concerned

@jefferson @CupOfCoffee @Wincel @Madness @axe624 @Bluepill @dodt @kobecel @The Dude Abides
Image result for lol gif

Forgive me mein niggers.

Reaction GIF: crying, sad

Solutions include: fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium,cinnamon, beta glucans, resveratrol, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea.

Ostarine also helps.

Ketogenic diet helps.

Curcumin also helps.

Personally considering hopping on curcumin srs.

This article is also legit.

Report ovER.
Just took some melatonin and I can feel my cortisol levels spiking, fuaaaark.
Was reading about the anti-psychotics earlier too. The reason for weight-gain on olanzapine, quetiapine etc is unknown but they definitely impact your body's ability to regulate carbs and sugars and somehow causing insulin resistance. It might be due to low levels of CYP1a2. Imma read the above article now.
I suppose this is something to pay attention to before you start or while you’re heightmaxxing.
Your chances of getting diabetes are higher. :feelswah:
Clown world we live in. ?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685

^ People carrying the G-allele are more fucked when taking melatonin. But both carriers and non carriers are fucked

^ solution is mentioned in the article tho.



This article on rats beg to differ.

However, This article on nandrolone agrees with the messed up insulin metabolism.

Yet again, a counter argument.

I would take what this ^ article says tho tbh ngl. But I will include roids just in case. Most likely they're fine at sane doses.



dedsrs LDAR


fkn hell.

Aromatase inhibitors:

Anti-psychotics (Most fucked up of all):

Image result for cage laughing gif

brb on mk677
brb on letrozole
brb on antipsychotics

Just fuck muh shit up. I am guaranteed to be diabetic after this run ngl.

Nature wants to fuck you in the angus if you try to ascend tbh ngl.
Image result for lol gif

tldr: the components above decrease insulin sensitivity which raises your chances of getting diabetes.

ffs for immediate release as I don't want anyone not knowing what could happen dedlysrs.

tagging who may be concerned

@jefferson @CupOfCoffee @Wincel @Madness @axe624 @Bluepill @dodt @kobecel @The Dude Abides
Image result for lol gif

Forgive me mein niggers.

Reaction GIF: crying, sad

Solutions include: fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium,cinnamon, beta glucans, resveratrol, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea.

Ostarine also helps.

Ketogenic diet helps.

Curcumin also helps.

Personally considering hopping on curcumin srs.

This article is also legit.

Report ovER.
wtf is this bullcrap about just do keto
In the days after I took DNP I was extremely sensitive to insulin and I could eat tons of carbs and they'd all be stored as glycogen or used as energy. It was so hard to get fat from eating carbs even like 2-3 weeks after the DNP was out of my system. DNP messes with the citric acid cycle and causes proton leakage at the mitochondria, expelling the energy as heat rather than powering the mitochondria like it should so the body can efficiently use energy. I had a theory that insulin sensitivity/resistance is determined by whether or not you have a medium-chain acyl Coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD), and to what extent. MCADD has been proven to be inherited and not many people have a severe deficiency but the majority of people don't have high CoA levels. Some people genetically have more CoA than others and that could be what causes some people to be genetically more insulin sensitive than others. CoA is responsible for converting pyruvates into citrate so CoA is essentially the enzyme that starts the citric acid cycle where energy is created through carbohydrate metabolism. Pantothenic acid (vitamin b5) in megadoses of 20G+ per day has proven to increase levels of CoA in the body, and cleared up acne for many people who experimented, which is really weird. I see no mechanical reason why higher CoA should clear skin so maybe the b5 is doing something else to clear the acne. Anyways, insulin sensitivity/resistance is inherited through MCADD and the degree of your deficiency. My DNP experience was really weird because I'm pretty sure the DNP was only making my body inefficient at using energy by obstructing adenosine phosphates from binding to the mitochondria. So if MCADD is to blame for our degree of insulin sensitivity, then I'm not sure what DNP was doing to make my body so insulin sensitive. Maybe it was converting pyruvates into citrate through some other mechanism created by itself, or maybe DNP increased CoA, or increased CoA's efficiency at converting...

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