Gigablackpill: Modern prosperity was engineered on purpose to make us weak



Jan 2, 2019
Think about it. If the elites are so all powerful that they can easily install and remove entire national governments (which very clearly they can) then why would they even allow for a situation where most westerners and much of the world can even have decent lives at all up until this point? What is in it for them? This is a question I have pondered for some time. And I think I have an answer to it. A very terrifying answer...

It's because they merely wanted to make us weak.

The rise of western prosperity is not an accident. It is something that the elites ALLOWED to happen on purpose as a temporary means to an end as a part of their ultimate master goal: World domination. Starting somewhere in the mid to late 19th century the elites become smart enough to realize that world domination via warfare was unrealistic and that more subtle methods are required. That bit by bit they can subvert nations and take them over. But ideally that also requires an unintelligent population that is more willing to look past what is happening since nations held together by strong morals, religion, nationalism etc are harder to take over.

Think about it. Without the massive levels of moral rot brought about by modern materialism the elites would never have gotten away with what they are currently doing in a million years. In any other era the angry masses would have hanged them. The only reason they are able to get away with their insane levels of corruption and mass immigration bullshit is because they have spent the last 50 years breeding new generations of worthless humans that have been taught to only value themselves and their shallow pleasures. Did you know that during world war 2 when the radio was describing what was happening during the war it would actually expect the listeners to take out an actual geography map and would then describe in detail where all the fighting was happening? Can you picture people giving a big enough of a shit to do this now? No? Exactly. And that is exactly what they want.

This is one of the bleakest blackpills ever, because it means we NEVER had ANY control over anything. Ever. It means that even this one single era where prosperity existed did so only because they ALLOWED it to. And that it will END once they want it to end. You were never anything more than a slave. This was never a war. It never began. It was always over from the very beginning. Human history is 100% deterministic and it's all controlled by the same small number of powerful people. We are but pawns in somebody else's chess game. Pawns don't overthrow the chess master. It's over.
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ok bro
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you seem extra blackpilled today.
we only have as much freedom as they allow us to have. were lucky were not living in a feudal hellhole like the most of the world still is either through communism or purely unregulated third world capitalism.
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  • +1
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Think about it. If the elites are so all powerful that they can easily install and remove entire national governments (which very clearly they can) then why would they even allow for a situation where most westerners and much of the world can even have decent lives at all up until this point? What is in it for them? This is a question I have pondered for some time. And I think I have an answer to it. A very terrifying answer...

It's because they merely wanted to make us weak.

The rise of western prosperity is not an accident. It is something that the elites ALLOWED to happen on purpose as a temporary means to an end as a part of their ultimate master goal: World domination. Starting somewhere in the mid to late 19th century the elites become smart enough to realize that world domination via warfare was unrealistic and that more subtle methods are required. That bit by bit they can subvert nations and take them over. But ideally that also requires an unintelligent population that is more willing to look past what is happening since nations held together by strong morals, religion, nationalism etc are harder to take over.

Think about it. Without the massive levels of moral rot brought about by modern materialism the elites would never have gotten away with what they are currently doing in a million years. In any other era the angry masses would have hanged them. The only reason they are able to get away with their insane levels of corruption and mass immigration bullshit is because they have spent the last 50 years breeding new generations of worthless humans that have been taught to only value themselves and their shallow pleasures. Did you know that during world war 2 when the radio was describing what was happening during the war it would actually expect the listeners to take out an actual geography map and would then describe in detail where all the fighting was happening? Can you picture people giving a big enough of a shit to do this now? No? Exactly. And that is exactly what they want.

This is one of the bleakest blackpills ever, because it means we NEVER had ANY control over anything. Ever. It means that even this one single era where prosperity existed did so only because they ALLOWED it to. And that it will END once they want it to end. You were never anything more than a slave. This was never a war. It never began. It was always over from the very beginning. Human history is 100% deterministic and it's all controlled by the same small number of powerful people. We are but pawns in somebody else's chess game. Pawns don't overthrow the chess master. It's over.
didnt read a single word cuck
  • +1
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disillusioned is most likely a fakecel

he is really fucking dumb therefore he is less likely to be a virgin therefore he is attractive therefore he is fakecel
Think about it. If the elites are so all powerful that they can easily install and remove entire national governments (which very clearly they can) then why would they even allow for a situation where most westerners and much of the world can even have decent lives at all up until this point? What is in it for them? This is a question I have pondered for some time. And I think I have an answer to it. A very terrifying answer...

It's because they merely wanted to make us weak.

The rise of western prosperity is not an accident. It is something that the elites ALLOWED to happen on purpose as a temporary means to an end as a part of their ultimate master goal: World domination. Starting somewhere in the mid to late 19th century the elites become smart enough to realize that world domination via warfare was unrealistic and that more subtle methods are required. That bit by bit they can subvert nations and take them over. But ideally that also requires an unintelligent population that is more willing to look past what is happening since nations held together by strong morals, religion, nationalism etc are harder to take over.

Think about it. Without the massive levels of moral rot brought about by modern materialism the elites would never have gotten away with what they are currently doing in a million years. In any other era the angry masses would have hanged them. The only reason they are able to get away with their insane levels of corruption and mass immigration bullshit is because they have spent the last 50 years breeding new generations of worthless humans that have been taught to only value themselves and their shallow pleasures. Did you know that during world war 2 when the radio was describing what was happening during the war it would actually expect the listeners to take out an actual geography map and would then describe in detail where all the fighting was happening? Can you picture people giving a big enough of a shit to do this now? No? Exactly. And that is exactly what they want.

This is one of the bleakest blackpills ever, because it means we NEVER had ANY control over anything. Ever. It means that even this one single era where prosperity existed did so only because they ALLOWED it to. And that it will END once they want it to end. You were never anything more than a slave. This was never a war. It never began. It was always over from the very beginning. Human history is 100% deterministic and it's all controlled by the same small number of powerful people. We are but pawns in somebody else's chess game. Pawns don't overthrow the chess master. It's over.

you see when the chips are down, and these...these civilized people, they'll eat each other
@reptiles tier post.
jfl at you copers these people literally control the entire world do you really think they would allow you filthy low IQ peasants to enjoy anything else but bugs for dinner if it wasn't all just a means to an end? Speaking of that... man this is one funny Onion artic- oh crap.
"When asked if he himself would try it, he replies, “I feel somewhat hesitant but to not appear overly conservative … I’d have to say … I’d be open to at least tasting it.” so "conservative" is just a slur the elites use to stigmatize people who go against whatever they force down our throats. you don't want to eat human flesh? your a close minded conservative. JFL. we are so fucked.:feelsrope:
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