Giga-truecel white ascended in Manilla Philippines (full story inside) (not me)

Deleted member 44

Deleted member 44

Blackpill Scientist
Aug 11, 2018
Copy and pasted from to give an idea of how SEA is like if you are bottom of the bottom, but still white.

Description of incel
I'm a 28yo, hugless, kissless, complimentless virgin. Bullied throughout my life. No friends. No social media.
Ugly as fuck.....super small frame, balding, underbite, heavy asymmetries, crooked nose, crooked teeth, off midline, glasses, narrow jaw, eye ptotis, cystic acne, terrible acne scars, small dick, scarred lips, hairy as fuck, unibrow, speech problems, ears crazy big, bad smell and no social skills whatsoever.
lol at a few parts being his choice, like bad smell.

First Impression of Philippines
So here are my first impressions on Manila:

1) I see many white men in the residence I'm staying
2) Many 50 and 60yo and a couple of 70yo white men with very young philippina girls
3) I seem to get no interest at all from the girls when I walk by despite the fact I'm white
4) I'm so socially awkward that I caught many philippino guys laughing about me behind my back

I think that if you come here you'll probably get laid, as I said I saw some 70yo american men with 18yo pinay girls on their arm. I'm not getting laid because I'm the ugliest piece of shit you have ever saw in your life, guaranteed. I'm so ugly I'm a crime for humanity. My reflection is so ugly that some years ago I even broke a mirror without touching it in the high school I went to when I looked at it and got bullied for years because of it.
Back in the West I saw small child crying upon seeing me so you can understand how subhuman I look, I'm not just average ugly.

If you are just average ugly, a classic 3-3,5/10 in the West you'll probably get laid without many problems here in Manila. If you are a freak of nature, an abomination of ugliness like me it's difficult.
My goal now has switched from banging a girl, to at least kiss one since I'm a 28yo kissless hugless, complimentless virgin.
The "broke mirror" part made it sound like a larp, but he did provide a tinder conversation in another thread as proof he was there. The mirror part is still bullshit of course.

Later impressions (getting frustrated)
It's fucking shitty in here.
Apart the city that is a complete shithole and unsafe, let's talk about the girls.
Sure, it's true that white people here are appreciated but it's absolutely not enough to fuck girls.
You'll get tons of matches, hundreds of them, but converting them to actual lays is pretty darn difficult.
They all say they want a LTR and you being white won't change their mind, they will not fuck you just because you're white, forget that. But it's true that if you stay here long term, no matter how ugly you're, you can get one of them for sure. Problem is, most of us are only going to stay here for a week or two and these bitches won't fuck you.
Met other white guys in my residence and told me the same things, actually they told me it's getting more difficult with each passing year.
Most white men here for only a week don't go with "normal" girls, but they go with prostitutes paying 50-60€

I honestly regret coming here, it's absolutely not the paradise people described. I think I contacted more than 100 girls and pretty much all convo went the same way....they reply with monosyllable answers, are ugly on average and completely not interested on casual sex.

I thought that by coming here I could find the sluttiness of american bitches with the advantage of being white. But I was so wrong. The missing piece is that these girls all want a relationship and stop replying when you hint you want casual sex or try to speed up a bit the things
he also posted a couple threads asking how to have sex, how to find the hole, how to kiss, etc because he was so self conscious of his lack of experience.

So I'm not anymore a 28yo virgin.
I lost it to a true monster beast, she was 46yo, 4ft6, fat as fuck, ugly as hell, with some rotten teeth, with bald spots and scars. Not to mention greasy hair and stinky. Looked like a drug addicts, actually she probably was considering she was from Tondo, the true slum of Manila.
That was my only option because I'm a mentalcel and felt lower than all other girls and couldn't do it otherwise.
I'm not exaggerating when I say 90% of the forum wouldn't have even touch with gloves on, and 99% wouldn't have kissed here.

So we met at the mall for a late lunch and when I saw her she was even uglier than in the pics, to the point where people actually turned. I was actually ashamed to walk with her.
But the worse things had to come yet.
We sat at a restaurant who had tables really close together, and the waitress gave us a table right next to a 60yo american man who was eating lunch alone and was a total jerk because when he saw the beast started to laugh between himself, and then, even after he finished his lunch, kept staying there to eavesdrop the conversation and have some laughs. Felt so bad.

Anyway after we ate lunch I had a quick tour of the mall with her but I kept seeing people laughing at me for walking with a beast like that so I proposed her to go to my condo with the excuse it was hot and in my room I had air condition.

I proposed to watch a movie and she accepted. Now, here, I was a genius because I chose the right movie: many sexual reference in that movie.
Problem was that she sat in the sofa in the living room instead of the bed in the bedroom so had to find an excuse to move there. I told her I saw someone spying from the other apartment (JFL) and I faked being creeped out by it and proposed to move to my bedroom (couldn't find a better excuse). She accepted.
So we watched the movie and I kept her close to me caressing her thigh and her arm. As soon as the movie started to show asses or talking about it I jumped into the opportunity and touched her ass saying "you too have a good ass, don't you?" (she didn't, she was ugly as fuck).
After a while I tried to move my hand permanently to her ass but she opposed it, tried again later but she kept resisting it.
But everytime I did that I gained some space closed to her pussy.
After a while I had my hand permanently on her ass and tried to go under her clothes....I was met with some resistance.
We kept seeing a movie (we were halfway through it) where I exploited a moment and put her on top of me and from there it was on. Undressed her, kissed her and then took off my pants. She sucked it. Then I put on a condom and fucked her doggystyle and with her on top for a while.
I then let her suck again and jizzed on her.

After that i didn't even want round 2, told her I needed to work and accompanied her to the hall where she went away to her apartment in the slum of Manila.

As for the feelings, I feel much lighter, a pussy feel like a fleshlight but sex is better because you also feel the body. But I expected something more. Keep in mind she was a monster. Actually I'm still a bit traumatized by that beast, hope not to have some nightmares tonight. Tomorrow will go with a normal escort to ease my feeling.
If you have questions, just ask

  • JFL
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Reactions: Limbo, Chadeep, Noodlewhore and 1 other person
he must be a 1/10. just fucking lol, SEA is legit.
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Is it really an ascension if he went that low though?
Jfl if you believe this larp
JFL at "ascending" with some ugly half goblin filipino foid
Asian girls = bad
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: OOGABOOGA, kobecel, looksmaxxtocope and 2 others
fucking hilarious lmao v good entertainment
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I'm pretty sure that guy is larping

but it's hilarious tbqh so I don't mind
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I never understood why people would waste their money going to SEA when they could save up for much needed plastic surgery to ascend. Jfl if you think going to SEA and banging bottom tier girls makes you a Slayer
  • +1
Reactions: iamgoingtomakeit, BlackBeard, SubhumanOverload and 1 other person
I never understood why people would waste their money going to SEA when they could save up for much needed plastic surgery to ascend
Most people think plastic surgery makes you look like freakdoll or something, probably because media never talks about the many times when surgery is succesful.
Jfl if you think going to SEA and banging bottom tier girls makes you a Slayer
You become slayer of orcs. Just Aragornmax theory.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackBeard, dogtown and Nibba
Most people think plastic surgery makes you look like freakdoll or something, probably because media never talks about the many times when surgery is succesful.
You become slayer of orcs. Just Aragornmax theory.
  • +1
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Most people think plastic surgery makes you look like freakdoll or something, probably because media never talks about the many times when surgery is succesful.

You become slayer of orcs. Just Aragornmax theory.
Exactly. There are some life changing surgeries but media only focuses on the girl that wants to look like a Barbie doll jfl

Just b viggo mortensen theory
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  • +1
Reactions: FuckMyLife
He still can't touch the king of jbwmaxxing
Screenshot 2018 06 09 07 09 27
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I never understood why people would waste their money going to SEA when they could save up for much needed plastic surgery to ascend. Jfl if you think going to SEA and banging bottom tier girls makes you a Slayer
Why not both?
Philippines is where fat old white men go to fuck little kids.

I mean seriously, this is common knowledge and a huge problem in the country. There is a huge child prostitution industry in the Philippines to cater for Western pedos. I'm not saying that every white guy there is a diddler, but come on - if you think you can head to that country to "ascend" sexually without people thinking you're going out there to plook 7 year old girls then you're kidding yourself.
...or get surgery and have sex in the west like a normal human being

yh because people in SEA arent normal human beings. Duh...?
He is saying that whites who go to SEA to have sex aren't "normal" boyo.

Ngl, Idk. Cba tbh

Why not do everything you can to make your ascention easier you know? There are no extra point for making your journey harder by staying in the west lol.

should have bought a prostitute
This is disgusting. If this is ascension then I'd rather not ascend.
  • +1
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Philippines is where fat old white men go to fuck little kids.

I mean seriously, this is common knowledge and a huge problem in the country. There is a huge child prostitution industry in the Philippines to cater for Western pedos. I'm not saying that every white guy there is a diddler, but come on - if you think you can head to that country to "ascend" sexually without people thinking you're going out there to plook 7 year old girls then you're kidding yourself.


Who cares what westerners think.

Flip girls are cute and my pinoy friend told me I'd be popular there.
UP, that was funny as fuck :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Any update on the Philippines? Somebody tried it?
Going to SEA to ascend feels like cheating. Like I’d get fuck all validation from it as opposed to banging a normal western girl. I mean even going to EE feels kind of like cheating even though the girls are way hotter there than the UK just because I wanna get s girl in my home country in order to feel like I made it if you get what I mean. Like moving to somewhere in the developing world just to not be incel doesn’t really seem like ascension to me, if my situation was that desperate I’d probably just eacortmax in my own country
If you're a beta in your country you will still be treated as a beta in SEA. But the girls in SEA are starving so you will be treated worse, a beta bux. But pussy is pussy.

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