Forward growth is a meme

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
You can look like a Greek god without significant forward growth
40ACD91500000578 0 image a 11 1495481463955

Brad Pitt Palm Film Festival


You can still look like an ogre with strong forward growth if you lack facial harmony

Harmony > eye area >>>>>>forward growth
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Cant agree more tbh. In most cases harmony requires forward growth tho.
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The first guy wouldn't look good if he didn't have the tattoos and if his eyes weren't blue.
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 19551, prgfromnl, Never_Began and 1 other person
Meeks is a balding subhuman tbh ngl
The first guy wouldn't look good if he didn't have the tattoos and if his eyes weren't blue.
His eyes halo him a lot but he has good bones too

Front > profile
His eyes halo him a lot but he has good bones too

Front > profile

He should rope immediately. A scumbag ex-gangster, ex-criminal, convicted felon, he should be electrocuted by Law.
His eyes halo him a lot but he has good bones too

Front > profile

Yeah of course his chin and cheeks are good looking no doubt. But the light blue eyes are HUGE for him.
He should rope immediately. A scumbag ex-gangster, ex-criminal, convicted felon, he should be electrocuted by Law.
Welcome to the modern western society
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Everyone from examples would still look better and haloed by forward growth. They are still ok without it though
Meeks is close to incel tier. Clearly not a meme. He is recessed and overrated.
You can look like a Greek god without significant forward growth
View attachment 8992
View attachment 8993
View attachment 8994

You can still look like an ogre with strong forward growth if you lack facial harmony
View attachment 8995

Harmony > eye area >>>>>>forward growth
looksmaxing blackpill
>upper eyelid exposure is a meme
>forward growth is a meme
>race is a meme
>the only thing which matters is facial harmony, which is that thing that makes you realize if a person is handsome in 1 second.
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Front for validation (Tinder Swipes, Kissing, Girls Smiling)
Profile for slaying IRL

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Reactions: Deleted member 22126, the next o'pry and Immanuel
Meeks is close to incel tier. Clearly not a meme. He is recessed and overrated.
E4E24EAB 8794 4EE9 BE0C A66E17C40614
FBEA84AB 1299 4517 8D21 0EFBE3A53A19
His chin is only slightly recessed, his big lips make it look more recessed then it is which is also why his bone structure looks insane in every other angle except profile
Front for validation (Tinder Swipes, Kissing, Girls Smiling)
Profile for slaying IRL

Why profile for slaying?
  • +1
Reactions: ErbCel
looksmaxing blackpill
>upper eyelid exposure is a meme
>forward growth is a meme
>race is a meme
>the only thing which matters is facial harmony, which is that thing that makes you realize if a person is handsome in 1 second.
Yeah an accurate rating takes milliseconds to give. Adjusting the rating for anythi g afterwards is a major cope. We know how to rate faces from birth in milliseconds.
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Meeks is close to incel tier. Clearly not a meme. He is recessed and overrated.
Doesn’t matter what you or we think of him . Use him as a case study of how femoids went crazy after him and he is married to a billionaires daughter .
You can look like a Greek god without significant forward growth
View attachment 8992
View attachment 8993
View attachment 8994

You can still look like an ogre with strong forward growth if you lack facial harmony
View attachment 8995

Harmony > eye area >>>>>>forward growth
Hyper cope and circlejerk in this thread

The first three have FAR better maxilla than the last guy. The last guy has a downward grown maxilla resulting in his bloated face and overgrown chin. Meeks has a top tier maxilla you just picked a cherry picked picture lol. That's why his proportions are all compact and his maxilla and zygos are all sculpted. The other two have good maxillas and top tier eye areas
  • +1
Reactions: ErbCel
Meeks absolutely has a "subhuman" side profile by these site's standards. Side profile is a massive cope however and it doesn't matter. inb4: muh motion (3/4s is much better for this)
But why? What's the science behind this? Why are blue eyes considered more attractive
It gives a nice, natural contrast with some people's skin and hair color. For some people it just doesn't work though. Depend on the person
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I think it's cope to a certain extent, Chico for example has an average side profile and is still considered one of the most beautiful men of all time. How you look from the front or 2/3rd is definitely far more important. Problem is most people who are recessed also have flat cheekbones and bad eye area
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I think it's cope to a certain extent, Chico for example has an average side profile and is still considered one of the most beautiful men of all time. Problem is most people who are recessed have flat cheekbones and bad eye area as a result of it
a lot of people have good forward growth and shit eyes
a lot of people have good forward growth and shit eyes
Perhaps, but it's a lot more rare to see though isn't it? If your maxilla is forward grown usually you would be accompanied by good under eye support as a result of it. I think fat distribution around the under eye area also plays a huge role though. You can look semi-recessed in your side profile but if you are lean enough, have good fat distribution and good jaw/cheekbones and no uee it won't matter as much cause your front profile will still look good
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Meek's face is wonky as hell. He only looks epic in photos at certain angles.
Perhaps, but it's a lot more rare to see though isn't it? If your maxilla is forward grown usually you would be accompanied by good under eye support as a result of it. I think fat distribution around the under eye area also plays a huge role though. You can look semi-recessed in your side profile but if you are lean enough and have good jaw/cheekbones and no uee it won't matter as much cause your front profile will still look good
i'm recessed and have decent eye area and canthal tilt. i have very slight scleral show. maybe a better maxilla would get rid of that but overall canthal tilt and upper eyelid exposure are not determined by maxilla or under eye support.

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