

jaded mewcel
Jul 5, 2019
I have dreams and I go to them throughout my life, I hope that someday I will be able to achieve them, some of them have already been achieved.
It will take me years to fulfill each dream, but I do not intend to retreat, I will continue to move forward towards my goals no matter what. I think that I need to realize my full potential.
In my opinion, life is a valuable gift and that you need to live with dignity, not just live, but at least try to do something special, it's better to try to do at least something than not to do anything at all.
Maybe I'm lucky on the way to my dream, but even if it doesn't work out, I still get a unique life experience.
The world in which I live is alien to me.
Where people have become slaves of their belongings, just consumers, it’s a pity that almost every person is not aware of the fact that his work, his clothes, his car and his lodging is not himself.
Where people are ready to become a commodity.
Where people think only about consumption, but they have completely forgotten about creation.
Where people are ready to devote their lives to the endless race for material values.
Where people possessing power and money are pontied before others, because by virtue of their primitive development they think that having power and money makes them better than others.
Where people think love can be bought for money.
Where people are forced to go to school, sit there for many years wasting unnecessary information instead of something really useful, and then go to work with emptiness inside themselves and live in the operating mode of the system until old age, then die without nothing important.
Where people have forgotten about dignity, morality, morality, ethics, kindness, honesty and valor.
Where people have forgotten that good is when you try to create it from the inside, doing it at the call of your heart, and not to impress others and thus create a good reputation for yourself.
Where people have forgotten about such a high feeling as love, hypocritically entering and maintaining relationships in which they do not love each other, but stay together only because of the benefits, choosing a person who is comfortable to live for, and not without whom it is impossible to live.
Where for people getting pleasure consists not of contemplating beautiful architectural structures, looking at which you feel something special, not of beautiful landscapes looking at which you feel truly alive, but of primitive hedonism in the form of eating junk food, drinking alcohol, drugs and barbarous action.
Where people are pretending to be someone, they are not who they really are.
I understand that no money can survive, but in all you need to know when to stop.
Anyone who wants too much risks losing everything. True, he who wants too little from life may receive nothing at all.
From each person in one degree or another depends on what will be his world, how he will make it.
we live in a fucking society
did not read btw
dint read but yea , a society live in us
Just ldar bro
I have dreams and I go to them throughout my life, I hope that someday I will be able to achieve them, some of them have already been achieved.
It will take me years to fulfill each dream, but I do not intend to retreat, I will continue to move forward towards my goals no matter what. I think that I need to realize my full potential.
In my opinion, life is a valuable gift and that you need to live with dignity, not just live, but at least try to do something special, it's better to try to do at least something than not to do anything at all.
Maybe I'm lucky on the way to my dream, but even if it doesn't work out, I still get a unique life experience.
The world in which I live is alien to me.
Where people have become slaves of their belongings, just consumers, it’s a pity that almost every person is not aware of the fact that his work, his clothes, his car and his lodging is not himself.
Where people are ready to become a commodity.
Where people think only about consumption, but they have completely forgotten about creation.
Where people are ready to devote their lives to the endless race for material values.
Where people possessing power and money are pontied before others, because by virtue of their primitive development they think that having power and money makes them better than others.
Where people think love can be bought for money.
Where people are forced to go to school, sit there for many years wasting unnecessary information instead of something really useful, and then go to work with emptiness inside themselves and live in the operating mode of the system until old age, then die without nothing important.
Where people have forgotten about dignity, morality, morality, ethics, kindness, honesty and valor.
Where people have forgotten that good is when you try to create it from the inside, doing it at the call of your heart, and not to impress others and thus create a good reputation for yourself.
Where people have forgotten about such a high feeling as love, hypocritically entering and maintaining relationships in which they do not love each other, but stay together only because of the benefits, choosing a person who is comfortable to live for, and not without whom it is impossible to live.
Where for people getting pleasure consists not of contemplating beautiful architectural structures, looking at which you feel something special, not of beautiful landscapes looking at which you feel truly alive, but of primitive hedonism in the form of eating junk food, drinking alcohol, drugs and barbarous action.
Where people are pretending to be someone, they are not who they really are.
I understand that no money can survive, but in all you need to know when to stop.
Anyone who wants too much risks losing everything. True, he who wants too little from life may receive nothing at all.
From each person in one degree or another depends on what will be his world, how he will make it.
all i see is a wall full of :bluepill:
Society is shit.

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