Girlfriend /16 yo) left me for her boss (26)



Feb 7, 2021
This is my first time using reddit, and I just made this account because I have no one else to talk to, so I hope that maybe you guys can help me out. So just a few days ago my girlfriend of two years broke up with me, she said that she isn't sure that she wants to be with me anymore. I asked why but she wouldn't give me a straight answer and just left me wondering for two days and having me tortured inside just to figure out why this happened. So I called her and asked if we could talk about it, she said alright, and told me to come over thursday. We talked about our situation for like 4 hrs and she eventually told me that she isn't happy anymore and that apparently I question her too often and that I'm clingy. I'm not going to deny that I was a bit overboard by wanting to know what she was doing for a while, but I had a good reason behind it. At the beginning of the school semester she got a new job, and all she would ever do is talk about her manager, and she would also stay like an hour or two after she got off work and would tell me that she was "talking about woek." Obviously this is a bit strange, fast forward to 5 months later and all she cares about now is her job and says that she loves being there. She never told me why but what she did tell me is that she isn't sure she wants me anymore. Then, after one more hr she tells me that she wants to make us work and that she loves me and that she doesn't want to lose me, this of course makes me happy and I say alright we can get through this. But, i still had a feeling that something wasn't right. So on Friday after she got off work and called her because the feeling in my chest is unbearable. So I call her and ask her to tell me the truth because it isn't fair for her to just keep me torturing myself like this. And she says something completely unexpexted. She says, "you wanna know why I really like my job so much?" And I say okay why? And she says it's because she has a thing for her manager. And that she used to have a crush on her other manager for 5 MONTHS, but now she has feelings for her general manager. I asked her if he knows about this and she said, "yeah, we would talk about it after work and he has feelings for me too, but there's nothing we can do because it's illegal for a Manger to have relations with an employee. Even it's happened with other managers with other employees. But anyways, this is the best part, my now ex girlfriend is 16. This man is 26, married, and has three kids. Now WTF. Is it just me or does that sound insane?? This man is 26, has a wife and three kids, and has feelings for a 16 year old. Also, even tho me and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 years, we've known each other since 7th grade. I am now a freshman in college and she's a junior in high school(I graduated early). I just don't understand how she could throw all of this away for a guy that is obviously an asshole. She said that she likes him because he's "mature." But how how are you mature when you are married, have a family, and let your d*** make the decisions for you. I am just really frustrated because I feel like I wasted 2 years of my life and I feel like shit. She told me in Thursday that she wants us to work and that she loves me, and the next day I finally get out the truth and that's it.

Also, as a side note. The reason why I questioned her from time to time is because I had a very strong guy feeling that something was wrong, like I knew that there was something she wasn't telling me and I just didn't know what it was, but now I know... I just can't believe I was lied to for so long. I spent time on her, I wasted my emotions and MONEY on this girl and she leaves me for something she cannot have. Like wtf, all our relationship she was so big on morals and said it's wrong to ever cheat or advocate cheating by being the person someone else is cheating with. And look what she did now, she is hitting on a married man. And she's SIXTEEN.

Anyways, I just wanted to write this because I didn't know what else to do or who to talk to, I mean I even sacrificed my friends for her, sacrificed getting more hrs at my job for her, sacrificed almost being a valedictorian at my school for her, sacrificed too much is all I can say.

Also, not to mention. This is also exactly like what happened with my previous relationship. Things started to get weird and I had a terrible gut feeling, later I find out that my gf has been seeing some other guy and it's weird because the sequence of events happened almost the same way how my current relationship feel apart, it's almost Iike deja vu.

I just hope you guys took your time to read this and won't bash me with mean commwnrs, I just feel like shit and don't know what to do about this situation, so I was hoping that you guys will give me some advice on what to do, maybe provide me with ways on how to get over this. And also, I want her to feel what she made me feel. She felt almost no regret in doing this and is going on with her life, but would occasionally ask me if I have "done anything" with anyone. She is an extremely jealous person and always had a problem when I would just literally exchange a few words with some girl. So I just want to know how I make myself feel better and whatever. Thanks for reading guys!

Tales from reddit
not a single word
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Tales or not

Plenty of muh jbs fuck with maesthetic dudes, tiktok prettyboys and e boys may get ltr requests and stuff but they're just a pretty face to stare at

If jbs develop earlier then they're hornier so they go after maesthetic dudes. If not they get a cutecel and cuddle with him etc

Muh guys over 21 don't appeal to jbs. Retards
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Reactions: forevergymcelling, Splinter901 and ElySioNs
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Wanna see the comemnts jfl
Tales or not

Plenty of muh jbs fuck with maesthetic dudes, tiktok prettyboys and e boys may get ltr requests and stuff but they're just a pretty face to stare at

If jbs develop earlier then they're hornier so they go after maesthetic dudes. If not they get a cutecel and cuddle with him etc

Muh guys over 21 don't appeal to jbs. Retards

you can slay at any age just don't deteriorate from aging.
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gotta make sure the age gap is appropriate at all costs!!
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