France has fallen



Jul 13, 2023
In the last elections in the republic of France, the left, made up of environmentalists, socialists and communists, won (all the scum in the same party called the popular front). Immigrants have celebrated in the streets by putting up posters such as France for immigrants in historic buildings and in cities like paris or versailles, europe has never been so bad since a lot of time.


  • ssstik.io_@politicxdehoy_1720424102053.mp4
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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RN gained 40 something seats though.
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not enough brah
nigga what do you want? Them to instantly double in popularity? They were at 80 something before, they made a 50% gain.

This isn't a defeat for national rally like macronites and socialists say, it's a sign of RN becoming the head government next presidential election. Macron only won by like 5% last time.
Nuke europe before sandniggers take it.
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They have taken over years ago
In the last elections in the republic of France, the left, made up of environmentalists, socialists and communists, won (all the scum in the same party called the popular front). Immigrants have celebrated in the streets by putting up posters such as France for immigrants in historic buildings and in cities like paris or versailles, europe has never been so bad since a lot of time.
The fuck are they celebrating for? Not just them, but people in general when they act like this.

Another example is when a football team wins and their fans celebrate. As far as I know, this is called: living vicariously. Or is it the idea of being a part of something bigger than you?

Dunno, someone explain to me in fortnite terms. How can someone be so happy like them? How can one be so oblivious to the bigger picture?
It’s been over for a while now.
Liberalism took over years ago, you won’t ever see a free and nationalistic france again
The fuck are they celebrating for? Not just them, but people in general when they act like this.

Another example is when a football team wins and their fans celebrate. As far as I know, this is called: living vicariously. Or is it the idea of being a part of something bigger than you?

Dunno, someone explain to me in fortnite terms. How can someone be so happy like them? How can one be so oblivious to the bigger picture?

Like, how can you be so happy while balding, becoming a minority in your own country and probably being cucked by that guy on the left? He is probably an incel too, but somehow living his life and being in an euphoric state.
Allez le blues

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