Full body workout


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Ascended. Wish you all luck
Apr 21, 2020
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Cewp. Joocing without lifting builds more muscle than lifting without joocing.

View attachment 375554View attachment 375555
Never trust study’s you didn’t fake

We have no information about their genetics their natural hormone baseline their protein consumption their kcal consumption,how often they train

There are so many other factors...they and u r pulling numbers out of thin air

But keep crying and don’t train it’s all about face, Right 😉
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male pornstars r disgusting although id be one although u have to do some grimey shit
the cucks in the comments

Man, my sister's gardener has come a long way. Good for him.

looks like my girlfriends trainer who she showers with sometimes...

My girlfriend told me to watch some skills from you, i still dont know why
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Never trust study’s you didn’t fake

We have no information about their genetics their natural hormone baseline their protein consumption their kcal consumption,how often they train

There are so many other factors...they and u r pulling numbers out of thin air

But keep crying and don’t train it’s all about face, Right 😉
Dude I have been training for over three years. The vast majority of that time has been drug-free.

Here are the sources for those studies:

Diet and training were all standardized and tracked. They are controlled variables in both studies. Total and free testosterone were also measured in both the placebo (natty) groups and the ones who jooced.

The numbers are not pulled out of thin air. They are pulled from advanced research equipment used by educated researchers. They're legitimate.

But keep thinking those noobie gains of yours will keep coming forever, boyo. You'll see the truth someday.
Dude I have been training for over three years. The vast majority of that time has been drug-free.

Here are the sources for those studies:

Diet and training were all standardized and tracked. They are controlled variables in both studies. Total and free testosterone were also measured in both the placebo (natty) groups and the ones who jooced.

The numbers are not pulled out of thin air. They are pulled from advanced research equipment used by educated researchers. They're legitimate.

But keep thinking those noobie gains of yours will keep coming forever, boyo. You'll see the truth someday.
What noobie gains I train for 4 year. I know about the law of deminishing returns but the wall is so far away keep crying
What noobie gains I train for 4 year. I know about the law of deminishing returns but the wall is so far away keep crying
You've been training for 4 years yet don't know that these basic variables are controlled for in all but the crappiest studies, and steroids always have and always will build more muscle than training natty. That's actually more embarrassing, honestly.
You've been training for 4 years yet don't know that these basic variables are controlled for in all but the crappiest studies, and steroids always have and always will build more muscle than training natty. That's actually more embarrassing, honestly.
Never said that roids don’t work. If it’s worth for you losing hair, erectile disfinktion and balls like skittles for 20 more crappy years until you die...go for it
You've been training for 4 years yet don't know that these basic variables are controlled for in all but the crappiest studies, and steroids always have and always will build more muscle than training natty. That's actually more embarrassing, honestly.
Hey man, should I train Natty as a beginner at 19 years old or do 1 cycle of roids? I want to not lose my hair but cheat the system if possible.
Hey man, should I train Natty as a beginner at 19 years old or do 1 cycle of roids? I want to not lose my hair but cheat the system if possible.
Train natty for 6-12 months to learn how to lift and track your diet, then consider a mild testosterone cycle.
Amy advice for a person who has never stepped inside a gym before?
Start with the Phrak's Greyskull program and buy a food scale.
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You've been training for 4 years yet don't know that these basic variables are controlled for in all but the crappiest studies, and steroids always have and always will build more muscle than training natty. That's actually more embarrassing, honestly.
Do steroids cause this , like trt does?:
* Due to added testosterone, the body making itself even less testosterone then before. Causing a big testosterone drop after you stop. And which won't recover back to previous (before using roids) levels?
* Bloated face, even when low fat percentage? (Water retention?)
Do steroids cause this , like trt does?:
* Due to added testosterone, the body making itself even less testosterone then before. Causing a big testosterone drop after you stop. And which won't recover back to previous (before using roids) levels?
* Bloated face, even when low fat percentage? (Water retention?)
Any anabolic steroid will suppress natural testosterone production. Your body's ability to recover depends on how long and how much you've been joocing, and your post-cycle therapy. Some steroid users never stop injecting because either they're on TRT anyway, or they don't want to deal with the recovery process.

You'll get some water retention that you can control with an aromatase inhibitor, limiting sodium and carbohydrates, and using a short ester like propionate.
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Any anabolic steroid will suppress natural testosterone production. Your body's ability to recover depends on how long and how much you've been joocing, and your post-cycle therapy. Some steroid users never stop injecting because either they're on TRT anyway, or they don't want to deal with the recovery process.

You'll get some water retention that you can control with an aromatase inhibitor, limiting sodium and carbohydrates, and using a short ester like propionate.
Thanks. I am trying to look into trt and roids at the moment. Because I am aging, and thus testosterone naturally dropsI read.
But first I want to let it be tested , but can't at the moment due to Corona.
I got really scared about testosterone dropping permanently with trt use, meaning one need to be on it for life or after stopping turning into soy. I'll look into water retention control also.
First I gotta drop from 17-18% body fat to 10-12% range. And makes efforts for some time to grow muscle mass natty with only some added proteïne. So to see and know, what my body can do and is up to natty on it's own. So to know it's actually necessary, in my case. I dunno. I am for a body muscle mass and fat percentage, like Brad Pitt had in Fight Club.
Hopefully it won't be disappointing🙏
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Thanks. I am trying to look into trt and roids at the moment. Because I am aging, and thus testosterone naturally drops. I got really scared about testosterone dropping permanently with trt use, meaning one need to be on it for life or after stopping turning into soy. I'll look into water retention control also.
First I gotta drop from 17-18% body fat to 10-12% range. And makes efforts for some time to grow natty with only some added proteïne. So to see and know, what my body can do and is up to natty. Hopefully it won't be disappointing🙏
It would be a good idea to get your test levels checked now so you know your baseline.
It would be a good idea to get your test levels checked now so you know your baseline.
I agree. Gotta know what you are working with, in baseline. And also first max lifestyle also decently/good,so that it it maxximizes testosterone a bit (food, fat %, moveing enough, excescise enough, sleep/rest)

A cool link I found, about being able to know, what might be Natty potential.

I'm now.
75 kg - 17-18% bodyfat
That above lnk, said max potential natty is 100kg.
I will aim, for maximum in the end at around 85kg
I see your picture, I could gain natty 2 kg per 2.5 moths. And I read -1% bodyfat per month is doable.
So I'll aim:
77 kg - 15%-16% by july
79 kg - 12% - 13% by october
And then hopefully at the end of this year be around 81 kg @ 12% bodyfat.
Then having lost natty 5% bodyfat in 8 months and gained 6kg.

Is this a reasonable goal. For someone lifting 3x per week. Endurance 1x per week. And 1x MMA training for 1.5 hours/ week. Adn eating pretty healthy (I eat little/limited produced foods, and mainly fresh vegatables, grains, nutts, and so on. I also drink zero soda's and stuff like that).

It's pretty brutal graph though, that you shared.
Training you balls of natty for 2.5 months for "only" +2kg muscle mass.
While a lazy ass roids user, whom does jack shit. Gets an extra +3.2kg.
Only good thing, is that that lazy ass roid user with bigger muscles is weaker then the well trained natty person, so a natty person can still beat-mogg that roids user if he has a violent roid-rage episode.
That above lnk, said max potential natty is 100kg.
Casey Butt's calculations are based on genetically elite bodybuilders who may or may not even be natural. The actual natty limits are much lower for most. You can expect your natty limit to be at an FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) somewhere between 21 and 23. Not many reach a 24 FFMI without steroids; fewer than 1% of naturals reach 25.
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Casey Butt's calculations are based on genetically elite bodybuilders who may or may not even be natural. The actual natty limits are much lower for most. You can expect your natty limit to be at an FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) somewhere between 21 and 23. Not many reach a 24 FFMI without steroids; fewer than 1% of naturals reach 25.
Thanks for the adding. Yeah, that 100kg seems totally unreachable for me, looking at it. Using 21, I come to about 85 kg. Which seems more reasonable. For someone that is now a little bit trained (like 1 -2 times per week) and at 17% bodyfat. Adding about 10 - 15 kg of muscle mass in like 1.5 - 2 years time seems quit the limit for me. Damn that takes mf long, but luckily it's healthy and benifcial in more ways, and may help me with my running and mma sports.

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