Fucked a hooker type girl for free from Sugar daddy site. Don't feel any happier, still feel incel.



Jul 15, 2019
Hello guys.

I pretended to be a really rich guy on a sugar daddy site.

I got 150 numbers.

Every girl I came across was asking for money. I think only 1 wasn't on there for money and she ignored me.

So a hooker type girl initially wanted me to pay her.

She also had lots of instagram followers. Like 400k.

She wasn't the hottest girl but not one you would say no to.

Anyway out of the blue she wanted to fuck for free. I should be happy but I was nervous.

I booked a hotel.

Anyways the sex wasn't that good.

She was my first real lay and I couldn't get it up much.

Shes a drug addict, a bit of a nutter.

After she went to fuck another guy but he has to pay.

My mind is blown.

Also I don't feel any happier. It kind of feels empty. Don't really know why. I should be feeling on top of the world but I'm not. I think its because I missed out on young love. But pretending to be rich is useless and this was pure luck. I still feel incel because I don't know where my next lay will come from.

I can't believe this actually happened.
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Hello guys.

I pretended to be a really rich guy on a sugar daddy site.

I got 150 numbers.

Every girl I came across was asking for money. I think only 1 wasn't on there for money and she ignored me.

So a hooker type girl initially wanted me to pay her.

She also had lots of instagram followers. Like 400k.

She wasn't the hottest girl but not one you would say no to.

Anyway out of the blue she wanted to fuck for free. I should be happy but I was nervous.

I booked a hotel.

Anyways the sex wasn't that good.

She was my first real lay and I couldn't get it up much.

Shes a drug addict, a bit of a nutter.

After she went to fuck another guy but he has to pay.

My mind is blown.

Also I don't feel any happier. It kind of feels empty. Don't really know why. I should be feeling on top of the world but I'm not. I think its because I missed out on young love. But pretending to be rich is useless and this was pure luck. I still feel incel because I don't know where my next lay will come from.

I can't believe this actually happened.
Well theres no point in fucking a hooket
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