Girl that mocked my height ( no shit tests) is dating only guys above 6'3"



Aug 17, 2018
Shit tests dont exist. If shes attracted she would not make jokes or being insufferable about something you cant change.

you look like a 15 yo boy from behind ' + smiling/laughing
' look at the shoulder, we are the same height '
' now in taller ' ( while we are walking in the street)
' in this Pic you look a lot taller than me, unfortunately this isnt the reality '
OFC She even told me something like ' I used to talk with you and this other dude, In going to be honest...I prefered him '
" look this actor isnt good looking..but hes so tall'
Me: " yes I had that friend whos 6'4".."
Her: ( without knowing how he looks like )
" ohhh cute "

Now after me she dated a 6'4" model who just used her for sex and another guy she met at club whos also 6'4".
Shes 27 btw and good looking..i really dont believe she would settle for someone less than chad and rich.

I feel so humiliated because I didnt know how to reply. Her weight and breast size were cant do any comparison.

I feel mogged by these Chads and the thought of being compared and humiliated is even worse.
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chadeep, Xangsane, autistic_tendencies and 3 others
LMAO buddy can fraud average height and is in here complaining. stop talking to sociopath women or just kys :lul:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: STUPIDREFEREES, tombradylover, MadTwatter and 5 others
brutal, thankfully im 6 3 so get mogged manlet
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Reactions: Davidproton, Climber, 6ft4 and 1 other person
Go after your looks match you pin head
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane and maxxmclooks
5'8.5 is not short. Shes probably teasing you because she wants your cock. Maybe she really is insulting you, but you have to turn off your aspergers and read her tone/face/body language to tell the difference. If she was genuinely disgusted by your height she probably wouldnt interact with you at all. Either way, don't have some kind of high estrogen reaction like getting mad and pouting. Let it roll off your back
  • +1
Reactions: STUPIDREFEREES, tombradylover and Litekiller11
Thinks women don't shit test 😂
They can't help it, you can't stop thousands of years of evolution. How do you think women back in the caveman days weeded out the pussys?
  • JFL
Reactions: maxxmclooks
1. Why do I get the feeling this shit has been posted before?
2. Why still care what a hole thinks, are u 14 or what? If you didnt have a mother whose opinions you frequently mocked with your father/talked to girls in high school, im sorry for u... you probably will always stay a libcuck...
3. If you're that insecure about your height - which isnt "manlet" tier, but it's bad, I get it as i'm roughly same height - go get a LL
  • JFL
Reactions: RealNinja and autistic_tendencies
1. Why do I get the feeling this shit has been posted before?
2. Why still care what a hole thinks, are u 14 or what? If you didnt have a mother whose opinions you frequently mocked with your father/talked to girls in high school, im sorry for u... you probably will always stay a libcuck...
3. If you're that insecure about your height - which isnt "manlet" tier, but it's bad, I get it as i'm roughly same height - go get a LL
Just break ur legs for a girl bro !
Shit tests dont exist. If shes attracted she would not make jokes or being insufferable about something you cant change.

you look like a 15 yo boy from behind ' + smiling/laughing
' look at the shoulder, we are the same height '
' now in taller ' ( while we are walking in the street)
' in this Pic you look a lot taller than me, unfortunately this isnt the reality '
OFC She even told me something like ' I used to talk with you and this other dude, In going to be honest...I prefered him '
" look this actor isnt good looking..but hes so tall'
Me: " yes I had that friend whos 6'4".."
Her: ( without knowing how he looks like )
" ohhh cute "

Now after me she dated a 6'4" model who just used her for sex and another guy she met at club whos also 6'4".
Shes 27 btw and good looking..i really dont believe she would settle for someone less than chad and rich.

I feel so humiliated because I didnt know how to reply. Her weight and breast size were cant do any comparison.

I feel mogged by these Chads and the thought of being compared and humiliated is even worse.
do you really think a chad is going to settle for a bitchy becky?
jfl chads arent 60 IQ
If she's actually being legit and sticking to her standards then this is good
If every woman only gave their vagina to men over 6'3 (rather than their current larping about their desire for tall men while fucking manlets) then I'd only have to compete against 5% of men rather than the entire pool of subhumans I have to compete against now who can cuck me despite being short with sub 4 faces because foids have a kink for fucking subhumans
  • +1
DNRD im 6 1 get leg lengthening subhuman manlet:lul:
Just break ur legs for a girl bro !
Not just for girls, we all know the pros of being taller. More respect, halo effect, higher salary, list goes on. I only would ever consider LL if I was 5'5-5'6 or below, because at those heights at least 95% of holes will reject you based on height alone.

Seems to me OP just lacks of confidence. Something that can easily be worked on by practicing a martial art and moneymaxxing. You'll be stronger than 95% of males, including those taller than you, after just 6 months of MMA training. He's obv not facially unattractive, otherwise a hole more attractive than him wouldn't be willing to go on dates with him.

What he needed to do was to command respect and tell the bitch to shut the fuck up the first time she made a denigrating remark about his height
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Not just for girls, we all know the pros of being taller. More respect, halo effect, higher salary, list goes on. I only would ever consider LL if I was 5'5-5'6 or below, because at those heights at least 95% of holes will reject you based on height alone.

Seems to me OP just lacks of confidence. Something that can easily be worked on by practicing a martial art and moneymaxxing. You'll be stronger than 95% of males, including those taller than you, after just 6 months of MMA training. He's obv not facially unattractive, otherwise a hole more attractive than him wouldn't be willing to go on dates with him.

What he needed to do was to command respect and tell the bitch to shut the fuck up the first time she made a denigrating remark about his height
You under estimate how many girls date subhumans and losers
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holy shit the amount of cope in this thread

just grow taller, stop cope manlets:feelsez:
Shit tests dont exist. If shes attracted she would not make jokes or being insufferable about something you cant change.

you look like a 15 yo boy from behind ' + smiling/laughing
' look at the shoulder, we are the same height '
' now in taller ' ( while we are walking in the street)
' in this Pic you look a lot taller than me, unfortunately this isnt the reality '
OFC She even told me something like ' I used to talk with you and this other dude, In going to be honest...I prefered him '
" look this actor isnt good looking..but hes so tall'
Me: " yes I had that friend whos 6'4".."
Her: ( without knowing how he looks like )
" ohhh cute "

Now after me she dated a 6'4" model who just used her for sex and another guy she met at club whos also 6'4".
Shes 27 btw and good looking..i really dont believe she would settle for someone less than chad and rich.

I feel so humiliated because I didnt know how to reply. Her weight and breast size were cant do any comparison.

I feel mogged by these Chads and the thought of being compared and humiliated is even worse.
foids want chad water is wet, get some new shit in here no wonder the forum is dying
the girl im seeing rn says her ex was a situationship for a year in which she wouldnt fuck him and he's 6'4. talks shit about him to me all the time which is a major flag, shit like balding, fat. already some minor shit tests to me which ive never gotten b4, over. but thank god im castrated on dutasteride and ru
I just fucked a girl and she was showing me her hinge and she was legit 6 ft MINIMUM. Like X out even dudes she thought were attractive becuase not 6 foot. She also was always suspicious of dudes putting 6 foot thinking htey were frauding it. 6'2 and above was her preferred height.
I have 6'3 in my profile and i fcked her off hinge.
HEIGHT is KING for sex appeal. Face gets you interest in the door height is the decision on if shes fucking you ASAP or not. If you are good looking but short, you can still get it in but its just more effort and longer term. Tall + attractive = insta fuck for these girls.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane and autistic_tendencies
Shit tests dont exist. If shes attracted she would not make jokes or being insufferable about something you cant change.

you look like a 15 yo boy from behind ' + smiling/laughing
' look at the shoulder, we are the same height '
' now in taller ' ( while we are walking in the street)
' in this Pic you look a lot taller than me, unfortunately this isnt the reality '
OFC She even told me something like ' I used to talk with you and this other dude, In going to be honest...I prefered him '
" look this actor isnt good looking..but hes so tall'
Me: " yes I had that friend whos 6'4".."
Her: ( without knowing how he looks like )
" ohhh cute "

Now after me she dated a 6'4" model who just used her for sex and another guy she met at club whos also 6'4".
Shes 27 btw and good looking..i really dont believe she would settle for someone less than chad and rich.

I feel so humiliated because I didnt know how to reply. Her weight and breast size were cant do any comparison.

I feel mogged by these Chads and the thought of being compared and humiliated is even worse.
what's her looks level

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