Forward Growth *2 pic inside*



Oct 22, 2019
Is it even really possible? My chin kinda small and recessed Is there any techniques or appliances or ANYTHING that can be done to enhance forward growth besides surgery? And if surgery is the only way what would you recommend?? Surgery wouldn't be my favorite obviously but hey you gotta do what you gotta do, is noticeable forward growth really possible or am I just a dipshit? Any insight would be appreciated thank you
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Is it even really possible? My chin kinda small and recessed Is there any techniques or appliances or ANYTHING that can be done to enhance forward growth besides surgery? And if surgery is the only way what would you recommend?? Surgery wouldn't be my favorite obviously but hey you gotta do what you gotta do, is noticeable forward growth really possible or am I just a dipshit? Any insight would be appreciated thank you

-Fix posture (oral and outer)
-Go to dentist
90% of the forum ascends

you probably have some sort of oral condition that can be fixed with aligners/braces. If its width you have MSE for minimal change. For forward growth you have FAGA. This is all cope till you have perfect posture though.
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Fix your posture and build a face puller
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If youre above 18 surgery
Depends on what your case is though, its not one size fits all
Would need pics

Mew, fix posture, chew, and facepull
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-Fix posture (oral and outer)
-Go to dentist
90% of the forum ascends

you probably have some sort of oral condition that can be fixed with aligners/braces. If its width you have MSE for minimal change. For forward growth you have FAGA. This is all cope till you have perfect posture though.
This is great thank you. What does full tounge posture and outer posture entail? I've been tryin mewing but it's hard for me to breath and keep it going for extended periods. Also which would you recommend first FAGA then MSE or MSE then FAGA? I thought that Ronald guy everyone loves so much said FAGA was a bad idea? Honestly most people on this forum probably know more than me so idk
Fix your posture and build a face puller
I thought the facepuller was cope? It's really worked for people?
If youre above 18 surgery
Depends on what your case is though, its not one size fits all
Would need pics

Mew, fix posture, chew, and facepull
I'll be 23 in May smh. What surgeries would you recommend? I have a shitty phone now since I was in a bad wreck and I don't have imgur. I'm not butt ugly but I got an overbite i think


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This is great thank you. What does full tounge posture and outer posture entail? I've been tryin mewing but it's hard for me to breath and keep it going for extended periods. Also which would you recommend first FAGA then MSE or MSE then FAGA? I thought that Ronald guy everyone loves so much said FAGA was a bad idea? Honestly most people on this forum probably know more than me so idk

I thought the facepuller was cope? It's really worked for people?
Warrior Skull is unattainable without perfect posture. Oral posture just means you naturally rest your tongue on your palate (keeps you from having a gizzard) and Swallow correctly (swooping motion). Spinal posture matters so your top vertebrae/atlas doesn't crane forward. Having better posture improves so many things that It's essential. Go for width before forward growth, reason being is that most people have misaligned bites and expansion can fix things like TMJ/TMD and also give wider smiles and correct noses. Pretty sure you can get both at the same time. Very expensive though, which is why I say start small with expanding the palate and fixing posture
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How old?
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Warrior Skull is unattainable without perfect posture. Oral posture just means you naturally rest your tongue on your palate (keeps you from having a gizzard) and Swallow correctly (swooping motion). Spinal posture matters so your top vertebrae/atlas doesn't crane forward. Having better posture improves so many things that It's essential. Go for width before forward growth, reason being is that most people have misaligned bites and expansion can fix things like TMJ/TMD and also give wider smiles and correct noses. Pretty sure you can get both at the same time. Very expensive though, which is why I say start small with expanding the palate and fixing posture
So MSE for width should be done first? I've done some research into it and it is expensive for sure but I'm a year from graduation and I'll be able to afford it once I get a good job I think. And I really do appreciate the information about all the correct posture are there any videos or articles or maybe other threads you could link me to that go into detail about how to properly achieve all this so I'll be able to start applying immediately ?
I'll be 23 in May :/
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Need pics or nothing useful can be said
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Need pics or nothing useful can be said
Is the pic I posted not showing for you? I see in this thread but maybe only I can see it cause it's my thread? Weird
Everyone's in my thread buy nobody has anything of value to contribute? I know I'm ugly but I'm 6'2 and I feel if I get swole and grow out my facial hair and get that forward growth I can ascend. We're all gonna ascend boys


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Is the pic I posted not showing for you? I see in this thread but maybe only I can see it cause it's my thread? Weird
Everyone's in my thread buy nobody has anything of value to contribute? I know I'm ugly but I'm 6'2 and I feel if I get swole and grow out my facial hair and get that forward growth I can ascend. We're all gonna ascend boys

You look normie tier to me, in a group picture you wont stand out in either a good or bad way. Since your 6ft2 and your face is pretty masculine, your best chance is to get jacked in the gym and have a masculine presence (also tan, that could help you a lot).

You have no big failos in your face, which means no one surgery will boost you much. Surgery is best for people who have legit below average features which bring them down. You need softmaxxing, which is lucky because its much cheaper and easier.
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You look normie tier to me, in a group picture you wont stand out in either a good or bad way. Since your 6ft2 and your face is pretty masculine, your best chance is to get jacked in the gym and have a masculine presence (also tan, that could help you a lot).

You have no big failos in your face, which means no one surgery will boost you much. Surgery is best for people who have legit below average features which bring them down. You need softmaxxing, which is lucky because its much cheaper and easier.
I appreciate the feedback bro honestly. I want to get jacked and tan for sure that's step 1. I Have a lot of native American in me, my Mom's dad is full blooded and my Dads grandfather is also full blooded yet I'm so pale haha. I was still considering FAGGA and MSE cause why not I want to look like the absolute best version of myself might as well right? Really appreciate the feedback, do you have any opinion on MSE or FAGGA and is mewing fr in your opinion or cope?
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I appreciate the feedback bro honestly. I want to get jacked and tan for sure that's step 1. I Have a lot of native American in me, my Mom's dad is full blooded and my Dads grandfather is also full blooded yet I'm so pale haha. I was still considering FAGGA and MSE cause why not I want to look like the absolute best version of myself might as well right? Really appreciate the feedback, do you have any opinion on MSE or FAGGA and is mewing fr in your opinion or cope?
MSE is legit. Combined with face pulling you can achieve lateral and forward expansion
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MSE is legit. Combined with face pulling you can achieve lateral and forward expansion
How do u combine the two? I've seen this forum is very split on facepulling is there any article(s) or other threads you could point me to that go into how to properly do all this in detail?
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I appreciate the feedback bro honestly. I want to get jacked and tan for sure that's step 1. I Have a lot of native American in me, my Mom's dad is full blooded and my Dads grandfather is also full blooded yet I'm so pale haha. I was still considering FAGGA and MSE cause why not I want to look like the absolute best version of myself might as well right? Really appreciate the feedback, do you have any opinion on MSE or FAGGA and is mewing fr in your opinion or cope?

I honestly have no clue, my situation is that I'm so recessed only Lefort 1 and BSSO jaw advancement can save me, so I never bothered looking into MSE. If research that and its not risky or something and you can afford it, I guess why not? Looks are the best thing to invest it, at any looks level, a +1 improves your life tremendously.
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My man! Get MSE then use facepuller? I saw 1 thread ppl were saying it made their neck and jaw hurt and didn't do much for them but I'll try anything once
You can combine the two. MSE can serve as a base to hook up to the face mask itself, it’s literally a facepuller
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I honestly have no clue, my situation is that I'm so recessed only Lefort 1 and BSSO jaw advancement can save me, so I never bothered looking into MSE. If research that and its not risky or something and you can afford it, I guess why not? Looks are the best thing to invest it, at any looks level, a +1 improves your life tremendously.
You're real. PM me a picture of you bro. You don't have to but I've noticed a trend that a lot of ppl on these type of forums are too hard on themselves. I just have a gut feeling you might be judging your looks too harshly
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In what sleeping position were you sleeping in in your youth?
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You can combine the two. MSE can serve as a base to hook up to the face mask itself, it’s literally a facepuller
Fuckin wild. I shouldn't tell whoever I get the MSE done by that I'm attaching some shit to it to pull my face though right haha. Imma look more into it thanks again!
In what sleeping position were you sleeping in in your youth?
Is that really important? Don't remember real young but since high school I've been a side sleeper mostly. I used to sleep like a baby but I lost some ppl and it fucked me up so I deal w insomnia a bit now it's fucked. I do know deep sleep is really important though
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You're real. PM me a picture of you bro. You don't have to but I've noticed a trend that a lot of ppl on these type of forums are too hard on themselves. I just have a gut feeling you might be judging your looks too harshly

I wont put my picture online but heres a rough outline of my side profile from the forehead down


My chin and jaw are set quite far back behind my mouth, this needs jaw surgery only. Under my neck there is fat even though I am low body fat, because the jaw isn't forward enough to stretch the skin. Luckily I almost have enough saved up now :)
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I wont put my picture online but heres a rough outline of my side profile from the forehead down


My chin and jaw are set quite far back behind my mouth, this needs jaw surgery only. Under my neck there is fat even though I am low body fat, because the jaw isn't forward enough to stretch the skin. Luckily I almost have enough saved up now :)
Yeah that's not a great profile I won't lie to you. Have you tried gymmaxxing and tanning yourself? Dudes who get super in shape and athletic always develop better side profiles. Also, I'm a student at Clemson univ. one of the most popular colleges right now and I've seen first hand dudes with bad faces but they have muscles and nice beards and they always pull bitches. Either way glad to hear you're almost saved up, do what makes you feel better
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Yeah that's not a great profile I won't lie to you. Have you tried gymmaxxing and tanning yourself? Dudes who get super in shape and athletic always develop better side profiles. Also, I'm a student at Clemson univ. one of the most popular colleges right now and I've seen first hand dudes with bad faces but they have muscles and nice beards and they always pull bitches. Either way glad to hear you're almost saved up, do what makes you feel better

Im already tanned but a framecel :lul:. My best chance is pretty boy maxing, but if I could choose Id rather be more masculine like you.

To me this is ideal, mascthetic, best of both worlds


Good luck with your looksmaxxing bro
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Im already tanned but a framecel :lul:. My best chance is pretty boy maxing, but if I could choose Id rather be more masculine like you.

To me this is ideal, mascthetic, best of both worlds


Good luck with your looksmaxxing bro
You too my guy!
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yeah growth hormone
Is that actually for real? What do I all have to take and how can I get it?
yes depending on the dose.
Acromegaly facial features

people with acromegaly have very high levels of growth hormone and common side effect is the enlargement of the jaw.
growth hormone is illegal and thus i think it would be difficult to find pure product. most legit stuff is loaded with heavy metals that didn't pass the pharma and were tossed aside to be sold illegally.
but there is good news. you can replicate growth hormone effects with peptides, namely CJC DAC and MK677.
these peptides are legal and less likely to be bad stuff.
you just have to find a reputable online seller in your country.
beware that it will not only grow your jaw in size, it will grow every other part of your body aswell.
good luck.
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yes depending on the dose.
View attachment 368565
people with acromegaly have very high levels of growth hormone and common side effect is the enlargement of the jaw.
growth hormone is illegal and thus i think it would be difficult to find pure product. most legit stuff is loaded with heavy metals that didn't pass the pharma and were tossed aside to be sold illegally.
but there is good news. you can replicate growth hormone effects with peptides, namely CJC DAC and MK677.
these peptides are legal and less likely to be bad stuff.
you just have to find a reputable online seller in your country.
beware that it will not only grow your jaw in size, it will grow every other part of your body aswell.
good luck.
Thank you!

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