Fucking hate having a small frame



Jan 2, 2019
Bad face + bad frame is the ultimate failo. The only way it could be worse if I was also a manlet which thank god I am not.

Literally nobody will take you seriously if you have a small frame. There is actually this dude at work that is considerably shorter than me and also has mediocre frame and despite his face being being at least 5.5/10 (mine is like 4) I still mog him and don't feel any respect towards him (in fact I actually get outright annoyed if he tries to tell me what to do because I don't like being given orders by people who are smaller than me). Just lol at getting mogged by somebody like me just lol.

Actually, coming to think about it almost all of the male workers where I work (retail minimum wage work) except for the immigrants (none of whom can speak native) have incel level looks and or have shit frames and height. Just lol at thinking you are not a failure for working minimum wage jobs just lol almost all working class people are sub-humans basically.

But yea fuck having a small frame. It's even worse than being a manlet since at least manlets with large frames can get some respect unless they are literally midgets. Framecels aren't respected period.

Ib4 the gymcel horde.
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Bad face + bad frame is the ultimate failo. The only way it could be worse if I was also a manlet which thank god I am not.

Literally nobody will take you seriously if you have a small frame. There is actually this dude at work that is considerably shorter than me and also has mediocre frame and despite his face being being at least 5.5/10 (mine is like 4) I still mog him and don't feel any respect towards him (in fact I actually get outright annoyed if he tries to tell me what to do because I don't like being given orders by people who are smaller than me). Just lol at getting mogged by somebody like me just lol.

Actually, coming to think about it almost all of the male workers where I work (retail minimum wage work) except for the immigrants (none of whom can speak native) have incel level looks and or have shit frames and height. Just lol at thinking you are not a failure for working minimum wage jobs just lol almost all working class people are sub-humans basically.

But yea fuck having a small frame. It's even worse than being a manlet since at least manlets with large frames can get some respect unless they are literally midgets. Framecels aren't respected period.

Ib4 the gymcel horde.

yea ur a genetic trash thats why
If your 4/10 that means that your eiher A: not trying hard enough or B: super genetically cursed and when i mean that i mean someone like that legendary black ops dude. Now about the whole frame thing, Hit the gym and train your back and shoulders. The fact that your not a manlet already gives an advantage over the rest.
If your 4/10 that means that your eiher A: not trying hard enough or B: super genetically cursed

I won't say that I am "super" genetically cursed, but I have very shitty genetics by the standards of any ordinary person. When I said I was framecel that was actually a bit of a lie because it's actually even worse than that. I have what is basically a reverse V shape, or that is my upper body consists of small bones and limited muscle (my palms are almost smaller than my mother's) and yet I also have large leg bones and a big butt. It's like I was born into a female body except I am a man. It just looks utterly horrendous. I will NEVER have a good looking body even with steroids. Truth be told if I just had a typical male normie body and the same height and face I would probably be a 5/10 instead of a 4/10. It's that bad. The only thing that saves me from being a 3 is that I am somewhat tall.
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I won't say that I am "super" genetically cursed, but I have very shitty genetics by the standards of any ordinary person. When I said I was framecel that was actually a bit of a lie because it's actually even worse than that. I have what is basically a reverse V shape, or that is my upper body consists of small bones and limited muscle (my palms are almost smaller than my mother's) and yet I also have large leg bones and a big butt. It's like I was born into a female body except I am a man. It just looks utterly horrendous. I will NEVER have a good looking body even with steroids. Truth be told if I just had a typical male normie body and the same height and face I would probably be a 5/10 instead of a 4/10. It's that bad. The only thing that saves me from being a 3 is that I am somewhat tall.
big fucking deal dude i have hips wider then my shoulders but i fixed them by lifting. nothing is impossible (pic is me)


  • 9zfga5ook0q21.jpg
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why haven't you jumped on steroids
big fucking deal dude i have hips wider then my shoulders but i fixed them by lifting. nothing is impossible (pic is me)
why haven't you jumped on steroids

Just fucking lol at this broscience bullshit. You can't change your body's proportions. Proportions are basically just bones. Lifting does not change your bones. It find it insane how 90+% of lifters don't know anything about human anatomy. Then again gymcels are the biggest fucking retards on the planet.
I won't say that I am "super" genetically cursed, but I have very shitty genetics by the standards of any ordinary person. When I said I was framecel that was actually a bit of a lie because it's actually even worse than that. I have what is basically a reverse V shape, or that is my upper body consists of small bones and limited muscle (my palms are almost smaller than my mother's) and yet I also have large leg bones and a big butt. It's like I was born into a female body except I am a man. It just looks utterly horrendous. I will NEVER have a good looking body even with steroids. Truth be told if I just had a typical male normie body and the same height and face I would probably be a 5/10 instead of a 4/10. It's that bad. The only thing that saves me from being a 3 is that I am somewhat tall.

Youre spiraling brah. Shoulders and lats will counter a feminine shape. Tall is a huge halo.
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Just fucking lol at this broscience bullshit. You can't change your body's proportions. Proportions are basically just bones. Lifting does not change your bones. It find it insane how 90+% of lifters don't know anything about human anatomy. Then again gymcels are the biggest fucking retards on the planet.
training deltoid muscles will give the illusion of bigger frame, especially side delt
Just fucking lol at this broscience bullshit. You can't change your body's proportions. Proportions are basically just bones. Lifting does not change your bones. It find it insane how 90+% of lifters don't know anything about human anatomy. Then again gymcels are the biggest fucking retards on the planet.
who the fuck said anything about changing your bones. Your changing your muscles to give you a bigger frame. Just like how you would chew gum to make your jaw muscles bigger and give you a square jaw.
Just fucking lol at this broscience bullshit. You can't change your body's proportions. Proportions are basically just bones. Lifting does not change your bones. It find it insane how 90+% of lifters don't know anything about human anatomy. Then again gymcels are the biggest fucking retards on the planet.
1. I'm not a gymcel
2. Steroids can add inches of shoulder width. Your whole arms and legs will be wider. what the fuck more do you need
How old are you?
Just fucking lol at this broscience bullshit. You can't change your body's proportions. Proportions are basically just bones. Lifting does not change your bones. It find it insane how 90+% of lifters don't know anything about human anatomy. Then again gymcels are the biggest fucking retards on the planet.
show pic you faggot
I won't say that I am "super" genetically cursed, but I have very shitty genetics by the standards of any ordinary person. When I said I was framecel that was actually a bit of a lie because it's actually even worse than that. I have what is basically a reverse V shape, or that is my upper body consists of small bones and limited muscle (my palms are almost smaller than my mother's) and yet I also have large leg bones and a big butt. It's like I was born into a female body except I am a man. It just looks utterly horrendous. I will NEVER have a good looking body even with steroids. Truth be told if I just had a typical male normie body and the same height and face I would probably be a 5/10 instead of a 4/10. It's that bad. The only thing that saves me from being a 3 is that I am somewhat tall.


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