former incels who are now not, what did you exactly do?



Swallow the duginpill
Apr 3, 2022
title title title
Gymcelling, hair, eyebrow, diet, SOCIAL EXPOSURE but I had a good base
shower, haircut, blue eye contacts and total facial reconstruction
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard, TheAbyssinian, GetShrekt and 3 others
shower, haircut, blue eye contacts and total facial reconstruction
Did you litteraly not take shower before? What did you exactly do tp your face?
hairmax healthmax brainmax socialmax
I was incel, they I wasn't anymore, then I became one again...

Back in high-school I considered myself an intellectual, a thinker, I had great plans for my future and spent my time studying, reading, educating myself in science, technology, art, philosophy, etc., I considered girls a waste of time, didn't even acknowledge them, and I was also mostly invisible to them.

In college I had some sort of sexual awakening, and suddenly I became hugely interested in girls, but I was completely socially inept, I had no idea what to say to them, what to even talk about with girls, I spent most of my time with nerds discussing science, tech, video games, science-fiction, etc...I then searched online "how to seduce girls" or something like that and discovered the PUA community with tons of books, guides, forums with people discussing strategies and their success stories. I immersed myself completely in this world for several months, read like 100 books and guides and acquired a great deal of knowledge. I quit my college since I studied math and the place was filled mostly with nerds, and joined another one where the girls were the majority. I went in guns blazing, used all I've learned, approached many girls, dated some of them, but it was pretty difficult because I got rejected a lot. Had a gf for a few weeks, than I orbited another girl for like 2 years and finally we became a couple. I then lived happily for another two years, having regular sex, and a group of college friends, with whom we went out, had fun, went to parties, trips, etc...

College then was over, my friends returned to their towns and suddenly I was left almost alone, with no social circle, just me and my gf - no more parties, trips, fun, etc. I had no idea what to do, how do you even get a new social circle of friends to have fun with, and my gf left me afteral several months because of boredom, all we did now was meet at my house once a week for sex and that was it...
I went back to studying PUA again, then went out and approached some more, both in real life and online. I had some luck at first, but then it quickly dried out and experienced just one rejection after another, until I finally gave up...
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard and MagaPutinism
Can you explain, how did you brain maxx?
get a couple of really good degrees, be really invested in my job (working with new science and using it do directly inform international governance and the future of humanity), be interested in things like history, architecture, philosophy, meditate. i’m usually the most interesting person in the room just by chatting about my work, hobbies and interests. people are drawn to that. sounds narcy but it contributes massively to my social confidence/self assertion and that gets you laid. meditation and peace of my mind i.e. not anxious and depressed is also really important, exercise helps this too.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8608
Shower, haircut, gym and worked on my personality because I did not want to remain a toxic incel mysoginist
99% of the people that claim to not be incels anymore are still incel
Most of the people here are under 18 and virgins so they count themselves as incel. You cannot be an incel under the age of 18, faggots aren't even finished puberty and are saying shit like 'its over' jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard and MagaPutinism
Exist, that's all I literally had to do, also I was at the right place and the right time and ended up dating a chick

Only lasted about 28 days tho :feelswhat:

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