Garbage Looksmaxxing Advice



Sexy Truecel
Aug 5, 2019
It has come to my attention a user with the name of Diarrheaotic has been brainwashing the gullible users of this forum with his Zionist fairy tales

All his advice comes from reading the Abstract and Conclusion of an irreproducible study between the lines then projecting his diarrhea word vomit in his posts with advice all braindead lobotomized chimps on this forum are happy to accept. The supposedly (((Ultimate guide to pubertymaxxing))) was a 5 minute Wikipedia and PubMed copy paste made for the dopamine from reactions (37 as I'm writing this JFL) and it can basically just be summarized as "Just Inject"

Nobody hear wants to hear the truth, it's just a bunch of betas gathering and brigading whichever they consider their superior or the alpha male a.k.a. the people that will reply to my thread licking all the diarrhea from Dyoriotics and everyone else's that goes against the truth says.

Just as when you try to explain the people how many Xenoestrogens they are exposed to daily, for example. Nobody wants to hear about the high amounts of Xenoestrogens present in most foods they eat, the grooming products they use, the water they drink, and such. If they were to fully accept how much of it they are exposed to, they would become scared to do most things, and they'd rather deny it and not live with that (((burden))), although that is in fact the truth.


When my son, @Test, posts a thread informing everyone that Estrogen is most likely the hormone that in fact makes the face looks masculine he was met with responses calling him a retard and such, as expected from the emotional feminine cucks on this forum.

Meanwhile, when we take a look at the Aromatase Deficient beasts who have allowed us to take pictures of their naked mole rat bodies with jelly brittle bones, which are undoubtedly allow him to grow taller, but that sadly does not apply to face


One case study of a 24 y/o guy showed that at 203cm tall he had Testosterone levels of 2000ng/dl, DHT levels of 120ng/dl and Androstenedione levels of 330ng/dl, while Estrogen was "under 7pg/ml" (Not the beast above).

There is a well-known phenotype of Aromatase Deficient people that does not look very androgenic, so why would that be? Why are their jaws invisible, why are their clavicles small, why do they look so low T despite having lower E and higher T than the rest?

Why do women like this exist? You're telling me they have higher T and DHT than the average man, despite their bodies being feminine, their skins having high collagen and their voices being high pitched? Maybe they are all travestites?


I believe Estrogens are essential for masculinization, as well as Androgens, just like with how one study demonstrated Estrogen dose-dependently increased Libido in men, but a minimum level of ~100ng/dl of Testosterone was required.
I believe both men and women are supposed to have the same kind of facial structure, despite us referring to sharp faces as being masculine. Let's be honest with ourselves for once and realize now in 2020, most men look like women and most women look like men, and the average Testosterone levels are barely 500ng/dl, or are we gonna argue they were always like that?

As an addition to the previous statement, Xenoestrogens aren't as straight forward as others make it seem. Xenoestrogens (Some), in the presence of already higher levels of Estrogen, will inhibit its effects. That is why they are more commonly referred to as Hormonal Disruptors, not estrogens, although they are.
As a matter of fact, Bisphenol A has been shown to reliably cause PCOS in females, PCOS meaning to have high Androgens and low Estrogens, in relation to the average woman.

Brief mentions:
-> A lot of estrogenic drugs, a lot of which botanical, were shown to greatly increase IGF-1/2 total and free blood concentration which caused increases in receptor expression as well
-> Anti-estrogenic drugs reduce GH/IGF, possibly trough their effects on AMPK and the fact that Insulin inhibits GH release from Pituitary

All this info comes from my history of actually reading a lot of pieces of information, as opposed to reading Abstracts and Healthline articles

If you are looking for my sources to check if the title of the study matches what I am saying, check here and here


There is a lot to say here. This was initially meant to just talk about how shit-tier the information presented here is.
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  • JFL
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Tl dr for non english cel bro ?
It's truly over for you if you read all of this
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  • JFL
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So what we can conclude is that estrogen is necessary for bone growth just like it's important for hair and overall mood etc, @Dyorotic2 is literally getting his estrogen back to normal levels as we speak.
You picked out a guy who wasn't able to get enough estrogen AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Doesn't mean that it's directly responsible for masculine bone growth and supports masculine bone growth on it's own.
I've read that DHT triggers growth in puberty while estrogen prevents bone resorption.

Some people here cope with hormones too much, it is clear that androgen receptors and igf-1 levels are the most important for growth.
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I've read that DHT triggers growth in puberty while estrogen prevents bone resorption.

Some people here cope with hormones too much, it is clear that androgen receptors and igf-1 levels are the most important for growth.
sadly androgen receptor sensitivity is heavily determined by prenatal testosterone (which is also genetic)
sadly androgen receptor sensitivity is heavily determined by prenatal testosterone (which is also genetic)
yeah, development theories are mostly copes
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Reactions: BackFromTheMogging and Deleted member 685
So what we can conclude is that estrogen is necessary for bone growth just like it's important for hair and overall mood etc, @Dyorotic2 is literally getting his estrogen back to normal levels as we speak.
You picked out a guy who wasn't able to get enough estrogen AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Doesn't mean that it's directly responsible for masculine bone growth and supports masculine bone growth on it's own.
The point of the thread was that the information on this site was half-assed copy pasted misinterpreted garbage from 5 minute of Google searching that is posted purely for reactions. I don't know what Diarrheaotic's hormone levels are and could care less about it
  • +1
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I'll have to agree with the xenoestrogens though, people here will talk about peptides and dht gel when they're eating foods full of jew substances etc
  • +1
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Didnt read, but the only non garbage looksmaxing advice is: surgery
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Theses folks are aromatase deficient since birth, they are gigantic and didn't start puberty several studies already stated that aromatase inhibitors in pubertycels have no serious adverse effects and even increased bone density, probably because the T increase is as beneficial as estrogen is on bones
  • +1
Reactions: BackFromTheMogging and Theonewhowillascend
Good thread. I think this chart may express why estrogens presence in men may be indicative of healthy testosterone production. What is interesting is that cholesterol starts this chain.


Edit : added this clearer table which might help further understanding
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  • +1
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Btw why aren't you injecting E?
I'll have to agree with the xenoestrogens though, people here will talk about peptides and dht gel when they're eating foods full of jew substances etc
Indeed, son

Good thread. I think this chart may express why estrogens presence in men may be indicative of healthy testosterone production. What is interesting is that cholesterol starts this chain.View attachment 264817
No, goyim, Cholesterol will give you a heart attack!

Theses folks are aromatase deficient since birth, they are gigantic and didn't start puberty several studies already stated that aromatase inhibitors in pubertycels have no serious adverse effects and even increased bone density, probably because the T increase is as beneficial as estrogen is on bones
One case study of a 24 y/o guy showed that at 203cm tall he had Testosterone levels of 2000ng/dl, DHT levels of 120ng/dl and Androstenedione levels of 330ng/dl, while Estrogen was "under 7pg/ml" (Not the beast above).
This was the only one I have looked for and I doubt that this Aromatase Deficient guy just happened to have a small Pituitary tumour

Not to mention the fact you saying it has no adverse effects on bone density and such means absolutely nothing to the original thread, but thanks for the information
Is there anything viable that we can do against xenoestrogens?
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Ive been saying this all along, YOU DONT WANNA BE LOW E. Estrogen is an essential hormone in both men and women, infact its more important than testosterone I would argue
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Theses women are chiseled with huge jaws due to genetic injecting E in a person who don't have good jaws and cheekbones genetics will just worse the situation
Theses women are chiseled with huge jaws due to genetic injecting E in a person who don't have good jaws and cheekbones genetics will just worse the situation
You are dumb retard if what your peanut brain understood from my thread was to inject E. You are the same retard trying to argue in @Test 's thread

I am pretty sure you are a female, son, you definitely have the IQ of one
  • JFL
Reactions: diggbicc
You are dumb retard if what your peanut brain understood from my thread was to inject E. You are the same retard trying to argue in @Test 's thread

I am pretty sure you are a female, son, you definitely have the IQ of one
You can't even detect sarcarsm and is calling me retarded? Jfl off yourself useless autistic dicklet cuck. You are just spamming shit and rarely argument how can someone take you serious?
You can't even detect sarcarsm and is calling me retarded? Jfl off yourself useless autistic dicklet cuck. You are just spamming shit and rarely argument how can someone take you serious?
Add a /s so I can detect your funny le sarcasm next time :soy::soy::soy:
  • JFL
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(Almost) forgot


  • tenor (1).gif
    tenor (1).gif
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I often think of modernity as the great endocrine disruptor. With industrialisation, automation and mass production we've over saturated our planet with chemically undesirable materials and resources that have effectively destroyed our chances for healthy future humans. We can't even begin to grasp the extent of the damage.
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one word : Genetics you fucking moron
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Why do women like this exist? You're telling me they have higher T and DHT than the average man, despite their bodies being feminine, their skins having high collagen and their voices being high pitched? Maybe they are all travestites?


This is rather a racial issue than the hormonal one. Sharp jaw fetures does not implicate high T levels.
In most cases among whites this is just a trait of cromagnoid racial forms.

west baltid type (reduced east cromagnid)
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  • Hmm...
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one word : Genetics you fucking moron
I wonder when you all will research pathways, transductions, receptors and Epigenetics ect.

Hormones act as Signalers to genes
  • +1
Reactions: Normieville
This is rather a racial issue than the hormonal one. Sharp jaw fetures does not implicate high T levels.
In most cases among whites this is just a trait of cromagnoid racial forms.

west baltid type (reduced east cromagnid)
I think this is true to an extent. But I'm considering thet it would be possible to develop a strong jaw as a child if you're fed a diet which required you to pull, chew and grind on food. For example, I saw plenty of photographs of native Australians who've eaten their traditional diet. There bones were robust and jaws were long and define. Comparing the faces of the indigenous alive today there's absolutely been a change in jaw and facial structure. Far more recession, with small jaws and bad teeth. Which I would argue is due to the change I dietary habits.
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Why do u bother bhai? No one here looksmax at all...
I think this is true to an extent. But I'm considering thet it would be possible to develop a strong jaw as a child if you're fed a diet which required you to pull, chew and grind on food. For example, I saw plenty of photographs of native Australians who've eaten their traditional diet. There bones were robust and jaws were long and define. Comparing the faces of the indigenous alive today there's absolutely been a change in jaw and facial structure. Far more recession, with small jaws and bad teeth. Which I would argue is due to the change I dietary habits.
Of course tradional diet that requires a lot of chewing also plays a role. The archaic homo sapiens racial forms (Cromagnid, Australoid) have robust skulls in general. This kind of nutrition have an impact during puberty on muscle and thus skull growth. Although there are racial types that are more mesomorphic and heavly-built in general which is outcome of active adaption to the enviromental factors in ancient times.
Neverthelles not all archaic racial types have such kind of robust features. For instance pygmeis who have gracile features and very short stature.
Ainu Japan race
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I wonder when you all will research pathways, transductions, receptors and Epigenetics ect.

Hormones act as Signalers to genes
Never, im too old hormones arent gonna change my face and i have no interest in them
Idgaf if i write something and its wrong, 99% people say stupid shit on this website anyways
Never, im too old hormones arent gonna change my face and i have no interest in them
Idgaf if i write something and its wrong, 99% people say stupid shit on this website anyways
anti aging tho
  • +1
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anti aging tho
i got a question tho, if someone at 13-14 starts to blast idk like hgh and T,can he grow more masculine bones?how much change he can expect?
lets say that his mother and father are both subhuman (narrow chin no browridge etc.)
Look at when you joined and when I did. Brutal timeonlinemog.
Look when you joined and when I did. Brutal timeonlinemog.
Dude dont you fucking dare go into that territory. I fucking hate shitheads chewingfags like you. You legit have gum in your fucking brains. Fuck you
Dude dont you fucking dare go into that territory. I fucking hate shitheads chewingfags like you. You legit have gum in your fucking brains. Fuck you
it works but not for everyone. Just chew mastic gum and then go slay girls
it works but not for everyone. Just chew mastic gum and then go slay girls
Fucking greycels
I wish there was a button to ignore all of you faggots
So what we can conclude is that estrogen is necessary for bone growth just like it's important for hair and overall mood etc, @Dyorotic2 is literally getting his estrogen back to normal levels as we speak.
You picked out a guy who wasn't able to get enough estrogen AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Doesn't mean that it's directly responsible for masculine bone growth and supports masculine bone growth on it's own.
Who’s that guy in your Avi?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
Op has autism
I often think of modernity as the great endocrine disruptor. With industrialisation, automation and mass production we've over saturated our planet with chemically undesirable materials and resources that have effectively destroyed our chances for healthy future humans. We can't even begin to grasp the extent of the damage.
2000 iq greycel
Facial bones= 90% genetics + prenatal T and 10 % environmental factors. I know so many art hoes that have probably never had an actual workout in their life and led unhealthy lifestyles(smoking, drinking, shitty diet) yet a lot of them have excellent forward growth and lean faces despite being above 15% bodyfat. Meanwhile when I was ridiculously skinny and sub 10%, I had no bones to show.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
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